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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4446782 No.4446782 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are you Linkies so goddamn confident? Your investment tanked 80% already ffs.

>> No.4446795

No one tell him about the Bitcoin and Eth crashes

>> No.4446814

The way you faggots act is like you have the winning lottery number when nothing is 100% sure in crypto.

>> No.4446888

The tech is legit and the connections are there. Why wouldn't we be confident? Just because the numbers went down doesn't change any of the underlying facts that made it get hyped in the first place.

>> No.4446908
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The kind of resolve it takes to be a Linkie. We are prepared to hold our investment for a 1000 years if that’s what it takes. Do you have that kind of iron will resolve? WELL? DO YOU??

>> No.4446931

This can be said literally about every crypto that will never recover.

>> No.4446932

fuck link, i dont care how good the tech is... link i worthless and has been panic sold to beyond recovery. Link cost everyone money and made very few people money... don't touch link unless you hate money... fucking shit.

>> No.4446946

people on this board actually believe LINK is on the same page as ETH. it's an ERC20 token for ffs.....

>> No.4446948

panic sold? when the top 50 wallets have only held or accumulated more? stop spouting shit out of that ass of yours you call a mouth.

>> No.4446957


There are Facebook, Microsoft, and former Apple senior executives officially advising the project. Think about that for a moment, compare it with other top 100 projects, then ask yourself if the FUD makes sense.

>> No.4446991

It’s just shitposting, OP. Nobody’s actually invested in LINK.

>> No.4447014

Tanked 80%?
Im acually 60% above ICO little fagot.

And im fine even if its -30% ICO price for year od two. Cos I know whats going on and you are poor fagot.

>> No.4447026
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>> No.4447041


>> No.4447084

It's a token used to pay nodes, nothing else. Explain why ERC20 is a problem? You realize LINK works on more than just ETH blockchain right?

>> No.4447088
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well my friend, it comes with experience and, of course, intelligence. we have the power of foresight enough to see that this product is both unique and necessary for the future of mankind. it is thus a first mover, and first movers in this space ALWAYS start off in rough times and then make it yuge.

I don't mean to be condescendin' when I say it takes a lot of brain power to comprehend why LINK is going to be the best investment in the entire crypto space. It's just the facts. But when you possess the minimum intelligence to understand what is going on here, it all just clicks.

Smart contracts are cool. But without decentralized oracles, they're mainly just a silly play thing for tokens. LINK brings the entire blockchain technology into the mainstream. You know how old people like to say "bitcoin is cool but the blockchain is the real innovation?" They don't even know it, but they're talking about LINK.

We sound overconfident because there really is no chance to fail here EXCEPT if someone makes this decentralized oracle system first. well, I'm betting on Sergey. He is years ahead of the competition. He will DO this.

The only question left is: do you wanna join us?

>> No.4447104


Not if you watched from the sidelines for the initial pump and dump to blow over while you looked into the coin before you got in a few days ago like all the smart anons

>> No.4447113



>> No.4447116

>calling me a dumb faggot
>invests in linkchain


>> No.4447145

Looks like Sergey is finally starting to hire better shills

>> No.4447163

Because we are the golden generation motherfucker. It's our time now and we choose Link! If you cant see the bigger picture then you dont deserve it. You'll ask yourself when you see triple digits Link in the very near future. We deserved it and WE WILL GET IT!

>> No.4447180

Cant speak to the Microsoft or Apple advisors anon is spouting, but Evan Cheng, responsible for creating LLVM (which all Apple iOS and Mac devices use to run their secure lower-level machine code) & Facebook's DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING, is on board as a technical advisor for LINK. Maybe not the moon, but its definitely not nothin


>> No.4447240
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We have ascended society. We have ascended reality. We are the new technocracy. The digital elite.

>> No.4447263

advisors are EX-Apple and Microsoft. They both held prestigious roles in said companies but no longer work there.

>> No.4447406

In my personal opinion, that in no way lessens their contribution to the project.

Sort of like saying Neil Armstrong is irrelevant because he walked on the moon, but didn't live there

>> No.4447421

THIS! We will rule in no time!

>> No.4447443

this. the FUD against LINK is so amateur.

>> No.4447450

Sorry, think I misinterpreted you point. Seems like we're in agreement concerning the potential of LINK

>> No.4447456

I wasn't saying they are any less credible because they no longer work there. I was just correcting his impression that they were still active in the companies.

>> No.4447466

who let you out of the box mr AI

>> No.4447477
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>> No.4447541

>tanked 80%
bought in at 10 cents

>> No.4447558
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> the thought of people actually doing that regarding neil

>> No.4447644
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In crypto no, nothing is100% sure. It is in our lord Sergey we trust. KEKs prophet. Sent to us in our hour of need.
Praise him.
Praise KEK!

>> No.4447655
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>> No.4447678

> I don't care how good the tech is.

Fucking retard alert.

>> No.4447711

>he doesn't know

>> No.4448076
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Nice dubs. He is with us!

>> No.4448083

are you looking in a mirror?

>> No.4448268
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Hate to be a shiller but killing the fiat currencies would increase the value of everyone's crypto. The US dollar is the easiest target.

>> No.4448416

Doesn't matter, thentoken is used to pay node operators that's it. Why would you need something more sofisticated than an erc20 token? I want to read the reasons.

>> No.4448736
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>> No.4449065

Chainlink price will reach upwards of $762 in 4 years time.

>> No.4449147


I just realized that OMG is worth 800 billion dollars. And thats a token.

Going by your logic (which is flawed), at the very least LINK could reach OMG levels of success.

>> No.4449277

To be honest I've been wondering this for a long time, OP

Don't really see any answers in this thread

>> No.4449298
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buy low. sell high.

>> No.4449450

That's the main idea yeah.

I've pretty much convinced myself that it's some kind of concerted effort from a group or a handful of pajeets with hundreds of proxies. I doubt anyone here has made money off it. Even as I'm typing this I see it has breached sub-2k levels.

>> No.4449513
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Say it with me, /biz/: Chainlink is a superstition and Sergey is a false prophet.

>> No.4449644

Both the present and the future are about Hyperledger. That is all.

>> No.4449767


linkies, everyone

>> No.4449874
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pic related is all I see in my mind when I see desperate people still trying to FUD LINK

>> No.4450018

still don't even know why morons FUD this coin when there are about 500 other coins in existence that really deserve some FUD. So either they are completely retarded and perfectly represented by your picture, or they think it somehow matters and they can bring down the price somewhat in order to buy some at a cheap price. with an IQ over 90 you pretty much know it is inevitable this will significantly rise and bound to be a moon mission.

Either way, Link also doesn't need shilling. I really can't fucking care less if the average biztard buys the coin or not and misses out something that is genuinely deserved to be held in the portfolio.

There is literally no reason to not buy some Link at these prices levels and hold some for a few months. Even if it is just 10% portfolio. There is just no reason. Top wallets hold this not because it is fun to waste money.

>> No.4450140

Yeah and it's honestly sad being called a bagholder every time I talk about LINK
My LINK purchase is currently down 4% so if I wasn't confident in its potential I would sell at a very small loss.
But I don't because I'm out here carefree, knowing this coin will be the most epic moon mission since ETH's run.

>> No.4450225

Well, first of all the idiotic BTC drama has to finally settle somewhat. It's been ongoing for like 6 months now, with only a few days of serious altcoin growth. Until then LINK will probably not move.

I am also more carefree about LINK than any other investment. I bought at 0.15$ which is a good entry point I think.

>> No.4450265
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except 99% of cryptos have no fucking use case whatsoever in the real world. All those great ass "promising" projects and platforms, are fucking useless. Their only purpose is to create, move around and work with other shitcoins. It's a PONZIE at its finest.

Now, Chainlink will be used globally by real institutions/companies in 2018/9.
And... once the market wakes up and realizes what I just said, 99% of those pumped up shitcoins will vanish and all the money will flow into LINK (and of course other projects with REAL WORLD USABILITY)

because that's what it is basicly and I said that already in like 2 threads
A nice stack of LINK now is like having a winning lottery ticket that will be possible to cash out but you have to wait like 2 years

>> No.4450286

What do you consider to be a nice stack of LINK? How many to make it?

>> No.4450312

The problem about the average retard here is that they have the libertarian problem and think "every coin is the same", while it is not. Some are utter garbage, some are ok and a few will be gods. They don't even know what shit they are buying, they just chase volume and pumps.

>> No.4450322
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>> No.4450330

10K is a nice amount if you plan on waiting a year and a half to make it.

>> No.4450337
File: 869 KB, 1992x1134, SMARTCONTRACT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you need to know about link.

holdlink<----- ----- ------ --------->>>>>>LAMBO

>> No.4450346

>A nice stack of LINK now is like having a ticket to poormanville but you have to wait like 2 years for the 650 million developer-tokens to be dumped on the market to bring the price of a token down to $0.01. thats why were shilling it so hard

fixed it for you

>> No.4450367
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Checked and praised

>> No.4450400
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Depends on the "making it"
Free of wagecucking and a decent/good life? That means about 2-3k after taxes, so lets say you have to get about 50 000 a year minus 30% tax.
With 500k in stocks and 10% gain a year that would be possible. So 500k.
Link is now 16 cents and it to hit 6b market cap would be 16$ a pop. You need 46 000 Links to get that 750k (-30% tax is about 500k) when it hits Linkies are 16$ a piece.

>> No.4450410
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depends where you live and how strong your hands are.
If you live in a first world country, and have decent but not the strongest hands, 100k in 2018/19 should allow you to retire and never look back at wageslavery

exactly, because 99% of crypto IS a PONZIE at its finest right now

for example, look at NEO, unless they announce some gov cooperation the price will tank HARD, already is tanking, NOBODY gives a damn about muh technology if it's not used for anything else than fueling this PONZIE scheme.
That's why nobody believes anymore in a moon mission like ETH, because every time a news is released the price fucking tanks sometimes even below the previous floor, think about it, how stupid is that? that's investing? that's a 0 or even negative sume game considering trade fees.

Only good utility tokens have future, they need to be driven by REAL demand, fuck hype, fuck all those greedy impatient fucks, I'm very happy with the CL team being low key and professional, lets keep filthy speculators off of the project.

that's right, don't buy LINK

>> No.4450411

I dont know what the fuck I was writing... What ever, so 46k links when link goes 100x.

>> No.4450414
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>> No.4450435

there are lots of moon missions that do x20 to x100, just not over night. So that's more than the average attention span of you ADHD degenerates

>> No.4450471

Yeah, but which ones? Link is a pretty strong guess

>> No.4450490
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