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4367154 No.4367154 [Reply] [Original]

Stop trying to make BCH happen.

>> No.4367169

It's not leaving either

>> No.4367190

BCH moon mission next week. You'll see shill.

>> No.4367195

big if true

so go and short it with X100 leverage
no balls? or are you afraid getting liquidated?

>> No.4367200

Each time there is something like that happening I tell me they gonna learn, that most of them understand now.
But each time I feel like the retarded followers gets stronger.
XRP, BTS, STRAT, PIVX, NEO, MCO each time more and more people trying to convince the board that a new bitcoin is arrived after buying near ATH.

>> No.4367206
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it's going the way of the doge

>> No.4367229

Takes some time until those fake buy walls get removed

>> No.4367232

>no balls? or are you afraid getting liquidated?

It's called not being retarded and accepting the market share of uncertainty.
Something you the BCH shills are missing

>> No.4367264

i don't give a shit what happens with BTC/BCH
i'm just riding the little USDT-BCH waves for free money
made $10k in the last three days, thanks everyone who bought from me!

>> No.4367273

If BCH pumps, it's difficulty adjusts.

If BCH pumps it then corrects.

If it corrects, it becomes unprofitable.

If it's unprofitable it doesn't get mined.

They've fucked up again.

>> No.4367304
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Btw I watched it live going up all the way to 0.5btc and didn't even flinch. I want those pumpers to buy up to 10btc for 1 bch.

Their plan only works if weak noobs buy in. I let them die. Fuck them. Let THEM be the bagholder.

>> No.4367407


if your market share of uncertainty is so high then that you can't short, you should long

basic game theory and that's why you will stay POOR forever

>> No.4367462

>that's why you will stay POOR forever

I made over a million during my 5 years trading Bitcoin and then cryptos.
Try again new fag.

>if your market share of uncertainty is so high then that you can't short, you should long
Shorting or being long with x100 leverage is always stupid, I don't do gambling

>> No.4367467

I'm all in BTC. Diversification is an admission of ignorance.

>> No.4367486

BTC at full hashpower and BTC network is not making any recovery progress. Once people realize this they will abandon ship all at one time

>> No.4367506

Cash shills are so delusional, it's not even funny.

>> No.4367569

It is pretty funny

>> No.4367603

>Diversification is an admission of ignorance.

Dumbest statement I saw today.

If only you knew how it screams newfag.

>> No.4367606

Yeah, it actually is. I shill it too from to time.

>> No.4367618

btc holders think cme futures will save there ass ...lol pump that shit with more fake cash and then short it after all you suckers are loaded up, now thats what will be funny

>> No.4367621


>> No.4367631
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>> No.4367662
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this desperation by corecucks.

>> No.4367669

>after all you suckers are loaded up

I would assume they already have BTC so they could just Tether up when investment money puts in their shorts

>> No.4367676

>fake cash
you post implies btc is real cash

>> No.4367693

>diversifies btc and bch 1-1
>btc gains value
>bch plummets and stagnated
>gains canceled.

You're a really smart guy for diversifying. Just look at my zero gains.

>> No.4367744

>He thinks crypto market is a zero sum game
>He thinks he knows what is happening in the market
>I will not diversify because I'm not ignorant

A lot to learn kiddie.
It's ok not to diversify with $1000k.
Wait when you have $500k in the market.

>> No.4367796

Real talk though Mean Girls is one of the best movies of all time. All those bitches are so ridiculously fucking hot and every other line has me on the floor laughing.

>tfw no matter how much money you make you will never be able to go back in time and have an orgy with the Mean Girls cast at their peak

>> No.4367842
File: 280 KB, 956x523, tradingbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read an Investment strategy book. It's explained in pic realted.

>> No.4367932


>> No.4367935

So you're confident in your ability to forecast the crypto market?

The crypto market capi went from 30b to 200b in a year. If you're totally diversified you made x10. If you made small assumptions like i did, while staying diversified you made x30.

If you made stupid bets your did x0.

Don't try to school me, I made millions investing, I'm not sure you can say that much. Common stock market knowledge doesn't apply everywhere you dummy, you have to understand what's you're doing.

>> No.4367985

And your books clearly say you have to be clairvoyant or have a good forecasting system.

I'm pretty sure you don't have any of those.

>> No.4368045

I hope you and I never meet because I'm certain we would end up killing one another.

>> No.4368079

>So you're confident in your ability to forecast the crypto market?
yes? I know how to develop stochastic models.

It's ok to try to make money in this market with random guesses, just admit that you're too stupid and enjoy your 30x, smurf

>> No.4368099

Btw the page is from a book that teaches how to develop such a forecasting system lmao

btfo AGAIN

>> No.4368133

>I know how to develop stochastic models.

I actually worked in a bank and I can tell a hundred kilometers away you're a young teen.

Stochastic models don't predicts the market you dummy. They are useful to evaluate risk and price uncertain derivatives like options and volatility impacted assets.

Please go have a formal education before being that confident over the void in your mind.

>> No.4368221
File: 1.92 MB, 400x400, ceelo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a stochastic neural network. You know what? I'm gonna make a website where you can look at the bots forecasts next week. FAG

As we speaking BTC is mooning. I'm all in because my AI predicted it. ENJOY YOUR BAGS CASHFAG

>> No.4368382

lol. everyone, screenshot that post.

>> No.4368466

Stop calling it BCH. It's Bcash!


>> No.4368491

I found a amazing coin group.
I'd took the signal before the BCH, DASH coin rised. t.me/Dvapump <- join!~!