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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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43865 No.43865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time to brag about your accomplishments on 4chan.

Roughly how much money do you make a year, your industry and where?

42000 EUR
Online Marketing

>> No.43876

UPS package handler



>> No.43886

United Kingdom
Trainee Tax Professional - Employed by the Government

>> No.43917


>> No.43930

~30k USD
Spoilt manchild of wealthy family
United States

>> No.47292

Supply Chain Coordinator

I used to work at UPS as a handler, then air driver, then PT supervisor. Great experience but that place is hell on earth.

>> No.47370

Food/Bev Operations Management
$35k plus bonus

>> No.47490

Northeast U.S.
183k USD

>> No.47597

Self-employed IT Consultant and Entrepreneur (~20hrs a week)
Reported $58,000 last year

Business and personal expenses are roughly $150 a week, so about $900 a week goes into different savings or investment accounts.

>> No.48513

Dole bludging university student

>> No.48535

Disabled Student

>> No.48541

2.5k a year


>> No.48568

"Programming" (Mostly I read code and tell people why their stuff doesn't work)

>> No.48724

Server at a Steakhouse
Average probably $20,000 as part-time and going to school
North Texas

>> No.48939

Welfare power levels from highest to lowest.

>> No.50152


>> No.50215

Order picker, Sysco Foods
~$75,000. Fluctuates due to a pretty big chunk of my pay being based on incentive.

>> No.50217

Bay area tech company
Generic code monkey stuff

>> No.52942

Earn $8 billion a year as a big boy hedge fund manager

>> No.52973

Civil Engineering Intern
10k a year

How many of you are straight up lying?

>> No.52969

What kind of skills did you have getting that job? Did you need to know anyone to get it?

>> No.52985

>confusing accomplishments with luck and position in social class

>> No.53039
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Cook at my families Mexican restaurant
12k a year if I'm luck

Currently going for accounting in college, im gonna make it you faggots, one day you will all know my name

>> No.53060


Also San Antonio texas

>> No.53061


>> No.53067


I've been in a very similar position to you before. Accounting is a great skill to have, but a terrible industry to work at.

>> No.53084


How so?

>> No.53219

Too many veterans on the field, demand isn't growing fast enough to handle new graduates. Basically, it's stagnant, at least in the places I've been. I expected to find a high-paying job shortly after graduating, and I was disappointed.

>> No.53342

Risk Manager at Macq

>> No.53371

The industry of middle class parents

>> No.55120

>Confusing hardwork for luck

>> No.55138

About 100-120k EUR a year
Manager at a financial company

>> No.55149

Hampton Roads area of Virginia
Graduating with a Computer Engineering degree in May, no job lined up yet

>> No.55201

$100k USD.
Web Developer

>> No.55276
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Neet living with gf

No one will take a second look at you unless you're bi-lingual or "passionate about customer service". It doesn't matter what the industry is.

Certainly some other Texasfags know how neurotic and jokersmiling everyone is around here. I hate it. We have nothing to smile about, everyone from Houston knows this.

>> No.55278
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Petty drug dealing.

>> No.55302


Life is suffering

>> No.55420

15000 GBP (no tax due to internship)
Web Developer

>> No.55477

Equity Syndicate
~80k incl bonus

>> No.55499

Professional Hentaiverse player.

>> No.55535

Pfffft. I hit 75k last year pushing paper for big oil in Houston. Assuming no layoff or market crash, I'll bust 6 figures this year.

>> No.55540

1.3 million turnover in 33% owned company.

Healthcare and IT.


>> No.55619

$43,000 (that's if I work through the whole year)
University admissions officer

Because my job is auxiliary or on-call I sometimes don't work for a long time. Sometimes I might work for half a year and then they don't have any jobs for me for a month or 2. I hate this so in September I'm moving to Australia on a work-holiday visa. Any Aussies here set me up with a job in Melbourne for half a year? I'll do anything really except blow jobs.

>> No.55635

>I'll do anything really except blow jobs.

>> No.55630

I fix doomsday devices

>> No.55646

How much you paying?

>> No.55667

What about doomsday accessories?

>> No.55664

3rd world
clear $94k pa USD

quitting soon as i feel i haven't made it.. want to clear about 150k pa in the 1st world..

>> No.55690

>paint sales and delivery
>$9656.93 according to my W2

>> No.55680

Fucking this.

International Commerce degree. Graduated in August.
I'm about to join the military because of the lack of job prospects.

>> No.55684


Looking to get into aircraft leasing after my masters (next few months), so should be starting on €40k-€75k, depending.

Probably a pricing or credit analyst role in an aircraft leasing firm

>> No.55699

name 5 accountants


>> No.55694

thats great for a 20 hour work week.

which city are you in? 60k/year plus tax doesnt leave much to live on but by your maths you're not reporting it all or any so 60k/clear is aight if you're doing shit you like in the other hours of the week. well done sir

>> No.55704

Also, I would be okay with like a fucking $30K a year job just to get experience but for those I'm over qualified just because of a college degree.
>I don't care, I just want to work and get experience.
>Sorry guy, company procdures.

>> No.55740


ODU/CNUfag? I'm an EE/CE at ODU. I'm practically in the same boat. No internship/research experience, shit resume, few job opportunities, etc.

Feels shitty man.

>> No.55757

Bay Area/Silicon Valley
124,000/ year
Code monkey in a start up software company

>> No.55790

>Bay Area/Silicon Valley
>124,000/ year
>Code monkey in a start up software company

out of interest, is it standard you get shares/equity/some sort of equity plan?

are you top of the coding tree or low end? you say monkey not sure if thats meant to be indicative of rank?

also - what's the tax you would pay on that in the US of A?

>> No.55836

yes, we get really good stock options here, like those are the things that really make you rich here. you can earn 500K in one shot easily in a START UP. Im in the low end, a fresh graduate out of UC Berkeley, 2nd Generation Indian-American.
like 24,000 dollars in tax i'd say, but stock options/bonuses make up for that

>> No.55842

A-are you guys hiring?

>> No.55865


>> No.55862

I wouldn't reccomend it though. Only lawyers from top schools have a chance at making decent money for the hours.

>> No.55877

yeah, whats your CV. you need to be elite though, this is the silicon valley m8

>> No.55894

>implying hard work and success have a strong enough correlation to warrant an investment such as school tuition unless you're rich already

>> No.55899

AMP owner.
I decided I wanted to stop making someone else money and open my own shop. I'm 26.

>> No.55901

>you need to be elite
I-I just graduated college with no experience. A-am I elite? T_T I can be your intern/monkey boy. Just anything to get experience.

>> No.55912

Where in Texas?

>> No.55916

Selling cheap china electronics via ebay and amazon,

>> No.55926


>> No.55929

What college? And we have no room for interns, only jobs.
You don't sound too confident, which i don't like. Where do you live

>> No.55969

Texas A&M. My sister works in Cali though so I can probably bum off her place to start working over there.
>you don't sound too confident
I-It's a 4chan maymay, friend.
Seriously though, I'm pretty competent. Degree's in International Commerce/Business Administration.

>> No.55961

>yes, we get really good stock options here,

Good luck :) hope it pays off. I've been in a startup for about 5 years (not funded though all boot strapped). Trying to get myself equity if I don't get it I'm leaving.. (not an engineer though so finding something else might be a change of lifestyle)

>> No.55981

Learn German
Come to Germany
Make money
Live in a much friendlier society

>> No.55985

>Seriously though, I'm pretty competent. Degree's in International Commerce/Business Administration.

> equating business degree = competence

I think they'd want engineers..

>> No.55988

Oh, Texas A&M is a nice school. However, you need to have a CS related minor/major, sorry

>> No.55994

>Texas A&M
Well, maybe you can use your diploma to keep you warm under a bridge. Stuff it in your sleeves.

>> No.55998
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>No one will take a second look at you unless you're bi-lingual
>mfw Kebab born in Germany and went through a Humanistic Gymnasium
>Turkish, German, Latin, English, French

>> No.56002

what are you then, if not an engineer

>> No.56026

>implying it wasn't a self-evaluation

I figured. Thanks for the thought though.

>> No.56039

>mfw I speak 3 languages fluently but still unemployed

>> No.56040

>Bi-lingual speaking english and portuguese, moved to Norway so I can speak Norwegian and understand swedish/danish and learned french in middle school
Can't wait to be done with my degree. Why can't I hold all this job market?

>> No.56042

its a good school.......

>> No.56049
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Well you guys have done it. No more /biz/ for me, reading your board just depresses me.

>> No.56061

I know that feel.

>> No.56067

It should inspire you to do better though, I'm certain there will be lots of 4chan ventures in the future with this now.

>> No.56073

Yup I'm at CNU, same with me no internships or anything. Already started applying to places but haven't heard back from anywhere yet.

>> No.56099

This is what it's like to me.
>looking for entry level job
>no job without experience/no experience without job
>no internship without still being in school/graduated already
>/biz/ tells me wow you're such a retard for not doing this, this, and this, and getting this degree after the fact
I get that. But what the fuck am I supposed to do now?

>> No.56110

So what do you have right now

>> No.56107

>what are you then, if not an engineer
general manager.

We have a bit of a collegial structure/non-structure though.. the ceo does most of the stuff considered product owner along with the CTO though there is some shared responsibility (UI/UX/customer facing stuff comes back to me)... I build the operations apart from finance.. front of house, marketing, sales, hr and strategic projects, all comes under my remit..

>>implying it wasn't a self-evaluation
My mistake.

>> No.56114

>for big oil
You're part of the problem

>> No.56116

Do you know anyone in the field?

>> No.56132

>I get that. But what the fuck am I supposed to do now?

find something and crush it.. fail fast.. rebuild.

easier said than done i know, I'm currently looking to start my own thing with some money I got saved, lots of potential opportunities but it's hard to make the leap "to start"..

>> No.56146

No worries. It happens.

What do you mean? I have a college degree with no professional working experience is what I have.

I know people way up in the chains but no contemporaries. Doctors, lawyers, all family and non-business related though. Most of my friends from college are still in school or in the same situation I am.

>> No.56154

Sorry, can't hear you over the gobs of cash they pay me.

>> No.56166

Come on fucker, stop making me guess everything. Spill where you live, what field and what the job you always wanted to do when you were a little kid is.

>> No.56181

I don't even have "saved money" to start something if I wanted to. My parents never let me get a job because "focus on studies" and I got a full ride scholarship so that's all I did, just study. I'm down to help you in whatever way I can with what I know for your thing though. I'm not doing anything right now so I can have some free time to just brainstorm.

>> No.56233

Okay. Here we go. Same guy from above with the International Commerce and Business Admin degrees from Texas A&M. Live in Houston. I would like to work in the business sector whether it be a business analyst or marketing/finance whatever because business interests me. There were 2 things I've wanted since I was a kid. Either join the military, spend 20 years in it and retire as a 1 star general (or colonel) or get an office job and work my way up either through the same company or just jumping around and retire as a VP or something. Either way, it's gotta be the top. That's my ambition. Business isn't panning out so far because no jerbs so I went to the recruiter's the other day. My latest ASVAB score was 95 so they're talking to get me into a nuclear engineering program or cryptology.
That's where I'm at so far.

>> No.56234

16k a year

flippin yer boigaz, and glaring at you from behind a counter.

>> No.56249

Whats your skill-set?

>> No.56263

your sense of hopeless entitlement and intelligence will make you good in cryptology or some other military-industrial-complex type intelligence role.

If you have any jewish in you go to israel and join the mossad or something.

Not even trolling.

>> No.56274

based u.s. of a., eastern seaboard
college intern and scholarship recipient

>> No.56291
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I'm going for accounting cause transferable skills and decent security. Economics cause I like economics. Really though, I make time for art so I can move in the creative industry. The market just isn't there for illustrators and creative jobs in general so at least I have something to fall on if shit goes bust and don't have to starve like those Fine Arts grads with a 6 fig debt at the hiring line at SB.

W-we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.56282

secondary suggestion; do your own business.

>> No.56293

$46k, government accounting, texas...

>> No.56296

Fluent in 2 languages, intermediate in another.
Well versed in Microsoft Office shit- Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel (can do the basic equations and then some tougher ones like vlookup and pivot tables). HTML, CSS coding. Not sure what else is considered skill-sets in the business world besides those tangibles.
>hopeless entitlement
I would hope I don't have that. I just want to be good and committed at what I do. I really like the whole structures of the corporate and military world.

>> No.56310

department of banking?

>> No.56328

Learn something with computer and study German
go become Kim Dotcom's henchman for intarwebz freedums

>> No.56350

I'd like to after I'm financially stable and have some experience under my belt first.

>> No.56372

sup cuz

if you're decent with it why dont you go onto 99designs/odesk/whatever and charge more since you can speak english just to get a portfolio up? or make landing pages for existing businesses/make existing shitty business sites better and flog em (again get your portfolio up)

>> No.56380

>>56310 #
Ehh another state agency.

>> No.56377

70k USD
Healthcare IT

>> No.56393

Sign up with one of the good guy internet companies, like Dotcom's jig or TOR project something and do counter-cryptology against the NSA. Go redeem your nation, clapfag.

>> No.56404

>I would hope I don't have that.
its not a bad thing if you win. just sounds like it.. the amount of times i interviewed fresh people out of uni with 2 degrees who wanted to be a ceo and named a few things they'd be happy doing in the meantime hah.

not to be a cunt but the tangibles are standard, i have people I've hired for $500 a month (3rd world) that have all that..

I think probably your asset would be your capability cos your 'tangibles' as you put it are out-sourcable to the third world, again, not even trolling..

If you have a decent head on your shoulders pick a hard science application of it, you can always move into the business side later.

I've met a lot of CEOs and there are very few I respect/I look at as betters or equals.. Many of them went from hard science to their management posts - accountants, engineers, ee's, cs's etc.. I wouldn't recommend BA's tbh- seems like a shitty procedural job and to be honest the smart ones I've worked with are wasted since they should, many times, be the executive instead of having their reports ignored and recommendations not implemented by bone head execs. All I've met are trying to get out and caught in a world of certifications to move over to project management then program management. Good pay but no executive control they just get told to make it work so lots of headaches and the PMs I know are trying to get MBAs and become C level so they can run things their way..

>> No.56405



Care to expand on this for the 99% of people who are not in the same profession as you?

>> No.56413

>I'd like to after I'm financially stable and have some experience under my belt first.

Have you considered going to another country to gain up your experience? Say where they need you? like an aid organisation or something where they cover your living expenses, sure you dont bank money but you're not behind either since you're not paying much to live etc.. Anyway just a thought I've seen it work for some people... While you're young you have the least to lose, especially if you presumably can always have a roof over your head at your folks place.

anyway good luck.. its early morning here and I have to get some sleep. Believe it or not I'm giving a talk at a university tomorrow ..

Good luck to everyone looking for work.

>> No.56510

>counter-cryptology against the NSA
I'd like a job in the government later in life. Stability. No, thanks.
Did it sound like it? I just meant I would be happy to get a grunt work job right now and work my ass off with the goal of being at the top 20 years down the road. I thought that was standard. I've also looked at going back to college for a second time around degree or Master's in Econ but I can't afford that right now. My family's poor enough and it was great that I got the full ride and am debt free. That's also why I looked at the military because they could pay for that education down the line. Right now, there's not much mobility where I'm at. I even applied for a lab assistant/researcher position but they said I needed a Bio degree and work experience. That's the problem I'm hitting with job searching, entry level jobs that are outside my field or need prior experience. I've talked to some companies about just possibly working for free at an intern capacity without having to be paid or being liable for me being on their business property but it all boiled down to paper work and the law says they're still liable for me even if I wasn't an employee. I'm trying my hardest but it's looking slim. I'm still trying though.
Also, thank you for talking it out with me. It helps.
I have not. I mean have I applied to some US company jobs that had postings in other countries, just not other countries' jobs. Maybe I should look into it. Thanks for your input.

>> No.56570


you have to realize that those are skills the very technologically-savvy among us developed in middle school (myself included). Having worked in industry over a few summers my excel skills have improved significantly but that's really the only change.

what you should really be working towards in terms of marketable skills are things like

>bash script and other terminal scripts
>linux fluency
>autodesk suite

that's the kind of stuff I bother to put on my resume. Language fluency is nice but it won't get you a job.

>> No.56615

I understand.
I know my CS and CE friends had to take classes in those but is it possible for me to learn them by myself? That's also one of the hard part for learning Excel for me. You'd need tangible data and records to do anything complicated and I don't have that. Do you think community colleges will let you take classes in those if you're not looking for a degree from them?

>> No.56628

Philosophy major
6120 EUR of government loans which I have to pay back within twenty years

inb4 you'll stay poor
imma study Physics in a few years and money is not that important anyway

>> No.56652


Archival Financial Accouting PhD student

$35k year, exit to professorship should be 200-240k. Just gotta get it done for another 5 years....

>> No.56650

yes, you can definitely take courses in them in community college. that's probably the best avenue and I think you should look into taking more job-applicable classes at cc if you can currently afford it.

>> No.56663

I'll look into C+ and C++ classes then.
Any other job-applicable courses you would like to recommend?

>> No.56676

Ph.D in Math

>> No.56684

Do a Coursera course or a Kaggle challenge. Try Excel, then realize it wont work so well, then go for Python. You can learn how to code in Python in about 30 days. You will suck, but are productive.

Do you want to go into business intelligence?

>> No.56719


Accounting and Econ are a very strong combination of skills. Excel in those and you can do just about anything financial-

investment banking
Big 4 audit accounting
PhD in finance/accounting/business economics

Those are all very different fields with lots of interesting work and six figure entry pay (with huge upside earnings).

>> No.56729

I will do that.
And yes, definitely. The jobs I'm applying for right now are business analyst positions and I actually got an interview with an IBM partner but they took the CS?IT major guy as is the case with these jobs. It seems like businesses are more geared towards computer majors now.

>> No.56741

I sell hardwood floors.

I make ~$56,000/year.


God I hate my job.

>> No.56754



The power of delusion is amazing.

>> No.56767

And that interview was huge. They took a leap of faith in me because it was the final round of interviewing and they flew me in and paid for hotel and everything. Haven't gotten even a blip on the radar 5 months since. Disheartening as hell.

>> No.56772

I haven't been employed for 10 years. I make 150k USD per year on levered liquidity investments. I could make ten times more if I needed to, but I'm happy with my current situation, working max 2 hours per day and living in a beach house.

>> No.56776

They need communicators and managers too. Someone who can speak upper management and developer floor is in increasingly high demand.

So yeah, try R, Matlab, SaS (if you can get your hands on it) and Python. Python is the easiest, unless you are a math buff then R and Matlab seem ok too.

>> No.56780

hospitality (hotels/motels) family business

>> No.56792


>> No.56809
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I've been considering doing that, seeing as I'm heavily inclined in math and business

any tips?

>> No.56800

Thank you. Here's hoping.

It's a meme on /sp/ and 4chan in general. Math majors 200K starting.

>> No.56835
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Medicinal/organic chemistry PhD student, finishing in September. Currently making $ 53.000, but that is before my socialist overlords take their 48%.

>> No.56826

I'm 20 years old
Prep cook
$12.40 an hour, 25-28k a year.
Winter is my busy season, sometimes 80 hours a week, which can be a bitch because I gotta get up at midnight every day. I have about 8k saved up and I'm looking to save more.

>> No.56847

>Currently making $ 53.000, but that is before my socialist overlords take their 48%.
that's so misleading, they only take 48 percent of the highest part of your salary

>> No.56850

80-100k € / year depending on overtime work
(100-140k $)

>> No.56852
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What kind of principle are you operating with to make 150k returns annually?

>> No.56876


Average professor salary. Given that I am in a top five program, I certainly qualify for the 90%+ range.


Or this: http://database.collegemedia.com/databases/salaries/salary.html?schools=16&yr=2010&fname=&depart=Accounting&submit_form=Submit

Note- these are tenure/near tenure professors. Assistant Profs and new hires will be ~40k less. I will graduate in 5 years and the salaries will rise in time

>> No.56878

What law school did you graduate from?

>> No.56884

London, UK
Software developer

Will likely earn a lot more this year because bonuses.

Fuck taxes though.

>> No.56887

Contemplating suicide

>> No.56895

It's a meme on /sci/

>> No.56898

You should be getting money from KELA

>> No.56896
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I currently work part time for my family's checking business. We cash payroll checks for primarily illegal immigrants. The job has me working with money and also developing my Spanish speaking skills.

Making about $6,000 but my college, housing, etc. is all paid for.

I am still unsure what to major in. I'm not great with complex math, so engineering isn't exactly an option. That said, I'm not bad with finances and I'm a fantastic writer and researcher. I was thinking something cushy like nursing then a couple years of military service to help pay for grad school so I could be an anesthetist, but I'm the first to tell you that I have no idea what the job market is really like. I'm a freshman in college, by the way.

>> No.56901


No they don't. I am located in Denmark, the first ~$1200 are exempted from taxes, the rest are taxed approximately 48% depending on your location etc. If you have a high income, you'll pay as much as 60%,

>> No.56904

Oh and if I get good marks on my yearly review I'll get around a 50 cent raise, which is pretty fucking sick. Seriously though, I was told I should invest in some more aggressive funds while I'm young, any ideas?

>> No.56928

Meant to say the first $12000, annually.

>> No.56934

Not that guy, but probably 300k-1mil, if he's just cruising by.

>> No.56937

That's from /sci/.

>> No.56938

Pseudo Project Manager

Not bad considering I'm 22 without a degree!

>> No.56939

How old are you guys on here?

>> No.56954


Here's the situation of a bunch of professors from a school that is quite low in the Top 50 schools for accounting.


Note that it includes new assistants', associate and full professors. The data is years old and has inflated since then.
These schools are both public- private schools at the top pay considerably more. These are also raw salaries and include no consulting, executive education, textbook/case sales or even summer research stipends and grants.

You have to realize that accounting and financial academics have outside options that are Wall Street, Big 4 accounting and other high-levels of pay. You have to give them quite a bit to keep them on.

>> No.56957
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nice dobloons

>> No.56967

Das ist schade. Ich zehnmal mehr als Sie.

>> No.57013


You should do a standard [Your Age]% in bonds and dump the rest into a good S&P index fund like SPDR or some other nice indexed/ETF that tracks a broad market.

>> No.57069

Security detail
120k a year

did dave ramseys financial peace plan, currently debt free

>> No.57107

Thanks man, I've just been looking for a good starting point to investing other than my 401k haha

>> No.57123

>Medicinal/organic chemistry PhD student
Cool what do you work on? I'm a biochemist/cell biologist looking to go into a PhD myself right now.

>> No.57121


>> No.57131

1 late

>> No.57166

23, Anthro BS (hah), $12k working as clerk at law firms
I have no college debt and $30k saved up, I might spend a year teaching English in Asia but I have to apply soon. Unsure of other prospects.

>> No.57197

How did you get the job?

>> No.57209


>> No.57220
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I work in the field of chemical biology, practically I do a 2:1 mix of chemical synthesis and molecular biology. For the sake of anonymity I can't describe my project in details.

Good luck on your PhD, I love the field of cell biology. Going to the LAF bench tomorrow.

>> No.57235

Propane/ propane accesories salesman
Arlen, texas

>> No.57280


Connections. I have no interest in law school. Law sucks your soul out of you.
I keep thinking of applying for govt jobs to get experience in anthropological fields but they only pay $4k/3 months so it's hardly worth it.
I'm lurking the hell out of this board to learn how to turn the money I have into a little more.

>> No.57307

Head bartender at the Luxor Casino in Las Vegas
I cum in your drink, I don't give a fuck

>> No.57340

/biz/ Can you clear something up for me?

What would pay more, a job in web development or as a 3D artist?

>> No.57383

I want your job
How do

>> No.57402

3D artist x 10. Well artist sounds like a guy who makes CGI hentai images and calls it art, in that case, you are fucked either way.

>> No.57403

US Army Officer
Roughly $130,000 a year.
Stationed overseas right now (Europe).

>> No.57419

Did you do ROTC or OCS after a few years in? Also, how many years in?

>> No.57435

ROTC, I did six enlisted in the Guard before going active. I'll hit 16 years this month and just picked up O-4 last year.

>> No.57451

Oh fuck. Chances of me enlisting and being pushed through OCS in 2-3 years? The recruiters keep talking about how good it'd be to be non-com before turning officer but I see it more as a long shot. What do you think?

>> No.57456

Sort of a guy that can do 3D modelling, animations in specific software. I just looked up a job amazon were offering and it's 401k apparently.


Time to become a rich nerd that buys prostitutes.

>> No.57529

I buy shit at thrift stores and sell them as "vintage" on my etsy and ebay stores (also have a paper route, do some grunt work)
I made $54,000 last year
Year before that: $41,000

All you need is nice looking thumbnails (use adobe illustrator) and hipster faggots will buy that shit.

>> No.57543

If you've already got a degree and a reasonably good head on your shoulders I don't know that it would be all that unreasonable. I'm really not very well informed on the OCS route right now and I don't know what has changed with the recent draw-down. I thought there used to be an option to go immediately after basic. I really couldn't tell you if it's still an option though. I do know that it's much harder to get an ROTC Commission on active duty these days now though. When I went through if you wanted to go active it was very easy to get. These days it's much more competitive and a lot of kids are being pushed in the Guard and Reserves.

>> No.57561

Fair enough. Thank you for your input, sir. Thinking hard about the Navy right now.

>> No.57567

Quant at a betting company
~110k euro net including bonus
I studied theoretical physics

>> No.57569

Ontario, Canada
Order Selector

>> No.57582

what is an order selector?

>> No.57589


>> No.57601

salary is $135k + 15-30% bonus
IT Director (I manage IT project managers)

>> No.57617

Working at NASA

Decent salary considering I'm in my early-mid 20's. It's a panty dropper when I name drop where I work.

>> No.57636

I'm a mexican comp engineer and math majors
How do I into NASA
Thinking of applying to a comp sci masters in USA

>> No.57637

I wish I had more info to give you. I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction though.

>> No.57647

Same as the Sysco guy, only at a private company.

You move boxes of food all day onto skids. Good money, terrible hours (too many or too few). It's great for young guys saving up to get through or go to university.


>> No.57657

55k a year

I work for the CIA in a non-classified civilian analyst position. If you think your job is a panty dropper....

>> No.57669

No worries. I've been thinking about this 10+ years and have put a lot of time into researching what I want to do military wise. Thanks again.

>> No.57667

>tfw unemployed virgin and all these guys are making money at jobs that make panties drop

>> No.57671

Mmmm toughbooks running windows 2000 with lots of outdated information lacking contextual details.

I don't envy analysts.

>> No.57678

>being a soulless marketer

>> No.57681

how do i into cia analyst job?

>> No.57690


Send you CV to any e-mail address.

>> No.57692

That blows, man. I sell drugs, resell things on ebay, and steal things to pawn. I may have no friends except for junkies, but I made around 78,000 USD last year.

>> No.57707

>cv stands for cover letter right?
the CIA ain't for you m80

>> No.57702

? can you elaborate. and cv stands for cover letter right?

>> No.57710


I don't think you're cut out for intelligence work you stupid faggot.

>> No.57713

I typed up my CV in notepad then closed it. Should be good enough for the CIA.

>> No.57722


>> No.57733

Get good grades in college, major in history or an area of foreign stufy, learn a language (I learned russian), and then get an internship at langley. That's what I did. Offered me a job right after college. Pretty damn easy, and I get pussy and respect from old people. You also get to work around the coolest, most patriotic smart people you'll ever meet. It's fucking awesome. I highly recommend it.

>> No.57728

Art director at an advertising agency

78k, good considering im a photography major

>> No.57743

>tfw too late for any of that

>> No.57758

Do you have any contact with the operations guys? I heard that is a totally different branch, far more jarhead in culture and some very weird, but skilled people.

>> No.57764

>getting pussy from old people
gross m80

>> No.57769

Because I made friends with my boss, I got to go to an exclusive gentlemen's club in DC for high-level intelligence officials.

You're fucking jealous.

>> No.57771

Can non-us citizen get to CIA?

>> No.57777

I'm a part-time worker at a baby store. I sell you expensive baby accessories to go along with your already expensive baby.

>> No.57778

probably as informants

>> No.57782

I broke stocks, 40k a year to do it. Best part is getting multi-million dollar clients BSing with you and occasionally telling anti-semitic jokes.

>> No.57784

You'd fuck anything that wears Condoleeza Rice's secret CIA-manufactured perfume, including a door knob.

>> No.57786

>Seriously thinking the CIA is cooler than NASA
This fuckin guy.

The amount of facebook likes on my photos of launches beg to differ. Also, simulation > analyst

>> No.57796

I met one, and yeah, he was a different breed. Bastard spoke 3 languages, went to an Ivy League school, and was ex-marines. I have ENORMOUS respect for ops guys.

>> No.57791

No, I know what it's like. I'm not. It is actually a very boring office job.

>> No.57805

Was he good looking?

>> No.57807

>The amount of facebook likes
normalfag, plz go

>> No.57812

No. You gotta be a US citizen. Technically they can hire non-US natives, but it's rare. If you don't have a squeaky clean record and a fucking insane love for our country, you won't get hired as a janitor.

>> No.57820

~$18 000
Ramp Agent
I'm so glad I spent all that time getting a degree, it has opened zero doors for me. decided to pursue a passion of mine in flying instead. but god its expensive and all the entry level jobs pay like shit.

>> No.57833

I'm quitting this fucking job after I cash in on the health plan. I'm just getting a check up and two teeth pulled and I'm done with this bullshit environment.

>> No.57840

>Implying all attractive women don't have facebook

Have fun analyzing towel head chatter and not contributing to the advancement of mankind.

>> No.57851

Your argument speaks for itself if you have to reference facebook likes as a gauge of social success.

>> No.57855

>immigrant as a child
>US citizen
>love, love, love America
>relatively intelligent
>got a degree
>Russian gf who lives in Canada (Canadian citizen though)
>half of my family still lives in a communist shithole
Do I sound like I have too many security risks?

>> No.57862

i'm not the CIA guy


>> No.57900

>Implying women want to fuck aspies and not normalfags
That's your argument.

Seriously, do you really think the CIA is cooler than NASA? If so, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.57898

Actually, you sound pretty good. I don't know how qualified you are, and I don't know how well you'll do in the interview, but if you don't make it to the CIA, the FBI CI guys would love someone like you. Maybe learn the language of the commie shithole your family is from?

>> No.57919

$90k + bonus
Software developer at a trading firm

>> No.57938

So being normal is a bad thing? I didn't realize this was /r9k/

>> No.57936

I'm fluent. It sounds like it's hard as shit getting into the CIA though. I've had a trespassing incident with my uni freshman year (stupid shit in a construction site) that was a warning and expunged though. My grades and major aren't up to par with what's been said though. One of my professors, a former CIA station chief told me that they're mostly looking at master and phd candidates now. He himself was in law school when they picked him up. My cousin's best friend is in the FBI though and he's setting up a conversation with him. Should I be discouraged to try and join the CIA anyways with all of this? I've graduated college so can't really intern with Langley like you.

>> No.57945

They were talking on the panty-dropping scale.

I think CIA drops panties at least halfway. Nasa moistens them up.

For guys, I think Nasa is the best. The CIA employs drug addicts these days.

>> No.57951

I don't analyze towel-head chatter, I can't disclose exactly what I do (even over 4chan) but it involves the Russians. And, as far as I'm concerned, anything that plays a part in taking down the taliban and al-qaeda is lightyears more important to civilization than working as a grunt for an underfunded agency.

>> No.57990

>summer intern

>> No.58002

Do your 30 years and we'll see what you think of it.

>> No.58009

Being White male

>> No.57996

>summer intern
>it's still winter/spring

>> No.58025

>you will never work for the CIA

>> No.58048

You're risking imprisonment for only $78,000 a year?

>> No.58066

I'll fucking dance and sing the national anthem while slathered in honey to get another job.

>> No.58077

US Navy

>> No.58091

It sounds like he just got it.

>> No.58082

>implying people wouldn't jump at the chance of hiring a former CIA employee
You give me your job and you can take mine and keep looking for one?

>> No.58099

I'm not that guy, I'm making $11k a year. I would remove one of my eyes with a spoon.

>> No.58106

There's no harm in trying. If you make it, it's one of the most rewarding workplaces around. The FBI is more politcal, but in CI they're good guys and go bonkers for foreign languages. Best of luck either way, you sound great for either option.

>> No.58117

Thanks for the confidence booster, friend.

>> No.58129

I think I'll be pretty happy going to the gentlemen's clubs in DC for CIA vets. If you're NASA guy, enjoy socializing with awkward fucktard virgin scientists.

>> No.58168

Also, a note about the FBI: if you apply for a SA position, they won't automatically put you in the division of your choice. Chances are, if you graduate the academy, you'll be pouring through narcotics records in St.Louis before doing something exciting.

>> No.58164

No, I mean 30 years in the DC intelligence grinder. You don't sound like you've even been in for a year.

>> No.58203

I'd be okay with that. Anything to do something positive for the country.

>> No.58214

3 years, actually. Yeah, with the DNI and all, it looses some appeal, but the CIA is still very much as cool as it was 40 years ago.

>> No.58220

>Selling KNIVES to people who need KNIVES and can't make their own KNIVES because of the weather and live too far from a KNIFE source to sell KNIVES themselves
Making a killing off the natives and met a lot of cool people doing it.
The only issues are the long drives and the KNIFE POLICE

>> No.58227

>Using light-year as a unit of time measurement while putting down NASA in the same sentence.
Oh the irony.

>> No.58240
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>working for vector

>> No.58278

I made $163,000 last year. Depends on the year as I make a % of my billable hours. I can essentially make as much or as little as I want.
I am a lawyer working for a small off Bay St. firm. I specialize in tax planning/litigation.

>> No.58264


Never would I ever get suckered into a pyramid scheme.

>$26,880 selling vector knives
think again

>> No.58266

I wasn't putting down NASA. I was simply saying that the work we do in the middle east is much more important in the short term than space. I mean, the guy said "advance civilization." What advances civilization more than putting a bullet in the head of those who are impeding it?

>> No.58267


But we're not talking about it being cool or about hookers. That's what I mean.

>> No.58299

Well, yes, the work here (like every fed agency) can be mundane as HELL most of the time, but UNLIKE most fed agencies, every once and a while your work gets so damn exciting you end up pulling all nighters and meeting govt VIPs to advise them on ongoing situations.

>> No.58339

>I studied theoretical physics
Fucking seriously?
I find theoretical physics fascinating as fuck and kinda want to study them but I figured degree on something like that is worth jackshit in any 'real job'

>> No.58372

UT. It's not Harvard, but it's top 15 in the country and in Texas it'll get you jobs.

>> No.58399
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>> No.58411

that one guy that defurded elton jhon and is getting butt fucked in prison

that other guy who fucked over some other rich fag who is in prision getting butt fucked

>> No.58419

Please make a thread about being an actuary

>> No.58445

Medical Device Fabrication

>> No.58442

Physicists make the best data scientists. I am not sure why they beat CS and maths students. It may be their experimental approach and system optimization skills.

I think you can work at most companies with a physics degree, no matter if you are actually doing theoretical physics. You understand quantum mechanics? Cool, you should be able to understand our ad network in 2 weeks of onboarding.

>> No.58450
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£4000 a year (13k if I was full time)

>> No.58490


Phil major here too.
> age 20
> -80,000 in debt from USA Uni
> Failed out of CS major

We'll fuckin' make it.

>> No.58493

>You understand quantum mechanics?
Nigga that's the fucking reason physics are so interesting to me. That and general space stuff.
Damn you can't believe how glad I am to hear that, I really am kinda starting to lose hope about my future because none of my choices seem to really lead to anything good at all.

>> No.58497

I said short term, you cunt. Science is no doubt extremely important, but who cares about research when bastards are flying planes into buildings and blowing people up. I'd be willing to bet you'd be damn happy you have us on your side if you lost someone to terrorism. Faggot.

>> No.58525

Minimum wage and welfare in the UK is over 10k a year, you should be ashamed.

>> No.58549

£21000 although it goes up to £25000 in about a fortnight


political research

>> No.58584

350k 2012-2013
Professional Gambler
Ontario Canada

>> No.58578

Security IT Technician
$35,000/year +commission +bonus

>> No.58588

Huh. I probably work near you, anon.

>> No.58647

Any British people here? Do you feel poor?

When Americans talk about their job they always complain because "I'm only earning $50,000 and taxes are high and fuel prices are high"

But in the UK that's a fuck load of money. Most people are lucky to earn over £20,000 here. Taxes are very high, petrol is like $12 a gallon (compared to the US's 6 or w/e), and it's more expensive to live.

People speak about the UK like some super rich country but when you live here, unless you're in London, it feels like you're a poor bastard.

>> No.58648

Can you elaborate without revealing?

>> No.58709

Isn't the pound twice the weight of the dollar? That's probably why. National average for US is 40K.

>> No.58734


It's 3 dollars a gallon here

>> No.58727


>> No.58749


Socialism ladies and gentlemen. Lots of your former colonies are much richer. At least you have a great history britfriend.

>> No.58759

By here you mean America? And you guys have the cheek to complain.

Well $50,000 is £30,000, but Americans always seem so much richer.

They have well paying jobs, cheap prices, large air-conditioned houses! All Americans seem to be able to afford cars (a luxury commodity in the UK), plasma TVs, smartphones, Apple laptops, et cetera! The only thing they lack on is healthcare, but Obama is sorting that out.

How do you guys do it? IS America really rich, or the UK really poor?

>> No.58767


Calm down. Nobody is going to hire you just because you speak multiple languages. Eventually it's your qualification that makes you interesting to companies. This is currently happening in Germany. There is a lack of german STEM graduates, so engineers from countries like spain, romania etc come over to work here. Do you think any of these people speak fluent german? or english?

>> No.58763

cost of living matters

>> No.58773

But I am a socialist (not in the American sense, the European sense), I vote Labour. No metter how far right the parties we have in, we still have the same problem. Left or right, this country has always been the same.

>> No.58791

>afford a car
It's a necessity, not a luxury here.

>> No.58799

58k USD
Construction Estimator

I think I may have gotten a higher raise than I was supposed to the other day because I am paid weekly and everyone else is biweekly, but I ain't saying anything

>> No.58793

We have less population density so property is cheaper, which drives all prices down.

>> No.58822

In the UK if you can afford a car then you're usually making some serious cuts in your quality of life. It's so expensive. Our public transport is extensive but shit.

Yes that's right, but France has a similar pop. density, and their houses are twice as big and twice as cheap as ours. There's no excuse for it. We used to rule the world, now we're a shitty inflated country hanging on my a thread.

>> No.58813


>> No.58830

The cost of living in Brazil is probably a lot lower though.

>> No.58831

I work in a building connected to the PATH.

>> No.58845


How do you like doing this?

I'm about to start law school in September (in Vancouver). Wouldn't mind relocating to Toronto after graduation to chase the big bucks for a few years before calming down a little.

>> No.58847


You could be rich like us if you were more capitalist. Probably richer.

>> No.58860

Well you say that but it's like £1000 for an iphone that would be 500 in the UK. But everyone in Brazil still manages to afford one, and people in the UK struggle.

Shows how shitty this backward little shithole is.

Perhaps so, but there aren't any capitalist parties. The far right are laughable, our "conservative" party is liberal, and out Centre party has no chance.

>> No.58876

I can only speak to my own experience. What type of law are you interested in practicing?

>> No.58952


>> No.58979

>Perhaps so, but there aren't any capitalist parties.

Britfag here. Vote UKIP

>> No.58998
File: 23 KB, 290x324, cosamurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife is an oncologist
I stay at home and cook/tend the garden
Total gross of $140,000 a year.

>> No.59013

show me your secrets

>> No.59016

i really thought oncologists would earn better than that. how much of that is eaten up by malpractice insurance?

>> No.59029

Soooo you're a NEET?

>> No.59035

I missed a chance to triple my money in less than a week. Kill me.

>> No.59048

I'm not quite sure on that, she is with the hospital's coverage. Also this is just her second year, and taxes in our part of Virginia can be quite stiff.
Just try to look gud.

>> No.59050

UKIP are a laughable fad that will fade into obscurity. Their policies are ridiculous. The EU is a hive of business activity I can't afford for that to be taken away.

>> No.59059

Meant to reply to >>59016

>> No.59200


I don't have a whole lot of preference either way, but I'm interested mostly in corporate/business side of things. Maybe natural resources/environmental stuff as well.

Mostly I just want to enter into a field that will allow me to work my nuts off for cash.

>> No.59326

Well, I would say that if you're attending UBC if you want to break into Bay St. you are going to have to work very hard and ensure you are near the top of the class. There is already a huge talent pool in Toronto with Osgoode/UofT (not to mention the rest of the Ontario schools) so my understanding is that those from out of province really live and die by being at the top of their class.

Now, if you want to work your nuts off for cash, I would suggest staying away from Bay St. anyway. They treat you like garbage and you don't learn even half of what students/associates do in smaller practices. It takes several years before you are pulling in the ridiculous coin that you're dreaming about now, and even then its never a guarantee. So if you want to get in make cheddar and get out as quickly as possible, not the best career path.

The best way to make alot of money quick is to hang your own shingle. I would have done this myself already but the problem with my field is that it takes years to develop expertise enough to be able to put yourself out in the marketplace as a professional. If you are an extrovert/rainmaker type you can make a shit ton of money so fast in this industry its ridiculous.

>> No.59375

Also, for Corporate Law, my suggested upper year course selection would look like this (ie I would not hire someone without most if not all of these on their transcript):

Commercial Law, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Restitution, Trusts, Contracts II, Business Associations, Tax Law I, Corporate Tax, Corporate Finance, Securities + any capstone business focused seminar that UBC offers.

>> No.59441


Thanks for the info, anon.

I don't have much desire to get out to Toronto/Bay St, just wouldn't really mind relocating if that's where the cash is. Truthfully I'd prefer to remain in Vancouver but our legal market pays associates quite a bit less than is standard in places like Toronto or Calgary, unfortunately (from what I gather).

What fields would you recommend as being the best for going solo? I wouldn't mind putting in a good amount of time at a big firm and then breaking free later on... But I'm definitely interested in following the cheddar wherever it is.

If it helps you provide any insight - I'm coming from a background in Philosophy so I won't be able to get into IP/Patent stuff - I'm assuming certain options are similarly restricted to Business degree holders.

My LSAT score was in the 99th percentile but I'm told that this doesn't exactly correlate with success in law school, so I don't want to make any stupid decisions based on assuming I'll be at the top of the class.

>> No.59620

The IP law area is more of an outlier from my understanding, but kudos on identifying that already. As for other areas, I can tell you from personal experience that your philosophy background will not harm you in any way. I have an undergraduate in social science and I'm practicing taxation law which is considered one of the more challenging fields. Mostly accounting students go this way, but not coming from that background gave me a huge advantage in my opinion. Do not let your cohorts with business degrees intimidate you it doesn't matter one bit. In fact the philosophy background will probably be a huge plus.

As for which way to go to make the big bucks fast? I would say that Real Estate is probably the easiest, but lately alot of NCA students have been clogging up that market given its all they are qualified to practice. I'm not sure it matters all that much what area you practice in if you're a real ambitious person who is quite frankly more of a "businessperson" than a lawyer. When you start wanting to make the big money its far more about growing your practice, schmoozing and finding clients. I don't really have that in my blood so I stuck to tax - its a growth area, and once you make a name for yourself you can make ridiculous money. It just takes far longer to become adept at it.

Also, welcome to the point where the LSAT means jack shit. Congrats on your high score but do yourself a favour and don't get cocky - it has nothing to do with your success going forward. You will get out what you put in. The trick in law school is to outwork everyone else. You're finally at a school where everyone is on a level intellectual playing field, so whoever goes the hardest will win.

>> No.59826

Massage parlor.

>> No.60940

>I'd be willing to bet you'd be damn happy you have us on your side if you lost someone to terrorism.
You know what I lost to terrorism through you fagfages? My freedom. Tell your buddies at the NSA hello for me, they won't be doing that for much longer.

>> No.62211

Analyst for the Government

>> No.62220

also, 20 years old