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4436528 No.4436528 [Reply] [Original]

Lets hear them

>> No.4436602
File: 56 KB, 517x806, blockchaindummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell friend to buy ETH at $14. Calls me during ETH run to $400 and ask me how to buy ETH. Buys at $420.

>Give sister $100 worth of ETH (23 at the time) and tell her how to set up a wallet. Tell her this might be worth something in the future and to never ever forget the password. She forgets the password.

>Normie friends hit me up on FB asking how to make money off crypto. I tell them how to do it. "Oh, you need money to do this? I don't have any money."

>Bitcoin? Thats the thing drug dealers use right?

>BTC hits $1k. You should cash out. BTC hits $2k. You should cash that out. BTC hits $3k. You should cash that out.....

>> No.4436617

>"i bought one bitcoin package and love watching it grow"
>"i'd buy bitcoin but i don't have money for one btc"

>> No.4436647

>tell all my friends to buy BTC at $2700
>then again at $4k
>and again at $5k
>they finally buy at $7800
Why are normies so fucking retarded

>> No.4436664

I had to buy my entire family little packages of NEO on "loans" because they wouldn't listen to me the last couple of months

Today they're all "HEY GOOD THING I BOUGHT NEO"

fuck normies

>> No.4436668

Normie here. Lost like 0.9 last week, slowly trying to recover now.

>> No.4436675

>tell my friends to buy ANS at $5
>they do
I mean they've sold most of it by now but that's besides the point. I'm sorry your friends don't trust you anons

>> No.4436676

This thread makes me angery

>> No.4436677

You don't need money though, you can mine a cheap shitcoin and sell up. So e people have made mad money doing that

>> No.4436820
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as if normies know what mining is

>> No.4436918

Tell co-workers who think they know finance about crypto

>So anon you own a bunch of those virtual currencies huh? Well you better make sure there is a market for you to sell it. If no one is going to buy it off you, you can't sell it. You know that right?
>Well its like a $200billion marketcap so I think I should be able to find some buyers
>you mean $200 million right?
>No billion, with a B

>> No.4436997

On facebook:

Normie asks "Does anyone own bitcoin shares? I want to start"

Replies include a faggot posting a screenshot of his eToro account claiming her owns £10,000 of BTC when in reality he doesn't own any asset at all, merely a contract for difference between himself and eToro.

Second faggot jumps in and starts spamming referral links to sign up to a bitconnect-esque ponzi scheme (USI Tech or some shit).

>> No.4437240
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>coworker bought $100 worth of BTC at $2200
>we talk about crypto every so often and I ask him how much he has now
>"I have $100 Anon"
>"H-how? I thought you'd have around $400 worth of BTC at this point?"
>"Yeah...I would have, but I liquidated some of it to pay part of my loans"
>"Oh! You were behind in payments?"
>"No I actually make enough money from my job to easily make the payments, but Dave Ramsey said we should liquidate our investments in order to pay our debts."

>> No.4437410
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I bought $1,000 dollars worth of btc, ltc and eth in august.

Ltc shot up and my portfolio was sitting pretty at $1,300 but then i started buying high then selling low to the point where it fell to sub $600

I went all in on Rubycoin and told myself im not selling until this shit 10x...

I dont think im going to make it bros. My portfolio is at $850 now

>> No.4437423
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>> No.4437559

You can do it anon. Just watch the market and educate yourself. Dont trade emotionally. Learn from your mistakes.

>> No.4437858

My friend bought an ounce of weed on silk road using BTC, I don't know exactly how many, but I believe it was over 100.

>> No.4437958
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Lost on lots of crypto that has already mooned. Learned.
Invested $10k fiat into ELIX, 1.5 mil market cap

>> No.4437966

>ever consider investing in bitcoin?
>nah too risky

And that's it

>> No.4438021

Gee thx, Im not giving up. I do believe crypto will overthrow the US dollar one day as a traded currency. Its just what kind of laws will the US set in place to complete decimate crypto. If shillary got in it surely wouldve happened already.

>> No.4438053

Bought one Bitcoin back in June at almost $3000, ATH at the time. Then the panic started in July and it dropped to $2000 where i panic sold and bought a ton of shitcoins, like $50-100 in each to diversify.

Some went good some bad, but nothing spectacular and i made some fails trying to daytrade so my average stayed about $2000.

Then some idiot started to hype Blackmoon Crypto on this board, i sold everything and i went all in, ALL IN!!! Thinking this would go x100 in a few months.

I bought at $1 and it's now worth $0.50 so i now have $1000.

If i just held my 1 Bitcoin i would have $8000 now.

>> No.4438088

yeh i feel ya anon. Bitcoin has cucked me too. dont worry tho, one day alts will moon.

>> No.4438117


>> No.4438119

When btc crashes after the China FUD my boss got really mad at me for not selling. Not just concern troll, but like actually mad. “China put sanctions on bitcoin”