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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4373336 No.4373336 [Reply] [Original]

That's son of a bitch I I panic sold a quarter of my postion at 6500... didn't buy low. Fuck BCH, I can't believe I even payed attention to that scam coin...


>> No.4373377
File: 244 KB, 1430x907, 1481516326628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can still switch to the winning side before it's too late corecuck, the megapump to finally crush the core and blockstream parasites and restore Satoshi's bitcoin isn't quite ready to go yet

>> No.4373408
File: 31 KB, 400x256, Satoshi's vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi's vision

Both coins are shit as a decentralized people's coin. BCH holders right now just like to pretend they care when they just want to essentially have bought in on 'BTC' at lower prices

>> No.4373435

reminder that the Lightning Network will be ready in less than a month, you are fucked lmao

>> No.4373442
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having been able to buy so low on the real bitcoin in 2017 certainly feels good, but not as good as the sense of positive morality I feel in helping rid crypto of the tumors known as core and blockstream

good luck with that corecuck

>> No.4373460

>less than a month

enjoy your subscription fees paid to centralized financial entities

>> No.4373463

>helping rid crypto of the tumors

So when do we out the mining conglomerates too and give the coin back to the people?

>> No.4373473
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>> No.4373475

lightning network will make bitcoin cease being a cryptocurrency so good job submitting to the kikes faggot

>> No.4373496

sounds like bitcoin gold is the coin for you little guy

>> No.4373520


How about instead we just drop Bitcoin as the king altogether and start over?

>> No.4374027
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reminder that there's a good chance it won't matter.

>> No.4374042

meanwhile bankster's coin ripple proved to be more decentralised

>> No.4374056
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feel so comfy in BCH knowing Roger "Core Crusher" Ver and the mining crew's master plan is going swimmingly

>> No.4374072
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>trading a known scam like btrash

>> No.4374075

I feel kinda bad actually.

I went to a presentation by the guy who has done most of the work on the lightning network back when he used to be a linux kernel developer on I think it was IP routing at the time. Super smart guy.

It's really ripped my blindfold off to see the kinds of people that I used to think incorruptible fall victim to such a blatant hijack and subvert campaign.

These people label themselves "decentralised" and "cipherpunk", while effectively wagecucking for the bildebergers to prevent the exact dream they're fronting for.

>> No.4374097
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>> No.4374105

it's really easy for manipulative people to trick smart but unworldly people into doing their bidding

16 satoshi has been deposited into your coreblue account. thank you come again

>> No.4374202

a lot of people are completely compartmentalized and have no idea what they are doing, blockstreams ever persistent censorship and FUD is not helping our cause, we must get the truth out on /biz/, twitter, and everywhere else as well

>> No.4374211
File: 317 KB, 1392x2000, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Ver is a patriot, he's like George Washington kickout out the blockstream royalty