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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 313x250, ark-welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4422254 No.4422254 [Reply] [Original]

What does ARK actually do? it's my smallest position and i only bought it because it's a meme on here and i wanted to be apart of something.

I wanna be a deluded Arkie so badly but i don't even understand why i'm deluded. :(

>> No.4422271

It makes money.

>> No.4422280

It connects the blockchains to do....something...

>> No.4422288

I couldn't quite understand it myself. As far as I can tell it acts as an "intermediary cryptocurrency" between all others. Kind of like what Ripple does for fiat.

Maybe someone who actually holds it can explain it better, because I am not 100% sure.

>> No.4422292

>buys a coin
>doesent know what it wants to do

Classic biz

>> No.4422294


I need more delusional reasons if i'm gonna increase my stack.

I need buzzwords.


anything pls

>> No.4422307

all my other positions are at least 3 times the size of my ark.

I always do my own research but Ark just ahs something about it with the way Biz puts it down.

/always do the opposite of biz/

>> No.4422308

I do this with every coin. They're all just trying to be the most efficient crypto currency right?

>> No.4422312
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>> No.4422356


wtf this sounds legit, i wanna be deluded.

>> No.4422357

Mo money, mo bitches.

>> No.4422522

Maybe it can't be achieved by the meme team behind it.

>> No.4422566

They have a ton of money in funding, and have been hiring a couple of new full-time devs lately. Not to mention a highly active community that helps them out

>> No.4422577

Any explanation as to its recent crashing?

>> No.4422628

Just natural market rises and falls, especially in something as volatile as crypto

>> No.4422663

Nothing, the crypto bubble will have popped before this project is worth anything so a waste of time holding

>> No.4422689

WTF i love being deluded now

>> No.4422716

It's the coin that will replace BTC

Just download the fucking wallet and see how easy it is. No need to download the blockchain to use a proper 1st party wallet and be 100% secure. Means loads of applications can be made easily.

New coins are distributed amongst users

Miners can be voted out if they fuck around, unlike bitcoin where the whole network is held to ransom

Transactions take 8 seconds and scalable

The coin is going to have its own fucking smart card for payments. Where you are going to hold the money in YOUR wallet, and use a card to pay with it. All these scams like TENX just hold your money in their account

And then theres all the smart bridging shit and push button blockchains which are going to fuck ERC20 tokens in the arse

If anyone on biz still doesn't have a bag then you are fucking deluded. The faggots in the biz delegate keep coming here and posting meme FUD pastas so they can buy more. Go lurk in the discord and see how they design new pastas every day for more FUD.

>> No.4422880

lol wtf ARK is 90% of my portfolio and I just learned this now. This sounds legit

now im extra deluded

>> No.4422921

I read this guy's post and immediately said to myself, i'm going to sit right down and tell this motherfcker exactly how i stake my motherfcking ARK.
i roll a gigantic fcking batch from the faucet every fcking day. When im done i have an enormous glass of BitCuck tears and at this point i generally take the first few feet of my cock out of my pants and fap because the sight is beautiful
every morning i take a goodly portion of my bitconnect stack of glory and I tip the 12/10 sideways pussy escorts while they GTFO my penthouse.
i've now got a wallet full of hot ARK and an infallibly rigid dick but i am not done motherfcker and it is not yet time to forge
i reach around behind me and grab my fckin .45ACP from the cupboard point the fckin laser sight at the CAPTCHA bullshit, it fckin solves itself in fear.
At this point i collapse onto the floor and fck a new hole into the hardwood of my kitchen because i just can't fcking stand my gorgeous mobile wallet, then i stand up and i fck that fcking blockchain, the whole fcking thing including the fckin genesis block itself, without any fckin lube and then i go throw myself at the sex doll i have dressed up like the quaker oats guy and i literally fck it until my neighbors call the cops.

>> No.4422935
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Smart-bridge Technology will allow any and all blockchains to interact with one another. Imagine lightning network or plasma, but universal.

It is a Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS) coin. Rather than just a normal PoS coin, there are pools of Ark holders and there is a delegate from each pool that does something to contribute to the Ark network. Think bounty, coding, creating a game for people to play, or anything else that generates traffic to Ark or helps with the infrastructure.

Download the desktop wallet and just look and feel how sex it is. Then vote for biz_classic as your delegate.

The biz_classic group is one of the top pools and we have our own Faucet, which can be visited here: https://classicdelegate.biz/faucet

You roll and you win fractions of an Ark. You should know what a faucet is if you know crypto.

Also, the lead behind the project is a literal rocket scientist.

>> No.4422967

I don't get staking or the delegate thing. Can you explain it in a way that doesn't require 4 pages of reading?

>> No.4422994
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What is it with you guys? Day in and day out, constantly posting about ARK in these not so creative ways.
You mean to say BIZ CLASSIC, am'i'right?

>> No.4423018

You vote for your miner
You get a share of the new coins in proportion to the number of Ark you have

If you miner fucks around you vote for someone else and if he loses enough votes he can’t mine anymore

>> No.4423024

>Put your ark in the desktop wallet.
>Vote for biz_classic

Read the biz_classic blog: https://medium.com/@biz_classic

Read the FAQ:

>> No.4423038

So the reason you get free coins for nothing is a reward for managing the mining community?

>> No.4423055

Hey anon, do you like ARK? It definitely gave me some hesitation early on and a lot of people think that ARK is overly ambitious, but when compared to earlier Crypto projects like Bitcoin and ETH, I think ARK's really come into their own, commercially and development-wise. The whole project has a clear, sound direction and gives a new sheen of consummate professionalism to blockchain space that really gives the coin a big boost! ARK's been compared to Lisk, since the lead dev has worked on both projects, but I think ARK has a far more solid development team. In August, ARK released ACES, the first proof of concept for their smart bridge. But I think their most important masterpiece will be push-button deployable chains and ArkVM. A development release so hyped, most people probably don't understand the implication. But they should, because it's not just about the ability to create SmartContracts on the chain. It's also going to be the harbinger of the blockchain based Web 4.0. Hey ChainLink! Try solving the oracle problem now, you fuckin' shitty shitcoin.

>> No.4423081

Ark Virtual Machine, what for?

>> No.4423083

This kills the pasta. Write fuck like a man.

>> No.4423087

>Where you are going to hold the money in YOUR wallet, and use a card to pay with it. All these scams like TENX just hold your money in their account

I like that the Ark team has said that they're not going to "partner with Visa" or some bullshit. They're straight up going to manufacture their own cards.

>> No.4423098

Trustless swaps. You can swap between any two cryptos without needing a fork on that chain.

>> No.4423105
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Ark is the mothership for liberation

>> No.4423134


I put a small portion of my gains into my Ark wallet once a month. Compared to most of the other projects floating around, Ark is lightyears ahead. Reasonable speed. Great marketing. Excellent PR.

It moons every couple of months and then has a soft slow downtrend that you can day trade to accumulate more.

When the mobile App is released here soon, expect that moon. And then when they finalize their own card, I will likely move most of my capital into Ark and stake it all and use it as my "bank".

Imagine if your checking account accrued interest.

>> No.4423174

And why should I pick one delegate over another? Assuming both are morally good why pick biz_classic over Jarunik who I also see shilled sometimes, does it even matter?

>> No.4423183

Jarunik isn't shilled here, that was a false flag by someone here, probably the known retard heem. Jarunik knows not to step on our turf.

biz_classic isn't the highest paying delegate, but we're the only delegate with guaranteed returns, the most competent dev team, and we're the only delegate that has NEVER dropped out of the top 51, which means you can stake and know for sure you won't lose the free income tomorrow.

>> No.4423192

Jarunik pays 80%
Biz pays 90% and has a faucet for more free ark

>> No.4423199

Also we have a faucet and nobody else does.

>> No.4423207

I’m also planning on using Ark as my bank next year

This is the sign of how good this coin is. People are actually going to use this shit instead of having it sit in a 3rd party wallet and type HODL until it gets ‘hacked’ and stolen by the wallet programmer

>> No.4423209

You should pick jarunik so you don't dilute my stake any further. It's not like you can get the magnet survivor badge. I mean why even live at that point?

>> No.4423230

I see, well, it doesn't sound like it'd lose me anything. Is there some kind of list of these delegate rankings so I can confirm you're not bullshitting about the never dropped thing?

>You should pick jarunik so you don't dilute my stake any further.

>> No.4423235

Delude me more daddy.

>> No.4423244

Nope, there's no historical data for delegates dropping out of the Top 51. But we've been around since June, and nearly every /biz/ user is a biz_classic voter.

>> No.4423250

Lol if biz_classic ever dropped out you would've heard about it by now from the mass chimpout by almost 1700 voters

>> No.4423265

It seems like a pretty safe bet so I'll probably go ahead and do it, any explanation as to why Jarunik has a lot more Ark/votes on the report right now? Doesn't seem like he'd ever drop.

>> No.4423278

Why should I vote for biz_classic over del?

His returns are way higher, I dont see the benefit

>> No.4423304

Search ‘ark node vote report’ in google
Almost 60% are being used to vote and it’s rising each month

The autist buterin said it would never get more than like 10%

>> No.4423307

Look at his voter distribution. All he needs is for one whale to leave for him to drop out. It's not about the number of voters but the amount of ark the voters have. Biz has more many small wallets which means more people would have to coordinate and leave to drop the delegate out.

Del also has this issue. He's even worse and is relying on one whale with over 500k ark.

>> No.4423322

He's dropped out multiple times, he subsidizes smaller wallets with bigger wallets to pay fees, and he pays less overall. There is literally no reason to vote for him, he's a horrible choice and every redditard defaults to him because he owns the ARK sub and brainlets can't bother doing research.

Guarantee that we won't drop out of forging tomorrow, and if you're autistic you can use the faucet and get triple the rewards compared to non-voters. If you are willing to take the risk then go for it.

>> No.4423326

>The autist buterin said it would never get more than like 10%

He said that about Ark?

He's wrong about most things so I'm not surprised

>> No.4423335

Alright, gonna move some money into it soon. Probably not much, maybe $500-1000.

>> No.4423583

lol when the crytpo bubble pops this will be pointed to as the pets.com. ya so lyke you vote for delegatz in tha ark and they lazer beam tha gainz into your bank account via push button smart contracts because blockchain!!

>> No.4423611
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dude i am in fucking tears. this pasta is amazing. literally killed me

>> No.4423666

basically yes

the idea is that the payout for voting provides incentive for investors to hold delegates accountable and participate democratically on the way the network functions. It's kind of like an election. The delegate's job is to provide a stable and productive investment and development network to their constituents. And the system enforces the elective power stakeholders over the delegates.

>> No.4423683

Is it just me or does the wallet for this not have a password option? As in once you generate the wallet it's immediately usable every time the application is opened with no way to encrypt or secure it.

>> No.4423692
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You would have to be pretty smart to make a bridge that you can put between a blockchain - oh wait. Is the answer you would have to be dumb?

Ark employees blockchain <-> blockchain technology and it would be really smart if other blockchains add code to let ark find tasks.

Ark is a cuck coin that looks for stuff it can do for other coins if they want to play in the ark ecosystem. Ark holders think blockchain developers are smart.

Im only scratching the surface here you idoit

>> No.4423744


You don’t need your password to open the wallet. But if you want to do anything like send Ark or vote etc it will ask you for it.

>> No.4423754

Oh. Do I need to store the address too? Or is the seed enough to recreate the entire wallet if I were to try?

>> No.4423771

> is the seed enough to recreate the entire wallet if I were to try?

>> No.4423775

Nevermind, tested it myself and it seems to work fine.
It's probably fine but this feels shakey in security coming from using monero-wallet-cli

>> No.4423782


>> No.4423788

having trouble figuring this out as well.

I guess you're fucked if somebody has the password to your computer, unless you put the client launcher in an encrypted folder.

>> No.4423802

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Not a problem in my case (well shouldn't be), but as a general thing it feels needlessly unsafe compared to other wallets. Why not just have a password to open the wallet at all? It'd also be a lot easier to confirm withdrawals with my own password than the seed.

>> No.4423807

They would still need your 12 word passphrase to do anything with your Ark

>> No.4423811


No one can do anything other than look at your wallet without your password. Try to send some Ark now and it will prompt you for your password.

>> No.4423851

Fetching that seed every time you want to send Ark is gay though.

>> No.4423869

hey remember when ark had no real life use case and never will and was just an autistic nerd pipe dream where everyone earns "passive income" by "voting for delegates" lololololollllolololol fuckin dumb niggers

>> No.4423912

If you don't care why'd you post again after half an hour?

>> No.4423942


Gayer than entering it every time you just want to open the wallet? You’re kind of stupid huh

>> No.4423962

No, the 3rd option that every other wallet uses you dumb fuck. You allow the user to set a password which encrypts the wallet including its seed so they can use that to open and send instead.

>> No.4423985


But why are you so hung up about make believe security flaws when you’re only investing $500-$1000 anon?

>> No.4423997

Because every other wallet I've used offers it and it's offputting. It's not going to stop me, especially since this could change in the future, I'm just saying it's pretty dumb that it's not an option.

>> No.4424000

the fact that a /biz/ account is in the top 50 on ark really doesn't make ark look good at all

>> No.4424004

Ark wallet doesn't have a password, right, just the seed phrase?

P sure I never made a password...

>> No.4424030

It can provide a user facing layer that allows for easy interfacing with the valuable solutions that hundreds of other blockchains provide. It's like all of these other coins are websites, and ark is the damn browser.

>> No.4424054

How much lisk do the Ark team still hold? They had like 115 million in USD to fund Ark a week ago, guess that has gone up with lisk mooning.

>> No.4424073

I think they sold a ton of it (~$40 million) at the top.

Which is good news, that will allow them to fund new things for Ark with.

>> No.4424208

Not only are we the best and most technically competent delegate in the ecosystem, but we're also on the Ark Community fund board (which is a total of 5 people).

You have a false assumption about /biz/ being only full of brainlets.

>> No.4424235

>we're also on the Ark Community fund board
>Moon Man

>> No.4424250

I'm personally not, Chang is.

>> No.4424264

give the faucet more room for high rolls, I want to stop being poor

>> No.4424364

So use a hardware wallet fag

>> No.4424589

Alright, BTC finally cleared and I got some coin into the Ark wallet. I don't need to worry about voting ever again now right? I can just add more to my wallet when I feel like it and it'll do all the magic on its own.

>> No.4424599

I must say it was nice being able to do a transfer in such a short amount of time for a pretty cheap fee. I had to wait almost an hour for BTC to confirm and it cost a hell of a lot more.

>> No.4424614

there was a password, anon I hope you remembered it

>> No.4424624

>The autist buterin said it would never get more than like 10%
he also said that there is nothing wrong with possession of cp

>> No.4424636

He said he had the seed phrase though, which basically is the password

>> No.4424649


>> No.4424656

I think it's also because the incentive to hold Ark and earn staking rewards keeps many investors out of the market. This leaves the coin with low trading volume, making it a prime target for manipulation (there were large sell walls suppressing the price on Bittrex for weeks).

The manipulation seems to be over now that Ark is on more than one exchange, but I still don't see any major price increases happening until another round of hype gets more people interested in the project. Maybe the formation of their business entity (98% complete) and their mobile wallet (also 98% complete) will be the catalysts it needs for another bull run.

>> No.4424665

Yepp, as long as you've voted for a delegate and they're in the top 51 then you're good.

Yeah, Ark has 8 second blocktimes and they're working on getting it down to 5. Voting and transaction fees will also be lowered to .01 Ark with the next core update as well.

>> No.4424697
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There's a huge fucking sell wall right now lmao.

Hope you're right about the long term, but frankly, in the long term, committing <$1000 isn't really a big loss and the project does seem promising. I'll probably try hodling this for a few years at least and hoping the project doesn't shit itself.

>Voting and transaction fees will also be lowered to .01 Ark with the next core update as well.
If this is any time in the next few days I'm going to be pretty miffed. Sounds good though.

>> No.4424814

Hah! That looks like the same whale from before - now 121k Ark instead of 150k. I hope selling 30k this low was worth it.

>> No.4424835

Who can afford to put up a wall worth $350k like that?

Nah, the core update probably won't be for months.

>> No.4424872

It could just be an early investor trying to cash out. Not all rich people are good with money.

>> No.4424885

I have 50 left. I bought 200 at 2.80 and sold today at 3.30 to buy into NEO it dumped after that. I also sold all my ETC for NEO which kills me ETC has been reliable. Held my ETH though

>> No.4424920

>Transactions take 8 seconds and scalable
How are 8 second transactions scalable?

>> No.4424944

Transactions don’t take 8 seconds this terd is full of shit. They take 5 minutes to 2 minutes.

>> No.4424945

From my understanding it interlinks block chains. Somewhat like a currency exchange. But you need to always transfer it back to ark in order to exchange it to something else.

>> No.4424977

Every time I've sent ARK to my wallet from bittrex, it's there in seconds. He's right.

But I'm wondering how it's scalable.

>> No.4424991

List people, it's known...

>> No.4424994

Maybe for extra confirmations, but when I send Ark from Bittrex they're in my wallet by the time I type my passphrase.

>> No.4425056

>Through the use of our custom built SmartBridge functionality we are able to off-load non-essential functions to hundreds of side-chains. This allows for great scalability while keeping the main ARK blockchain lean and fast.

I believe this is the end goal.

>> No.4425099

Because of DPoS. The block chain will grow quickly, using up a lot of storage after time. Typical users can still play a part in governing the system with their votes, without having to give up resources on their computer. Delegates assume the task of building sufficient systems to handle the load of the network. With Bitcoin the consolidation of power due to equipment costs happens naturally and the typical user has no say over the governance of the network. With dpos you maintain some control and a minimum level of power consolidation.

>> No.4425123

Wouldn't each side-chain need it's own group of people mining them?

>> No.4425312

biz classic

>> No.4425328

That's a good question; I'm not totally sure. I'm pretty sure each sidechain would be DPoS as well, so yes. Think if it as a much better version of ERC20 tokens.

>> No.4425432


Where was it and what is it used for? I was able to send Ark to vote with just the seed phrase.

>> No.4425638

The seed is the password.

>> No.4425781


Thank God lol. TY.

>> No.4425827

say ARK sends in 8 seconds - I have waited fucking 10 minutes to see it in my account. Goes through 50+ Confirms then I get it....

>> No.4425853

Worked instantly for me. I sent from Bittrex, by the time I tabbed back to the wallet it was in the transactions log.

>> No.4426289


>> No.4426771

I want to buy more but I can't really bring myself to after I missed the dip to $2.50.

Should I do it anyway?

>> No.4426804

If you're planning to hodl and hope the project becomes the next ETH then you won't care about 20% buy in surplus desu.

>> No.4427248

well, let's say you buy 800 ARK instead of 1000.. you just missed on $20000 if it goes to $100

>> No.4427259

Yeah, but not buying it means you miss out on $100,000 instead. If you're actually interested in its long term success then you're only justification for not buying in now would be hoping it dips back again (likely, but who knows). I dunno man, do w.e you want.

>> No.4427273

indeed, the FOMO is strong with ARK

I ain't leaving the ark, can't risk drowning along with sinners

>> No.4427281

Tell me about it, I only bought 160 for now, I kind of want to tip half my portfolio in but I must resist.

>> No.4427315

I have ~300 right now, trying to accumulate. Currnetly over 30% of my portfolio. Hoping to get at least 500 before the flood.

>> No.4427338
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>> No.4427365


so happy the biz_classic cucks keep redirecting all new arklets to their delegate
>price rises
>my payout is not deluded

>> No.4427394


smart contracts

>> No.4427470

>The biz_classic group is one of the top pools

#1 / biz_classic / Stability: 100.0000

Don't miss
>customized payouts
>true block height witch lead to pool hoppers prevenction
>a member of the crew in the ACF
>the first to implement some sorte of fix at the problem about delegates going off chian and stopping forging before and better than the ark team

>> No.4427612

Holy fucking, Pajeet. Look at the calculators, dont get cucked by /biz/.

>> No.4427653

Link calculator, surely it can't be that bad. Also won't this all balance out long term?

>> No.4427678


I dont know what you're talking about as in balancing out. Your wallet balance isn't going to magically change to competitiveness. I vote for del though, 100% payouts and he's always available.

>> No.4427686

I mean as more people flood into Ark won't they top up the undiluted?

>> No.4427691


what an asshole

>> No.4427697

They offer low payouts AND are diluted.

>> No.4427703

if your balance grows at the same % of the voters of the delegate you are ok

>> No.4427713

>They offer low payouts AND are diluted.
you are FUDing on purpose because is one of the highest payouts and the only one with the faucet asshole

>> No.4427723

Explain to a brainlet why this is accurate and not his, especially since this one is obviously put out by biz_classic. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm currently voted for them, I just want to understand all this shit.

>> No.4427763


found the 12 year old

>> No.4427767

Yeah it has a cool dpos sysem, yes it will connect blockchains via smart bridge, but when ark vm hits the streets it will be the go to blockchain system for new projects.

Lets say you are x company and want a blockchain and an ico. Ark vm will allow you to make an instant fork of the ark blockchain configured to whatever our needs are.

Your new ark vm based token is easily extended with plugins etc. It can instantly execute smart contracts on any other arkvm based blockchain and it can instantly swap tokens with these other networks.

Your ark vm based token is also not restricted by the parent netwoek. Eth based tokens are dependant on the eth network which can get congested easily and at present is dependant on miners. You would basically run your own dpos system.

Basically ark will do everything eth does but better and it will allow tokens created on the network to be independent.

Thats why ark is awesome.

>> No.4427772

biz_PRIVATE Lambo driver checking in, hey guys. Love to check in after work and see the arkies have been going at it all night

>> No.4427773
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>> No.4427780

BTC is too high for me to get into right now or I would have considered it.

>> No.4427820

It seems like you have to wait a month to receive a full payout of 90%, so the other user might be onto something.

>> No.4427871

the payouts are totally customizable there is a fuction that let you be paid every month to avoid your payout be eaten by fees. it's effort made to help poor arklets and you complain?
if you have a loto of money you can take payouts daily(3 ark/month goes in fees) and for mid wallets there are weekly(0,4 ARK/month in fees) payouts

>> No.4427878

>Explain to a brainlet why this is accurate and not his
maybe because mine was the legit one and his was some random calculator?

>> No.4427883

I dont even own ark but I'm going to guess you are biz_classic

>> No.4427886

Wait, where do you set the threshold.

>> No.4428084

register to the site i have linked confirm the identity of your wallet and check the dashboard

>> No.4428179


>> No.4428822
File: 599 KB, 500x500, arkmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reconicco's is wrong for several people and I've reached out to him to try and fix it, but he refuses to acknowledge it and fix it.

Our calculator displays what you really get, daily, with the loyalty bonus. Reconnico subtracts 0.1 from his calculator to account for fees, but we allow you to set custom payout schedules which still almost no other delegate allows you to do. This makes it look like we pay 0.1 less daily than we actually do (plus it's still slightly off even after adjusting for that), and reconnico refuses to put a note there about this because he can't be fucked. If you set your schedule to Monday, his calculator is off by 0.096 daily, which is really fucking annoying and gives potential voters the wrong impression.

Other delegates also don't have a faucet or give their voters a 3x faucet bonus.

>> No.4428836

set your schedule to monthly*, I just woke up so I'm slightly retarded.

>> No.4428848
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who cares my nigga
more ark for us

>> No.4428858

Yeah I'm glad I found out you guys have an adjustable payout schedule, upped it to a month because there's literally no reason for that to get eaten up by fees.

This is the first time I've seen a schedule that uses a realtime scale instead of a coin threshold though.

>> No.4428873

/our guys/

>> No.4428939

>there's literally no reason for that to get eaten up by fees
>t. poorfag
if you have enough ARK, the fee is offset by compound interest making daily payout more profitable

>> No.4428940

Ours uses both, but our minimum is lower than most pools (1.1, but it's being lowered to 0.11 when the core update reduces fees). There are delegates that not only have a minimum but don't payout until they can afford to cover everyone's fees. People sometimes bitch that we don't cover fees, but what they don't realize is people (stupid people) like Jarunik cause their non-plankton size voters to get screwed when they subsidize voters this way. If you pay fees for over 1,800 people like he does, that's 180 ARK that COULD be given to voters, but instead he's wasting 0.1 ARK literally paying out people who have only earned 0.01 ARK. So he pays 18x what they've earned JUST to cover their fees, which directly causes bigger wallets to subsidize smaller voters. This problem gets even more ridiculous as your amount of voters grows, and the effect of this has been Jarunik having to constantly push back his payments. He went from paying out daily to less than once a week (his last payout was the 11th).

Not to mention Jarunik only pays 80% which is also because he straight up takes 5% just to cover fees.

We don't have this problem.

>> No.4428952

I could be wrong but I thought biz_classic's payout took into account your pending, removing this problem? Moon pls confirm.

>> No.4428955

biz_classic counts your pending balance in your stake, so you can never be penalized for setting your payouts to monthly and waiting to cash out. ;)

We are the ONLY delegate that does this.

>> No.4428965
File: 127 KB, 640x938, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ark-Korean Won pair listed on UpBit. Feels good, feels comfy

>> No.4428971

that's impressive, I love you guys

>> No.4428978

This is sexy

>> No.4428994
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, vqGeMsr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw the most advanced delegate is the one founded in 4chan
feels good to be deluded biz_classic voter

>> No.4429013

>If you pay fees for over 1,800 people like he does, that's 180 ARK that COULD be given to voters, but instead he's wasting 0.1 ARK literally paying out people who have only earned 0.01 ARK. So he pays 18x what they've earned JUST to cover their fees
Lmao, what the fuck. I can't imagine a mining pool ever doing this, and this is practically the same thing.
Why do whales subsidise his bullshit?

>> No.4429045

Just for some quick maths, if we *weren't* offering compounding interest on pending balances, you'd need to have over 1,600,000 ARK to earn 400 ARK a day, which is the threshold to cover the daily fee with the compound interest (the 400 ARK would earn you 0.1 ARK a day). There is not a single voter in all of ARK that would earn more cashing out daily because of this. You'd have to practically run a delegate on your own to earn enough ARK to cover the daily fee over.

(but again, not applicable to biz_classic, and because of the huge amount needed, isn't applicable to anybody, so the compounding interest bonus is just straight up free ARK that gets staked for you).

>> No.4429252

>gigantic batch from the faucet
You'd have to spin 13000 times at the minimum (98%) roll to get 1 ark (assuming you're getting 3x gains)

>> No.4429262

anon how shal i tell you this but
thats a copy pasta

>> No.4429314

but after rolling 13000 times you'll get on average ~50 ARK from 9811-10000 rolls

>> No.4429348


The faucet is purposely averaged out so every roll earns 0.003 ARK on average. The average voter will take 333 rolls to earn one ARK, not 13000. It is statistically unlikely that the majority will take more than 333 rolls for 1 ARK. Rolling 13000 times should net you 39 ARK on average.

Fun fact: Every roll you make is roughly the same as staking a dozen ARK for a day.

>> No.4429602


HOL UP. HOL UP. We got Uncle Chang on the ACF thing? Hell yeah! I voted on that shizzle my nizzle. Biz Classic for lyfe.