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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 201x251, cdff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4377089 No.4377089 [Reply] [Original]

When you enter the 100k+ LINK club, the world starts to look different. You realize how superior you are to everyone. Not just no coiners, but even the vast majority of coiners, who don't understand what you do. You realize that even people who got rich off BTC and ETH mainly did so because they were lucky. You realize that the next generation of crypto gazillionaires, the LINK holders, will get there not out of luck. But out of pure, unfiltered intelligence. You start to realize just how special you are.

I wish you no LINKers would experience my joy. Some day, maybe, just maybe, you will.

>> No.4377104

Oh fuck off. I bought 160k on ED and you know what my experience has been? Watching 16BTC turn into 4.

>> No.4377113
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Could you share some link to a poor link hodler
I only have just over 500


>> No.4377140

I have around 200K Link and shit like this makes me want it to fail. But not really because I want my fucking Lambo.

>> No.4377141


>> No.4377154


who the fuck are you, you're not OP

>> No.4377161


douchebag OP aside, why did you pay 16btc for 160k LINK lol? you're either really dumb and bad at trading or larping.

>> No.4377163

Lol I always fall for these while stoned and fomo buy another 0.5-1eth worth of LINK(needless to say that I also pay 4% coinbase fee for card - my 10 000eur card limit is killing me).
Holding over 40k thanks to your shills(maxed out the ico, bought the rest from the crash to. 0007eth and under.

Just 13 hours ago I fell for you, but now I'm sober and at school so not buying more link!!!

>> No.4377185
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>> No.4377198
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>tfw only 13k Link

Just kill me please

>> No.4377208

least you're not super poor fag who can't even break 1k link

>> No.4377253
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We have collectively hit the crypto-lottery. The only issue I find is figuring out more ways to buy more at the current prices.

>> No.4377284

Kill yourself.

>> No.4377322
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IEXEC are in talks with many corporations with the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance. I just market bought another 5K RLC.

>> No.4377435
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>> No.4377454

Everyone here in 4chan should buy a few hundred bucks worth and hodl for a few years. It will be one of the best decisions you've made.

>> No.4377555

Someone explain the rent free in your head meme to me

>> No.4377576

LOL, my dream. Senpai teach me.

>> No.4377585

I don't see why people want link to fail. Literally 90% of /biz/ would have made it if link moons. I feel like we can almost form a secret society right now because the current /biz/ members are the future wealth elite.

>> No.4377619

90% of biz is LINK at this point
youre not going anywhere

>> No.4377634
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>> No.4377640

the absolute state of linkies delusion these days

>> No.4377647

we should all team up and buy a /biz/ island after chainlink moons

>> No.4377661

>Tfw only 600 Link
I'm considering upping it to 2k by the end of the year if it holds its current value. At the very least it will be some stable shitcoin I can keep some money it.

>> No.4377665

And buying a Lamboland shrine.

>> No.4377677


>> No.4377691
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>100k+ LINK club


Rank - Cuck,

Congrats. Hahhahahaha.

>> No.4377712

Yeah, a nice big island with Sergey statues everywhere. We could just hang out all day, pump millions into shitcoins just because we can and fuck korean whores. Can't wait.

>> No.4377725

Why should I invest in LINK( don't DYOR me I know it has a good project but in terms OF ROI is not paying off) when almost everyone in /biz/ is highly disappointed with its returns and what is the correlation of /biz/&LINK here? did someone spread FOMO and everyone bought it... even thoug

>> No.4377729

Only the best looking bitches in the world will be sufficient for our pedigree of intelligence and financial wealth and power.

>> No.4377738


lol you linkies are marines now. The many. The broke. The cucked

>> No.4377749

Unless Link falls below .15 I'm not getting Cucked at all

>> No.4377761

If Chainlink goes to .15 I'm buying $80K worth and will hold for a few years.

>> No.4377777

Us Linkies are all going to make it, chainlink will be $10 by 2018 and $25 by 2019.

>> No.4377781


>> No.4377782

Smart move. Even if it only reaches 1 USD you'd be making a good chunk of money

>> No.4377791

Because holding does that. People say they miss moons but what are the odds they would have been on them? If they were the type to jump on and exit moons at the right time they would already be rich. More importantly they would have dumped Link if they had the wherewithal to know when a moon starts and ends.

It's the equivalent of getting into a relationship and then being mad you can't fuck the cute girl at the deli when in reality you were never going to fuck her even if you weren't in a relationship.

>> No.4377802

Checked. Praise Kek for our newfound wealth!

>> No.4377818

I'm with you, although I dont have 100k link like you. This time next year we're millionaires. Feels awesome

>> No.4377819


you morons don't know shit about chaos meme magic, kek and shit

>> No.4377826

Teach us wise one

>> No.4377829

Its been around for a month and a half. Most of 4chan is ADHD cucks who can't pay attention long enough to take a piss. They want instant gratification and that's just not how organic growth really works. The original investors pull out whe they meet their price targets, they dump, the next group of people buys that dip and sells at X price target. Once you break a certain point of resistance though, those people get fucked from those god gains when the normies flow in.

>> No.4377830

Chainlink was the lesson I learn about selling the news. Man did that went bad, had a nightmares.

>> No.4377841
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praise be

>> No.4377853

Oh shit! It's going to happen.

Now I need to figure out a way to buy $80K worth of Chainlink

>> No.4377887

I like the analogy of fucking the cute girl, thank you.

>> No.4377891
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>> No.4378121

>have 200 link

Am I gonna make it? it's 10% of my portfolio.

>> No.4378241

You should know that SWIFT has no intention of using Blockchain nor ChainLink for several years to come. <^Coming from SWIFT board themselves

>> No.4378260

lol. dat meme tho

>> No.4378275


>> No.4378377

You show me proof and I'll sell all my 300K link right now.

>> No.4378406

it's just more "hurr yes LINK will moon but not for 18 years!!!!" FUD. it's pretty good when even the FUDers admit that mooning is inevitable though.

>> No.4378451

The guy made a poor attempt at FUD. He knows this fucking coin will fly to Mars

>> No.4378459
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>wanting to sell his lottery ticket because someone else is too full of himself.

What are you? Fucking 12 years old?

That is the beautiful thing about LINK and why it is comfy to hold despite all the wild swings. There is literally not a single piece of FUD that could be considered rational and argumentative valid paired with some proof. It is nothing but garbage memes, lies and wrongful accusations.

So if someone manages to have the necessary IQ of 90+ to see beyond that, he might just invest in some LINK and hold them. There is no reason to not grab a small amount at least and let it sit in your portfolio for some months, even when you're not fully convinced.

>> No.4378466
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>> No.4378483
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All Hail our CryptoGod SERGEY!

>> No.4378538

feel the same. just have 150k though. could kms srsly. i hate this shitcoin but somehow i also love it. FUCK

>> No.4378552

do you guys think it's a larp or does any of you remember the things he's talking about?

>> No.4378583

It can't be more of a larp.

>> No.4378584

Larp. 4/10 FUD actually but just random garbage from an argumentative point of view.

>> No.4378612

/pol/ has no incentive to do what he said

>> No.4378623

he sounds literally insane

>> No.4378787

>not posting the one with the military salute for those fallen in battle.

You had one job anon

>> No.4378921

Someone red pill me on link

>> No.4379003

See >>4377185
Mainstream smart contracts
Decentralised and secure (at every node including oracle)
This is also more cost efficient

Can seriously go $100+ per LINK

>> No.4379017

me owning 800k link made me so fucking delusional that i lost over 100 btc holding all the way down and selling at the bottom

dont drink your own kool aid kids

>> No.4379054


>> No.4379084

I always check the prices and it always shows rlc in the green and THE SAME PRICE. Is this the perfect coin for margin trading? Seems like the price is always the same.

>> No.4379098

>invests hundreds of thousands of dollars
>waits exactly 1 month to see return
no, you didn't.

>> No.4379104

That math doesn't make any sense. Top price for 800k LINK was $400,000. Bottom was $128,000. Worst you could have done was $272,000 lost, which even then I find highly unlikely.

>> No.4379108

larp. kys

>> No.4379218

i doubled down on my losses by buying bcc at the peak

not even fucking kidding

consider suicide hourly

i am not even in the 21 btc club anymore

>> No.4379244

my only hope is hitting a big ico multiplier

>> No.4379630

Bullshit. They are using blockchain for anti fraud starting Q2 2018

>> No.4379669
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You had one job DON'T FUCKING SELL

>> No.4379678

shills will never stop, op you will burn in hell

people, buy stratis and dont listen to this moronic beast

>> No.4379727
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he broke the First Rule of Chainlink

>> No.4379768

>be me
>hear about bitcoin in '09
>have shitty parental controls on computer
>beg parents to let me mine it
>"anon, this machine is a very expensive piece of equipment. We don't have a spare $500 lying around to replace it if you install a virus."
>be me again some time later
>hear about eth
>"lol what a stupid idea. You guys are a bunch of fags for buying at an ath ($1.50)
>decide its going somewhere
>buy in at $5, cash out before it hit 20

I-is this the next big one, senpai?

>> No.4379803
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>> No.4379875

That's not op. That's the other retard that predicts the price of bitcoin and thinks he's smart.

>> No.4379918
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>> No.4380253


I was bored so I day traded for like an hour, so I'm up to 580-ish link now. But the returns from that are shit.

I honestly kinda want BTC to peak at $10-15k, then slowly telegraph that it's going to fall so my retarded ass can cash out, then plummet down and stay down until after LINK moons. That'd be swell, thanks.

>> No.4380446
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You and I are alike anon. I sold 21 BCC at $320 a piece to buy Link at ATH.

>> No.4380828

Dude relax anything above 10k LINK is Lamboland