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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4417248 No.4417248 [Reply] [Original]

>own thousands of dollars worth of crypto
>don't own a hw wallet
wtf anon?

>> No.4417302

paper walllllleeet

>> No.4417314

exit scam inbound stay far far away

>> No.4417318
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Proud bit box owner here.
Now I can sleep at peace.

>> No.4417385

Ledger nano is open source, anon.

>> No.4417413
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>not remembering your hashes


>> No.4417419

My hardware wallet is called binance exchange

>> No.4417429

need monero support and then i'll finally be comfy

>> No.4417440

A Chinese site.

>> No.4417469


>> No.4417506

Hong Kong.

>> No.4417733



>> No.4417844

Nothing wrong with coinbase wallet.

Enjoy getting your coins out your shitty wallet when there is a massive sell off

>> No.4417858

I don't sell dips

>> No.4417868

a piece of paper is just as good as any of these fancy shmancy wallets.

>> No.4417872

>Enjoy getting your coins out your shitty wallet when there is a massive sell off
There are more restrictions on moving funds around in a coinbase wallet than a personal one, what are you getting at here?

>> No.4417885

What restrictions? Works for me.

>> No.4417887

Nothing wrong with it until there is something wrong with it.

>> No.4418732

I unironically love the Ledger Nano.

>> No.4418865

I'm not convinced.

what's wrong with encrypting your wallet.dat and keeping your seed words safe?

what happens when I doe in regards to my family recovering my bitcoin?

>> No.4418868


Not spendable though.. and if you input private key to spend part of it there is the risk of being compromised, with HW wallet you can spend freely without risk of being compromised

>> No.4418884

when I die*

>> No.4418892
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>me be
>start a hardware wallet company
>keep a log of all private keys
>people are actually buying this shit
>millions of customers
>take all the btc for myself
>rob my customers blind
>go off the radar
>move to cuba
>live rest of life in paradise

>> No.4418941


that doesn't keep you safe from someone taking control of your PC or you falling for a very elaborate phishing scam, or that etherdelta JS exploit that stole your coins just by clicking a link

>> No.4418994

It's open source but how do you know that open source code is actually in the device? They could have an "open source" version of the code online and then still put whatever they want in the actual devices.

>> No.4419025

I'm half itching to buy a ledger nano, but I'm still not sure I even need it. Of course I'm sure when the time comes for me to wish I had it it will have been too late...

If I had 4k usd split between bittrex and binance, would anyone else in my shoes use a nano? Isn't that for like if you have a bajilliion dollars you need to protect? How annoying is it to send between nano and exchanges for trading and back? Aren't there some small fees coming just from transferring between exchanges and wallets? Over time that's going to start getting on your nerves.

>> No.4419044


>> No.4419049

I got phished on mew and lost $800 worth of eth/shitcoins (worth a lot more now). $800 may not sound like a lot to you guys but it was a ton for me... Everything I had.

Immediately after that happened I bought a ledger. I couldn't be happier with it.

Don't be an idiot like me... buy yourselves a harware wallet, ffs. I always scoffed at people who got hacked/phished until it happened to me. BUY A FUCKING HARDWARE WALLET.

>> No.4419057

for walt disney it is

>> No.4419064

What happened to get phished? Prince of Nigeria?

>> No.4419066
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Why not keep it on a USB? What is the difference?

>> No.4419086

because if someone hacks your computer they can get the private key directly from that usb

>> No.4419100


The ledger is NOT a usb drive, do a little more research.

>> No.4419101

nano s vs ledger

pros and cons plz

>> No.4419152

Like I said, I was an idiot. I literally typed one letter off when entering myetherwallet.com and it was a fake site.

Here's the thing, I realized it was a fake site. So I moved my funds to a brand new eth address on the real mew site.

Somehow, those got hacked as well. I assume that being on the fake site exposed my browser(s) to a key logger which is how they accessed multiple mew accounts of mine.

It was a very strange thing but necessary to teach me a lesson.

Nothing is 100% secure but hardware wallets are the best that crypto currently has. Like everyone says, don't trust all your funds online. It's only a matter of time before a slip of the finger fucks you up.

>> No.4419182


You can use a hardware wallet without fear on any computer no matter how bad ass the malware on it is.
The keys never leave the wallet, and you confirm everything with buttons on the wallet itself.
You still have a recovery seed you need to keep safe and everything, but the wallet makes it a lot safer and easier to move your crypto.
Plus, you get all airdrops and forks, and you are fully in control of your shit.
also the trezor at least maybe others can have (many) password protected wallets that nobody but you knows about, so even if someone got your trezor and beat the shit out of you for the pin, and even stole the seed, they won't even know your real wallet exists, or be able to get the money.

>> No.4419286

Hmmm, I've had one on my desk for ages. Maybe I should actually open it and set it up

>> No.4419309

>he didn't have noscript running
yep your fault

>> No.4419322

You missed the point. He was scammed.

>> No.4419350

Yes, it was 100% my fault. I don't deny that.

But my point still remains. If you have more than a couple hundred in crypto lying around exchanges or online wallets, it's only a matter of time before something happens. Don't risk it.

>> No.4419504

I asked daddy for one for Christmas and he always gets me what I want but I'm actually kind of nervous. They're tiny, wouldn't that be easy as fuck to lose? Should I try to keep it in my wallet 24/7 or something?

>> No.4419516

why would i use some proprietary shit
when i just can print out multiple sheets of passphrases
or just backup the files on multiple flash drives

>> No.4419517

>with HW wallet you can spend freely without risk of being compromised
If you can explain how this is true, I will probably buy one.

>> No.4419535

>or just backup the files on multiple flash drives

>> No.4419558

What if it isn't connected?

>> No.4419574

>not using a seperate laptop only for crypto

>> No.4419575


not the point, once you use your private key with a software wallet you've defeated the purpose of safekeeping your private key in the first place

>> No.4419598

I have a Ledger Nano S, it's easy to see my coins on any computer. Just a pain moving coins into Binance - ends up costing me anywhere from 200 - 300 not leaving them there during moon missions or Dumps, but it's 100% safer than leaving coins on any exchange.

>> No.4419607

If the pc has been connected to the internet then you have to assume they are compromised

>> No.4419613

Guys I use EtherDelta.
What is the best way to keep my keys safe?
Linux Mint with no shit installed on it.
EtherDelta bookmark.
No porn, links and stupid shit.
Do I risk getting kiked?

>> No.4419631

Can you set the gas price?
What if it stops working?

>> No.4419641

I would download Exodus from their site if I was you. It's Free and Stores all Ether coins as well as BTC and LTC, but you need to leave .001 ETH in there at all times to pay for transfer fees. I use that when I don't want to travel with my Ledger but want access to my ETH or ETC

>> No.4419665

you can retrieve it anytime with anyother compatible wallet - it's like an extra layer of security (Coins aren't stored on the Ledger) but the Ledger unlocks your wallet for the coins on the Block, but you already knew that I'm sure.
Gas prices are set, not like Binance where you can save 50%

>> No.4419679


there is no "gas" on exchanges, it's just changing numbers around in a database, the fees are there to make profit

>> No.4419732

yeah the Fee's I believe you have to leave ETH in the wallet to send, but same as Exodus not a ton, I think it's like .20c per Send but not 100% sure about it, I don't pay attention to pennies and I only trade ETH, ETC, NEO, BQX, ARK, and GAS, occasionally LTC but no BTC or BCC

>> No.4419744

>Gas prices are set
So how much do you pay, say in dollars?
I can set 0.01 Gwei (0.00000000001) on EtherDelta which is a negligible amount.
On the other hand you have to pay $ 0.50 on some exchanges.

>> No.4419757

I know to Send NEO is free, to send ETC or ETH is something like .00001 ETH however much that is?

>> No.4419763

0.00000000001 ETH.
For comparison 1 Gwei is < 3 cent.

>> No.4419775

Spread funds over 6 exchanges with 2fa authentication....comfy

>> No.4419790

>.00001 ETH
~0.0033184 USD.

>> No.4419844
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For $100 it's definitely worth it. Feels nice carrying my lambo ticket (chainlink exclusively) on my neck.

>> No.4419860

How save is Exodus wallet?

>> No.4419870

coins aren't stored on it. It's just like an additional layer of security to access your wallet with.

>> No.4419878
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Anyone with a Trezor in here?

>> No.4419880

Exodus is 100% safe, I used it for a long time and never had any issues - also you can exchange directly on Exodus which is nice, you don't miss out on Moon Missions having to get it into an exchange. I think I still have 5 ETH on my Exodus wallet for an emergency

>> No.4419893

What? Yes they are. The seed generates the private keys.

>> No.4419897


Bump because interested in feedback/thoughts.

>> No.4419920

You generate a 24/48 word seed and enter a 4-8 digit pin when you set it up. If you lose it you can enter the seed/pin to restore your private key

>> No.4419937

Delete this.

>> No.4419982


That is mildly reassuring. Still, 24 words, that's way too much to memorize and writing that down seems unsafe as fuck. Fire, flooded, lost, stolen. :/

>> No.4420017

You can use a mnemonic method.
I ran over Sergey with my car because he stole my NEETbucks with LINK.

>> No.4420122
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I keep my thousands on the exchange where it belongs

>> No.4420130

Hardware wallets let you import your own phrases.

>> No.4420444

Because it's like a minicomputer. Even man-in-the-middle attacks don't work since all transactions are signed within the HW wallet and a man-in-the-middle can't change the transaction because he does not have the key. Therefore, an infected computer is no problem.

>> No.4420743

I own a never-been-online computer for signing transactions, and I use a new flashdrive whenever I want to take a signed transaction to a live device.

>> No.4420782

it's coming you fat cunt

>> No.4420847

Open Source doesn't mean safe. Apple iOS is safer than Android.

>> No.4420881
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>Apple iOS is safer than Android.

>> No.4420907

Yeah, that works too. I mean, I could build such a computer too but I'm too lazy and why bother when you can simply buy a HW wallet for a hundred bucks...

>> No.4420922

And to add, I can take my HW wallet everywhere with me on a key chain.

>> No.4420968

>if you input private key to spend part of it there is the risk of being compromised
>what is airgapping

>> No.4421014

The computer was $200
I don't keep my wallet on that computer, but I would also never bring all my crypto out in public even if I know that in the event that they are found by someone that they would be difficult if not impossible to extract.

>> No.4421057

Not that I would do it, it still doesn't change the fact that it's just more convenient for me.

>> No.4421169

i don't bother with hardware wallets because it's just offsetting problem a- how to secure private keys, with problem b- how to secure recovery seed
i prefer having all my private keys generated on an airgapped machine, then encrypt those keys with a 32+ character password and kept in a single truecrypt/veracrypt container that i can distribute to a few choice locations locally and offsite.
i run a few tiers of storage. the coldest for the majority of my bags.