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4453395 No.4453395 [Reply] [Original]

>Made 2.3 million dollars off of crypto
>Go to the bar and no girl is interested
>Go to the mall and no girl is interested
>Go to some group meetups and no girl is interested
>Go to some small parties and no girl is interested

I held a girls hand and kissed her on the cheek when I was ~15, but now at 26 I can't find anyone.

Please help.

>> No.4453435


>> No.4453438

HOLD you fuck

Just wait a few years and the sex bots will come, they will be more glorious than any >real woman can provide

>> No.4453497

Its not just about money, it's also status and value in society. Social networking is really important and also having a decent presentation

>> No.4453511
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>made a PhD in math and didn't get any till my mid twenties
>one day, started to work out and watch 50 pickup videos
>got lots of pussy for 3 years straight
>got sick of it with 30, got out of shape

I have a good job now, and don't really care. This story just tells me you gotta actually enjoy picking girls up. Being as slim as possible helps too.

As soon as my mentality was like
>I don't want to fuck another slutty 18yo off Tinder
then I also didn't get any anymore. "vibe" and "mindset" doesn't seem to be a meme.

>> No.4453519

Do a plastic surgery then, you're probably ugly.
I wish a had as much money as you, it would fix all of my problems, don't even care about having a gf at this point

>> No.4453529

you must be ugly as fuck or super autistic. hire a stylist to pick your clothes for you and go to clubs and spend a bunch of money on bottle service. or better yet just go to a brothel and bang tons of hookers. I recommend berlin, prague, or bangkok.

>> No.4453545

Pls give me some money :(
BTC: 1NbdmFWqKhDPNUA4tg8EvAFn3Hxm39WMHp

>> No.4453562
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watch RSD videos
correct your posture
value yourself

come to vancouver lets trade crypto and hang out, i can help you out.


>> No.4453596

Ignore the money for a second.
Would a qt girl want to be seen with you?
Would she feel protected by you?
Would her friends be happy for her or say "you could do better" or "who the fuck is that loser"
Would she feel like you could have a friendly conversation with your friends?
Answer these questions honestly and realize that physical attraction and social status/skills get your foot in the door.

>> No.4453611

Girls like altruistic guys.

Send me some money and screenshot it to show the next girl you meet.


>> No.4453632

This OP >>4453511
Its just not worth it when you've been doing it a long time, women are not worth the hassle
You are imagining women that don't exist, in reality women are annoying to be around, and unless you put up with their retard antics you will get tired of them eventually
Even the most beautiful, cutest girl you've met is a bitch to be around constantly

Focus on the bigger picture

>> No.4453740
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>he thought money would get you girls

>> No.4453745

Holy shit, who is she?

>> No.4453761

>in reality women are annoying to be around, and unless you put up with their retard antics you will get tired of them eventually
This. If you need to settle down, find a dumpy low-IQ, human laundry machine who can content herself watching TV all day and leave you the fuck alone.

>> No.4453782
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly cope + low t cope

>> No.4453795

It does as long as you have at least a shred of personality and aren't a complete Quasimodo.

Sucks to be OP.

>> No.4453815

bitcoin: 159jenyVTvXm6YuXsbnz9q2arnmK2mRM3B?amount=1

as soon as it clears, within 1h u gettn pussy my guy, and is gonna keep w u

>> No.4453828
File: 62 KB, 482x692, chad skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You money copers and RSD aspies are tiiiiring me.

>> No.4453873


Right but if you have personality and aren't hideous you can get girls without money, too. If you're an extreme poorfag and can't buy even basic things like a reliable car, decent clothes, some entertainment money, you're gonna have a bad time, but the idea that you need millions to bed ladies is a meme created by NEETs to justify their forever-aloneness.

>> No.4453903

Take a good look at that chad. Fine genetics, nice clothing, slick hair, and look at that husk next to him. She looks like she hasn't eaten protein or worked out a single day of her life, just being fed shit because the next guy wanted to get in her pants, she never had to lift a finger.

You think he has fun being around her? Nah, he puts up with her shit to get the puss-puss when they go home and right after he cums he regrets spending the night when he could have made life-changing business investments in the 7 minutes he spent inside her

>> No.4453913

jaden smith?

>> No.4453961 [DELETED] 
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You guys are alright, dont go to hodl school tomorrow..

I will shill you a nice discord group I just became part of
We pump on bittrex, +10k members, active channels on trading/rumors and admins who find a good coin to pump and shill.
Last week I made 30% on Bitbean in several trades under 15 minutes and 20% on a Bitbean pump.

Join us or stay pajeet faggots!


>> No.4453993

>Made a PhD in math
>300k starting

>> No.4454033

Yeah I wasn't speaking for myself. I'm pretty good looking but introverted. I work a low-paying job at a grocery store and live with parents but I just slept with an 8/10.

Most regular girls don't care too much about your station in life when it comes to casual sex, they pick up on how much YOU care about it though. If your personal life brings you down, they will sense it and look elsewhere.

>> No.4454039

This is the most virgin thing I've ever read.

>> No.4454057

platform shoes will get you closer to the magic 6ft height

>> No.4454072

>Girls like altruistic guys.

Please explain more?

>> No.4454089
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kys mong

> I'm pretty good looking
>live with parents but I just slept with an 8/10.

>> No.4454141

Your retarded. buy yourself a Porsche and start working out. girls will be on your dick again.

>> No.4454149
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Suit yourselves kiddos
You're probably new to the game, a couple more years of pussy and you'll realize how worthless it all is

>> No.4454158

No he's actually right

>> No.4454181

Girls don't care about cares. They only pretend to if they're already interested. If they're not, mentioning your compensator is a turn off. This applies to adults,I'm assuming we're all out of high school

>> No.4454191

*Care about cars

>> No.4454291
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Be more fun. Girls don't give a fuck about anything but feels.

>> No.4454374

>24 now
>been getting pussy before 18
>continuing to get it with qt GF

Low Test detected.

>> No.4454427

>buying high
the pussy market is gonna crash along with the global financial system and the emergence of ai sexbots, lads
just hodl your crypto and in the next five years go long in pussy when the cultural breakout into traditionalism is confirmed and being a homemaking babyoven is all the rage

>> No.4454449

Chad here. I've always sympathized with dudes who cannot get chicks for reasons largely outside of their control... but last night I went out to a bar for someone's birthday, and in our larger group was some nasty, 5 feet tall, squeaky voiced, genetic dead-end jew virgin midget, and while some part of me would reflect about how difficult it must be to wake up every day and actually be this fucking faggot, I just wanted him to disappear or better yet, drop dead. He was just viscerally disgusting in every way.

All that to say that if any of you touchless kissless virgin NEETs are anything like this, what the fuck is wrong with you. Get it together please. Get off your asses and stop being so genetically disgusting.

>> No.4454456


Damn what a big strong man you are. You must drink mommy's milk every day to get that strong!

>> No.4454471
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s-sorry c-chad

>> No.4454476

Find an expensive hobby
Make friends with rich young trust fund dudes
fuck their friends

or - hire a booth at a club, buy some meme champagne, sit in their by yourself like a fucking boss. Bitches will come to you.

>> No.4454481

Give me 1 Bitcoin and I will perform a de-haunting ritual on you.
Not even kidding. You probably have the evil-eye on you from jealous people.

What is 1 BTC to you?


>> No.4454499

>watch out anons its gorilla arm girl

>> No.4454500

people with 2.3 mil don't get there by being retarded and throwing away money.

>> No.4454504
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>or - hire a booth at a club, buy some meme champagne, sit in their by yourself like a fucking boss. Bitches will come to you.

>> No.4454523


Pagan purification rituals only take 15-16 minutes and aren't fake.

Try not being American for once.

>> No.4454542

OP, I can teach you jiu-jitsu if you're in SoCal.


>> No.4454548

go buy a suit, get a haircut, trim your nails, get a table at a club, should'nt be a problem desu

>> No.4454651

>Still jelly

Lmao stay mad.

>> No.4454654

That's what sugardaddy websites are for, anon.

>> No.4454919

look for a distant cousin or relative. very close family friend.

nobody else deserves you anon, dont bother.