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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4398987 No.4398987 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4399087

You should see a doctor about this. Alts are going to explode in a minute once BTC profits are taken.

>> No.4399097

btc is about to go to 10000$ you fucking moron

>> No.4399114


>> No.4399139

My coping skills are being pushed to their limits. I feel like I could snap at any moment! Last time I snapped I curb stomped my shaker up :(

>> No.4399187
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The only alt you should buy is Monero

>> No.4399195

Build a better portfolio. My alts are all up right now.

>> No.4399220
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>> No.4399333
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I'm not mad. I'm positive. And not a BCH hodler, so feeling pretty good.

>> No.4399344

OHHH WOW - FUCKING 10K --- OOOOO 20% gainz man.... Fuck of pajeet

>> No.4399441

When you have more than birthday money invested, 20% with little risk is very nice.

>> No.4399459

So, just to confirm here, you are going to exit right at 10k and then quit? Completely sell out?

Then what? Have you thought this shit out yet?

>> No.4399477

Faggot, the wealth will flow back into alts

This is good news for all of us
>b-b-b-b-but muh instant gains!

>> No.4399515

I was the one trying to get through to this dumb fuck BTC hodler that 20% gainz isnt shit. You are going to risk your money on crypto for 20%?

Do you live in a trailer by chance?>>4399441

>> No.4399574

Should I buy Bitbean or Doge for quick profits?

>> No.4399576

He's right though, bitcoin is a safe bet, shitcoins aren't actually that profitable if you are so rich that putting all of your savings in them will crash the entire market

This is good news for all of us, bitcoin rising also means more normies hitting the market = sick altcoin gainz in december

>> No.4399583

>He believes btc will grow forever

>> No.4399609

My shits so fucked I no longer think it's recoverable. But, I also refuse to sell at this loss. AHHH

>> No.4399907

how much did you lose on bch? why are you so hostile, anon :3

>> No.4399927

what are you holdin bro

>> No.4400247

>tfw your alt doesn't get shilled on /biz/
feels good

>> No.4400351

Dunno anon bitbean has a cute downy face so I would go with that one.