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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4450506 No.4450506 [Reply] [Original]

smart contract trading platform, i told you to come in beforehand, seems like it is getting traction now

>> No.4450913

Where can i buy the cat ? Etherdelta is cancer.

>> No.4450966

BlockCAT for me is just a waiting game. Bought some slowly over a 40 dayish period so I'm heavily biased but it's been well worth the purchase so far.

Here are some highlights:
- "Launch your own token sale with a visual interface"
- "Create a payment which can be funded by multiple users" (if you don't get this one, basically it can be used to get more coins in an ICO since a lot of ICO's give more coins to people that fund the project more)
- "Lock up Ether or Tokens until a specified date" (once again, are you seeing it yet, they are building the best tool for launching an ICO securely, the key word being securely since their code will be audited)
- "Schedule airdops to specified Ethereum addresses" (this deals with token creation once again)

And all of that above is just for the beta... Who knows what will be released the following months after for 1.0.

>> No.4451032

I bought at the ico...

Frasered the fuck out of me for so long...

>> No.4451113

Cryptopia is the best place to buy CAT until Binance gets announced

>> No.4451142

>enabling even shittier icos
>devs don't even need to know how to code

>> No.4451181


I don't buy into ICO's for this reason. Everyone gets all excited, then after a month or two, it typically falls into an oversold price range since the product is in development and everyone isn't sure if the team will perform, then once they do, everyone wants back in since they see the potential once it's there.

>> No.4451264

I think the idea is more like I can throw an ico for my local business in order to fund raise. E.g. I want to decorate my bar but don't have the cash up front, I can offer my customers discounted drink via my ico tokens and use the funds raise to decorate, FOR EXAMPLE

>> No.4451414

>enabling even shittier icos
>devs don't even need to know how to code

There are a lot of companies that will want to enter the market but it's expensive to do a token sale right. There have been a lot of ICO's that lost funds b/c of their bad cod, so security is becoming an issue + you have to find someone to hire for solidity which will easily cost you $120k for someone experienced in that area + you need to hire security auditors, hints BlockCAT's big use-case. They solve all of that for you.

So will it enable shitty ICO's, yep, but it'll also help out anyone that wants to make a legit ICO with a real use case. BlockCAT is just creating an abstraction. Look at any modern coding language that makes the life of a dev easier, it's always been a good thing to enable more people since their is a higher potential rate of success and innovation in the space with more projects coming on board.

Anyway's that's just one of BlockCAT's features as well, they are building a smart contract platform in the future so who knows what it'll enable people to do.

>> No.4451539

I was just meming but nice shilling anon

>> No.4451803

got to wait at least 6 months for any real gains imo, but it will 10x somewhen in the next 2 years.
that would still be less than 100m market cap I am pretty sure.

>> No.4451919


It really depends on the beta. I was shocked to see how many people they hired so that hopefully will result in a solid platform.

>> No.4452104

Catto looks really sick.

>> No.4453264

it is not sick. it is healthy and next month you will hear the giant MEOW and all no-cat'ers cry

>> No.4453935
