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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4386557 No.4386557 [Reply] [Original]

why hasn't anyone shilled this coin? they released their alpha today. Great potential. Great team. and cheap as fuck at the moment. Read the white paper.

>> No.4386587

delet. PBC material too

>> No.4386615


>> No.4386618

it seems like itll be a good product. i have a bunch. was fun to watch it go to .16 today. but i was at work and couldnt take place in the pnd

>> No.4386630

i have an itchy feeling this will be PBC's selection

teeka could shill the crap out of it, it's so damn obvious and it appeals to his boomer viewers because it's fintech

>> No.4386643



Alpha released and yes functional for users today. Beta being released in Dec 2017 - Jan 2018 instead of April 2018 (ahead of time) . Quality team, devs and advisors. Already listed on Bittrex, Houbii, Binance and more exchanges coming. RCN is a real killer coin. Going to moon soon!

>> No.4386669

i fucking can't wait
please don't forget to mention the VC behemoths that are backing the company.

>> No.4386691

team isnt that quality. im still excited but their team is meh.

>> No.4386700

abso-fucking-lutely PBC material, TO THE MOON! (quietly of course)

>> No.4386712

what would lead one to assume that the devs aren't quality?

>> No.4386727


Like anon above you said their VC's made all the difference. Strengthened my belief that the team will deliver what they set out to achieve. So far they have exceeded my expectations and I'm very impressed with the progress they have made.

>> No.4386778

also if the devs were mehhhh, why would bluechip VC firms invest in them

what do these VCs (that conduct extensive due diligence) know that we don't know yet???

>> No.4386815


Exactly Ripio is not just some random coin and they are currently proving that with each update.

>> No.4386833

>150k existing customers with no direct competition and plans to expand
>already listed on bittrex and a few other big exchanges
>hasn't mooned yet
The stage is set. Just needs a push from some twitter/youtube/reddit shills to get this to moon

>> No.4386884

a whiff from Teeka's ass would show us a lot of price activity.

what are you price predictions EOY and Q2-2018

do you guys see this as an OMG moon mission?

>> No.4386922

Honestly, the fact that the dev teams are more worried about a working product right now as opposed to hyping and blowing up their product with possible false promises. This is a mission to mars. I'm no expert, but being able to lend tokens to fiat to the (world) eventually. Is fucking huge

>> No.4386924


If people wake up to its potential then RCN will really skyrocket. Especially since they are planning to expand their reach. This coin will not stay under $1 dollar once the word get out.

>> No.4386956

this is truly banking the unbanked.
unlike that skateboard company

>> No.4386997

Yup this is a major one , just logged in and tested the alpha release. Major potential

>> No.4387038

I see these RCN thread made every day, most likely by the same faggots that are bag holding and were waiting RCN to moon to drop their bags, bought at 2100, hoping that the realease of Alpha would've been a 3x, while I told you days ago that would've been a sell the news event.

Just give up, cut your losses and invest in something different.

Ripio is great but is for a months holding not a 2-3 days or a week.

>> No.4387057

>while I told you days ago that would've been a sell the news event.

Sell the news? it dindt even pump yet its on the bottom lmao

>> No.4387103

i think many people do not realize the potential of this coin yet. Unfortunately, they hired Element Groups that fucked up their ICO process.

Otherwise, this project has huge potential, great team, working product and strong advisers.

Really good for medium-long term hold, nows the time for accumulation, once word gets out, RCN gonna moon

>> No.4387106

lmao, dude. Who's talking about bag holding? I'm pretty sure a fuck ton of idiots that had bitcoin "bags" in the beginning are fucking crying poorfags right now because they just wanted to break even. We're talking about medium term WORKING product.

>> No.4387117


It just so happens that many alts are quiet while BTC reigns for now. RCN has been quite stable over the few days. No real bagholders here. weak FUD. In a month or 2 we'll reign too.

>> No.4387152

When will it start going up?

>> No.4387179

>giving loans to poor south americans and expecting them not to exploit it


>> No.4387310

It did fag 3x in the last 10 days, you can't only see the Bittrex price.


>> No.4387321

Yeah, in 2018.

>> No.4387358


No, already working right now as we speak. ;) Will be able to do so much more in just weeks from now. Happy hodler.

>> No.4387370

Yup co-signer absorbs delinquent and non performing loans. Read the white paper

>> No.4387382
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>why hasn't anyone shilled this coin?
They have, they do it every day. Multiple times. Shut the fuck up. I'm sick of this shit. If you have news, like actual news, make a thread. If not, shut up.

Delete this thread.

>> No.4387401


Just released and very recent relevant news:


>> No.4387489
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Good. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Keep posting on this board being useful. It's people like you who should make threads, not OP.

>> No.4387504

guys Ripio (formatly BitPagos) has 100k+ active customers. This is a legit company with legit customers and a legit use, none of this other pnd bullshit that you guys post here that will be dead in a year. This is going to reach OMG status quick (remember when OMG went from $1 up to $10 in a month???? Get in now or stay poor.

>> No.4387877


Happy to be helpful.

>> No.4388116

Is this at the bottom right now?

>> No.4388273

One of the few alts that's not an actual shit coin. People aren't shilling because they're busy accumulating.

>> No.4388469

>Spend hours every night scrolling through /biz/
>Waiting for the next PnD to hit you in the face

Stop scrolling you fuck. Here's your next investment

>> No.4388717

Yes definitely one of the best coins at the moent to invest.

>> No.4388927



>> No.4389419

60% of my tiny portfolio is already in this, waiting to ride along

>> No.4389660

i'm loving these bottom floor prices on RCN.
this board will start bitching and moaning when it's up to 10k sats.
FOMO like crazy

>> No.4389807


RCN is a true gem indeed.

>> No.4390276

Still possible to buy these?

>> No.4390304

it hasn't had it's mooooooooning yet.
it was just listed recently on Buttrex and Binance
buy now
sit back and relax while others around you FOMO

cash out WTC-style

>> No.4390329


You faggots sound like shills. It's not even going live till April, even though the project is great.

>> No.4390330

in other words this thing's PVGO (present value of growth opportunities) is severely undervalued at the moment. the devs haven't been media whoring at all. once they're ready to start skateboarding and stickers this thing will get a ton of shilling by idiots and industry veterans.
-Congratulations on this, seriously

>> No.4390342


stop shilling pajeet you made like 10 posts in this thread.

>> No.4390353

ummm please remind me again did OMG have a working product when it moooooooooooned???????????????????????????????????????/

seriously bro, just hating money and get in at ground zero and sit back comfortably.

BTW, this is probably the only coin that will complete it's roadshow in the very very very near future.

>> No.4390373

I love posting about this project
that's true I did make a lot of posts and I am beginning to sound like a Rajesh but it's only because I'm super excited about this and i'm tilting most of my portfolio towards it.

sorry if i'm coming off as a shill but I've read up a lot about this company and what they're up to and it gives a hard on

>> No.4390474



>> No.4390486


>> No.4390502

I think anything under 15 cents is a good buy considering right now its dumping because sell the news. This is easily going to pump up to 30-50 cents by the end of April when people realize its a finished product with millions of potential customers and hundreds of thousands of customers already

>> No.4390503



>> No.4390508


my dear, this company is backed by VCs. Don't you think they vet the people they invest in.....

>> No.4390537

by then it'll be at least $1.5
it'll hit 50c-70c EOY.

>> No.4390551


i'd have to use GIMP, open source dontchayakno

i figured that saying stuff like that might keep the price low

>> No.4390568

Was wondering about this seeing it listed on binance, guess i'm in for the ride now.

>> No.4390576


>> No.4390733
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>> No.4390827


he jazzin, just needs to use more devices so he seems less like a fanatic

>> No.4391012

thanks guys!!!
I hope you buy in at these low prices and join us later when we celebrate RCN's success in the coming months. and I appreciate pointing out to anyone that might come across this threat that i have "shilled" throughout this thread.

>> No.4391048

Why does the price keep dropping

>> No.4391077

There’s something like a billion coins it won’t break $1 anytime soon. Maybe .50

>> No.4391095

If it breaks 50 cents I'll put a down payment on the Lexus