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4382085 No.4382085 [Reply] [Original]

Do you do acid?

Do you get financial insights during your trip?

>> No.4382090

Degenerates should be banned from this board.
Enjoy dying early.

>> No.4382104

It makes me buy high

>> No.4382106

trading crypto is better than any drug

>> No.4382133

I took mushrooms a month or two back and it made me realise how stupid it was that I hadn't taken any profit. Took out a significant portion of my ETH gains. Felt great, now my future is set and I still have money in the system. Basically it helped me to not be greedy.

>> No.4382132


>> No.4382139
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Yes, I eat my money and shit out gains. I'm on the moon right now

>> No.4382147
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Last time I did a bunch of acid I started thinking about bitcoin and couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of all the worlds money being hidden in bitcoin/Monero one day.

Seriously, how is this not inevitable?

>> No.4382160

What is degenerate with replacing serotonin for a while?

crypto trader behavior is same as junkie behavior

>> No.4382162
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>take acid
>penis shrinks
>realize I am God

>> No.4382175

the dude who discovered acid lived to over a hundred years old

dna was discovered on acid

>> No.4382191

>Bitcoin forks
>Organzied attack to rob BTC of hashtags
>Everyone loses confidence in BTC
>Everyone converts back to fiat
Basically what’s already going on. It’ll only get worse in the future.

>> No.4382215


Actually this is too true.
I used to smoke alot of weed and take every drug available at parties.

After i started trading crypto that shit just wasn't appealing anymore.

Why would i buy for 100$ worth of weed when i can invest that shit in monero or some shit?

>> No.4382231

Last time i took acid I became the blockchain. Then it wormholed into another dimension with long, tall looking things laughing at me. Making me feel small and irrelevant like if they knew we are all part of a silly game.

>> No.4382238

Albert Hoffman the person that invented LSD, and took it a fuck ton mind you, lived to 102 fucking years old with a sound mind... he was confirmed micro dosing the last two decades of his life. I think it's safe to say LSD should be researched a little more instead of dismissed entirely.

>> No.4382258
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Dont respond to bait

>> No.4382270

I think trading crypto gives you a buzz. Its an addiction. If you are smart enough to get gainz its best kind of adiction. If you cant get gainz, buzz of other drugs is better and cheaper.

>> No.4382282

There is a huge difference between realizing the benefits of micro-dosing and being a irresponsible kid doing thumbprints in the middle of the woods. Until people learn to actually respect hallucinogenics, we will never implement them in our daily lives.

>> No.4382289
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>> No.4382322

Get back to work jeff sessions

>> No.4382352

Hey grandpa, weed, heroin and LSD are all very different things.

>> No.4382459

I'm very addicted to crypto now. It gives me a great wholesome buzz.. So far i have doubled my money in two month.. The rush is real!

if your friends are hooked on drugs, then fuck rehab, get them into crypto.

>> No.4382717

>Dying early from non toxic compounds

>> No.4382719


>> No.4382835

when eth hits $500 in a few months..

>> No.4382962
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Last time I tripped I actually had thi idea for how wealth, through smart contracts and blockchain, will be able to “bleed” from your crypto wallets into the Internet of Value (IoV) that Ripple and Iota love to pander.

I drove my friends to this mountain where we hiked and thought about how I could ask for gas money; I didn’t but I usually do. But with smart contracts built into the car or some app on my phone that tracks distance or something like that, everyone in the car could split the gas costs automatically, having the funds be instantly deducted from each rider’s wallets equally, taking into account factors like the miles per gallon of the car and the distance traveled. Didn’t think about it at the time but you could even have the Chainlink network act as the oracle for verifying all those various data points.

The concept of money being fluid just like, well, an actual physical fluid, as a result of cryptocurrency, made crystal clear sense to me. You could make it into multiple kinds of forms like coding an app to have some kind of game-type mechanic where swipes on the screen correlate directly into an amount of xyz coin you beam wirelessly to another person. Maybe like harder and quicker swipes result in more coinz being sent.

Or maybe you could provide a reverse incentive by setting an initial total amount of coinz to contribute to a session in the game, and the harder you swipe, the less coins get sent as a total, so you & the other person would be competing by playing harder to AVOID outspending the other. Idk mayne. So many possibilities by basically turning currency into an API, so to speak

>> No.4383160

Quick, anon, apply for a job at Activision. I think they’d like to hear about this.

>> No.4383650
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I tend to agree it seems inevitable, energy is such a true currency, we should just be trading representations of Joules, tho its hard to account for thought and consciousness that goes into creating an object(i.e. how do you represent that in joules) I guess the market would find a way

It also depends on if you think the future will be cyberpunk or not, it could wind up with just a small collection of people breaking the law and trading illicitly on the internet and theyre fighting the might of the government (basically whats happening right now as we speak)

>> No.4383660

Never had a financial though on acid!

>> No.4384240
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You have no idea what you're talking about lel. Get fucking back do /pol you stupid bootlicker

>> No.4384291


So you could invest that shit in monero or some shit and then buy your drugs

>> No.4384606
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but I don't think it could ever give you financial insights
other than perhaps changing your attitude to risk and general strategy

I could really do with the afterglow to cheer me up for another few months, but I'm stressed/depressed/low self esteem atm so I worry that tripping would make me insanely ashamed of myself

>> No.4384724

I share my acit trip influenced coin picks on this group:
And they're never wrong.

>> No.4384846
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who else /microdosing/

>> No.4385048


lsd is one of the safest drugs around.

>> No.4385163


>> No.4385508

Mushrooms and LSD are completely unaddictive and non dangerous. Alcohol is far more toxic and addictive. Heroin and Crack aren't the same as Acid just because they are both called drugs

Stay away from weed though

>> No.4385580

You can OD from shrooms

>> No.4385772

no you literally can't. your stomach isn't big enough. you can overdose on pure Psilocybin, but not on shrooms.

>> No.4385803

What about concentrated tea?

>> No.4385870

I tripped and realized that we are in a simulation and that we will be in a simulation again .
Let me spare you the details and say
All in 50x leverage diversified tech stocks
Thank me when you transcend your physical body (or dont)
I realized after that you cannot be happier than where you are now (with pain)
Don't ask why
Just be happy you can suffer.

>> No.4385927

youd have to drink a fuckton. the theraputic index is thought to be over 1000:1

>> No.4385961

>crypto trader behavior is same as junkie behavior

Lmao this hits close to home. Replaced an opiate addiction with a crypto/day trading addiction.

Probably lost less with opiates.

>> No.4386020

This brings up an interesting point, anyone here an addict?

Is there any correlation between day trading and addiction/addictive personalities? I guess day trading is very similar to gambling, with all the rush that comes with it.

Fuuuuck and I've been trying to avoid my junkie ways by going face first into day trading, when it seems like I'm only feeding the beast

>> No.4386038

Do you do it regularly?

Ive tried microdosing lsd a couple times, and the results were nice, but it didnt really seem worth it to schedule long term

why weed? i need to quit so give me motivation

>> No.4386050
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Anyone know how to order acid in Canada?

>> No.4386077

health is your most precious possession anon, dont screw it

>> No.4386144

weed doesn't actually do any of the shit people says it does and you probably hate being high without realizing it.

>> No.4386174

Yeah I only just realised that, legit about a week ago after 2 years of daily opiates (+ 2 more years of other shit).

Quit my job as a software engineer (if I'm gonna be a junkie I'm at least gonna be functional), withdrew some savings from crypto, now I'm going to live in the fucking woods for a few months and focus on personal projects/fitness/CRYPTO YO.

>> No.4386177

gotchu senpai

>> No.4386215

success is a drug. work is a drug. exercise is a drug. everyone's an addict, but some people do shitty drugs like mcdonalds and procrastination, and other people do good drugs like making friends and working hard.

>> No.4386236

Sounds goods. Just dont do more drugs. Every single druggie regrets it sooner or later. No exceptions.

>> No.4386306

Not true at all. You can do anything you want if you have self control and an education about it. Don't project your own inadequacies onto other people my dude.

>> No.4386333

What does this have to do with business

>> No.4386373


As I've found out, this depends entirely on the person/situation/environment.

I (for the longest time) had great self control and was well educated (weak pharmacology background), but drugs change how you think (without you noticing). After a while I stopped caring about the negatives, while being realistic about what would happen, I was just way passed caring (because the only joy I felt had to be chemically induced, my brain was no longer capable of providing it on its own).

If you're in a good place and have good self control, then yes you can do anything. But this can change all to quickly

>> No.4386380

yes you can do as you please. Im sure you can live a happy and fulfilling life as a serial murderer and rapist, if thats your kind of thing. As long as you are proffessional, have self control on your killing sprees and are educated about it. Right?

Freedom to do something doesnt mean you should. You are free to do so, but others will always be there to remind of the consequences.

mfw when people actually defend life on opiates

>> No.4386384

Usually when I do acid and think about money I am disgusted with how obsessed I am with money. I promise myself to be different then slowly go back to normal greedy fuck.

>> No.4386411

Fucks with your chemistry. Im sure you become numb to everything but the dose. Yes you could maybe live on opiates, but you'd be a wreck inside and thats no life.

>> No.4386456

killing someone for self defense is justified and rational. opiates are used globally for almost all major surgeries. I'll give you rape, but there's literally nothing wrong with using opiates a few times in your lifetime and in the right context.

>> No.4386593

Absolutely accurate, and this is what's so scary.

You'll numb over time, but slow enough such that you'll numb to the change as well. It's not so much that you're a wreck inside, it's that you're a wreck everywhere else. The only thing that matters to you is opiates, so much so that everything else decays around you.

>> No.4387017


>> No.4387029

I'd rather be in the creatives/expressions?

>> No.4387108

I buy a shitload of 1P-LSD with litecoin and microdose with 20ug daily.I have since gained the insight that you can buy 1P-LSD with litecoin from reputable sources, so I bought more litecoin, and then it went 2x. Also microdosing is fucking ace buoy.

>> No.4387145

Are you me? We are weak.