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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4435544 No.4435544 [Reply] [Original]

This girl I thought I had a chance with ghosted me.

Should I just show her my womancoin stacks?

>> No.4435563

no. find another girl, ,make sure to instagram a pic of her and your lambo and watch her get interested

>> No.4435581
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We should go out and get a drink. That girl that i made out with told me yesterday that she has the 6th anniversary with her boyfriend today and dont want to ruin her relationship.


>> No.4435586

This girl doesn't have my instagram. I don't even have one.

She hasn't texted since Tuesday, so if I'm gonna say anything, it better be good.

>> No.4435644

nothing is a bigger waste of time than trying to get a girl that has already rejected you.
get swole, get rich, these are the only two things that can make a girl interested after that.
and you don't want her to be your gf if #2 is the case.

>> No.4435751

That isn't the whole story though. I put more detail here on /b/ >>>/b/751385822

I haven't asked her out yet, but I was getting there. The womancoin thing is a joke, but sometimes I kinda just wish I could flash some of my crypto to get renewed attention, ya know?