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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4407831 No.4407831 [Reply] [Original]

This reminds me of LINK

>> No.4407899

Kek muh BTC

>> No.4408684

Except LINK is an ERC20 token that doesn't actually do anything and they only have one developer. This is Nuls.

>> No.4408720

Any ethereum-like coins rn besides Komodo?

>> No.4408727
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1510568033273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't actually do anything
>One developer
Do some research before opening your shithole next time, faggot.

>> No.4408740

It's true.

>> No.4408757

Except that's actually completely true.

>> No.4408759

>doesn't actually do anything
I don't even own any LINK so I'm not a deluded linkie and I can tell you that if LINK succeeds, holy fuck.

It does a lot.

>> No.4408765

No, it COULD, maybe someday, do something. Right now, it does absolutely nothing.

>> No.4408793
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1510050393227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It COULD, maybe someday do something?
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
It's an UNFINISHED product you retard, what the fuck would you expect it to do if it's not done yet?

>> No.4408798

Link worth the HODL?

>> No.4408816

I will send 100 link to any neet who wants it.

>> No.4408846



>> No.4408849


>> No.4408870

Prove you are neet and really need it.

>> No.4408882

If the product is unfinished how did the do the demos in front of multiple B companys ?

>> No.4408884


30 at home with the rents. Get me the fuck outta here.

>> No.4408891


>> No.4408897



>> No.4408901

1. Eth and smartcontracts. We all know smartcontracts are revolutoinary, but their use cases are limited. Smartcontracts are awesome, but they are confined within the blockchain and data on the blockchain. In otherwords, right now smartcontracts are "you send 1 eth and I'll send back 1000 McTokens", and this contract is verifiable/trustless/amazing but its stuck within the universe of Ethereum and the data Ethereum understands

2. It is possible to use external data to inform these contracts, but right now that process is centralized. This is a problem. Lets say the external data is a transaction of Dollars for ETH. So you send 300$ to bank account X, and then I send one Eth to your address. Right now you either do that through a third party (CoinBase), OTC (LocalBitcoins) or whatever else centrlized system you want to use.

Knocking out that centralization, where you have to trust someone, is THE key to SmartContracts having a real world use case. But how do you get that information -- the fact that the $300 has been sent -- onto the blockchain using data that the smartcontract understands?

3. Oracles. Right now the answer is "hey we can hire Oracle X to do the translation to represent this bank dollar transaction on the blockchain." The "oracle problem" with this is that you are 100% TRUSTING that oracle to act prudently. That they don't tamper with the data. So we can kill coinbase but now we have to trust the oracle instead of coinbase .This is a HUGE problem for Banks who want to get into blockchain but have to trust a centralized oracle to translate data. This Oracle can be hacked, falsified or defrauded.


>> No.4408911


Spare some change?


>> No.4408915

4. ChainLink - this service DECENTRALIZES that translation process of the Oracle. Now, the translation is trustless, and you have a trustless data feed that informs the trustless smart contract.

Multibillion dollar institutions can rely on distributed blockchain technology and know the data that informs their smart contracts is tamperproof.

So Thats what ChainLink does. ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to external data, off-chain payments, and really literally any other API you can dream up. Confirmation of delivery of an items (RFID, like Walton), confirmation of a wire being sent or received, interest rates from any central bank, sports scores, product/machine uptime, price of Eth/BTC in real time, weather patterns etc. Right now smart contracts are simple if/then functions where you go and manually do the if so the then comes back. Now with Oracles smartcontracts can automatically confirm or deny if then statements without any human interaction. Transactional automation for agreed upon terms on steroids.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in an actually decentralized way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts, and since the Oracle is decentralized you know the data feed is secure and you’re not concerned with tampering on the Oracle’s part. This is like a skeleton key to actualize the data on the blockchain and apply that data to real world use cases.


>> No.4408919

I should add, ditto as the dude above, early 30s, no friends, live in the attic of my parent's house. Life is sufferenig.

>> No.4408927

I understand the hypothetical use case for LINK, I've even been over the codebase and setup a node, but that doesn't change the fact that right now, LINK does nothing.

Hypothetical use != Actual use

>> No.4408932

reminds me of dgb of dgb and every other pnd scamshit

>> No.4408933



Can I have some,sir ?

>> No.4408940

Well I'm not in education employment or training. I read about coins & shitpost on /biz/

>> No.4408941



My bad ... wrong wallet

>> No.4409031

Fuck it, I'm gonna throw $100 into this scam coin right now. If it goes any lower its worth $100 to see all the pink wojacks.

>> No.4409043

Worth a try:


and many thanks from Germany.

>> No.4409046

So you want to invest when the product is finished and the actual use cases are already confirmed. Hate to break it to you buddy but by the time you invest, we would already be at the moon.

>> No.4409047

Yes, aka every single fucking crypto.