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File: 21 KB, 200x277, 200px-Magic_the_gathering-card_back[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4434517 No.4434517 [Reply] [Original]

raise your hands

>> No.4434542
File: 260 KB, 672x936, IMG_5915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been into mtg finance for a long time. The overall game is in a downturn currently. Ask me anything.

>> No.4434547

i did
mtgox was also comfy

>> No.4434556

I play. Well, I buy singles and build decks, but going to the cardshop and playing just makes me depressed and anxious. I don't get along with the people there.

>> No.4434660

is it a good time to go through my old cards yet? I looked at the prices recently and some of them were pretty eye popping for cards that used to be worth nothing that I have 8x-12x of. I absolutely do not need the money but am wondering if you think the older cards are peaking now or will keep getting more valuable?

>> No.4434667

Bought 100 jaces and sold them at ATH. pretty comfy hold

>> No.4434708
File: 30 KB, 312x445, 1440117941187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite cards

>> No.4434709

also what are the best long term holds in your opinion

>> No.4434736


Depends what you're talking about. Alpha-Antiquities (golden age) stuff I would hold on to. If it's in great shape, get it graded. Anything that's after the dark or not on the reserved list, I would sell now. Just my personal opinion and what I've done with my collection. Of course if you actually have 8x of cards, it wouldn't hurt to bring it down to a playset and put the proceeds into crypto.

>> No.4434777

Where's the best place (other than a garage sale) to find a bulk lot of cards that someone wants to get rid of? On eBay and CL they've all been scoured for rares, mythics etc.

>> No.4434807


>> No.4434808


Right now? Graded power. Playable reserved list cards. It's tough to say right now. Money has flooded into all the really solid stuff already so I can't recommend buying much, especially with the overall downturn but I'm holding things like treachery, willow satyr, tawnos's coffin, wheel of fortune.

>> No.4434835

Any land from alpha and beta,
Appraised dual lands
0 CMC mana rocks of any kind

Nothing that’s not on the reserve list

>> No.4435069

The times when modern was called extended were the best times

>ravager, goblins, tooth and nail

Damn it felt good. Then the first ever plansewalker got printed and it all dumped into the ground. I went to a prerelease recently after 2 years of not playing and holy shit this got so bad

>> No.4435093

Sometimes I play at my friends place when we're drunk

>> No.4435126

same, maybe we're friends

>> No.4435158

I'm a Russian boy and none of my friends visit any aib

>> No.4435211

Is there a good way to play it online?
Where I live at the moment, there are very few MGT players ...

>> No.4435260

curious about this as a newbie

>> No.4435498
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>> No.4435531
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show me mtg card thats on the same power level as pic

>> No.4435577

Yes, you can play it online.
Just google this shit, srsly

>> No.4435611


That got changed I think, not as abusable anymore.

>> No.4435638
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From the upcoming set

>> No.4435671

That’s fucking OP. Desperate money grab.

>> No.4435674
File: 689 KB, 399x591, blseob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cards better

>> No.4435683
File: 19 KB, 238x340, Royal Assassin.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this rare card from my very first pack, a long fucking time ago and still remember to this day.

>> No.4435685

It's a joke set m80, it's called Unstable

All the cards will be banned and it's just for fun

>> No.4435724

my first 3 packs I opened 3 rares worth $15 and my friends proceeded to scam them away from me.

>> No.4435735

I know, but there are several games and i meant which one is worth playing

>> No.4435747

I got a Royal Assasin in a Magic 2012 pack once

It's only worth like $1 today though

>> No.4435840 [DELETED] 

lol what is this meta shit

>> No.4435983

Rarest cards from this era i thought were

Lord of the pit
Shyvana dragon

>> No.4436021
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Shivan xd

>> No.4436032
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>> No.4436292

Ravnica-Theros standard will always hold a place in my heart

>> No.4436501

Checking in. You came here from /tg/?

>> No.4436522

Rudy do you invest in crypto too?

>> No.4436530

Ditto. I had fun creating crazy decks with that rotation

>> No.4436595
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>tfw to smart

>> No.4437031
File: 210 KB, 1125x1125, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Hearthstone for 3 years. Roast me.

>> No.4437106


Didn't Rudy said he doesn't have any money in crypto because he doesn't want to invest in something he doesn't understand?

>> No.4437168
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even spent $300

>> No.4437185

Are you me ?

>> No.4437268
File: 89 KB, 500x374, tumblr_majfxlVERs1rn9u6vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

izzet player here ^^

>> No.4437300
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Bought all the adventures but never any packs or arena tickets. Still pretty satisfied with my collection, I miss legendaries but I have 15k dust sitting in case I really want to buikd a deck bad.

>> No.4437307
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Blue and White stasis deck

>> No.4437348

Mirrodin + New Phyrexia were where it was at. Infect + proliferate is my fav combo. I'm ready for the hate.

>> No.4437547

I never understood why the ability was written that way. Is there a scenario in which your opponent could win but you wouldn't lose?

>> No.4437871
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1449804651878[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me, lived in a pretty small town
>bunch of my friends are into d&d, boardgames, mtg and similar
>go home to my mom to pick up my MTG cards so I can play with my friends
>get super into it, have a great modern deck that wins local tournaments
>EDH deck that I've had for 6 years or so, very good cards in it
>plan to leave town to move to home city to go back into uni, forget all my cards at a friends house
>forget about it until a few weeks ago
>give the friend a text asking about the cards
>"sorry man i dont remember what happened to them. me and gf just moved apartments and we threw out alot of stuff, probably your cards too because they arent here"
>my "friend" threw away my fucking mtg cards valued at the very least 10.000$
>"sorry man"

>> No.4437928

Modern and extended were never the same format, but I also miss the extended format. Modern + edh best formats ever though

>> No.4437950

This sucks but I also don't understand how you forgot $10,000 worth of cards like that

>> No.4437961

Some cards have effects making a player win and others have effects making a player lose, platinum angel needs to handle both

>> No.4437977

Also the month period after Khans where every format was broken
Standard from Jeskai Ascendancy combo,
modern from same thing + treasure cruise was nuts in every single deck,
legacy was completely broken from treasure cruise
Every single vintage deck instantly played 4x

>> No.4437990

At first I got accepted into a uni close to the town I lived in, but the day before semester started I got a mail saying I was accepted into the uni I really wanted to go to (prestigious uni in my very big hometown), so I thought I was gonna move 25 miles and still be close to my friends, but since I got accepted to the other uni I moved 250 miles instead, the same day semester started (the day after I found out I got accepted). Didnt think about the cards as I was busy with the move

>> No.4438258

Because they were both stupid.