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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 437 KB, 376x392, 43634646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4459964 No.4459964 [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't get in at $0.01
>he didn't get in at $1
>he didn't get in at $21
>he didn't get in at $100
>he didn't get in at $1000
>he didn't get in at $2000
>he didn't get in at $5000
>he didn't get in at $7000
>he didn't get in at $9000 (wew)
>he didn't get in at $10,000
>he didn't get in at $50,000
>he didn't get in at $100,000
>he didn't get in at $1,000,000
>the year is 2055 and 1 satoshi is now the basic denomination of global currency while he tells his wife's son how smart he was to avoid the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity.

>> No.4460020

You are blissfully forgetting the 18month bear market after mtgox that brought the price down 80%. There's a good chance something like that happens again with all of the tether, bitconnect, forking, mining and failing to scale problems going on. I can almost guarantee that BTC doesn't keep going parabolic to 1million.

>> No.4460151

go up 3000%, drop 80%, go up 3000%, drop 80%, go up 3000%, drop 80%

im pretty sure that works out just fine.

>> No.4460352
File: 70 KB, 641x1049, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really fucking stupid.

>> No.4460799

...................../biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.4460816
File: 266 KB, 1000x740, 1509072923764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4460833

the landscape has changed since then.

>> No.4461033

oh wow

>> No.4461071

At this point I don't even have the money to get in anymore, and I want a full bitcoin not a bunch of sats. Not some other BS denotation either, A FULL BITCOIN

>> No.4461246

>he didn't get in at $0.01
>he didn't get in at $1
>he didn't get in at $21
>he didn't get in at $100
>he didn't get in at $1000
>he didn't get in at $2000
>he didn't get in at $5000
>he didn't get in at $7000
>he didn't get in at $9000 (wew)
>he didn't get in at $10,000
>he didn't get in at $50,000
>he didn't get in at $100,000
>he didn't get in at $1,000,000
Thanks, but I'll wait.

>the year is 2055 and 1 satoshi is now the basic denomination of global currency while he tells his wife's son how smart he was to avoid the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity.
A full time pajeet's wet dream.

>> No.4461287

>he didn't get in at $0.01
>he didn't get in at $1
>he didn't get in at $21
>he didn't get in at $100
>he didn't get in at $1000
>he didn't get in at $2000
>he didn't get in at $5000
>he didn't get in at $7000
>he didn't get in at $8000
>he didn't get out and into BCH at $1200
>he hung himself on the 28th of november.


>> No.4461640
File: 72 KB, 480x433, Over9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4461683

Even if we bought it at $0.01, I doubt most of us are going hold BTC so for many years.

>> No.4461717

Trade up shitcoins then fagit. I started with $300 in March and have over 2 Bitcoins right now, and I'm really not even that great at it

>> No.4461730

Nice one, which shitcoins got you there?

>> No.4461754

Bitcoin owners are so damn autistic that they won't sell it even after making millions.

There are guys out there who own thousands of BTC and they ride a bicycle to work and live with their parents.

I'd rather give control of BTC to banksters than these freaks.

>> No.4461779

Why would you sell?

>> No.4461782

>the year is 2055

You think I'm still alive in '55?

Damn this board is full of youngsters

>> No.4461799

you can hold some and sell some

>> No.4461803

how about 2025 then? >>4461760

>> No.4461814


What's the use of being a millionaire if you're living like a street rat?
Money was made to be used. The best two uses of money are:
>to make your life better
>to make more money so you can continue to make your life better

BTC autists only focus on making more money.
Banksters know you need to buy castles, ferraris and shit.
Banksters deserve to control BTC.

>> No.4461837
File: 113 KB, 602x800, 1510995026073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he forgot the part where the Oracle network validates every step of his day

>> No.4461999

I just got a few thounsand € more,
is it too late to buy now, or should i wait for another dip below 8000

>> No.4462195
File: 270 KB, 1164x890, thefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in part ii

>> No.4462218

oh I guess it doesn't actually say anything about LINK after all. For some reason I thought it did.

>> No.4462255
File: 80 KB, 700x701, 1dfe064164081818d73cdf98987e2fcb--why-bother-cartoon-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I haven't written part ii yet

>> No.4462432

Im waiting for the tether crash to get in

>> No.4462525

No anon, the only use for money is to make more money. You don't understand capitalism at all

>> No.4462553


If there is no visible evidence of your wealth, you're technically poor.

I buy expensive clothing, cars and bigger apartments than I can afford - and it's worth it.

>> No.4462622

Oh I am laffing so bad. I found a real one!

>> No.4462642 [DELETED] 

/biz/ has been good to me so it is time for me to be good back

The first ten posts to get dubs after this post will get 1 btc

Will check thread in the morning and send to the lucky winners!!!

>> No.4462665



>> No.4462705
File: 7 KB, 200x200, That+quotkekquot+word+is+so+annoying+its+like+_04270ab9f7738f6336ba20262879e7a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4462733



>> No.4462745 [DELETED] 


You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4462789

kek you gotta pay

>> No.4462925
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1511171858417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are alright, dont go to hodl school tomorrow, you are all shite at picking the right altcoins anyway, Confido you are all fucking retards.

I will shill you a nice discord group I just became part of
We pump on bittrex, +10k members, active channels on trading/rumors and admins who find a good coin to pump and shill.
Last week I made 30% on Bitbean in several trades under 15 minutes and 20% on a Bitbean pump.

Join us or stay pajeet faggots!


>> No.4462974
File: 1.73 MB, 209x213, 1495311771079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you could be this retarded

>> No.4463006

God damn it, where are all these clueless pajeets crawling out from?

KYS before you lose everything

>> No.4463517

why are people hating on this guy? This is the pattern you fucking retards. Its happened like 6 times already......

>> No.4463541

yeah for the worse, like he just said you retard