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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 250x250, monero-692618e262bdd111563bb0553d3e3fd3ae3b712d7833350c9dc4121c4b1d1c7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4377083 No.4377083 [Reply] [Original]

what does /biz/ think of monero

>> No.4377127

It's a better Bitcoin than Bitcoin.

>> No.4377148

Future proof. Might replace Bitcoin.

>> No.4377172

I just don't get why would I ever need anonymous untracable transfer.

>> No.4377176

Scam coin

>> No.4377189

I'm not planning to hire assassin with my hard earned gains.

>> No.4377192

No fuck you

>> No.4377224

10/10 coin

>> No.4377256

belongs in top 5

>> No.4377259

Cool technology, good team; about the only crypto I’d actually be interested in using.

They pulled that great fake-announcement stunt to keep people who are only in it for the money away from the coin. That’s exactly the kind of dev attitude that I like.

>> No.4377278

Might replace Bitcoin. Demand will surge, look at the supply. Will hit 1k usd sooner than most think.

>> No.4377304

Holding bags from a couple days ago. Bought at the top like a retard, waiting for it to test new highs in a few days so i can unlock my btc and go back to trading. ;-;

>> No.4377311

paid your taxes yet? Hope you did, IRS has tools to trace BTC

>> No.4377335

>I just don't get why would I ever need anonymous untracable transfer.
I just don't get why you wouldn't
It's not about being anonymous, it's about not being public and traceable like every other crypto

>> No.4377345

BTC is shit, traced by US go as we speak. Monero will gain large portions of the market.

>> No.4377369

can anyone explain how it works with a base ID and payment ID? I am just looking in bittrex and have never seen a currency that does this... Can anyone help me get started?

>> No.4377402

>not valuing anonymity
>not wanting your transactions hidden from big businesses that want to market to you at every waking moment
>not realizing the police state we are living in and just how bad things will be for privacy in the future if things continue the way they are.

>> No.4377417

its probably a bongcuck

they thrive on big government splitting them open with their thick arab cocks.

>> No.4377442
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Great coin. Main con is scalability issue.
Until it's solved (efficiently), it won't replace BTC or any top 5 coin.

>> No.4377448

I mean look at bitcoin's block size debacle. Mixer transactions in Bitcoin take up a lot of space in the blocks. If these security conscious people switched to Monero their transactions would no longer be larger than average because they wouldn't have to take extra steps to achieve (better) privacy so the block chain size wouldn't actually be 20x.

>> No.4377477
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Bitcoin is the same, but it can do some tricks (pruning spent outputs) Monero cannot, and Monero also doesn't suffer from some stuff Bitcoin does (UTXO in RAM. Monero has only TXO and keeps everything in ultra-high-performance LMDB and not in RAM). The only wall Bitcoin hit is the political one and not technological.
We have plenty of headroom with current conditions. Before we hit the ceiling (if ever) we can expect some other solutions like LN to help ease things for certain use cases.

>> No.4377486

I think the scalability issue with Monero is largely a meme though, isn't it? It already has adjustable block sizes.

>> No.4377501

>The only wall Bitcoin hit is the political one and not technological.

bitcoin is unusable due to high fees and slow transaction times.

>> No.4377525

catchy name

>> No.4377549

Let’s not derail this into another BTC vs BCH thread…

>> No.4377560

Bitcoin's development governance has suffered a coup which appears to have been staged by the legacy financial industry, all for the low price of $78M. Whether it is successfully resolved in the long run remains to be seen, but either way monero devs would do well to learn from it, and guard against such action

>> No.4377588

bought in like a sucker at ath at 126 euro. holding bags is tough

>> No.4377624

Love it, waiting for a dip to sub $110 and I'm going to throw 20% of my portfolio in there.

>> No.4377884

I never mentioned bch you fucking cultist

I have no plans on attempting to use either of those legacy cia coins

>> No.4378113

when will monero see some real growth? has been around $100 for 3 months now

>> No.4378166

Wait for automation to make more people to lose their job. They'll resort to illegal activitys. In order for them to make money transactions, they'll use the most anonymous coin, which is Monero. Profit.

>> No.4378195

I'm suspicious of this coin solely because I rarely ever see people criticize it.

>> No.4378201

Wait till cianiggers start destroying asses at a high pace from illegal activities on the BTC network

>> No.4378232

This... it’s the only coin that gets compliments from most of the people I talk to about crypto.

>> No.4378360

feel the same way, which is why i made the thread... could it be, dare i say, legit?

>> No.4378399

because it's actually a good coin?

xmr is a better store of value than btc.

>> No.4378405

i like the idea of it and the name. fell partly in love with it. i think monero has a great future ahead and will stick around for a long time. Possible it goes to 1000,- USD+ in a few years. But i mainly like the tech approach behind it, e.g this ring signature and total privacy thing. Its nice. If you really need untraceable shit you should go with Monero, its (analogy!) like the TOR of cryptos.

>> No.4378435

There's bunch of criticism and papers against monero. The thing is though that this criticism is actually takend productively and the issues are being fixed, unlike some other coins.

>> No.4378457

what's the criticism? is it fixable even if they're working on it?

>> No.4378490

Fiat to monero where?

>> No.4378508

Bad version of Zcash no thanks.

>> No.4378526

> ZentralizedCash
:D !!!

>> No.4378542

For example the recent monerolink thing (even though the issue itself has been known for years) https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/65dj7u/an_empirical_analysis_of_linkability_in_the/dg9jup5/ which related technical change discussion is hold at https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/1673

You can also read monero's own research papers at https://getmonero.org/resources/research-lab/ which describe potential problems in monero.

All development meething logs are open at https://getmonero.org/blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html which often refer to issues in other coins and how to deal with them in monero.

>> No.4378565

NSACash lmao

>> No.4378638

It's a good coin for a medium term hold. Not longterm, though. When regulation comes to crypto privacy coins are going to be gutted. Muh terrorists and muh kiddie porn are scary enough to normies that any vehicle that could conceivably used for dark and scary black market activity will have regulators and three-letter agencies foaming at the mouth and out for blood. You've got a good year, year and half maybe to make some profits on this, though.

>> No.4378693

How can you regulate decentralized coin -__-.

Zcash still better though

>> No.4378783

It's not the coin that will be regulated, it's the exchanges that trade it. Decentralized exchanges may be able to keep the coin alive, but once it's forced out of mainstream, regulatory-compliant exchanges it'll become a lot harder to turn into goods or fiat. Its use and value as a currency depends on its liquidity, which regulation will destroy.

>> No.4378805

lmao faggot

>> No.4378819

Decentralized markets :).

Zcash still better version of Monero.

>> No.4378830

Luckily I'm from central Europe and nobody gives a shit over here.

>> No.4378970

Decentralized markets won't protect the value of privacy coins. It will still be easier and safer to use a transparent crypto for legal transactions on decentralized markets, and illegal transactions on any scale large enough to support the value of privacy coins will bring the wrath of god down on them.

>> No.4379020

...which would be absolutely trivial to solve if not for the (((small blocker))) lies which have deceived retarded "just hodl and get rich XD" redditors.

We need small blocks, goyim! Big blocks would prevent people from running a node on a Raspberry Pi! (See how much we care about decentralization?) Just hodl your nice shiny Bitcoin until the Lightning Network is ready! Remember to never use it anywhere, as that would be a spam transaction! And in the meantime, enjoy these Facebook-tier hodl/moon/rollercoaster memes! (((We)))'re all going to get rich!

>> No.4379120

dude it just raced from $85 to $130 in a few days.

>> No.4379226


Ordinary cash can be and is used for those things today.

>> No.4379253
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Total piece of shit IMO. Fuck Monero.

>> No.4379293

Remember kids: The claimed "decentralization" from BTC vs BCH is just the supposedly reduced costs of running a node. Costs which are trivial to non-existent, especially when considering the cost of a single BTC transaction.

It's quite a silly notion. People run nodes to confirm their own transactions and not be reliant on others. But if they're paying to run a node then they presumably HAVE transactions to confirm in the first place! And if they have even one transaction a month then it's cheaper to use the Bitcoin Cash network with a node.

>> No.4379411

Obsolete in a year

>> No.4379446


I like how private it is. But its so fucking slow and expensive to do transactions. They need to fix these problems before I get in.

>> No.4379680

Monero transactions generally take 5 mins or less, the fees are dynamically calculated and get cheaper as number of transactions per block increase. You can also have much cheaper fee by decreasing priority of your transaction at the cost of longer transaction time.

>> No.4379691

It's a coin that retarded plebs just won't understand. These retards will keep repeating the same shitty arguments about gubmint bans, etc.

>> No.4379697


>> No.4379705


You're replying to a verge/zcash shill. He won't know or care about your explanation

>> No.4379757


>devs take 20% of the coins
>trusted setup

nah fuck off

>> No.4379801

Literally the only fungible coin, miles ahead of everything else.

>> No.4379812

Yeah, who needs cash right?

>> No.4379843

You mean like cash?

>> No.4379937

>ZCash over Zencash

lol why

>> No.4380494
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Monero will be the Bitcoin killer

>> No.4380579

>Hurr muh regulations

>> No.4380611

Monero is good but suffers from blockchain bloat and suffers from long scanning.

>> No.4380651

Literally every coin suffers from that.

>> No.4380835

Bloat more or less but with Monero it's extreme, the scanning also takes fucking ages thanks to RingCT. They better make a quicker verification method in the future.

>> No.4380900

Nah, that's fud. Monero has adaptive block size and most of the data is dropped after verification. E.g. ETH's blockchain is much larger than Monero's.

>> No.4381008

Zcash? ohhhh that corporate shitcoin that took down alphabay, yeah nobody in their right mind is touching that with a 20 foot pole.

>> No.4381791

last time I sent Monero ( which was last week ) it arrived in about 2 minutes.

>> No.4381811

it will surge higher very soon, a lot of exciting stuff happening for monero in the next couple of months, don't sell this coin before the inevitable 1k USD moon mission

>> No.4381816

It's one of the few crypto-coins that is actually trying to be used as a currency and not some gimmick and that's why I have faith in it and plan on holding long term.

>> No.4381852

this. Also holding long term.
I just accumulate and hold.
Don't sell before 2019

>> No.4381858

same here, I think we'll see 500-1k in the next 2 years

>> No.4381908
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Unfortunately if youre too dumb to realize zcash is ztrash, ur too dumb to figure out pic related

>> No.4382713

XMR for lyfe

>> No.4382837

Monero is god-tier. How else can I be an effective criminal in 2017/2018?

>> No.4382908

Work for the government.

>> No.4382921

>not having any options besides anonymity
Why not use something like Komodo (KMD)?
>Optional godly anonymity (zksnarks+JUMBLR)
>Security of Bitcoin
>Utility as a platform