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4385648 No.4385648 [Reply] [Original]


>Market demand for Bitcoin Cash has proven strong and, in our view, it’s likely here to stay.

>We plan to offer full support for Bitcoin Cash before the end of year on web with support across all our platforms before end of the end of Q1 2018. Stay tuned for product launch announcements!

>> No.4385674

This was just the beginning.
Test the waters.
To see how the enemy reacts.
Next time there will be zero mercy

>> No.4385690

The good news will keep rolling in as companys find bitcoin is useful for transactions again.

>> No.4386007

core reacted by:
Increased fud (political levels of arrogance to boot)
DDOSing exchanges during the pump
literal death threats
buying up and dumping BCH just to make it look worse

did i miss anything?

>> No.4386824

you missed the part where BCH is a shitcoin with no purpose other than attack BTC.

>> No.4386830

>transacting bitcoin is an attack on bitcoin

>> No.4387067

No, hard forking DAA to draw in hashrate is an attack
However, that same strategy is what dooms BCH to the current trend of slow decline
Miners know that the DAA is going to mint new currency at high rates, which causes the coin to inflate (https://fork.lol/reward/inflation)) through the very action of mining. Nobody wants to hold onto a coin that they know has a natural tendency to lose more value the better you do your job, so miners will try to sell their BCH as soon as they mine it, slowly leaching value out of BCH.

>> No.4388058
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Stop talkimg shit.

The EDA made it so that it's possible for miners to jump between the two chains without the network having to take 2016 blocks to adjust difficulty. If miners jump on board BCH and start mining quicker than 1 block every 10 mins, difficulty will go up for the next block. It goes up or down based on the average of the previous 144 so hashpower can move between the two chains. This is good for BCH and makes BTC completely vulnerable to getting stuck with a high difficulty, long block times, uncofirmed fees and potentially having to wait 12 weeks to retarget difficulty if block times draw out 1hr plus.

Once all the hashpower makes the next difficulty go up, miners are going to ditch btc. You have been warned.

>> No.4388807

Only reason bch could get another pump is this is we are at wave C

>> No.4388877

Satoshi is great and all but having to wait 2016 blocks to adjust difficulty was a pretty big oversight. I guess he didn't foresee competing crypto currencies stealing away vast amounts of hashpower. BCH difficulty adjustment algorithm is far superior. The fact that core never fixed this terrible flaw is just further proof that they are garbage programmers.

>> No.4388915
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>before end of the end

>> No.4388974


Good info, when do you see this happening?

>> No.4389017
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Oh god the Koreans are awake.

>> No.4389032
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>1 minute candles

>> No.4389080

>1min chart

>> No.4389083
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>> No.4389099
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>right back in the descending triangle and supported by the moving average on bithumb

wew, to bee honest lads I was getting a bit nervous, but now I'm feeling comfy again. and corecoin is finishing a textbook h&s on the 1hr

>> No.4389117
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descending wedge rather. a desc triangle would be bad

>> No.4389163

It's been a fucking hour and this shitcoin still hasn't got any confirmations. I can't even leave it it's so shit.

>> No.4389195

Yeah lol. Fuck. I thought BCH was supposed to have fast confirmation times and shit right?

>> No.4389196
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>> No.4389204

W-will it last? I was about to drop my bags.

>> No.4389220

Pray to our Korean gods

>> No.4389242
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Our hearts have been broken so many times already, I don't think I could take another fake moon boom setting us free of our bags.

The weekend is near, maybe the market will have a replay.

>> No.4389273

It's bitcoin not bcash

>> No.4389295
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this one reads just like a core shill, but

could be real. you guys aren't actually going to sell low are you? do some research, you basically have the equivalent of traveling back in time to when BTC was this cheap and buying then, so don't weakhand sell immediately after

>> No.4389297

This. Hopefully the weekend is good like last time. Fridays was one of the best days of my life, it was Veteran's day so I had the day off, I had most of my holdings in BCH because I believe it in more than BTC and it's a lot cheaper than BTC while also being Bitcoin. I was dancing and shit the entire day watching it go from $600 to $700 to $800 to $900 all the fucking way to $2700 even surpassing Ethereum. That was a roller coaster thrill ride. I held during that entire time, and I've sold off like almost half of my BCH now, fuck.

I kinda regret selling, but at the same time the price is dropping, so shrug.

>> No.4389302

Pray, anon, we'll make it.

>> No.4389314

>you guys aren't actually going to sell low are you? do some research, you basically have the equivalent of traveling back in time to when BTC was this cheap and buying then, so don't weakhand sell immediately after
As much as going weakhands right now could bite me in the ass, this is overselling a bit. Nothing will ever be like BTC ever again, thinking anything will be 'the new bitcoin' in terms of profits is naive.

>> No.4389315

I don't have any BTC, gave it all for BCH. But because the prices were dropping I sent almost half my shit out already.

I'm weak as fuck.

>> No.4389339

That's unfair as hell. So the moment I start trading the price goes up again? I traded at $1090, it's now at $1260 in like minutes, wtf. Place me on suicide watch.

>> No.4389351
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BCH isn't the new bitcoin, it literally is bitcoin. what you're seeing right now is a struggle between the people who wrested control of bitcoin from Satoshi (core, blockstream, institutional money) and the people who want to see the coin restored to the original whitepaper (most of the miners, Roger, a lot of people who worked on the coin back in 2010)

>> No.4389360

in a perfect market, game theory of the mining difficulty dictates all the value will flow to BCH due to chain death

the math and game theory logic forced my hand to buy this coin very heavily near the all time low of BCH/BTC pairing

the black swan event last saturday night only confirmed to me. I was too slow to sell the top plus bittrex kept crashing on me, but honestly it was an infinite feedback loop and BTC was going to zero, fast, if they hadn't pulled the plug on the bithumb servers.

I'm still up nicely even at todays lows of 0.15 and will be holding for new exchange pairings and hype cycles.

the destruction this will cause will be so massive right? or will we have a few bear months and then everyone gets over it and buys the new bitcoin, or eth takes over or whatever?

or as I fear, the market is too rigged and 'they' will never let the chinese get away with this

If the TA wizards are right we are in for more pain or slow bleed on the BCH/USD pairing to ~$800 levels before another moonshot to 3k

>> No.4389373

Volume is slowly increasing lads

>> No.4389378

Doesn't really matter, Bitcoin Core won the brand game and normies are never going to move to Cash, especially after the pump and dump event. Also if real bitcoin is STILL WAITING FOR THIS TRANSACTION TO CONFIRM then I'm not interested in it whether its real or not.

>> No.4389407

>Bitcoin Core won the brand game and normies are never going to move to Cash

this is true, but if you read the image I posted >>4389295 and what >>4389360 said, you'd see that normies won't have a choice. bitcoin core will be a frozen blockchain, nobody will be able to use it

>> No.4389427

Ok, some ignorance coming through here but won't they just update Core to make the blockchain more efficient going forward at some point? Doesn't every crypto do this all the time?

>> No.4389451

Also small update, after 70 minutes I finally have one confirmation, is this BCH at peak performance?

>> No.4389493
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they could, but core is such an incompetent and bumbling dev team that by the time they did anything it would be too late, the economic damage would be irreversible as for >>4389451, there are only 150 unconfirmed BCH transactions right now, so you are either very unlucky or paid 1 satoshi for your transaction fee

>> No.4389519

I moved it out of an exchange so I didn't set the fee at all, maybe they fucked me.

>> No.4389652

On some exchanges even with ETH it takes a while

>> No.4389659

Honestly this sounds a lot like the "ETH will flippen BTC" from a year ago. Or two? Time moves too fast.
The only people actually thinking this is a war are those with a vested interest. In all likelihood BCH remains as an inverse BTC. Where do you go when BTC dips? BCH. And vice versa.
It's a much safer haven than other coins with fundamentally different applications.

>> No.4389998

4/6, Bittrex still won't let me use it fuuuck.

>> No.4390018

that's the point of mining and the beauty of pow algorithms though. it'd suck if the miners could just hoard all the coins.

>> No.4390090

>Honestly this sounds a lot like the "ETH will flippen BTC" from a year ago. Or two? Time moves too fast.

Six months ago. And it will happen - it just hasn't happened yet.

>> No.4390146

Please, my hands will not hold much longer. I'm still up 62% from cryptos but this decline has been so fucking ogre to muh gains.

>> No.4390308

four hour candle will close in 1hr, let's see if it closes above or below the 50 day moving average

>> No.4390887

ok we're in a clear bear break, just sold. look to buy back at 800-1000 levels

>> No.4391306

>buy back at 800-1000 levels
This seems a little on the generous side.

>> No.4391612

BCH retards still in denial?
they still can't accept that they're being manipulated and losing money by backing the losing team?
I thought most of them would have realized by now...

>> No.4391674


>> No.4391696

It is literally the only coin on the market that will scale globally on-chain. The only one.

>> No.4391699

BTC is doomed, crypto is political now and has been for years behind the scenes

and im not talking jihan, hes either a puppet or blinded by pure greed but if you really break down everything then cash being the dominant coin right now is beneficial in the long run

>> No.4391726

>"Don't panic, lads. Moon incoming."
>"In just 10 days time..."

Fucking lol. How many times can these crooks defer until the last dupe has cut their losses? All week it has been "8pm tonight! / When you wake up tomorrow! / In 4 hours! / On Friday!"

Why make these dumb claims at all? For a single, half-day pump, they have continually and repeatedly undermined the credibility of the BCash marketplace as a free and uncorrupted place to do business. Why does the community wage war on another - completely distinct - token? Why do they make silly promises made on nothing? Why do they continually rely on unsubstantiated and anonymous pastebin fanfics to price propagandise?

I can only think of one reason that answers them all: desperation.

Who have the CEOs got involved with? Who is breathing down their necks, demanding their money back?