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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4441344 No.4441344 [Reply] [Original]

Newcoiner poorfag here, what do you think so far /biz/?

>> No.4441423

whatever you do dont be a deluded linky

>> No.4441440

good but nothing on there is going to give you mega gains any time soon

>> No.4441487
File: 1.52 MB, 1509x844, EndOfRipple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your OMG in REQ and your XRP in LINK

Put everything else in NEO

New paradigm

>> No.4441645

What would you suggest? Something like POWR?

>> No.4441659
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>> No.4441667

I started with $250, anon.
I studied everything I invested in very hard and I learned everything I could.

Because of that I rode the RDD, XBY, DGB train and then from those gains rode the ANS/NEO train to where I am today at 14k.

You can very easily make money in this market if you just pay attention.

>> No.4441676

careful with POWR, its already pumping pretty high. Wait for a better entry point if you are set on it.

>> No.4441678
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Thank you anon godspeed

>> No.4441706

I had NEO but dumped it for the beginning part of the BCH pump, do you think it would be a good idea to re enter at some point? It isn't that much money so I'm more tempted to toss it on a shitcoin or something like IOTA if it corrects sometime soon.

>> No.4441721

Yep. I just sold for now, solid 2x from when I went in. I firmly believe this is a good project long term, and I'll buy back in. But actual use of the product is a while away and I think it will drop back to the 2-3k level in the near future after the PBC chasers have left.

>> No.4441784

seriously though, wait until sub $35 to enter into it or you will get shafted...

Maybe snag some LTC until you know which way the market is going because LTC only ever pumps and then stays there for months at a time.

There was a big announcement from one of the biggest international ATMs that they would include BTC options, so maybe BTC is a safe place right now? but I couldnt say for certain.

Good luck lads, We are in a golden age and are given a grand opportunity to change our lives forever with this. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.4441975

did you put any into Bitcoin or ethereum or did you just go for the high winners?

>> No.4442031


Post your Blockfolio chart you stupid Larper

>> No.4442122

Link / Req new Fag, checks out.