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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4402095 No.4402095 [Reply] [Original]

> Why don't you millennials stop being entitled with your muh-degrees?

> Theres plenty of good paying jobs out there that dont require degrees. How dare you not want to spend the rest of your life working in a waste sewage pond? Perhaps the glamorous life of installing and maintaining air conditioners is the route for you. Or perhaps working as a garbage man or an asbestos remover is your golden ticket. Think outside the box youngster.

>> No.4402124

>unmotivated crypto-neets feel jealous and angry when people more successful than them give them advice
great, this is gonna be a good thread.

>> No.4402173

everyone born right after WW2 had life on easy mode

boomers were the first #yolo generation

>> No.4402181

and it's all going to come toppling down. you will see some amazing things in your lifetime that you never thought possible.

>> No.4402190

>calling themselves boomers
generation y has and will witness a lot more booms than you

>> No.4402197
File: 187 KB, 1678x1119, ke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright here's how you get a job, son

First you walk into a business and ask to speak to the manager. If they say yes, you look him straight in the eyes and give him a firm handshake.

If they say he's busy, you'll need to come back the next day and walk in like you're one of the workers. Sit down at a desk and start working away like you're one of the team. When the boss finally notices your existence and asks who the fuck you are, you stand up, hand him your resume and give him a firm handshake with TWO hands. That's when you say "Nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to finally be a part of the business"

>> No.4402221

And to get you started on your way, here's 10 dollars to rent a suit.

Go getum tiger

>> No.4402240

I'm getting kicked out because I'm trading internet coins instead of getting a job. I am going to hold a grudge for a while while I ball on them for revenge.

>> No.4402246

This is a good way to get jailed for trespassing or just generally harassed by the police. Even walking into someone's office and handing them a resume can get the cops called on you. I've had that happen to me once before I learned to just apply online.

>> No.4402282

advice and gifts from people more successful than themselves

thread is turning out admirably so far, carry on

>> No.4402363
File: 249 KB, 968x634, wullmMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see how many take the bait

>> No.4402692
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t. boomer

>> No.4402731

millienals are fucking lazy kys cucks.

>> No.4402757

Gen X here. One thing boomers had right was to not be a negative or argumentative dick about shit at work. I have made it very far (and become financially independent) by being patient and not getting into drama at work. I just got shit done. Then I lived like a broke ass student while I learned to mannipulate the sheeple making 70k in marketing for about 10 years. Picked up a bunch of skills (learn shit on the internet, fuckers) that I could use to generate passive income. Now I just buy low and sell high all day erry day.

>> No.4402799

>I put my retirement fund into Ron Paul's IRA earlier this year and now I'm a millionaire boomer. Maybe if you just worked harder like me, you could be a millionaire one day too.

>> No.4402818


>> No.4402829


also reply to my post or you meet the same fate

>> No.4402873
File: 27 KB, 490x473, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreign competition boomers had to deal with

None in their own countries, and almost none abroad (still very undeveloped)

>foreign competition millennials and gen Z has to deal with

tens of millions in their own countries, and billions overseas that now own all western manufacturing
Daily reminder that boomers are the worst generation in recorded history

>> No.4402899
File: 1.43 MB, 520x1865, baby boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just waiting for them to die

>> No.4403476
File: 93 KB, 771x610, Screenshot from 2017-10-29 17-45-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is smart enough to work in tech, unfortunately. Only about 4% at the most of the American population has anywhere near enough brain capacity to figure it out.

>> No.4403653

Commercially-available intelligence gene mods when?

>> No.4403772

Ah yes the boomers.

I just wish they weren't so damn disconnected. They project, you see.
Why would they feel that they have to "batten down the hatches" for their own offspring when they never had such worries themselves? Drop out of high school, do drugs, fuck freely, etc. and there's a grating but livable factory job awaiting regardless. One that can easily support them and the whole family. They think that is how life is! Why would they need to plan?

It's the reptilian brain - you overlook all the great things and focus in what you don't have. But they have everything! So the answer is more materialism. A second vacation home, another boat, a jetski, constant vacations and hob-knobbing around. They are sad creatures, you see. Victims of success that they didn't earn.

I've stopped hating them per se, I'm just trying to understand them at this point.

Help me to understand more.

>> No.4403798

I didn't know Muhammed could code.

>> No.4403895

I just ignore them. I have two aunts that were literally handed a successful business by my grandfather when they were in their early 20's. Now in their 50's, they are both psychopaths. Never having to actually go out in the real world and develop people skills or any type of empathy that comes to most human beings from having to actually work hard for something have just turned them into emotionally unstable basket cases.

>> No.4403981

It's a crazy thing but it seems like giving your kids too much is infinitely worse than not giving them enough. Boomers are one helluva package when it comes to psychology and human nature in general. Still trying to wrap my brain around it.

They are a great opportunity, a case study of something that has never before happened in history. Not like this anyway.

>> No.4404003

>Anonymous (ID: FrkxjVV3) 11/16/17(Thu)15:25:47 No.4402692▶>>4402829
>File: 1510139673116.gif (234 KB, 500x640)
>t. boomer

I love you mommy

>> No.4404031

You should read The Fourth Turning. Coddled/spoiled generations are like that.