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File: 22 KB, 432x462, -Rukia-rukia-29506789-432-462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4368182 No.4368182 [Reply] [Original]

Short copper futures

>> No.4368212

actually its too late for you

We're doing forex and indices today anon

>> No.4368359

I made that GBP/USD call in the last thread. I was wrong at the time about that pair having dropped without a fundamental reason. Apparently May was having some political troubles.

I managed to come out profitable, and since that call, that pair has rocketed back up. Not to say I "knew" that was going to happen.

>> No.4368397


well up next on the economic news is asia
Im going long on usd/China for a swing up

>> No.4368439

took 0.4% loss on copper and now am actually going long, but its a gamble

>> No.4368481

yeah, be careful with the commodities like crude and copper now

you could get some intra-day retracements, but if you're long, you're starting to bet against daily time frame momentum

>> No.4368532

Lol I wanted to buy ruthenium when it was 45 and OZ. I didnt buy and am getting justed by the 3x increase.

>> No.4368541

Im using the special strat

Just closed for +3%

it seems that thewy do a fake out once before going the real direction every day

>> No.4368557

closed china long +5%

>> No.4368589

yeah I wanted to buy lithium year ago but never did

>> No.4368638
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Putting a short on the USD/MXN at half leverage

>> No.4369223

waiting for 1%

>> No.4369282
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australia 200 index potential breakout above resistance, will wait for confirmation of it being treated as support before I scale further into my long position

>> No.4369308

I was looking at that too

Looks like all indices have entered a bear market though.. a long overdue one, Im staying out

>> No.4369329

also hk50 good for a long with a tight stop loss

>> No.4369353

lol never mind it dropped as I was about to buy

>> No.4369363
File: 46 KB, 1270x644, AUS200_5min_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this index was hit by some earnings results and China's economic data coming out on the downside, globally, indices are also being hit as they follow the US indices downtrend with tax reform uncertainties.

>> No.4369413
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sheet well I bought the hk50, currently at +1% but... Im gonna hold a little bit

>> No.4369420

What's that from?

>> No.4369436

dont know got it from some robinfood thread

>> No.4369496
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quite a large position already on, so I'm going to wait for further candle confirmations, but yeah, looking good as of right now

sellers are definitely showing up to keep this market down though, that's for sure

>> No.4369539
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See how volume picks up near resistance (same will happen near support) - bears are trying to smash through those buy limit orders and push prices down.

>> No.4369545

Closed HK50 +2%

lol Im on a roll I should probably stop for the day

>> No.4369577

looks like a bearish pendant on my chart but those havent really been accurate in 20 years..

>> No.4369599

Rip Yen

>> No.4369679
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putting a buy at 113.040 with a stop at 112.988

>> No.4369690

What exactly is the difference between FX and Futures?

If you know how to trade one can you move to the other?

Can you make the same amount of money using either or is there some difference where one is better as you have more money to throw around?

>> No.4369703
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>> No.4369809


we're not actually buying futures contracts directly (most of the time) in forex

>> No.4369827

instead of saying 'buying' I should say 'dealing in futures contracts'

>> No.4369860

I suppose gold and silver are FX, but futures like copper cobalt other metals are commodities so there is less room for speculation, its 100% TA

you can use your knowledge of fx to hedge on commodities, but thats over my head

Oil is the most popular I think, there is a lot of speculation and volatility

>> No.4369905

kamisama no memochou

>> No.4369940
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looks desu desu

>> No.4369959

they are very different. its like comparing apples and tennis.

forex is currency market, like yen and usd. futures are a contract to buy or sell an item (anything) at a given time in the future. you could buy Forex futures if you wanted buy you could also buy wheat futures.

>> No.4369983

shorting the Eur/Sek for no reason but gambling

>> No.4370006

I'm not getting it. I thought you could Forex gold, oil, silver but you could also Futures gold, oil, and silver.

>> No.4370046

look up difference between futures and ETFs and CFDs
forex are exchange traded

>> No.4370065

no. ForEx is Foreign (currency) Exchange. Like exchanging USD for Yen.

>> No.4370081

>futures and ETFs and CFDs
>forex are exchange traded

I have no idea what any of this means. Can you please spoon feed me?
Yes but you can Forex with gold, silver, and oil. And I think they added bit coins recently. I'll have to check my email.

>> No.4370092

forex brokers sometimes offer you ETFs which is futures without having to buy the contract. CFD is same

>> No.4370100

(I don't think you read the article)

you need to go to a futures contract broker to deal in futures contracts directly

otherwise, what we mostly do is spread-betting (and use of CFDs) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/spreadbetting.asp

>> No.4370101

Gold etc might be part of the forex markets, I'm not sure. You can buy futures contracts with anything. Futures contracts are traded a lot, but they're more often used for hedging rather than investing. You probably shouldnt trade futures. Or ForEx for that matter.

>> No.4370110
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(Don't know who this is but have it)

>> No.4370121

bitcoin futures are CFD

CFD: contract for difference
allows you to bet on the price long or short without having to buy a futures contract. You can simply bet on the price

>> No.4370141
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>> No.4370152

This is confusing and it seems like you're all saying different things.

Which one is the best to trade between stocks, FX, and futures if you were somehow good at them?

>> No.4370162


>> No.4370164
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>> No.4370173

lol we saying the same thing

>> No.4370236
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You guys think the euro will drop more?

>> No.4370258

Read in this order




IF you are spread-betting (which can be done through the use of CFDs), this is not the same as using a futures contract, directly.

When you bet on currency pair/ commodity prices changes, you don't don't have to do it through directly dealing in futures contracts. You can do it through spread-betting.

>> No.4370323

Are you telling me that spread betting is just gambling?

>> No.4370327

Although, spread-betting availability depends on where you live. In the US, people mainly use options/futures because I think spread-betting is less/ or totally not allowed there.

>> No.4370361

It would be better if you read for yourself. it can be just put as "gambling" but that's very simplistic. I'll be frank, I honestly don't think this sort of stuff would suit you. It's not for everyone.

>> No.4370366

all trading is gambling... with the CFDs you can use much greater leverage

>> No.4370438


>> No.4370479

Shorting the Aud/USD

>> No.4370538

took profit on aud/usd short +2.2% fucking awesome

>> No.4370644

>honestly don't think this sort of stuff would suit you. It's not for everyone.

How many pips can you earn with your trades?

>> No.4370667

lol pips are just satoshis for dollars

>> No.4370691

I don't understand your memes. How many pips did you risk and how many pips did you earn?

>> No.4370727

nigger you dont earn pips a pip just represents the change in movement

>> No.4370728

there's not always a set amount

btw, my interpretation was that you were confusing what is actually "spread-betting" when you were saying 'FX'

foreign exchange is the currency market, it's not the same thing as commodities and stocks.

If you want to speculate on forex pair/commodity price movements, the easiest ways are: spread-betting or derivatives (like futures)

>> No.4370770
File: 197 KB, 579x640, 9edca319f2aa943f5ef3901ec1602e9c49fca22a_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again I have bought the HK50

we're buying the hk50 today anon

>> No.4370774

does it matter? How much movement in pips can you capture? Damn why is this place filled with autist?

>> No.4370802


You can capture infinite pips, as the price of something can go infinitely high

>> No.4370835

Perfect time to buy the HK50 with a stop loss at 28922

>> No.4370870

Ok I'll just assume you can't capture many pips. Maybe 5 pips is the best you can do.

>> No.4370884

>spread-betting (which can be done through the use of CFDs)

Although, there are some differences between spread-betting and CFDs (which are a derivative)

>> No.4370885

>does it matter? How much movement in pips can you capture? Damn why is this place filled with autist?
because your question makes no sense

>> No.4370916
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lol guess so

>> No.4370925

There's just a lot for a beginner to take in, which is why I'm linking all this shit. Breaking it all down simply is kinda hard for me to do.

>> No.4370967
File: 113 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171113-120141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see this? How much of this can you do?

>> No.4371012

Please note: Rukiaberg Fund started yesterday. current returns: -0.5% lol sorry guys. it was -4% before today though

>> No.4371122
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Just copy my trades, in the long run we will be rich anon.

>> No.4371216

Someone give me a reason to stay on this board please. I can literally make like 20% in a day or two.

There doesn't seem to be anyone around here who I can learn anything from besides jargon. Whenever I say anything or ask about different topics I'm unfamiliar with everyone just assumes I have no idea how to day trade and treat me as if I'll never learn to day trade. Yet the reality is I can yield like 50, 100 even 300 pips in a single day trading FX.

Someone give me a reason to stay around because at this point it seems like there's zero reason to.

>> No.4371242
File: 87 KB, 292x204, 64326421426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we both know you arent leaving

>> No.4371302

30 minutes until HK50 opens up from break

>> No.4371483
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This short, for roughly 150 pips, during NFP a year ago in August was the last time I came around here. I don't think I'll be coming back around here again.

There doesn't seem to be any day traders around who can do anything besides bit coins. And everyone just seems so toxic here.

>> No.4371595
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interesting, well, hopefully we will see you in roughly 3 hours when all the world indices open

>> No.4371622

There's no reason for me to stay. It doesn't seem like there are any traders around who can teach me anything and the average poster here just talks down to me and tells me I'll never make it when I already know how to trade very well.

>> No.4371673

those are shills. Us here on this thread are white people

what more could you, possibly have to learn? you must, play the market day by day

>> No.4371714
File: 178 KB, 809x1024, rukia_by_alerkina2-d5vy2hx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys lunch hour is over The Hk50 is open again and its going up

and also down

>> No.4371744

>what more could you, possibly have to learn

I don't know? I'm not an omniscient trading God. I'm trying to improve at my craft. I only know how to trade FX. That's why I was asking about other platforms or whatever it's called.

I don't know anything about stocks or futures. I thought maybe I could learn something here but apparently not. This has not been a fun experience for me.

>> No.4371757

be honest with me, are you actually not trolling? you actually didnt understand what we were saying? how have you been trading a year and not know about ETFs and CFDs...

>> No.4371774

pretty sure he's just combining random words

>> No.4371802
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>> No.4371829

lol uh oh, that slow bleed

>> No.4371835

there mustve been some stock which just got hit with bad news, that came out of nowhere

>> No.4371844
File: 32 KB, 645x361, hk22222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a hit in china too, but i bought this point, hopefully no breakdown...

>> No.4371849

Because it doesn't matter? It's like asking a race car driver to explain aerodynamics or why a certain tire works better.

Or asking a basket ball player to calculate how much force he needs to make a 3 pointer. Like does it matter?

I have a bunch of post showing my trades in another thread currently up.

>> No.4371883

if you are saying "I can make 20% in a day" you arent very expiericed.. because I can make 100% in a day, doesnt mean I can everyday. risk management will stop you from losing everything

>> No.4371962

I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm done explaining myself. I actually meant safely.

I ACTUALLY have a trade posted in the other thread where I took an account from like 5 or 8 dollars to 100 dollars.

Anyway thats great that you can do 100% in a day. Good luck with your trades

>> No.4372016
File: 68 KB, 677x458, wowsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao thats nothing kid

check out this picture. theres about 20 pages of this. Took 50 cents to $150 day trading litecoin plus. thats 100% multiple times a day. I did this until they said they were shutting down

Anyways, theresonly room for one forex thread, so leave it to the pros ;)

>> No.4372043

If that falls below that support I have marked, I'll be forced to reduce my position size. Shit happens.

we may have just misinterpreted what you asked, don't take it personally

>> No.4372091

seems the australian index gets impacted by commodity prices, quite drastically

>> No.4372103

hk50 is going up now but if it decides to go back down after this bump rukiberg fund is taking a 2% hit fuuuuck how embarrassing

>> No.4372152

which ones? like industrial metals?

>> No.4372190

yeah, stuff like copper, nickel, iron

mining industry exports a lot to China

>> No.4372195
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>No appropriate instrument in the list

>> No.4372207

>to china

fug I know where this is going

>> No.4372327

OK HK bounced back +0.01% basically broke even the fund is safe

>> No.4372378

shorting copper now. I think we have a sideways trend

>> No.4372527
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Strong downward movement, followed by a volume spike is indicative of sellers meeting an area of support, in the form of Buy Limit Orders. Fundamentals indicate to me that this market currently has very little upward potential, if I'm being realistic with myself (I want to be wrong, since I'm currently long, but yeah :( ). It'll range at best.

>> No.4372549
File: 48 KB, 649x368, aus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt seem so bad

this time period looked like fun

>> No.4372568

don't listen to OP, short wheat

>> No.4372639

>unlimited risk
took +1% profit on copper short

>> No.4372716

Putting in a short for the Aud/usd pair

Usd is also went down so much lol shit

>> No.4372834
File: 46 KB, 1270x644, AUS200_5min_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larger drop, with little volume indicates buy limit orders have been pulled-back/filled around this area. Will wait for further confirmation of downward break, before moving towards reducing position size.

At times like these, it's possible for larger buyers to strike and create a false downward breakout. They they hit short stops and send prices shooting up, using this method.

>> No.4372888

how many hours till aus200 closes?

>> No.4372915

just reopened around 40 mins ago I think

scalpers/bots using a moving average may just push price down further too, may have to take that into account, as it'll be a weaker move, so may not have to reduce as much of my position, depending on how things go.

>> No.4372923

Took profit on aud/usd short +2%

haha the fund is doing well now

>> No.4372999


>> No.4373135
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Candle close beneath support, Must see prior support turn to resistance.

>> No.4373179
File: 42 KB, 1270x644, AUS200_5min_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuggg :DDD wads goin orn her :D

>> No.4373231

the usd dollar is fucking freefaling I dont knwow hat do

>> No.4373233
File: 41 KB, 1270x644, AUS200_5min_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking JUST go down or up you fucking piece of shit

>> No.4373250
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Which is the recommended broker platform for you guys I am all in to get onto this train

>> No.4373254

Im going long usd/jpy but I might regret this

>> No.4373278

I use 1broker

>> No.4373344


+3% on usd/yen pair

>> No.4373363

it sucks that the mc was a total and complete retard and literally ruined the series and its ending

>> No.4373366
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>> No.4373448
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>> No.4373467

lol its closed on my broker

however in 10 minutes the dow and everything else opens up. will be the final push for gains after this USD/MXN short

>> No.4373472

>taking stocks personally


AUD/USD is just a vehicle for commodities speculation

>> No.4373503

god damn copper is still going down. wish I held my position longer

>> No.4373504

Yeah, I take AUD/USD personally


>> No.4373516


>> No.4373547

reminder at midnight here (3 minutes) all world indexes open up and this may cause big volitility in currncies and everything for a moment

>> No.4373585



>> No.4373625



>> No.4373640

Yeah, aussie index will follow them, most like. Maybe have established a bottom for now though

>> No.4373669

Dollar has crashed way down, all indexes bear market or at least consolidation

its pretty relieving I guess, everything was too high

>> No.4373693

spanish market Ibex35 Is the shittiest of shit

Ill probably hold nasdaq as my last position of the day

>> No.4373849

fuck it I closed it +0.35%

too scary, looks like its about to drop again

>> No.4373870
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OK, I just went all in on BMW stock now lmao

it hit the floor

>> No.4374138

short the EUR/NOK

>> No.4374533

forex is crazy right now

>> No.4374845
File: 29 KB, 283x300, 1510660499144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multibagger advice, gtfih, DYOR on hotcopper
>asx biggest opportunity
>under radar
>i am the one who told you to buy into GXY one year ago faggots
naaa just buy BAR Barra resources 6c will be 11c min at early 2018 (cobalt/gold) with JV Mark Creasy (kekin rich faggot, insider info) and Bass metals BSM (graphite/lithium) junior producer at 2c expect 7c by early 2018 (top management)

>> No.4374879

t-thank you talking dog

>> No.4374905

I gotta say it's interesting to see how things are in global indices. People were so confident that those levels could maintained, and yet here we are.

>> No.4374924

I can always get over my losses, but it kinda sucks for those longer term holders who would've gotten in near, what seems to have been, the peak.

>> No.4374968

im gonna start a cobalt/graphite thread

>> No.4375003

it was basically free money all year long
buy every dip of any powerful indice full leverage and by morning youd have +5%. but it was ending when the fed stops pumping money in the market, or, I think they already stopped

>> No.4375012

ill always regret not buying lithium

>> No.4375026

Tax reform was the leading that has caused this overall downward trend, I expect there to be some level of retracement - but then so does everyone else, and all it takes is a good panicking before a whole bunch of stops get triggered. Things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand, had this massive bullrun, before/during US earnings season, taken place.

>> No.4375070

*not taken place