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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4456876 No.4456876 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4456883

It's ok, any amount will pay off over the next year

>> No.4456911


>> No.4456933

local company that got a local grant in an average sized city.

>> No.4456946

More potential than 90% of other coins

>> No.4456957

the problem is it has a market cap for 160mil
the scale of the operation is small. Its painfully obvious whales are pushing up the price. Not saying dont buy, but watch out for knives.

>> No.4456960

A hundred? trollbait man that was pathetic and pathetic if true

>> No.4456961


Won't even have a blockchain until 2019..

>> No.4456966


>> No.4456967

At how much ETH u think I should buy more? How much of a dip? I already 4x'd my 10€ but i FOMO on more now :(

>> No.4456990


Power Ledger uses a software solution that measures the amount of electricity consumed or generated. The way the energy is moved from one person to another is via a unit called 'Sparkz' which is a tokenised unit of electricity or a digital representation of the energy that is being moved from the buyer to the seller.

"Basically, Power Ledger has a software solution and it connects to smart metres. It reads the outputs of the metres in terms of electricity that is being consumed or generated and it records that on the blockchain," Green told HuffPost Australia.

"As somebody purchases or consumes electricity that is also recorded on the blockchain and those two pieces of information from the transaction for which Sparkz are transferred -- so it happens synchronously. The actual recording of the electricity is the movement of Sparkz from the buyer's wallet to the seller's wallet."

This means that the buyer is receiving the payment for the electricity at almost the same time the seller receives the payment for the energy. This happens in the form of Sparkz being transferred between the two parties via the blockchain. Once the seller receives the Sparkz into their digital wallet, they can convert those to Australian dollars.

>> No.4457007

went all in at 3500 sats. what do you think will be the price after this week? probably dumps to 1000 satoshi or smth

>> No.4457013

I think it can go 1$

>> No.4457031

I took profit, I strongly think there's a fucking massive correction incoming.

>> No.4457051

i'm on the verge of doing this, or should i just hodl more...

>> No.4457063

Hopefully it dumps after pbc so I can buy more.
(I’ll be buying more either way)
This is one of the good ones guys.

>> No.4457065

Honestly I've been hodling since weeks and do not regret it. I don't know about now tho. Maybe will dip a bit then go higher.

>> No.4457078

Expecting another pump when PBC releases its publication, and then a big correction. Going to buy in when that happens

>> No.4457103

this is gonna go nuts in the next hour

>> No.4457119

So what make the token value rise? Also how is the price sustainable until the project works in 2019.. do you know how impatient crypto pajeets are?

>> No.4457122

This, unless it's pbcs coin of choice

>> No.4457138

How low u think it'll fall?

>> No.4457139

Explain why Ripple is in top 4 then

>> No.4457147

Please let me know why it will " go nuts " in the next hour

>> No.4457160

>Place buy order on ED when market cap was at ~20 mil because of bittrex rumours
>Decide against it and delete my order because I hadn't read the white paper yet and I had field training that weekend (army).

I did the same thing with Walton at $1.90. I went all in at 1.34, sold at $1.85 because I thought the Sept 15 rumours would be BS. I told myself I wouldn't fomo in at $1.90, $2.20, $3, etc. Why do I have such good discipline when trading? Fomo is apparently profitable

>> No.4457163
File: 37 KB, 490x397, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you all when it first came out on the exchange. NOT ONE FUCKING REPLY! Now you have the nerve to complain?!?!

>> No.4457198

Boi I been sayin if u aint hodlin the power u aint real nigga. wake up slackerjacks. still a fucking great entry point compared to where it will be eoy lmoa get in now you fucking ding dongs

>> No.4457219

Eoy predic?

>> No.4457240

Fuck me this and neo dipped hard at the same time and i went with neo za fucking 50/50 and i always choose wrong

>> No.4457264

$1 give or take ten cents EOY

>> No.4457287

Yeah I agree on one more 2x eoy :)

>> No.4457297

Why is this getting pumpedmthis hard?
Did they announce something recently?

>> No.4457321
File: 75 KB, 780x688, 1435728617340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went in on NEO and disregarded all the POWR shills. Feels bad man.

>> No.4457331

I warned you all

this is a billion dollar coin and severely undervalued right now, this is on an OMG mood mission

>> No.4457332

What do you mean when it works you fucking mongoloid. Go o youtube and watch all the videos... functioning aoftware functioning hardware... the funding is going to help it spread not work

>> No.4457333


Agree. $8m grant is nothing. Australia only has 23m people. It will be a successful business, but I don't think it can scale to what people are expecting.

It's a nice pump though!

>> No.4457334

In a few days, it will be dumped like Comfido

>> No.4457340

Nothing gives it value
They even say themselves the token is for capital raising
Then they have another token called SPARKS which the network runs on

I can’t beleive people are falling for this

It’s pumping due to the idea. But I can’t find a single reason that gives the token an investment incentive other than to dump on retards still buying it

>> No.4457345

Take profit this thing will dump hard tomorrow.

>> No.4457372


>> No.4457389

are you serious?


>> No.4457437

Is this legit or a pnd rashid

>> No.4457855

Yeah, I only got 230 and flipped it to 270. Kind of gutted because I bought about 0.7 ETHs worth of other crap at the same time lol.