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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4463495 No.4463495 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4463505

Are you retarded? Do you think they used their REAL names? Their REAL faces? So gullible.

>> No.4463524


granted if that really is them
who the FUCK would trust these morons with building anything crypto.
i would not trust these faggots to paint a apartment.

>> No.4463535

nick and liams profiles are still on here https://www.linkedin.com/company/confido-io

>> No.4463546

Joost = Sebastian Murat is a known German-Turkish con-artist that operates call centres in Antalya that sell insurance scams to people. Has ties to the Turkish-Lebanese mafia in Berlin that operate brothels and casinos.

>> No.4463551

lol, well luck the next time, in the first place cofido name sucks

>> No.4463576

Holy shit we need to report them to the BND or BfV.

>> No.4463649
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>> No.4463656

you want to tell me people invested their life saving without verify id of those cunts?
they didn't check if they are real persons?

>> No.4463662

guys. seriously. who in their right mind actually put money into this?

Look at the LinkedIn profiles of the "team":

Liam Bellum

Nick Spatz

They have several years of work experience but only about 15 contacts each?

These are fucking fake profiles and they were literally featured on the website of confido.io

Lowest of effort scam. And people still fell for it. Says a lot about the state of crypto nowadays. DYOR you retards.

>> No.4463719

>state of crypto
just people are so fucking stupid, not only crypto

>> No.4463739


>> No.4463771 [DELETED] 

/biz/ has been good to me so it is time for me to be good back
The first ten posts to get dubs after this post will get 1 btc

Will check thread in the morning and send to the lucky winners

>> No.4463811

as far as we know they can be black

>> No.4463829

> The guy on the left

you are stupid if you buy coins from that chad cuck

>> No.4463851

Hahahaha holy shit can't believe no one called this out before. I am a fucking retard in the professional world and even I have over 100 LinkedIn contacts.

>> No.4463893

sure, but now there is a flood of stupid people coming into crypto. i've even seen fucking ICO ads popping up on my facebook and insta.

>> No.4464441

>wanted: 4 dudes who had their identity stolen
Man you guys are dumb

>> No.4464457

you call that a chad? fuck your standards must be low
wouldn't go near that thing with a 10 foot pole

>> No.4464508

I support this quest.
That Joost guy is supposedly Dutch; I'm Belgian and I'd be willing to do some legwork if it were necessary.
If this was indeed a scam, that is.

Gotta start somewhere.