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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 108 KB, 576x305, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 12.49.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4390185 No.4390185 [Reply] [Original]


I'm selling my btc for alts I'm sorry, I'm not risking all my stack worrying about when Roger and his friends unleash all their BTC on the market.

>> No.4390211

the bitcoin civil war is going to get uglier. i'm all in alts too

>> No.4390242

God I love this guy. Whatever happens I respect the fuck out of him.

>> No.4390256

Haha this guy gonna surprise everyone soon.

>> No.4390296

I think they strike sooner rather than later too. If they can pump the price of BCH enough, all that BCH that will be released from bitmex and coinbase won't be instantly sold, people will just hold it because it is going up.

>> No.4390383

So much money is on exchanges right now. If a mt gox happened oh god the massacre

>> No.4390408

BitMEX will sell because they are either controlled, or useful idiots.

Coinbase... Hard to say.

>> No.4390414

What if he gets targeted?

>> No.4390419
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1473619536693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't reddit, where can I see his post in that thread?

>> No.4390423


>> No.4390431


>> No.4390459

Hes being too public about this shit. Trying to get dumb asses to buy above so the inner circle can dump.

>> No.4390460

he is MemoryDealers

>> No.4390481


>all his btc

nigga that is isn't even a 10th of his BTC

He's obviously timing a dump with other whales and miners.

>> No.4390483

He's going to wait for the next difficulty adjustment for BTC to do that. You don't have to worry

>> No.4390489
File: 27 KB, 645x730, 1507791616849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh he's the OP, thanks

>> No.4390511

Wtf? i just realized i am such a fucking pleb. Look at that fucking wall. Its a fucking perfect rectangle.

>> No.4390671


Why not just make it $1000 if you're so confident fuck man.

>> No.4390702
File: 174 KB, 1022x960, lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea although I sound like a shiller, I advise going all in Lisk. I'm not gonna lie I went all in at .00099 a bit ago due to the major news coming up, and glad I did.

>> No.4390735

Going into alts wont help. Either go in usdt or bch to survive this... didn't you guys see what happened on the weekends? Btc and alt died, only bch was alive.. be careful out there

>> No.4390777

That is terrifying

>> No.4390794


With one of the sides probably warchesting on fake usdt?


>> No.4390829

Keep in mind that the wall is 60% of the current price, and should price near it, high chance it will get pulled.

>> No.4390890

It's pretty sad... Bitcoin is mooning while BCH dumps so Roger has to try and prop up the value with his whale money.

>> No.4390909
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1479258155586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more likely what's happening is the miners are mining BTC at a loss just to keep it functional in order to slowly unload their stashes at these prices before switching to BCH after the next difficulty adjustment. Roger's wall is only there to let us know that we haven't been abandoned

>> No.4390943
File: 163 KB, 383x355, bitcoin_ln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightning network is a lie! FCK YOU CORE

>> No.4390953

Let me know when this lightweight tries again, so I can watch him get cucked by the big boys. Again.

>> No.4390988

Why would someone post that information if they want price down?

>> No.4390992

Roger is selling a fake put to greedy chancers.
I hope everyone understands this is not a positive for BCH.
This is a defensive manouevre.
Anybody who truly forces themselves to believe that the buy order will remain in place if prices start to plunge is too gullible to not be poor4lyfe.

>> No.4391279

That's the beauty of it. He probably put the wall there because it is far from the current price. If BCH price fell to $800, He'll probably remove the wall, which would just send it crashing down to the bottom becaue his wall is now price in and is probably one of the few things keeping BCH from crashing.

>> No.4391457


>> No.4392115

Every time I've dropped BTC today and moved it into an alt to try and hold value when it crashes it shoots up $50 instantly, it's fucking gay, I hate BTC.

>> No.4392182

That's pretty sad. BTC loves you, and it keeps on trying to give you impressive gains. BTC can't understand why you keep running away from it.

>> No.4392216

Because it doesn't do what I think a crypto currency should do. At least in the case of BTC it isn't doing what people thought it 'was', ie. a way to perform private transactions over the internet. So far the only crypto I'm actually excited about is Monero, though it's new and still flawed. BTC just seems like it's big because it hit the floor first and its value is entirely based off its name and not its technology. I keep expecting this bubble to burst and it to rapidly deflate in value but retards just keep propping it up, I fucking hate BTC.

>> No.4392229

you love him for trying to manipulate the market for his own gain?

>> No.4392440

This is somewhat flawed analysis, desu.
BTC's value is that it is eating fiat, and everyone can now see that.

It is eating fiat because nation states are locked into a race to the bottom of currency devaluations to protect trade interests.

This annoys the fuck out of good, honest savers - be they minimum wage cucks or oligarchs.

BTC as a wealth store should not be thought of as "just a wealth store" - it is really important in today's world. Shit, son - the worst Da Vinci on the planet just sold for nearly half a billion bucks because nobody has any longterm faith in fiat any more. There is a fire sale on cash going on right now. It's being played out inplain sight, but no fucker is talking about it.

Crypto is an inevitable upgrade to current payment systems. Coin devs should not look at putting other cryptocoins out of business, but understand that their only job right now is to put fiat out of business. Not central banks, not governments, but fiat. A central bank that operates under and within a blockchain is not inherently evil. A central bank that operates over and above fiat is evil. We don't hate or oppose central banks because of some inherent trait, but because the current system fails regular people.

The crypto market will ebb and flow, because investors are humans and humans are imperfect.They will over speculate and under-perform. But it won't pop in the typical sense, because it is not a bubble. Its prices have bubble-like appearances at the moment, because prices are measured in fiat, and fiat is an anti-bubble right now. It's a black hole.

>> No.4392458

Hahha. The desperation.

>> No.4392488
File: 26 KB, 720x707, 1509224531480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Bull here,

Wallstreet says hi. This is your last chance to sell your alts before the run to 10k or expect a further JUSTing for our amusement.

And theres nothing you can do about it, and once alts are cheap enough we'll buy back at the bottom. kthxbai

>> No.4392501

The annoying thing about this post is even though you're just larping it's probably going to happen anyway.

>> No.4392513

This guy is such a narcissist, all his posts talk about himself in the third person and praise his amazing decisions. I hope after this Bcash debacle people now all realise what a fraud he is.

>> No.4392522

He lost a lot though during the pump and dump. He bought thousands of BCH at 0.5. So at least we can all be happy to know this PnD cost him something.

>> No.4392539

Bullshit. Guy made off with a happy handful of BTC. The inner circle made $20Bn during the pump. It's safe to say all that has gone back into btc already.

>> No.4392549

Some people will probably never learn. They will just keep feeding the whales, wondering why they dont 'make it'.

>> No.4392586

Sad but true. I hate BTC but I'm riding it since 5500. Not sure when I jump off.

One thing I'm sure about it will fucking crash BIGLY and I don't want to be holding it at that time. Maybe it's sooner than anyone of us expects.

>> No.4392599

how do you get to that number? the pump didnt go according to plan when that korean exchange bithump crashed.

>> No.4392600
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>Fucking Roger Ver

>> No.4392602
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This, while gold, needs to take the current civil war on the chain into account.

Bitcoin can't do its job and shred all those troubled assets unless you can transact in it. The financial expertise in the picture does not understand the cryptographical underpinnings of the ledger they're using, and it's resulted in them compromising fundamental game theory incentives that keep the system actually functioning.

They need to wake up and understand the peril before we lose all the work in the ledger.

Only by surrendering centralised control and accepting nakamoto consensus can this war end. Otherwise it's scorched earth and years wasted rebuilding, and we'll be so much more careful of fiat hijacking the next time around.

>> No.4392623
File: 85 KB, 634x443, 1510799636527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put up a fake buy wall to help price not to crash
>Dump bch slowly to normies

Hes wise guy and you bcashtards are being dumped on at the moment. Think about it, by keeping the buy wall up hes supporting the price. The moment bch is about to touch his buy order its gonna vanish.

If he wanted to really buy bch at 0.1 he would not have put it up yet. He would have let the price fall and then start to slowly accumulate.

Hes not stupid. You guys are abd hes just playing with you and sucking your wealth. Its proven thats he is nit honest guy.

>> No.4392625

I'm a noob so take this with a grain of salt but having gone in at 5500 I'd probably check out at the latest around 9800. You're right, it's going to crash eventually, but I think it'll probably hit 10k first just out of market desire.

>> No.4392917

I just pulled it out of my butt by comparing trading volumes at the time, and now. I am basically assuming the inner circle at BCash made off with 100% of the gains. I am doing that for rhetorical reasons, not because Iäm an actual idiot.

But anyway. Why do you think that the going offline was not a part of the script? Reset the price for a future buyback, if desired, and put none of the blame on the product itself, but a single fallguy exchange.
You misunderstand. Bitcoin has value now, even when it does not move. Normies want a savings account, and BTC is like the biggest-bollocks ISA ever devised. The middle classes want in - not to buy the morning coffee, but so they can watch their numbers tick effortlessly higher on a digital screen.

>> No.4393144


Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. It's not corestream's retarded 100-1000 dollar transaction fee for a settlement ledger, it's a ledger that used to have doors permanently sealed and moved to the center of a dead star for all the accessibility it has.