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4443516 No.4443516 [Reply] [Original]

Which is considered the most secure out of the two, and which one do you prefer?

>> No.4443775
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neither i keep everything on binance :D :D

>> No.4443835

fucking casual
I keep everything in tether on bitfinex

>> No.4443848

trezor master race checking in

>> No.4443867


These things are like $100 USD and they aren't even waterproofed. I'll wait till they're actually enclosed in waterproof/damage resistant shells before buying one.

Fucking expensive pieces of shit

>> No.4443879
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Just leave all your coins on Coinbase, friend

>> No.4443890

lol yeah.

I'm also waiting. A good software wallet + mew will do just as well as these.

>> No.4443892

why the fuck aren't they fuck-proof

>> No.4444042

I have a ledger. It's great. I don't actually get it out very often since I don't daytrade. All you need is the deposit address and you can top it up all day long wherever you've left it in the world.

I keep it locked in a drawer and rarely get it out. No need for it to be waterproofed or bomb proofed like some people are saying ffs. You have the recovery seed if you accidentally leave it in north korea when the nukes hit so there's no need to bitch at the company for not making it thermonuclear war proof.

>> No.4444104


>software wallet

at least when you lose your money it wont be very much, because you werent willing to spend $100 to protect it properly

>> No.4444119
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ledger nano s works pretty well for my nuls atm

>> No.4444125
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It's not a black box flight recorder

It's a fucking USB stick

>> No.4444130

We don't all live in huts.

>> No.4444156

the seed is water proof

>> No.4444171

I have both.

I find the Trezor slightly better to use, but both are great.

The TREZOR apparently got hacked by a guy recently, unsure of the details though...

It does always surprise me that fags on here won't spend 100 dollars to secure it.

I bought a fireproof safe (2000 dollars) and two hard ware wallets (200 dollars).

That's like 1 percent of my holdings, worth it.

>> No.4444205

This is the true chad way of storing shitcoins

>> No.4444254

its whatever is cheapest to get shipped to your country pretty much

>> No.4444288

this. the device secures your transactions, you secure the coins

>> No.4444696


We aren't all made of money autismo

>> No.4445794

I got my trezor recently and just put the money there, but you can easily (and 100% securely) send transactions with it.
My seed key is "encrypted" and secure.
The trezor has the pin and I know where it is at all times too.

>> No.4445798

>not using paper wallets
fucking kill yourselves

>> No.4445828

If you have 2FA you're not really in the wrong.

>> No.4445845

You'll be doing that brah when you lose that little piece of paper.

>> No.4445867

I am thinking of getting a Ledger Nano S

Can I deposit ERC20 tokens directly into EtherDelta from it? I know EtherDelta has some kind of Ledger Nano compatibility, but I am not sure of the extent.

Basically, I want to be able to move my ERC20 tokens as fast as possible onto ED order book without having to fuck around with MEW and Metamask etc so I can get my Ether out fast.

>> No.4445874

yeah, no exchanges have been hacked/lost user's money

>> No.4445890
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I made two handwritten copies, both stored in secured places in separate houses. No worries here and no way for anyone to access my internet money
Stay mad getting hacked digifags

>> No.4445919


Dude how dry is your asshole. Mine is moist as fuck, safety first.

>> No.4445922

If someone got a hold of those papers, can they get your coins?

>> No.4445946

No because the only people who would find them are dumb burglars looking for cash or jewellery. If they found a piece of paper with some letters and numbers on it they won't even know what it is. And as soon as I notice the paper is stolen I can move the funds to another wallet

>> No.4445949

I encrypted mine and then printed out. No way to decrypt for someone else.

>> No.4445964

What I mean is that you should still encode it somehow.
Like change the last word for the first one or something like that.

>> No.4445967

A ledger and an a4 fireproof document box will cost you less than $100.

>> No.4445972
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someone respond please

>> No.4445980

Was it shown on your screen?
do you have internet connection on that device?
then you can't be 100% sure.
That's what's good about hardware wallets.

>> No.4445992

Do you have any sources or info on how to encrypt a paper wallet? I want to make one but in the case someone finds it I dont want to make it so easy that they already have my private keys at full sight

>> No.4446005

tresor is open source, must be many independent producers and low price

>> No.4446028
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It wasn't really "hacked" per se. Basically, if an expert got physical hold of your Trezor, they could somehow open it up and get your private keys. I am not really worried at this point about that sort of thing. I am more likely to just fuck up a transaction and lose everything than a hacker getting physical hold of my wallet.

It wasn't really that impressive of an exploit, but it caused a bit of drama and I think SatoshiLabs is coming out with a new Trezor model now.

>> No.4446037

While I agree that that would be more secure, the papers are already in a safe, which itself is hidden in my very messy attic.
The chances of a burglar finding the safe, unscrewing it from the floor, opening it, AND knowing about crypto and private keys are 0.00%

>> No.4446045
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I bought the Nano S but couldn’t set it up on PC or Mac. Kept getting errors. I already have my BTC bags in Electrum which I believe is causing the Nano S setup bug ?

Anyway I gave up (was pressed for time when it arrived). Will try again at some point in the future but hopefully Electrum doesn’t 404 or get hacked or whatever.

>> No.4446108

> buy ledger nano s
> lose it

how is that fucking thing secure
I'd rather write my private keys in a file, encrypt it and upload it in my cloud

>> No.4446118

You can buy a new Ledger Nano S and restore the previous one with backup phrases.

>> No.4446126

you have a seed that you can use to put into another ledger if you lose it.
Just dont be a fucking imbecile and lose every place you wrote your seed down and the physical device.

its way safer than having it on an exchange or on your computer.

>> No.4446155
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SOMEONE FUCKING RESPOND TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4446169

Yeah it works the same as any other wallet, you just need to confirm on the device.

>> No.4446181
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Thank you anon

>> No.4446242

My asshole is actually very fucking dry.
Thank you for asking.

>> No.4446285

You still have to use MEW to transfer tokens, I don't see a way to transfer tokens through the ledger software

>> No.4446309

Do the ERC20 tokens not appear in your "wallet" on the left when selecting the token from the drop down menu?

>> No.4446560

He's talking about etherdelta, obviously you need some software to interface with the device.
They do.

>> No.4446576

>They do.
Awesome. Using MetaMask was getting to be a bit tedious and having to keep my eye on gas costs etc. Nice to know that I can deposit directly into ED from the nano. Thanks anon.