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4465706 No.4465706 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone cashed out because of this Tether situation or are we all just going to keep pretending nothing is going on?

>> No.4465727

Nothing is going on. BTC is going to 50k in two weeks.

>> No.4465734

Nothing is going on. People are just paranoide. Don't Rebuy at 10k ;)

>> No.4465745

fuck it and just ride the wave, enjoy ur gains while they last.

>> No.4465747


>> No.4465750

Lmao are you fucking stupid? BTC is about to hit 9k this week, prob 10k by EOM and you're pulling out?

The only thing you should be pulling out of is your alts

>> No.4465758

The second it is
I moved most of my portfoloo oit of BTC (a bit early ~7200) and im waiting for some shit to happen before moving back, if I ever do mkve back

Ethereum is simply better for moving money, cheaper and faster. Bitcoinis in a bubble and we all pretend like its gonna make us millionaires before popping

>> No.4465762

nothing is going on.....its only 1 twitter account spreading fud and everyone is buying it...fuck off bitfinexed

>> No.4465763

Tether ceo was hit by tax evasion in Italy 6 days ago. Shit is going down

>> No.4465767

>selling during the QE of crypto

>> No.4465788

Tether is irrelevant you retard.
BTC is the only thing that matters, and you should only be selling BTC for fiat/gold.

>> No.4465791

What QE? CME futures? Banks stay the fuck away from crypto.
See bitfinex losing Wells Fargo

>> No.4465809

just like binance was printing fake tokens right?
just like 4chan exposed binance by draining their wallet from link


>> No.4465813

Sold my 5 BTC because of FUD @6000 as it was going nowhere. Now I am crying. Don't be me.

>> No.4465826

Wow some of you are legitimately retarded. And you have the nerve to call me a retard. This NEET right here.

Do you know how tether works you dunce? Do you know how marketcap or volume works? Because I don’t think you do.

>> No.4465860

>Tether shit is true
>Bubble props and you can get BTC at sub 5k


>Tether proves it's solvent and everythings return normal
> BTC runs to 9k without correction
> you only made 12% more profit

be fuckoing rationale just for a second. Exit ALL markets and wait till this thing settles
be fucking rationale just for 10 seonds:

>> No.4465887

>Do you know how marketcap or volume works?
Lmao, you research the basics of the basics and fucking think you know shit.

Tether is irrelevant since most people that buy crypto only buy BTC/ETH/XRP with fiat and sell it for fiat.

If tether crashes then only people getting fucked over are the ones holding shitcoins.
Tether is just a middle-man coin that exists to avoid taxes on alt-coin trades.

>> No.4465927

I think we're going to climb a fair bit more till tether blows up.

>> No.4465939

But what if Tether have been created out of thin in large quantify for the sole purpose of propping up BTC?

>> No.4466005

There are other alternatives though:
>You sell
>Tether proves it's solvent and everythings return normal
>BTC runs to 9k without correction
>You lost 12%

>> No.4466025

Just keep pretending nothing's going on, it won't fall apart for months.

>> No.4466026


>> No.4466074

Tbf there's another alternative, I'll add that as well:
>You didn't sell
>Tether shit is true
>Bubble props and you can get BTC at sub 5k no matter if you sold or not, but let's just assume that you have no fiat for the sake of the argument
>Keep holding your underpriced BTC until they eventually rise back to its current level again
>Neither a loss nor a gain

>> No.4466107

No no no, you sheep. I just pulled out 40% of my btc to alts

>> No.4466145

Not cashing out but I'm staying clear of any exchanges with tether on them as much as possible. Staying clear of BTC too.

>> No.4466167

How about you actually research the accusations and discover that they are complete dog shit dreamed up by a very autistic redditor with zero evidence?

>> No.4466384
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I cashed out 50%.While I'm convinced the tether fraud is real, I also believe it could go on for a long time before it blows up

>> No.4466436

you faggots cum for a miserable 10% profit and then say no to the opportunity of making an humongus profit by buying the hugest dip in the history of crypto and instead prefer to hold and waiting a recover that will last at least a couple of months.

Well done biz, well done.

>> No.4466465

Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
We develop and publish EA (automatic trading tool) of FOREX.

>> No.4466506

readed all of them, and they're not that bad. And most of all, if it's all fake FUD, why the fuck bitfinex still didn't respond? just think of how many customers it's losing + brand image damaged.

>> No.4466518


>> No.4466570
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I haven't cashed out yet, but I was thinking to set up some stop losses in case of a severe crash and move them up from time to time.

>> No.4466599
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50k in 2 weeks is indeed deluded, but btc is a favorite to hit 50k within a decade. All imo of course

>> No.4466647
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>tether marketcap $700mil
>btc marketcap $137BIL


jesus people are so fucking dumb

>> No.4466686

Can someone explain what “the tether situation” actually is? Haven’t heard any detailed, sound explanation of it.

>> No.4466695

>Has anyone cashed out because of this Tether situation or are we all just going to keep pretending nothing is going on?

I'm not worried. One, the rumors and conspiracy theory don't amount to anything more, in my view, than an ignorant understanding of how it works. Two, I've gone through a "Tether crisis" before back in March and it had zero effect.

I'm not even holding tethers atm but I wouldn't be concerned in the slightest.

These paranoid, retarded threads ... meh. Not even minimal lulz at this point

>> No.4466723

Bitfinex has responded though

>> No.4466740

quantitative easing, he means the printing of tethers out of thin air, which they say is pumping the price of BTC

>> No.4466760

Pumping in $700m moves the price by far more than just $700m, you don't seem to understand how marketcap actually works. A $137 billion marketcap does not mean that people have spent $137 billion net on bitcoin.

>> No.4466779

another retard that doesn't know difference between market cap and liquidity

>> No.4466857
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i don't want spread FUD so i will just present a fact:

>> No.4466878
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i was about to last night, anon. i had my cold wallet in my hands ready to let it all go and take my 5k profits and run

but then i realized something

if i dont make it big with crypto i might as well KMS so im still here

>> No.4467028

plz someone this

>> No.4467095


Does this mean Tether is 30 million dollars in debt?

>> No.4467135

You're an idiot if you think I'm risking my BTC holdings. You're also an idiot for caring about fiat profits. It doesn't matter anymore. Mind that I've given profits and losses in BTC value.

>> No.4467169

Right but I thought it was done with banks. I guess that could be applied with tethers too. But that’s with actual fiat by banks whereas this, we don’t know if it is backed.

But back in March there wasn’t as much tether pumped into it as there is now. Now it’s reached a point that is concerning.

>> No.4467213

No because tether isn't redeemable for USD.

>> No.4467317


>> No.4467677

The tether "crisis" in late March was us predicting this outcome. This is that same tether crisis. We're just back letting you know that we were right, and that it's not stopping

>> No.4467797

kek they really are insolvent

>> No.4467892


Jesus this board is going to be DROWNING in pink wojacks...

>> No.4467923

The thing is, only a few can be millionaire since it's a bubble, most will just get the air out of the bubble. Have fun getting famous lol

>> No.4467977
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Who /low risk/ and /low return/ here?

I make like 30-40 euros a day, sometimes even breakeven. Never went on a 10x moon mission. But I only lose a small amount 1 out of 10 times, and even then I have stop losses to safe my networth.

Cashed out today though. Perhaps I'm gonna miss the BTC run to 9k. But I'm sticking to my game plan and will play it safe untill this stuff is over.

>> No.4467995

If that's the case. Has anyone confronted BitFinex's "we're solvent" tweet about this? The regular unarchived page is not available.

>> No.4468055

What will realistically happen if a Tether bank run happens?

>> No.4468106

holding or making small day trades > these retards

>> No.4468154


Legitimately no one in their right mind would exchange a tether for a dollar when they can simply buy top 10 cryptos with them

I seriously am disappointed with the Alex Jones - /pol/ levels of retardation popping up on this board

>> No.4468166

Risk a 60% loss in case you can get another 12% gain. And if it goes well you can just reinvest on the spike and get 8%, so it's really risking a 60% loss for a 4% gain.

Not getting a gain is NOT losing $. Regardless of the tether situation, it's this type of BS thinking that makes people make stupid decisions.

>> No.4468207
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>BTC moons even more.

>> No.4468254

Legit question: who is actually holding tethers? Who is exchanging USD for USDT and just letting it sit in the marketplace as a tether? Fucking coinbase normies don't even do that.

>> No.4468256

Worst case, $600m disappears from the crypto space. Crypto market cap is $243b or 400x the size of Tethers. A drop in the bucket.

>> No.4468950

>implying the tokens you have on exchange will be redeemable for fiat when the crash hits

google bitfinexed

ITT: Folks desperately trying to believe that everything is gonna be ok

>> No.4468987

Dumped my BTC and BCH for ETH and XMR

I've made healthy gains and I'm really happy with how XMR is performing, especially.

You don't need to be in this fraudulent Bitcoin shell game to make gainz.

>> No.4469022

Can somebody explain this to me:
Shareholder Equity -$30,615,336.74

The actual link doesn't work anymore, I find that a bit suspicious desu.

>> No.4469047

in order to sell, someone has to buy. your IQ must be hovering around that of your pic

>> No.4469055


Scared money don't make no money.

>> No.4469065
File: 605 KB, 800x1519, tang-yin_whispering-pines-on-a-mountain-path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand, the tethering is going to pull it down

On the other hand, CME futures will pull it up

Which is going to win, /biz/?

>> No.4469070

t, has no idea how marketcap works

>> No.4469080

every major exchange has tether pairs, so... everyone

>> No.4469107

>what is leveraged liquidity of $1 on a security with 21m oustanding @ $8000.

I'll give you a hint. Its not $1.

>> No.4469441

>Implying all sell walls on BTC/USDT would disappear immediately.
>Implying there's not a price for everything, even an insolvent token.

Just because it's insolvent doesn't mean there's 0% reserves to back it up. Even after gox was revealed to be insolvent there were people buying up the debt for cheap so they could make money in future bankruptcy proceedings. I'd probably sell a bitcoin for a million tether.

>> No.4469783

And that is only because of you fudsters

>> No.4469814

Bitfinex'ed cashed out at $1000 kek

>> No.4469969

Yeah, lets all listen to the genius cashing out before the biggest bullrun

>> No.4469981

You gotta be fucking stupid to fall for the USDT FUD, man

>> No.4470044
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No but I have several stop losses set just in case it tanks when I'm in a food coma after stuffing myself stupid with pumpkin pie and turkey.

>> No.4470076

Imagine a $600m fat finger market sell order, we had bad dips because of a LOT less dumb money.

Do you really think crypto will go up in value if the biggest fraud in its history is discovered? The only thing that would go up would be the BTC/USDT ratio, since nobody would trade their BTC for literally worthless USDT bags. The real world dollar values would probably dip hard due to lost trust.

>> No.4470097

Most people riding the BTC waves would exchange it for USDT instead of FIAT

>> No.4470123

Yeah from retards who believed the bullshit some salty loser has been screeching on about since he sold all his btc at 1k

>> No.4470166

Google some retard that has been crying since he sold everything at 1k and refuses to believe he made a bad call and instead blames the bull run on a tiny amount of tether?

>> No.4470178


ahahhahahhahaa this was fun times

>be NEET crypto basement trader

>not knowing of hot vs cold wallets

>get bot JUST'D

>> No.4470365

So how does it actually work then lmao
That literally what marketcap means

>> No.4470522

Tether's website has said from the beginning that if you have USDT, you do not have the right to demand they exchange it for real USDs. However much USD they have in some bank somewhere has no relevance because there is no connection between it and USDTs. A bank can go insolvent if people try to withdraw too much money around the same time? How could Tether be insolvent? Nobody has the right to withdraw anything from them?

>> No.4470600

Why is biz so dumb. Proof that we’re in a bubble full of dumb money. Doesn’t even understand marketcap. If 100 million BTC did a market sell on gdax right now what do you think will happen to your 120 billion market cap you pajeet.

>> No.4470602

Read what I wrote here >>4470076 about market buys.

Marketcap means (Circulating Supply) * (Current price)

It has no real meaning because not everyone is able to sell their coin at the current value.

Let's say you want to sell 2 BTC, the total number of BTC is 21million. There is a buy order for 1 BTC at $8000 in the order book and another one for 1 BTC at 7000$. Let's also say the last transaction happened at $8000 so the current market capitalization is 8000$ * 21million.
You sell 1 BTC for $8k but to sell the next one you have to sell it at $7k. You do that as well, and moved $15k in total. The market capitalization has now changed to $7k * 21million, so there are now 21billion (= 1000*21million) dollars "missing" from market cap only because you moved $15k

>> No.4470852

Just keep riding it until that critical piece of news releases. The moment you see a fuck-huge red dildo, you know to sell.

You should still come out with a profit, since I still think it has a ways to go before it crashes like that. No harm in just staying in and keeping alerts until then. Or even better--why not just set a stop loss slightly above your buy in price during this rally?

>> No.4470926


I bought xrp with my btc. Up 15%. Stable as fuck. If things go to shit I'm comfy. I've made enough btc gains to be happy to be conservative.

>> No.4470952

What do you mean QE?