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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171117-124328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4414734 No.4414734 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see em, dont be shy

>> No.4414797
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>> No.4414845
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Down from 2k somehow. Bought astro to get a fresh start, im already bagholding

>> No.4414876

Happy to see a proper BTC hodl portfolio. Looking at those threads one might think nobody is holding BTC anymore, just shitcoins. And I love the 35k DOGE.

>> No.4414918

Sorry mang, you don't get chad-like gains from holding ye olde bitcoin.

>> No.4414938
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>> No.4414944

I know, the smart guys got into LINK I heard.

>> No.4414957

I have around 0.42 btc. :(

Am I gonna make it? :(

>> No.4414962

Are you LARPing or did you actually go all in on Funfair?

>> No.4414984

It's real. I put it all on red. We'll see how it goes...

>> No.4414985

you'll have enough for several lambos in 2155

>> No.4415009

>Walk into dealership
>I think I'd like to take that Camry for a spin. It looks like a sensible vehicle
>"Sure," says the salesman, looking you up and down. He's hesitant to deal with this hoodie-wearing young kid. "But you'll have to put a down payment of 2 sats down... this is a 10 sat car."
>"No problem," says Anon. "Actually, how much is that Lambo over there?"
>"100 sats," says the salesman, chuckling.
>"I'll take it."

>> No.4415019

I have 3300 ARK and .25 BTC. Am I fucked?

>> No.4415054
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>> No.4415065

This blows. I wonder if 2018 is going to be the real trial by fire, nuking all of the truly shitty alts and leaving only a few good ones. Or perhaps it'll kill all of them.

>> No.4415115

miss eth ??

>> No.4415139
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Thanks. Mid last weekend I had 2.78 BTC and 2.78 BTG (only got into crypto in September). I really wanted BCH so I could hodl all the forks. I was looking at charts and realized that it was going to moon so I bought 10 BCH and then some more. I made epic gains. Then I lost most of them with some very shit moves. Outcome is ok though, I have more BTC, the same BTG, 2.7 BCH and small stakes in alts. Not going to gamble any more. This will be easily 200-300k in a few years. Then I will sell 75% and buy a much nicer home for my family (current one was 300k). Still a bit sad about being asleep during the moon but whatever..

>> No.4415155

Oh and DOGE is the best. It's stable as fuck. If I ever catch another moon I might put some of the gains into doge.

>> No.4415193
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I can't wait to be JUSTed by fingox 2.0 and get wiped clean.

>> No.4415211
File: 221 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171117-101650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have held more bitcoin. Was busy these last couple weeks and didn't take the time to trade ETH for bitcoin when it dipped below 6000. Dollar value is holding up well though.

>> No.4415215

what's your net worth outside of crypto? backstory? were you just well to do / invested early on? etc.

Sincerely curious
I assume you're LARPing though
>holding 1M tether

>> No.4415313

Outside of crypto I'm worth 100k. I got into crypto because of a mildly lucrative online business (no longer operating) and just kept the crypto to avoid (((taxes))). Got in around 400$.

I post in a blockfolio thread from time to time just to stroke my epeen. If you lurk here regularly you will see me post again so I assure you it's real and I'm a complete madman for holding 1m (((teachers))).

>> No.4415345

>Outside of crypto I'm worth 100k
You really need to diversify, dude. If you're not LARPing I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times. But honestly there's no harm in pulling out a relatively small % and socking it away in property/vanguard/whatever

Then again maybe I'm wrong and you'll be one of the new billionaires in a year or two and my advice would have cost you half a bil or something

>> No.4415383

That's why I have such a large amount of usdt, I fell for the bch FUD and decided to cash out some precious geepee on finex, now just waiting on my "one-time withdrawal"

>> No.4415405

how's USDT->USD withdrawal work? how long will you have to wait?

>> No.4415407

1M tethers

Ballsy move man.
props on getting in real early.

>> No.4415436

The IRS is coming they are already tracking BTC address, if you want to avoid taxes go full privacy coins

>> No.4415452

My usdt balance is just my finex usd balance and polo/bittrex usdt. I just deposit everything to finex and request a USD withdrawal like normal, that's it.

>> No.4415479

So how much of that 1 mil are you planning on pulling out of crypto?

>> No.4415481

I don't plan on breaking the law m8. Uncle Sam is love Uncle Sam is life.

>> No.4415548

I just got into Crypto last month - I have 1.01 ETH to my name, what would you suggest I do to get where you are in a year? Any tips to help, I keep hearing ARK and BQX but I'm hesitant about them but know if I don't make a move I'll regret it.
ETH Address for Proofs:

>> No.4415609


sent you 5 eth

>> No.4415648

lol thx if you did I am the kind of person to pay you back - so please leave some way to contact, but I'm seriously asking if you had the feeling about ETH enough to make it there, what would you say about ARK or BQX or is there a different coin I should look into besides that?

>> No.4415680


please help me too i am poor wojak whose sister ate my brother and i have 0.5 ether


>> No.4415692


>> No.4415699


thanks <3 wat is good buy

>> No.4415704


>> No.4415713
File: 306 KB, 750x1334, 7F46603D-4FFC-4145-952B-5FBA1985B843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going all the way with OMG if I crash and burn in the flames so be it. Rate me, am I retarded or will I make it?

>> No.4415716


thanks i go anal in

>> No.4415722

Just bought 7k of it. Where do you think the price is going in the next few months?

>> No.4415731


buy req


>> No.4415741

I think it'll stagnate for a while and it could go as low as 100 sats, no clue what that'll be in USD terms, maybe 1.1 cents at the low. Worst case scenario, though. But I see it hitting 10 cents Feb, March

A lot depends on BTC price

>> No.4415742

0xb528574975E22bFC89aa7f526a1Bed7354C5C311 help a pajeet out

>> No.4415747

you know nobody is giving away ETH for free, it would be a miracle if it happened. But these guys have obviously made it to where I want to be so I'm not asking for Fish I'm asking to be taught how to Fish. I don't want to invest 2G and be sitting with massive losses from BIZ threads shilling LINK, but companies like ARK and BQX are promising to me, just want some advice from experienced Coiners.

>> No.4415770

Am I too late for the party?


>> No.4415778

Both, really.

>> No.4415811

Just started mining ETH with my first pc build. Some help?


>> No.4415812

Just hodl BTC

>> No.4415818
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this is my current portfolio



Should I just move out of ARK into BQX, or vice versa out of BQX into ARK, or am I missing another coin like NEO for example?

>> No.4415834
File: 85 KB, 236x829, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just invested for some fun and to amuse myself with /biz/ but now I'm looking to become a blockchain developer or at least a solidarity dev for contracts. If you gift me anything it would go towards writing contracts on ethereum mainnet and ethereum classic. I'll post about it in the future even if no donation.


>> No.4415862

I’ll take it. Going to add to my stack till I hit 500

>> No.4415895

Whoops cropped my SALT holdings. just 14 SALT.

>> No.4415906

I'm working up to having 1BTC in my wallet at all times. I want to get to where I have at least 10ETH and 1BTC and trade off 5G, but I am not investing anymore than the 1,500 I started with. I'm around 200+ but that could change over night.

>> No.4415924

I'm hodling 1k DigiByte. How bad am I doing?

>> No.4415952

>0.02 btc worth portfolio
>diversifies into 16quadrillion coins

>> No.4415956
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Same idea about OMG here, muh fellow God.

>> No.4415962

Does everyone hate FunFair or what

>> No.4415975

Nobody knows what it is because they're b2b and do no marketing.

>> No.4415987
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>> No.4415988

I put in on things I want to use, I'm not really a trader. More of an aspiring fintech guy.

>> No.4416021


>> No.4416025
File: 254 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171117-121219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is JUST
also rate pls
Will I make it?

>> No.4416032
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>> No.4416065

what is with you people holding all of these meme coins?

do you just buy things that get shilled on /biz/?

>> No.4416097
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>> No.4416105

2k ?
How did you manage to do that??

>> No.4416141
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>> No.4416156

>I put in on things I want to use

>> No.4416163

Spare .2 omg mister shark?

Also, how long have you been holding? I got in back in August when the price was sub $6 and have been holding ever since. My one regret was not sellling a portion of my stack when it hit $13 at the time I was worried about missing a Neo level blast off.

>> No.4416179

Yes, definetly yes

>> No.4416180
File: 117 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171117-192240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag student so this is all I have

Wat do lads? Got £900 sitting in the bank to spare

>> No.4416195
File: 334 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171117-132237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao this is going to be 200k next week

>> No.4416203
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>> No.4416207
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Down but not out.

>> No.4416210

>has £3200 in crypto + 900 to spare

>> No.4416216

ur missing ASTRO

safest bet out of all the shitcoins and grossly undervalued as far as that goes


>> No.4416229

Breddy much

>> No.4416262


Yeah, some guys were shilling it here for a while. The Discord is full of losers. One guy on there has already lost 400 grand in crypto.

>> No.4416264

Haha, I got that by shitposting in chancoin threads,

>> No.4416285

>The Discord is full of losers
Yeah, no shit. The Telegram is even worse. The problem is that the devs have banned a bunch of people and stifled pretty much any silliness. It's just a corporate cock sucking fest in there. You either say good things or you get sent to reeducation camp.

Oh well, I'm still going to trade it, but their channels are a waste of time.

>> No.4416286

Like I said, here to have fun, learn about the technology and get involved in the technology, if I gotta shitpost for chans to get some etc or eth for contracts, then so be. (heres an extra (you))

>> No.4416294


>> No.4416317
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Good lord, everything below BTG is pure garbage.

>> No.4416318
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Yes I'm still a poorfag.
Should I buy some LINK/REQ?

>> No.4416334


>> No.4416356

LINK isn't going anywhere fast, buy into BTC/LTC/ETH and use those gains to feed into LINK later on

>> No.4416361
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Digibyte going to be 100$ by christmas.
pic related.

>> No.4416590
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Noob here, all in astro at .008, shouldn't have bought all at once I guess. Not selling yet though

>> No.4416728

I've been incrementally joining, my cost average is at .0078 right now so we're in good company (except I have 10x as much ASTRO as you)

Volume has been dry for now, somebody sold to an order at .0035 :( while my order was at .0045... retards

Still trying to bring my cost average down but I expect this coin to be at 3$-10$ in the next month

>> No.4416756
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>> No.4416818

that's a proper fucking portfolio right there

>> No.4417059

Lisk is rebranding soon-ish, so the price for it will increase again. The current spike was just based on hype.

>> No.4417186

jeez boi, u'll get millionaire with that shift bag soon

>> No.4417265
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Just started, speculation is fun.

>> No.4417286

>in bed with banks and american express
>market cap not even $10b

>> No.4417311

Won't be fun much longer.

>> No.4417331
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shift is highly undervalued... its almost back to where it was before the big pump and dump

11million total supply
just over $1 each
probably reached its bottom by now, if not, really close

think if you could buy like 20k of them, at $1 each, and weeks later they were like $5 each...

fuckin a, man

>> No.4417350

jesus christ kid

>> No.4417357

You believe in KNC?

>> No.4417365

Cause shit about to get real?

>> No.4417367

well, atleast ur neo is gonna moon 3x soon

>> No.4417368


>> No.4417396

i jumped on shift at 14k sat , got like 834 coins, website release soon

>> No.4417468
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All in on HST.

Christmas gonna be goood this year.

>> No.4417521

Cant do anything but laugh at portfolios without DGB

>> No.4417527

>tfw bought in at 30 cents
gonna kys myself

>> No.4417533

> Bought astro to get a fresh start, im already bagholding

why would you sell whatever shit you had if you're down to 140 anyway?
and wtf did you buy?
and wtf is astro?

you can make good money with great crypto projects. you will lose a lot of money if you keep putting your money in shit projects

>> No.4417563
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I'm gonna be real happy with my FCT investment aaany day now.

>> No.4417566

Alts hurt

>> No.4417596

I'm holding REQ bags atm. Hoping they pay off soon

>> No.4417603
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Forgot pictures

>> No.4417633

Post the chart.

>> No.4417646
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Ok, I have 950 euros.

How should my portfolio look like? Go

>> No.4417668

good fucking shit

>> No.4417682

blockfolio LARP

>> No.4417684
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Am I doing this right?

>> No.4417691
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P-please tell me it's fine

>> No.4417709


tf u doin nibba

>> No.4417717 [DELETED] 

fucke yea, switch bch for LINK and trust me you won't have to visit /biz/ in a year time

>> No.4417739
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108 KNC

>> No.4417759
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It looks off because I put in 7 ether on my chart, but I ended up not buying it yet.

>> No.4417808

Not bad

>> No.4417859

meaning to buy NEO for a while, will wait for the dip and hop on i think. thoughts?

good, sensible choices.

>> No.4417867

Don't worry anon, HST is very likely to hit $1 by EOY.

>> No.4417873

Considering that I bought between 5 and 6K I would think so. I regret not taking the time to get in earlier.

>> No.4417907
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Also, how to get the dark themed blockfolio?

I've already updated the app but I see no option to change the theme.

>> No.4417930

any recommendations what else might be sensible choices? More ETH?

>> No.4417950

and I would watch NEO for a bit as well.

>> No.4417972

It has a dark theme in Android. Are you on iOS?

>> No.4418010
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1510706134832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm in Android as well. But there's only the option to change the chart theme; no option to change the whole blockfolio theme.


>> No.4418037

App version? I'm 1.1.4. Google Play store has staggered releases sometimes, I got the update yesterday.

>> No.4418084


$0 - $1000: 1789 days
$1000- $2000: 1271 days
$2000- $3000: 23 days
$3000- $4000: 62 days
$4000- $5000: 61 days
$5000- $6000: 8 days
$6000- $7000: 13 days
$7000- $8000: 14 days
>no chad gainz from holding btc

>> No.4418096
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App version 1.0.21.

No option to update on Google Play. Is it because my phone is old af?

>> No.4418108

Poor guy with the 59.26 Ark fucking up the perfect balance. I'll pick them off from you so you dont look as goofy


No need to thank me i'm just like that

I'd pick up the 116.10 Shift and 15.36 LSK but I'm not THAT nice, unless you ask smoothly mbe.

>> No.4418116

i'm no expert but imo sensible short-medium term choices - btc/bch, eth, neo, ltc

bitcoin is boss for now. need to see what news comes out though

>> No.4418159

>sent you 5 eth

No you didn't you faggot. The blockchain is public you fucking retard.


>> No.4418209
File: 443 KB, 1440x2392, Capture+_2017-11-17-16-40-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZRX is going to come to coinbase. Most undervalued ERC20 out there

>> No.4418289

>tfw someone puts through a 0.00 order at a high price and Blockfolio shits itself

I've had many nights where I contemplate what life would really be like if my shitcoin bags were worth 5 MM overnight

>> No.4418292


You're holding long term or what?
Just asking because a crypto channel (cryptobeak) on youtube recommends it as its favorite long term shitcoin. Might look into it.

>> No.4418313
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...make me rich please

>> No.4418356


top kek

>> No.4418369

goddamn I'm poor

>> No.4418379

Can someone give me 100$ if i proof how poor i am? I will pray for this human being.

>> No.4418392


Yeah genuinly curious as well. Just bought btc during the dip but I only plan to make a market weighted portfolio of top 10 coins, namely btc, bch, eth, xrp and xmr.

>> No.4418796

ur gonna make it

>> No.4419004
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>> No.4419024

Oops it includes my name
Oh well who cares

>> No.4419447


Are you the insect man?

>> No.4419510
File: 199 KB, 750x1296, D9008A35-0E8A-43C7-9424-CCE9DF8A61D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve made multiple bad investment decisions, tempted to throw down more money and try swing trade but knowing me i’d fuck that up as well.

>> No.4420012
File: 141 KB, 750x1334, Bilde 18.11.2017, 00 52 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dousent look to bad

seems ok

dousent look that bad lad, we all make mistakes

>tfw bought link at 5k sats before btc rally

really belive in substratum and ark as far as alts go though

>> No.4420150
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