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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 178 KB, 1400x799, James_Bond_Lotus_Esprit_Turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4452161 No.4452161 [Reply] [Original]

i'm so fucking rich rn

i just come here to get ideas on how to become richer.

thank you /biz/

here i learned about ethereum before it cost $1.
I go rich on that shit and dumped it all after $300. got rich on btc before that.
i could tell ya'll what's going on but nobody would believe it anyway.

>> No.4452186

Tell me

>> No.4452195

Yeah you are a lying faggot and you should feel ashamed for sinking so low making a ridiculous post like this you poor cocksucker

>> No.4452212

reminds me of the beginning of boiler room, the one guy saying he got rich within a year

>> No.4452214

What is this Tether Jewry I keep hearing about?

>> No.4452218

lol you mad?

>> No.4452255
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help pls

>> No.4452276


tether shenanigans are real. biffinex is going gox.

btc is tanking.
bch is taking over.

by feb, bch will be called 'bitcoin' and bitcoin will be called 'core'


>> No.4452300


>> No.4452456

What about Binance (asian exchange) that uses Tether?

>> No.4452462

i'm gonna tell you how i make money on crypto.
few of you will ever do this tho it's really simple.

every day i read first two pages of /biz/, reddit bitcoin subs (bitcoin, btc, buttcoin, etc), twitter bitcoin accounts, various bitcoin news sites.

i do this about five times a day. i pull up all these sites and speed read all the new articles, threads, posts, tweets, etc.

i also pull up detailed charts on btc, bch, eth. coinmarketcap, for smaller alts. do this about every two hours.

that's it. I do several hours of reading (speed reading, skimming) every day. i hear about things before other people hear about them. do this long enough (months) and one day you'll connect some dots that nobody else sees. you'll see a pattern somewhere or realize how one article you're reading will effect some coin you heard about weeks ago. i'm talking about being a weatherman. polling the zeitgeist. putting your finger on the pulse of crypto. information is king. i read all the gossip and believe none of it.

the secret to making a good buy is getting in before everyone else. the secret to getting in early is to read everything. know all the gossip. know what everyone is talking about.

there is no shortcut.

>> No.4452484

Thanks, I do this and also scalp trade through the day. I am still learning how to buy into ICO's... any tips on that? I mean, how do you know which ICO's will get listed on an exchange?

>> No.4452497

I think that is pretty deluded.

Bitcoin Cash can't just hijack the name Bitcoin, it doesn't work like that.

>> No.4452514
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Some of us have lives/jobs m8

Can't spend all day pissing about with memecoins (even though I'd like to)

>> No.4452557

>learn how hash power works. Corecucks are about to get shredded in this thread.

>> No.4452575
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"Around this time, the 'hard fork' section of segwit 2x is not going to happen ~ it never was"
>Published July 30th, 2017

>> No.4452578

obviously didn't read the link i poast

if you're not here to figure out how to make money on crypto, this isn't for you.

i have a job and a life too. and i made a lot of money last year with crypto.

>> No.4452579

Are you looking for an assistant to manage an Alt account? I mean we can apply different methods of trading. I could be inside the alts going to war, while you look for calls and also trade. There is power in teams... even inside trading.

It's cool to be a lone wolf... but also cool to be on a team.

I started day trading in 2010 listening to Max Kaiser and Day Trading Radio on livestream.

>> No.4452586

Fuck is this real life?

>> No.4452587
File: 119 KB, 316x263, nepnepsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor as fuck and just starting to get into crypto. Share the love please?

>> No.4452603

Not so subtle cashie shill

>> No.4452608

Why do you guys believe this BS, fucking pathetic!

>> No.4452637

Yeah he never answered my question about the Asian exchange Binance that also uses Tether. I mean, why would the Asians fuck their own exchange?

>> No.4452655

Why do you still have a job

>> No.4452656

>Read newspapers guise
Implying we don't already. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.4452682

Tether is owned by bitfinex. you don't know this?

>> No.4452708

my job pays a lot and i'm addicted to money. it's also a social thing

>> No.4452735

>it's also a social thing
Dude just stfu you attention whore. You are officially on my nerves.

>> No.4452744

was that link really created on July 30th? If so, they called the 2x fork not happening.


>> No.4452753

>tether shenanigans are real. biffinex is going gox.
>bch is taking over.
>by feb, bch will be called 'bitcoin' and bitcoin will be called 'core'
nope, and yes I read this horseshit about the chinks covert plans

>here i learned about ethereum before it cost $1. I go rich on that shit and dumped it all after $300. got rich on btc before that.
you must be thinking you're some kind of a genius. Just admit it, you got lucky. I bought ethereum at $30 and sold at $380, I know that was almost pure luck with a little bit of research.
Don't get deluded or you will lose your money just as easily as you got it. After half a year of pure winning I thought I was invincible, but then I got JUSTed pretty hard. But I've already developed a plan on how to unJUST myself, after days of fulltime research

>> No.4452761

What does this have anything to do with Binance using Tether. What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.4452804
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>it's also a social thing

What is your job? I really wonder what social aspect makes you want to stay.

>> No.4452854
File: 44 KB, 479x481, DKRKCHaUIAAbHcR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking idiot doesn't know Binance uses Tether. Binance is an Asian exchange with servers in HK, South Korea.

If Tether goes.... then Binance also goes (an Asian exchange)

Basically this faggot is saying the Chinese Minners are going to kill the entire Crytpo Market in 30-60 days.

Enjoy getting nuked faggot..... only they're never drop because Chinese don't have the balls.

>> No.4452863
File: 27 KB, 859x183, bitfinex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my last effort-post for this thread. Try to follow:

Here's what's happening with BTC vs. BCH:

Here's what's happening with Bitfinex:

>> No.4452896

Can't even explain it... just dumps a bunch of fucking links. Fucking die faggot.

>> No.4452916

if ur so rich giv me som bit pls


>> No.4452915

this makes no sense nor is it what i'm saying.

what's happening is bitfinex is printing tether to pump btc so they can dump it cause they know they're insolvent.

you seem to thing binance is related to this somehow despite me never having mentioned them at all.

they're in asia therefore they're related to this??? i'm not following your logic here

>> No.4452938

OPinion on link and req? Is that one of the early gems you're alluding to?

>> No.4452953

lol. told you, few would actually be willing to read.

only an idiot mocks information. i'm basically serving it to you on a silver platter and you can't even be bothered to read it? lol. das dumb

>> No.4452968

do you have a guess on their target? I'm expecting ~9.4k

>> No.4453004
File: 47 KB, 600x635, Chinese-Canadian-Supremacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand the concept of War?
Do you understand the concept of death?
You know, like people dying? Bang bang bang.... Ever seen a movie? Yeah..... bang bang. Yeah, that.

Do you like nuclear fallout? How about skin melting off your bones? Chinese bone soup......

Invest in Chinese bone soup. With extra melted skin.

Bang bang, pew pew

>> No.4453039

target before dumping btc?

i see them working very hard just to get it to $8k.
I would not bet on 9k. i'm dumping if it's higher than 8. a few days ago you could get 8 to 1, btc for bch. now i'd take 6.8-7.2 all day

>> No.4453056

I'm a scalper you fucking moron.... haha! I already said this. Do you even understand what that means?

Why would a scalper get caught either which way?

>if you invest, it means you hold for 5 years and never trade.... hurrrrrrrrrrr

I make like 150 trade a day. The fuck outta here.

>> No.4453117

>lol. das dumb

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4453121

you seem too emotional to be an effective trader

>> No.4453130

You seem like an emotional and sensitive nigger. Das rite.

>> No.4453133

not really. they're not even on my radar

>> No.4453155

tfw when you realize you're the only white guy in the thread. Holy fuck....

>> No.4453183

well well well

>> No.4453192

he's right. you seem stupid. likely those 150 trades net you barely enough for an uber ride to your wagecucking station.

>> No.4453218
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Hope you have salt

>> No.4453227

Fraud detected

>> No.4453245
File: 343 KB, 640x959, 1510500873515-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not rich. Rich people don't browse /biz/.

>> No.4453259

Any reaosn why?

>> No.4453309

This thread just went from stupid to full on ghetto real quick.


>> No.4453356


>> No.4453442

all my time was spent on btc before it seemed eth was important enough to take a position on. i really don't pay attention to a coin until it's so important that i have to pay attention to it.

it's just a question of resources. i don't have time to keep up with every coin so i don't try to follow smaller projects.

i'm focused on the top five coins at most. i have to prioritize.
to be effective at investing in startups, you can't swing at every strike. you only need to hit a home-run once every couple of years.

>> No.4453535
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Hey man, I appoligize for the nigger talk. Honestly, I'm already watching the BTC/BCH civil war like a hawk. I'm in/out of both all day long which ever way the wind blows.

But honestly, you should go move back to Africa and be happy there. Your people need you, because these White bois are taking all your women.

>> No.4453599

>muh flippening conspiracy

This isn't some super secret thing, that only you know about mate. Even normies watching data dash are aware of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHfJ4hvna5c

Unless you actually have inside info directly from the manipulators, I'd be extremely skeptical with your confidence in bch

>> No.4453689
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>Black American male falls for Communist Chinese propaganda

What is it with butt blasted black Americans and their love affair with red china? This has been going on for 50 years.

>> No.4453731
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>> No.4453763
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Africa needs more diversity.

>> No.4453812
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They can't get enough of it out here.

>> No.4453879
File: 47 KB, 617x606, pps19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get idiot's attention by claiming to be rich
>shill bcash bags to said idiots with muh flippening
>add in muh tethering and muh pastebin for extra effect

>> No.4453912

What's your new strategy to unjust yourself?
I got JUSTED to death last week and I told myself to never ever sell for a loss again no matter how much do I have to wait.
It kinda sucks now because I have to go all in all the time otherwise I would never see any gains but hey I guess I learned my lesson.

>> No.4454341

What sites do you recommend?

>> No.4454735


That guy's an idiot. It's an hour and a half of him saying omg i can't believe this.

The rational he gives for not using larger blocks is "it just has issues"
Low information content.

>> No.4455011
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>bch shills

the esprit is a nice car

>> No.4455088

buy IOP do the same. Easy peasy money

>> No.4455443
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>> No.4455527

I do this. Works for me. It's sort of a Bader-Meinhof (sp?) thing. You read about all these coins then some tend to pop out more than others. Or news about one in particular sounds juicier than other news, etc.