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File: 9 KB, 243x134, Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 20.57.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4409010 No.4409010 [Reply] [Original]

Last time the profitability was this good was right before the last big spike. You all know what this means folks!

>> No.4409018

No miners are even touching it this time though.

>> No.4409022

lol this bch/btc pair is so crazy, if u go all in at bch low you are just printing money any time btc price goes down

>> No.4409030


That's exactly what I did :)

>> No.4409036

because they want to keep BTC propped up until the difficulty adjustment next week, having BTC crash now is actually not in the plan. this is probably just a correction

>> No.4409058


>> No.4409077
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>> No.4409084
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Kek holy shit

>> No.4409116

should I buy bch then?

>> No.4409130

Yeah i'm only up 35 percent right now got in at 890 earlier pretty good returns for 4 hours

>> No.4409154

I think BCH is officially done even Ver pulled his huge 10 000 BCH order on Bittrex

>> No.4409156
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>miners continuing to miune to let corecucks sell

>> No.4409169

just dont freak out and sell out with every dip dont all in dont all out just little bits on every dip sells on every high DOOO not FOMO it'll come back ur not gonna miss ur opportunity

>> No.4409194
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even more devilish than that, the miners are mining BTC at a loss right now just to maintain the illusion that everything is fine in order to dump their corecoin bags at the ATH today onto the corecucks

>> No.4409217

this, i lost 0.5 bch doing this shit. Every time ig ained it back it was instantly erased the next time. Fucking vicious coin.

>> No.4409236
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Sooooo comfy

>> No.4409242

time for both these fucking dinosaurs to fade out - the real progress is being made in alts. If you don't believe me please go buy a coffee with BTC or BCC

>> No.4409251

I lost 7 BCH this way...

>> No.4409263

by all in? and FOMO or what

>> No.4409283

Yeah this sounds like some bullshit and wishful thinking

It’s too early for another one of these flippening episodes, there was atleast 2 months between this one and the last.. need to give the market some more time for more new money to flow in thats hullible enough to actually fall for this shit.

>> No.4409298


>> No.4409323
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don't be scared corecuck, you still have a few days to escape before your funds are frozen forever in chain death

>> No.4409337

Can confirm. Looking at the buys, this isn't the Koreans. It will level off shortly and bleed again for a few days. You're buying in high if you buy now.

>> No.4409352

by larping as a BCH fudder

>> No.4409359

Yeah, i'v pretty much decided to just hold unless the big pumps come (like the one happenign right now), bch>btc>bch>btc seems like a good cash printing machine so long as i don't fuck it up. Ill probably fuck it up.

>> No.4409832

>there was atleast 2 months between this one and the last

Wait.... were cashcucks actually talking about a flippening at the launch? Fucking lol, nobody even noticed that one.

>> No.4409879

Haha Bitcoin will win, segwit not so much>>4409832
Except the people who sold at 0.44 you chump... Enjoy your worthless BTC come difficulty adjustment

>> No.4409923

Because of the new DAA it will always go back and forth between BTC and BCC. There is currently no need for all miners to switch, because if they do, it's not profitable anymore because of how the DAA works now. Fucking retarded shills, you don't even know how your fucking coin works now. Stay deluded and poor.

>> No.4409950

You're deluded if you force yourself to believe that those who were selling on release day were not BTCHADS cashing out their shitty airdrop, m'laddy.

>> No.4409966

>Price goes up
>Profitability goes up
>Holy shit the price is going up

>> No.4409971

The rproblem BCash has is that every time BCH difficulty spikes, miners move out of it and Jihan's farm obtains way over 51% of the network. It requires other miners to trust Jihan not to interfere with the chain during that time.

Satoshi's vision was a completely trustless payment network, end-to-end. Having to rely on a Mongolian GPU collector to stay honest is a virus in the BCash ecosystem.

>> No.4410006

Lol that's exactly what is happening. Crazy that so much believe that profitability increase come before the price increase.

Hash rate has 0 impact on price.

>> No.4410015



>> No.4410021

nobody believes that. the people that are looking on and worried are worried because there's no reason for anyone to hash on the BTC chain right now, period. You get that right? Either BCH lets BTC live, or BTC dies.

>> No.4410042

you REALLY NEED to concern about btc's hashrate. AND btc is centralized by miners.

>> No.4410060

Bitcoin will never lose all his hash rate dummy.

What you guys don't understand is that so much people have interest in BTC going up that they can mine it at loss to keep it running between two difficulty adjustment.
Businesses having interest in Bitcoin going up are mining themselves, believe me I know that first hand.

That's why you're all losing money.

>> No.4410061


I'm just gonna dog pile on top and also say u r stupid

>> No.4410071

Last weekend that's exactly what happened. A core of 20% remained mining BTC even though it was unprofitable.

You saw the results of that.

>> No.4410091

>You saw the results of that.

Most BCH supporters admit it was a coordinated pump by their though master and people believing that Bitcoin will go to 0 hash rate.

You saw what happened, BTC is still running well. Less and less people will fall into this trap.

>> No.4410092

There's no EDA anymore. 1 minute blocks would make the difficulty jump almost immediately.

>> No.4410121

Right, I can see that this may very well be true. But it doesn't change the fact that means that BTC survives only by the grace of BCH's difficulty adjustment algorithm.

How in a sensible world is that equilibrium OK?

>> No.4410283

You need a lot of money if you want to steal 80% of a $120billion coin for more than a day. This money would be represented by the increased inflation caused by sub 1 minute-blocks.
So the only risk would be money shifting from BTC to BCH. Otherwise BCH couldn't maintain neither its price (because lower block time, and money doesn't shift), nor its hashing power.
The difficulty adjustment is needed for BCH to not kill itself by hyperinflation.

>> No.4410329

I'm beginning to think you don't understand the question. Two things

1) The BCH DAA will keep blocks at one every ten minutes. It doesn't do the sub 1 minute block thing anymore, it aims for every ten minutes by default. This is in fact how it might end up taking its boot off the throat of BTC, by discarding excess hash power to keep that ten minute block time. That really *does* mean that BTC only survives because of the BCH DAA. BCH is handing bids off to BTC to keep it breathing. That's just a fact.

2) What if it adjusts slowly enough that it's still more profitable to mine than BTC because of the large chasm (currently +40%) in profitability, and permanently locks hash rate to the BCH chain? Then BTC is dead, don't you get it? In order for hashing power to switch back, that profitability gap has to be jumped through a combination of market swing activity and BCH DAA discarding hash power. It is absolutely not guaranteed that it definitely will let BTC live.

BTC could honestly die. And if it doesn't, it's because BCH was merciful.

That equilibrium is not OK.

>> No.4410341

>AND btc is centralized by miners.
BCash is literally just Jihan's farm

>> No.4410451

What you don't understand is that current BCH price is abnormally high. When people will realize that the flippening is not happening in a few days despite what we told them they will just sell their BCH, pushing the price to the ground, and BCH hash rate with it.

>> No.4410471

What if the actual stakeholders who believe in it can support these price levels? They would hardly need much more than a significant minority here.

>> No.4410520

and thinking it through more, it will get much easier when the plebs figure out exactly what's going on and it's a repeat of last weekend, but maybe permanently this time.

>> No.4410537

Supporting the price artificially means losing money, so it deports the issue from unprofitable mining to unprofitable trading.
It means they would support the price, and the hash rate by themselves? For how long?
They cannot create wealth from dust, the longer this situation will last, the more stakeholders will be tired of losing money by either supporting the price or mining at loss and will jump from the ship, starting a BCH death spiral.

>> No.4410544


You fags know it went 7x last time?

>> No.4410563
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It's going up guys

>> No.4410571


No. I mean what if they genuinely have enough stakeholders pooled together to actually support this price level, they really believe that what they have is worth the entire rest of the BTC market cap at these prices? Or even if they can't all they have to do is repeat it over and over again as the other side of the table hands stake over to the miners buying hash power.

And how is BTC going to maintain the prices it presently has as it slowly freezes and the holders over there figure it out and dash for the exits, amplifying the attack? Which makes the whole supporting the present BCH price even easier as the BTC price plunges due to the ramifications of this conflict.

What am I missing?

>> No.4410753

You're missing a larger perspective.

BTC get a current flow a new cash from casual investor.
Nobody understand what is BCH outside the crypto world.

>I mean what if they genuinely have enough stakeholders pooled together to actually support this price level, they really believe that what they have is worth the entire rest of the BTC market cap at these prices
>how is BTC going to maintain the prices it presently has as it slowly freezes

To be profitable to holders and miners, both BTC and BCH need their price to rise constantly, by having a perpetual flow of new cash, or having a deflationary state (which is not yet the case on both networks).

So the real determining factor in this 'war' long term is where is the flow of new cash going in.

BCH would have had a shot if able to filp with bitcoin in a few days and force the exchanges to associate BTC ticker with BCH blockchain.

But long term if the situation stay more or less the same the new cash will keep going to bitcoin, making the whole bitcoin ecosystem far more profitable that the BCH ecosystem.

>> No.4410795

I can't see a realistic situation in which any external money flows into a frozen blockchain. I just don't follow how you assume that will continue given the situation under discussion.

And if the money isn't going in there, either it's not going in at all, or it must go in somewhere else, right? What can the exchanges do other than offer the other actually working assets as opposed to the broken one?

Changing the ticker strikes me as completely implausible, reconciling the balances etc. The exchanges would have a complete nightmare on their hands and shops like BitMEX that tried to participate in the war on the wrong side would be completely screwed.

>> No.4410842


>frozen blockchain
This will not happen because multiple companies have interest in mining Bitcoin, even when it's not profitable, because a working BTC blockchain is key to their business.
We have multiple instances of time where BTC was impossible to mine profitably, especially after the mtgox craze, but you see the blockchain is still there running.

>Changing the ticker strikes me as completely implausible, reconciling the balances etc

That's why BCH will never make it. Only BTC ticker attracts the money, because when a casual investor buy bitcoin, he buys BTC, not BCH. And since I don't believe in the frozen blockchain theory, I don't believe exchanges will do anything to favorise BCH to their customers.

>> No.4410868

Can everyone stop wasting time replying to these shills please? You know how political parties have their talking points and all their members and pundits have to stay on message and spew those talking points?

Well "Chain death" and "frozen chain" are the BCH shill talking points of the day and they're fucking absurd.

>> No.4410872

>This will not happen

Then where is the math wrong? I want to believe you. Please lay it out for me. We have a demonstrated empirical result of 80% of miners following profitability, 20% results in 20% of the already cripplingly low capacity. Your argument comes across as "It will not happen because people need it not to happen" but the math says otherwise. Once again, what am I missing?

>And since I don't believe in the frozen blockchain theory, I don't believe exchanges will do anything to favorise BCH to their customers.

Please tell me you're not one of those people who think your beliefs influence the actual empirical facts of reality and I'm wasting my time walking through this with you?

>> No.4410884

And in addition to answer to that :

>And if the money isn't going in there, either it's not going in at all, or it must go in somewhere else, right?

It will go to alts, mainly ETH, because it's technically superior.

I don't believe that Bitcoin cash will magically inherit Bitcoin reputation and legend among casual investors.

>> No.4410885

>Well "Chain death" and "frozen chain" are the BCH shill talking points of the day and they're fucking absurd.

I want this to be true, but I don't see the math. *WHY* are they absurd?

>> No.4410913

New fag reporting in, BCC and BCH are the same right?

>> No.4410916

>I want this to be true, but I don't see the math. *WHY* are they absurd?

This is not something that can be mathematically deducted, stop being an autist. This is reality, there is too much factors to reach theoretical certainty.

Experience shows us that a sudden drop in mining profitability does not kill a blockchain. Look at what happened in march 2014.

>> No.4410946

It's a fucking algorithm.

Of course it can be mathematically deducted.

OK. you just convinced me of the exact opposite of your position.

>> No.4410972

I feel the teenager or young 20 who just started college.

You're very naive.

>> No.4410987

>guy compares current situation to an alternative situation completely different to the present situation from march fucking 2014
>cannot into math.
>thinks i am naive.

dig deeper pajeet.

>> No.4410993

You don't need any math, you just need to not be fucking retarded. I'll walk you through it:

Do lots of people have lots of money invested in BTC? Yes.

Can those same people invest much smaller amounts in mining hardware to protect their BTC? Fucking obviously yes.

Are some of those people ideologically enamored with the core concepts of BTC and will invest in mining hardware to protect their baby regardless of the short term upheavals? Most likely yes.

No math required. You are a shill or you have been fooled by shills. BTC "chain death" is pure idiocy.

>> No.4411005

in fact you're wrong. read this take-down of the concept of "flippening":


In fact, BCash is unlikely to affect BTC in any serious form. The article builds a decent case for the whole coin essentially being nothing but a christmas bonus for miners. They get a second token to bring to market; market participants who believe BCash will be useful for spending or speculating buy it.

BCash is like medieval silver: It's for the peasantry. BTC is like medieval gold: for aristocrats.

>> No.4411020

The input parameters of the algorithm are not deterministic you fuckwad

>> No.4411022

2014 was 100x worse thing for BTC than this and it still made it (ath yesterday).
You are naive If you think that mining algo determine the price of the blockchain.

>> No.4411024


Who sells all the mining hardware?


What currency do they accept payment in?


Can we quantify the ideological miners invested in BTC?

Yes, 20% = 50 minute block times.

Does everyone on this fucking thread fail at math and basic logic?

>> No.4411042
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No, BCC is bitcoin cash and bch is beecash.

>> No.4411046

> First off, Bcash implemented an emergency re-adjustment scheme to deal with situations like these. https:// bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/why-bcash-mining-shouldnt-affect-bitcoin-much-bitcoin-mining-could-ruin-bcash/

That's gone you brainlet. Try to keep up. They forked the difficulty adjustment algorithm. If you can't even identify the basic fucking territory of the discussion shut your fucking mouth.

The rest is just larping aristocracy signalling I'm not going to bother to respond with. They're fucking digital bits, not atomic elements.

>> No.4411048
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You keep talking about math but the profitability of beecash went to nearly 2x and nobody switched and BTC price kept going up. Now gimme ur shekels you filthy soyim.

>> No.4411049

Stop wasting your time, he's obviously a shill/troll.

The more we respond the more we feed him and perpetuate his talking points and the more he drags us into the muck with pseudo philosophical nonsense like

>you can't prove your claims with 100% mathematical certitude so I win HURR DURR

KYS, shill

>> No.4411050

>Who sells all the mining hardware?

Do they have a monopoly on that?

They sell one kind of mining hardwares. There are hundreds of company developing hardware.

The most serious miners are developing their own physical mining architecture and working with chip builders to scale it.

>> No.4411065

OK, I can see now I'm just talking to a swarm of fucking shills who have no idea what they're talking about. I'm out. If anyone actually figures out a mathematically valid reason why this is not correct fucking post it somewhere.

>> No.4411071

> Do they have a monopoly on that?

yes wake the fuck up srs jeez the only other significant vendor is bitfury and they are a fucking rounding error.

>> No.4411075

You are a fucking delusional shill yourself.

>> No.4411090
File: 6 KB, 830x160, bch shills haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bch shills lmao

>> No.4411091

Hahahaha did your shift just end, pajeet? Time to go shit in the street?

It's only you replying with crap arguments and baiting like 5 other people. You clearly can't keep the plates spinning so your last resort is to say, "NO, YOU!"


>> No.4411120

>BTC will survive on ideological mining from useful idiots subverted by core
>Cannot do the basic fucking math that shows the simple fact that BTC lives or dies by BCH's difficulty adjustment algorithm
>Is not worried at the distinct possibility BCH DAA decides it should die
>Doesn't realise the market implications of the above


>> No.4411129

You said you were out bro. Why are you still keeping the plates spinning? Is your boss making you work overtime?

>muh desired mathematical certitude in a global market of irrational players
>muh chain death that is easily remedied by those who it effects most

You suck at your job. KYS

>> No.4411162

>BCH DAA decides it should die

So when will the decision be made?

Because it's been 2 weeks that BCH shills are expecting a flip in less than 24 hours

>> No.4411173


Cry more you high blood pressure goon. DAA does not make BCH any more "deadly" to BTC. The article could change three letters (EDA > DAA) and still make sense.

>> No.4411190

he's switching between phones to post, but his blood pressure remains high
Try the low sodium soy sauce next time

>> No.4411218

Go buy a coffee with link, XMR,OMG or any other of the thousands of SHITcoins you dumb bitch. At least bitcoin has vendor support and is partnered with square. Chances are, if a place accepts crypto it will be bitcoin.

>> No.4411231

Case in point, i bought furniture for my house on overstock with bitcoin. I didnt see a option for shitcoins at checkout.

>> No.4411290

> The article could change three letters (EDA > DAA) and still make sense.

In the sense that you could change the "algorithm that calculates area of a square" to "algorithm that calculates length of the hypotenuse" and still make sense. Which is to say not at all.

It is a completely different mathematical algorithm.

Keep up.

Or don't, as you say, I'm out.

>> No.4411335
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I liked your posts, good insights, and well defended. Keep up the good work !

The BTC shills don't understand that it's only a matter of time for the Legacy blockchain to get stuck in a swamp.
I'm not worried about the variations. Actually, this is how I would organise a flippening if I wanted to transfer a lot of BTC in BCH. Not everything at once, but slowly, over 2 weeks.

Imagine you have 25k BTC, you can easily get 100k BCH by going slowly. Thus you get way richer when the flippening happens, because the supply of BCH is even lower for normies.

God it must be good to be a whale.

> pic related core shills

>> No.4411356

I wonder if he gets out a spreadsheet when he needs to take a shit and then he magically polls every cell in his body for their analysis on how it will impact them before he decides to take the shit or not.

That would make as much sense as his demand for us to give him an infallible mathematical proof on the continued success of bitcoin, and if we fail then he is right and BCH wins. It's clearly an impossible and unreasonable standard.

It's obvious he's a shill because pundits and PR people make a living playing these same types of little games with logical fallacies to confuse idiots.

>> No.4411371

If you knew that, you would not be shilling for the Legacy chain.
And if it was public information, it would be hard for BTC whales to switch to BCH before it happens.

The fishes don't make the rules. They have to be smart if they want to survive.

After the massive pump to 2k7, I'm very confident it's only a matter of time before BCH takes over. I'm young, I have my BCH bough 550$, I have plenty of time.

>> No.4411397

The new algo doesn't change the market. It doesnät change the operating incentive. The debate in that article remains largely unchanged.

>first strategy of the shill marines is to bail as soon as someone starts posting the tangible faults and deceptions of BCH

>> No.4411427

Bwahaha you said "I'm out" twice and then you expect us to believe someone suddenly showed up and compliments you profusely and starts replying to everyone you were previously replying to? Do you not get paid if you don't reply and don't keep the plates spinning?

God damn you are really bad at your job. Can you be more obvious bro?

>> No.4411469

Well too bad this board doesn't show geographical location.

I'm pretty sure he's not posting from Switzerland and about the style, he's less polite than me.

I'm pretty sure a hundred person are lurking this thread, so one of them complimenting another seems impossible for you?

Nevermind, you'll lose a good occasion to earn a fair amount of money.

>> No.4411481

keep trying

>> No.4411514

Yeah ok, fair enough. The timing was really funny though!

"I'm outta here guys."
"Hey you're so handsome and cool and I will continue your efforts!"

Back on topic though, what makes BCH better than LTC? Other than it has bitcoin in it's name. I haven't seen that brought up yet

>> No.4411756

I made the move.

>> No.4411860

guys get the fuck out! btc and bch will drop...there is not enough volume for new ath and investors getting nervous and will take profit soon! buy cheap later!

>> No.4411875

It's either one drops or the other, but not both at the same time.

>> No.4411899

they will both drop because people are taking profits in fiat.