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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4406746 No.4406746 [Reply] [Original]

Hey my fellow linkies, are you still excited for the project? Are you losing faith? Tell me.
Is there any new rumors or anything? What about December? Xoxo

>> No.4406752

How are linkies supposed to shoot us when they can't even afford guns, or ammo, or rent?

>> No.4406766

literally only you faggots care about link. Unironically go to reddit or any other crypto group (AKA reality) and they will laugh you out of the fucking room

>> No.4406768

Rent is free. Location: nolinkers head. We are not paying for our occupation anytime soon. Stay deluded, nolinker.

>> No.4406771

whole thing seems dead really. my prediction is sergey and the rest of the team (meaning 1 other person) will disappear in about 1-2 months time.

>> No.4406776

He made millions over night and hasn't updated anything in weeks. Take a guess.

>> No.4406777

Pretty sure we will pump this december. Thats when the PoC results are supposed to be released after all.

>> No.4406784

I'm doing great except for the fact that the coin I hold is now worth exactly one fifth of its value from its all-time high.

>> No.4406786

"No one cares about li--.."
You still got time to apologize for what you just said.

>> No.4406803

Yup, you guys can make 1000 threads a day all you want, this shit coin is kill. Sergey deceived you all out of tens of millions to eat Chipotle

>> No.4406805

>Unironically go to reddit or any other crypto group (AKA reality) and they will laugh you out of the fucking room
As if reddit has ever been smart money lmao. They fucking laughed at antshares for fucks sake now every post in that normie board mentions NEO after it mooned.

>muuuh antshares suck
>NEO is incredibly undervalued at $50 its the next ETH kek

>> No.4406818

No code updates in over a month, no team, no communication. This shit is going to 5cents. Sorry guys but I dumped it before the loss increases. If your money isn't working for you, then you are doing it wrong.

>> No.4406820

almost everyone in that fucking sub is from biz. they literally just reuse the stuff we post here.

>> No.4406831
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losing faith? not for a damn second

>> No.4406834

Thats a fucking subreddit with a bunch of faggots from 4chan. Thats completely biased because everyone in that subreddit is deluded.

>> No.4406846

>no code updates in over a month
last update was a day ago

>no team
literally announced they are hiring devs

>no communication
i know that by "communication" you mean partnership announcements kek. they cant reveal it, only the partners can. thats why the price is bound to pump this december on speculation alone.

>> No.4406851

meant for you

>> No.4406860

we LINKers are the smart money

you linker haters are the dumb money who will buy our bags at $1+

>> No.4406870
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>> No.4406894

Myth. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/7c2f9e/so_most_posters_here_are_from_4chan_right/dpmpzhx/?utm_content=permalink&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage

>> No.4406936
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>> No.4406941

>i know that by "communication" you mean partnership announcements kek
By communication he means actual communication. Not a half assed say nothing post in a slack channel once a month.

>muh nda meme

>> No.4406964

>Who is this famous 4chan everyone keeps talking about...
>Uhhh yeah who is this 4chan.... never heard of it, totally.
>It's /ourcoin/
>9Gag in the house!!!
Yeah faggots i totally buy into your disguises. That sub is like a self-enforced LINK containment board for anons.

>> No.4406965

I mean he knows he's running the risk of having to buy this shit at maybe 1 dollar so whatever.

>> No.4406984

>Probably, most toxic community for a very good project, no wonder the price crashed, they just shill and then result to insults on anyone slightly doubting it. no discussions involved
This post was downvoted to hidden? Idk how it works. That should say something.
But from that thread its pretty clear everyone is a bizbro.

>> No.4407001

Explain this then: why is everyone kinda nice in that sub forum reddit and not here?
Not the same guys, dude. Either that or everyone has schizophrenia.

>> No.4407008

Nice to see you ignored me BTFO your fud on "no code updates". Do you even check gitter? They're in constant communication even with the devs trying to build something with LINK.


What the fuck do you want Rory to say? SWIFT set the month for announcing the PoC results. Do you really expect them to announce ahead when motherfucking SWIFT said the results would be announced in December?

>> No.4407023

I'd rather go to the poorhouse with /biz/ than become rich with a bunch of pajeets.

>> No.4407026

they ain't 4channers. they are leddit but they are smart leddit. smarter than all you LINK hatin fags, that's for sure.

>> No.4407028

This was for >>4406964

>> No.4407054

Not losing faith, just wish I bought on this dip :(

>> No.4407056

Nice to see you cant see IDs bro. I was replying to just one part of your post which is a legit criticism and cant be palmed off as 'shitty fud'.
Rory doesnt need to say anything. Hes just a shitty 'community manager' for a slack channel. Nothing but a chat moderator.
I want regular updates and communication from the team themselves. Smartcontract.com twitter is literally dead and 10 posts down youre already in 2015/2014. Its not hard to make a post once a week... If they actually had shit to update us on.

>> No.4407095
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What the fuck do you want them to update you on? The current progress? Did you even check the Gitter link i sent you? Go on read what Steve said. You faggots really have ADHD.

>> No.4407096
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This. I think Rory gets a lot of undeserved heat.
If the devs don't give him any updates, what do you expect the poor dude to say.
That being said, I think Sergey wants to give a huge update at some point and the price will skyrocket and we will finally be in lamborghiniland.
I prefer that than him tweeting nonsense to generate fake hype like pic related.

>> No.4407121

this. all the idiots whining about "muh no updates" are probably OMG fags who got addicted to useless hype announcements. sorry but you're gonna have to kick that addiction, junkie.

>> No.4407135


OMG team actually released good news though.
Talks with thai central bank
Backing from government
Partnerships with banks, and gigantic corporations
Securing of more funding etc etc

>> No.4407159

About the omg part: Yet none of that is 100% confirmed. What's the point?
I would rather get real updates with sponsorships already done. God knows how many people and companies are in contact with Sergey to work with chainlink.

>> No.4407167


>> No.4407189

See this where its obvious that you bought high and are now desperate for some price pump action. No matter what updates they give as long as its not a partnership or an exchange you will still consider it as "no communication". Consider your money lost if you cant even hold during a dip.

Take a look at the REQ team, they give updates explicitly stating how they understand exchanges are important. Where are they now? In binance with LINK and below ICO price kek.

>> No.4407201
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>> No.4407325

As long as you believe in the project yes. If you don't you will eventually panic sell and nope.

>> No.4407567

I’m going to say this one last time and then I will stop posting this in every goddamn link thread. Link is a solid project. Link will moon sometime before the end of Q1 of 2018. Will you potentially miss out by moons by hodling? Yes. But you will also miss out on the shit show coin you probably would have put your money on. Every week there is a sequence of trades that would make you a millionaire, you just won’t make those trades 99.99999% of the time. Just buy a couple grand link so you don’t off yourself later.

>> No.4408110
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>> No.4408219

Cmon it's easy to shit on the linkies when they are down but this is just retarded.

Sergey worked on this project for 4 years before he even held an ICO and he is already confirmed for sibos 2018 and several other conferences in 2018.

Anything thats happens with the price between now and then is purely speculation but they definitely are not giving up.

>> No.4408453

When will the dumping stop?
These bags got so heavy.

>> No.4409121


>> No.4409209

Our lord Sergey is testing us. Only true believer will fight until the end. God (Sergey) forgives, but he doesn't forget.

>> No.4409246


pretty sure this is going to go a lot further down