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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4374449 No.4374449 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4374627

wtf are u talking about? Im up on this, cozy af holding long term

>> No.4374629


my ico bags are still heavy

>> No.4374634

please sell. I need more of them gainz

>> No.4374650
File: 14 KB, 320x320, nasty rivetz kunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop your bitching and just hold tight. It's been less than a month. This will 10x or I'll KYS

>> No.4374661


> he didnt sell them above ICO when he had the chance

>> No.4374694

this coin is comfy af.

dump you weak hand faggot.

go chase pump and dumps

>> No.4374841


>> No.4374868
File: 87 KB, 285x285, 1505307925695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have to say its comfy. I have some heavy LoMoCoin shit bags and theyre heavy as fuck.
REQ is like a bag of feathers

>> No.4374997

I need 1000x minimum to start.

>> No.4375016

Just sell OP. I'll buy your bags from you.

>> No.4375067

dont think it ever went above ico t b h. if it did it wasnt for very long

>> No.4375100

I'm up $4 from it m8 :^)
gonna go get my lambo soon

>> No.4375132


it did... u missed ur only chance

>> No.4375265

Man we fomoed and got REQT.

I dumped my bags 1c ABOVE ICO FINALLY, hahah loosers, stay true to HODL meme

>> No.4375269

desu with all the shitty investments i've made, and missed moon oppurtunities, i need this to 500x for me to consider worthwhile

>> No.4375272

>not accumulating as much as possible before the platform launches next month
its like you dont WANT gains


>> No.4375295

This thing has a stronger resistance at ICO price, than the tuberculosis bacteria does, and scientists have been trying to break through to that bacteria for literally the longest time you can imagine in microbiology

To break the ICO resistance wall, this company is going to have to become the gold standard of payments of crypto. They need to become Paypal 2.0

>> No.4375339

Ae you all completely mental? Really? You hold a great coin for a few weeks and it doesn't make you insta rich so you are "REQT" ? Stay poor dumbasses. Not a single part of me bought req expecting lambos to instantly fall from the sky. I bought 500k to hold for 6 months, maybe cash a bit then, but hold the rest for 2-5yrs. Go ahead, sell it, play shitcoin roulette, hope that works out for you lol.

>> No.4375345

>They need to become Paypal 2.0

Luckily that's what they say they are.

>> No.4375352

You put like $25k into this shit?

>> No.4375372
File: 4 KB, 200x200, ING_lion_RGB_200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof ING is invested in this? If there is none this is a scam.

>> No.4375373

Felling the same way, I went in with over 50% of my funds thinking this was the safest way to make gains. Meanwhile, I ignored the confido shills since expected it maybe exit scam or total shit.

Now I am down 30% and have missed so many opportunities because i refuse to sell at loss.

>> No.4375384


scroll down to sources. ING is backed by them, as is iexec and YCombinator.

>> No.4375385

I literally sold my BCH that i bought at like 350, right before it mooned to buy this shit

fucking kill me

>> No.4375414

That's not a source anon

>> No.4375465

ING is partnered with their parent company moneytis. youre welcome for spoonfeeding

>> No.4375498

If the ING news was fake dont you think ING would come out and reject it?

>> No.4375524
File: 619 KB, 600x589, BxBqRfaCEAAB8yR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly how would they even hear about it? It's just on some guy's blog.

>> No.4375530
File: 30 KB, 400x817, mobil2e-pay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly guys, you have no idea how rich you are guying to be.

I will prove it. I will happy to buy your "bags" at ICO price 0.0020

Buy order setup here for 10 eth worth at 0.0020


>> No.4375546

gonna be some salty motherfuckers in here when this goes to $3-4 in 2018.

>> No.4375551

This has to be the worst scam on BIZ so far.

>> No.4375589

this, i'm hodlin till 2019 which is the best part

>> No.4375612

Have you done the mathe. Put in the calculator either:
3 x 630.000.000
4 x 630.000.000

And tell me of the number you are getting is realastic in terms of Market Cap.

>So fucking deluded

>> No.4375660

you're gonna ask me to kick you in the nuts for being this stupid in 2017. you could've stopped wagecucking if you would have just bought more

>> No.4375699

I have 320k right now. How much should i even invest in this shitcoin? I am clearly not overinvesting in a gamble.

>> No.4375717

Backed. Lol. Maybe invested 100k and gave them free office space for 6 months. Hahahahahahahaahhaa.

>> No.4375738

I think you're missing the Q1 in there m8

>> No.4375800


>> No.4375819

>the year is 2100
>after decades of use the Request Network only has 1 REQ left
>it is worth $600 million
i'll be rich

>> No.4375821

You are clearly over estimates the potential of the burning mechanism, it will start high and will decrease rapdily. And on top in depends on the network thy Volume anyway, and if you think 3-4$ is possible then even 20-50$ is possible.

>> No.4375832
File: 312 KB, 800x800, TO ALPHA CENTAURI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$20-50 is possible

>> No.4375846

it will decrease at whatever the pace the team wants. So the real question is: What pace of burning is the most beneficial for Request Network?

>> No.4375850

Jokes on you, I am never selling.

>> No.4375860

why is biz trying to discredit REQ?

>> No.4375861

rich old fag who cant even walk prolly will get murdered by grandkids way before that

>> No.4375865

m8 you don't understand
in 2100 105 is the new 46

>> No.4375869

this but unironically
i was literally gonna "$35 by 2024" in my next post

>> No.4375879

>$35 by 2024
way too conservative m8

>> No.4375882

only if you can pay the request for the regeneration treatment. But you wont because you sold your requests at 5 cents to buy bitcoin at its all time high

>> No.4375900

m8 that's literally right now but I haven't sold anything

>> No.4376020

Discredit? You don't understand how much competition is around in the payment sector. Why should REQ win this race? And just look at all these shills with their random price estimates

>> No.4376164

poorfag here willing to part with 500 bucks

should I buy?

>> No.4376179

do bears shit in the woods?

>> No.4376420

because they are releasing a working product in a few weeks and have been working with blockchain tech since 2014?

>> No.4376709

Because it's currency agnostic u dumb fucks. It will work with any unlike bitpay and some stupid debit cards, this has even less expenses. U guys are a bunch of dumbass motherfuckers.

>> No.4376743

so will it work with worthless African money?

>> No.4376778

If it only would be so easy.

>> No.4376826

REQ gonna be $34279532094 in an hour and you gonna be AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.4376846

Oh dear pajeet god, look what have done to this earth.