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File: 203 KB, 1343x681, cha121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4408375 No.4408375 [Reply] [Original]

BCC BCH to .15 at least.

Here are my impressive technicals.

>> No.4408399

Got my buy order at 0.127. Too scared of bagholding this crap again.

>> No.4408417

they will pray on that fear and scoop up everyones coins as they dump to get out for break even or around there.
yet nothing from keeping them from smashing it up to .5 again.
these miners do control both chains after all

>> No.4408421

>Too scared of bagholding this crap again.

And this is why I'm not expecting BCH to make big moves for a while

>> No.4408463

but game theory or reverse psychology says that is a reason why it just might also do that. especially if btc cools off.

>> No.4408468

If you're good at swingtrading and got an extra btc to play around with, you could be making 10k/day daytrading this shit.

>> No.4408499
File: 854 KB, 3181x913, bchcharts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15m , 30m 1h all built positive divergence. two with moving lines showing .165 target to test upper range of downtrend. also btc showing weakness with negative divergence built on 5m and others

>> No.4408521

>an extra btc
the volume i see flying by this last week it seems like a lot of people have a shit ton more than just an extra btc laying around

>> No.4408615

OP is not wrong. It's going to spike, but it's going to look like my dick next to anyone else's dick when compared to what happened last weekend.

>> No.4408628
File: 122 KB, 1868x1016, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If intraday support breaks on BTC/USD it will go into correction and right now BCH/BTC is catching a bid what that will do is flip profitability in BCH favor causing miner to jump on the chain. The diff algo will adjust but it will lag behind and profitability will stay in BCH favor until price stabilizes on BTC/USD. How quickly will it stabilize? Will it stabilize? I've been waiting to see this play out irl. This is going to be an interesting test.

>It is currently 41.5% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

>> No.4408689

looks like its taking off get comfy lads

>> No.4408704

Are you being bashful, or boastful?

>> No.4408733

LOL. .15 really? HAHAHA. Fucking joke. I think it's going to break through .5 this time.

The rally is going to be stronger than the last, this will destroy records.

I'm strapped ON :)

>> No.4408745
File: 119 KB, 593x251, bitcom-founder-satooki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did say .5 in the 3rd post also but I was just trying to give some targets for some traders out there who might not want to go so long and just take a free 15%+

>> No.4408756

Bashful. My dick, man.... it's... I mean, it's technically "A" dick, but...

haha but all kidding aside, it doesn't look good to me TA wise. The other factors that were mentioned are interesting, but it's just not my thing. I could be wrong. I mean, it's basically the exact same thing that started around this time last week, and it went nuts, so... I'll just miss the gains and learn from it if I'm wrong.

>> No.4408797


>> No.4408836

>doesn't look good to me TA wise
>Basically same thing that started out around this time last week and it went nuts

The last people who wanted to get out sold already at the last correction. Those were the "BCH Nocoiners"

The people in it right now are in it long, and it is going to moon yet again, stronger than before.

This is a moon for the record books. It looks like it's happening right now.

It was $850 earlier today, now it's fucking $1200.

I'm cumming from excitement already and it hasn't even breached $1400 yet :)

>> No.4408859


There's a lot of dumbarse bagholders who are desperate to dump at near-break even still so after they fuck off and get rekt again (when BCH rises past their buys again) BCH will moon.

>> No.4408869

Hmm. BTC is down $400. BCH is up $450.

Yeah. All the BCH weak hands sold, the only people holding it now, and the only people getting in, are the veterans who have seen this happen before and they won't sell.

This is about to moon and if you can't see it, you're blind or idk, but it's SOO OBVIOUS LOL.



>> No.4408878

If you don't get out of BTC now, you're going to regret it in 12 hours.

Well I'm about to throw all my alts in so I won't be replying for a while. Time to moon this shit.

>> No.4408887

how high will this pump? .4? kek

parity when

>> No.4408893


Bro I'm all in BCH since like $350, $1200 is bullshit, I might sell a BCH when it reaches 10k

>> No.4408908

hah! Man, it looks crazy to watch it right now. I hope I am wrong about it, and you get to nut for life.

>> No.4408928

Lol I pity the fool that is jumping out of BTC into BCC. lol, you gonna get burnt.

>> No.4408955

I mean, I could still be wrong, but I'm just saying right now...like, right now... it looks like the left side of my dick has been traced.

>> No.4408975


>dumping at the top of a ponzi

Yeah no. BTC has no use case - its valuable only because people think it is valuable. It will collapse eventually, might go up to 10k but it will collapse and never rise again.

>> No.4409005

Alright, now.... got a bit of a penis update for you...got a phallic tip right here. breaking .16 is higher than I thought it would go, and thus it is now officially larger than my dick. It's possible this could end up being the jizz that you'd naturally draw on top of it, though. We will have to see.

>> No.4409019


>> No.4409367

I don't think many people trust BCC anymore. You have bagholders stretching from .3 to .4 and these guys are gonna sell immediately.

>> No.4409699

.171 coming up

>> No.4409714

I dont get it, BCH is not dropping even when Bitcoin goes up
what is going on?

>> No.4409726

Someone dumped a shitton of BCC for cheap so it's correcting back upwards

>> No.4409881

The two currencies have not moved against each other for 95% of Bcash's life. Just one weekend were they diametrically opposite. Rest of the time, they moved relatively in tandem, Vs USD.

The reason you think they act in opposition is because you EXPECT it. The reason you expect it, is because you have been conditioned to think it. You have been conditioned by repeated barrage of the flippening concept. Flippening was never the aim of the fork. The fork was a way to obtain more BTC for the inner circle. They knew that speculators would buy/sell Bcash for BTC, and they actively went in to make up all the BCH sell orders, to take free BTC from dupes.

>> No.4410320
File: 13 KB, 380x285, 1504514831782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is retarded FUD, the fork was due to the bankster takeover of BTC. It literally had to happen for bitcoin to break free, and it has in the form of Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash is how bitcoin was supposed to be before it got kiked, cheap, decentralized, reliable and useful.

Bitcoin (Cash) can literally only go up from here on out, it's the 3rd highest on CMC without the largest companies supporting yet (with the exception of blockchain.info). After these companies start supporting it the price will quadruple again, probably within 2 months from now.

>> No.4410539

>That is retarded FUD,
>the fork was due to the bankster takeover of BTC.
Jihan mines 97% of Bcash.
Obviously, I didn't read another word after your silly opening line.

>> No.4410553

so you think jihan has 97% of bch supply?

>> No.4410559


>> No.4410578


>> No.4410588



Pajeet detected, comment disregarded.

>> No.4410607

lmao core cucks blown the fuck out as usual.

>> No.4410708

>being so new that you have not yet learned why a 51% attack only needs to succeed once to debase the entire supply of tokens mined up until that point

>> No.4410722

this was mentioned in the white paper, even if someone can do a 51% attack, the incentive isn't to fuck over everything they own by destroying the chain, it's to give themselves extra coins which isn't very harmful

>> No.4410801

>This is OKAY!
>51% attack is satoshi's vision
>double spending is Satoshi's vision
>a token which relies on trust of market participants is Satoshi's vision

The absolute state of these bag cucks.

>> No.4410849

The hashrate for BCH is spread nicely. LTC on the other hand went on for months with a mining pool handling over 60%+ of its hashrate and it didn't crash and burn.

>> No.4410871

specifically what has jihan done that is a problem.

>> No.4410891
File: 299 KB, 1292x777, EBINCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4410920

why you wearing a strapon? does it help you trade somehow

>> No.4410929
File: 3.72 MB, 3859x2594, sg96mu6v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4411373

He deliberately preserved the ASICBoost bug in his fork so his farm has an impenetrable competition edge over anyone wanting to mine BCH. Now you either lose in mining, or pay to use asicboost - which is proprietary not open source (lol).This is against Satshi's vision.

Removed trustlessness from the BCH marketplace. You now have to "want to believe" that BCH transactions were not double-spent to manipulate prices.This is against Satshi's vision.

Jihan wants to build a cartel and be a gatekeeper to 100% of the functioning tech in his Bcash coin.