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File: 131 KB, 1680x818, vitalik_buterin_1391981290_85[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376481 No.4376481 [Reply] [Original]

ETH about to start a bull run

get ready nerds, time to hit $400

>> No.4376552

come on pedos show yourselves

>> No.4376620


Vitalik is a leftist/Marxist piece of shit, and so are his team of developers. This coin can fail and I'd be happy

>> No.4376627

why is a business board filled with brainlet ideologues?

>> No.4376630


>> No.4376645

>he doesn't realize ETH will officially become the "commie" currency and pump

who gives a fuck about politics when you could be making money? stupid poltards

>> No.4376660

except it won't because money doesn't care about your pol ideology as well as it doesn't for vitaliks leftist communism views. money only cares about how it can multiply.

>> No.4376665

>He makes his business decisions based on what he hears from /pol/

>> No.4376681
File: 225 KB, 1232x1184, SJWETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is a child porn defender and his devs are openly racist commie scum. Fuck ETH.

>> No.4376697

He makes his business decisions based partly on the guy ETH is centred on being an autistic pedo defending PR disaster.

>> No.4376702


>> No.4376719

this one

>> No.4376823

>being emotional sissies

>> No.4376832

>child porn defender and his devs are openly racist commie scum
these are very good things considering the type of people that run the world.

>> No.4376897

are you fucking stupid or what
i dont care if he fucks dogs in his freetime or whatever
if youre a CEO or another high up guy in a company
you shut the fuck up about stuff like this in public
do you see bill gates ranting on twitter calling others jews and whatnot ?
i havent

>> No.4376938

except being autistic is vitalik's charm, people don't care. Price wasn't affected at all

>> No.4376962

im not talking about vitalik
im talking about the fucking CEO

i dont own ETH myself but if they list CENSORFREE PLATFORM in their documentation
and the FUCKING CEO openly threatens to sabotage another customer that wants to use the eth platform

>> No.4376981

Oh no, someone typed random letters to form words you don't like on a keyboard.


>> No.4377005

holy shit the crypto sphere is the only place where you can be a complete asshat and people still throw money down your neck

time to start an ICO
the coin will do nothing and the wallet will just play a voice file of me saying fuck you nigger give me money

have a great day lads

>> No.4377009

why are Vitalik's thumbs always tucked into his fists?

>> No.4377024

Where can i buy?

>> No.4377029

i made $35000 riding ETH from 20 to 260 please believe me when i say ETH is shit

>> No.4377035


>> No.4377060

I went all in this coin months ago, now yesterday I learned its a jewish commie anti white coin.

What do now?

>> No.4377074

It all makes sense now. A shitload of economically and politically illiterate autists abused by a group of virtue signaling sociopaths creating one of the largest pump n dumps ever, on the back of an actual revolutionary technology (btc).
I always wondered why eth came up with these Alinskyist words like "bitcoin maximalist" and why all eth communities felt like leftist echo chambers.
Also the image worship and praise for the inept devs, economically deficient project leads and obvious scammers throughout the project.

>> No.4377094

tbqh in real world investments that would be a legitimate reason to get out

Crypto is different though, here being a pedophile is considered a good quality so that's why I'm 20% ETH on my portfolio

>> No.4377105


You hold and buy more.

>> No.4377120

>business board

this is not a business board

this is a parody of a business board

I thought that was pretty obvious

>> No.4377380

>Taking things out of context like a chump.
He was using CP to defend the reasoning not to legalise either Heroin or CP you fucking cretin.

>> No.4377631


Unprofessional behavior inhibits investments thats why.

Glad I sold my eth for neo and ark, atleast their devs are not brainlet marxists and theyve got plenty of room to grow.

>> No.4377641


>implying commies have money

>> No.4377671


Move on to greener pastures.

>> No.4377730

>sold my eth for neo and ark, atleast their devs are not brainlet marxists


Crypto-fascism is a real thing.

>> No.4377748

>race realism
wow i love ethereum now

>> No.4378290

MoSkel MoSkel he's our man, if he can't moon ETH then no one can