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4363196 No.4363196 [Reply] [Original]

Monero is the only legitimate crypto currency

>> No.4363250

This only the beginning.

>> No.4363289

Verge shills incoming

>> No.4363368

its getting boring here at $120

>> No.4363459

Just moved all my gains from the BTC/BCH seasaw past few days into Monero.... holding and not touching ... who here 20 XMR club?

>> No.4363490

You need to stack up more XMR

>> No.4363508
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good luck anon, I think you've made the right choice.

>> No.4363553
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>> No.4363612
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Am i going to be a millionaire??

>> No.4363635
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Yes, in either 2019 or 2020. Keeping holding.

>> No.4363767

I'm betting on it.

This has been so fucking dead on it is terrifying.


He also has this to say about Monero:


>> No.4364004

I want to believe...

When do we break 150 again?

>> No.4364090

Soon, brother.

>> No.4364187

Here. On my way to the 200 XMR club.

>> No.4364210

monero will be the first crypto banned by burger gouvernment

>> No.4364266
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>Thinking they'll ban monero but nothing else
>Not realizing there's no way to ban computer code and cryptogrphy

>> No.4364269

CT for LTC will make monero useless. your days are numbered

>> No.4364280
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Daily reminder

>> No.4364319

>What is first mover advantage?
Why hasn't BTC been dethroned when hundreds of new coins have "made it obsolete?"

>> No.4364404

regulate exchange has never been seen in the past right? privacy coins are bad press for crypto

>> No.4364442

this triggers the pajeet

>> No.4364648

LTC has better name recognition and isnt associated with CP and drugs. First to be adopted by the mainstream

>> No.4364731

What does this mean?

>> No.4364762

That the monero circulation can't be traced.

>> No.4364769

I meant that XMR is first mover and has better name recognition in the privacy realm than LTC.
While LTC is working on CT trying to catch up with XMR in terms of privacy, XMR will be implementing Kovri, etc. Basically XMR will always be a few steps ahead.
Also being associated with drugs and CP is a good thing for a privacy coin. I think you're smart enough to understand why.

>> No.4364841


my favorite: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/nQTeqgLX-Monero-Lunar-Topography/

>> No.4365136
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>privacy coins are bad press for crypto

>> No.4365175

>horrible slow
>not actually anonymous, ip tracking is possible
>not pos
>no masternodes
>not programmable in anyway

i'll keep my pivx and odn tbqh desu desu desu

>> No.4365205

You say first
and then
>no masternodes


>> No.4365262

>'ll keep my pivx and odn
I have one thing to say to you altcoin holders, if you want your big coins fudding to be more effective, please don't mention your shartcoins, it automatically proves that nobody should take advice from you

>> No.4365351
File: 30 KB, 250x250, monero-2aac4a400251aebe03ad7f3ad11bb16d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible slow

Transactions are some of the fastest on any major blockchain. Wtf are you smoking?




Literally how.

>not actually anonymous, ip tracking is possible

Literally the same as any coin. Only Monero has the best solution to it.

Oh, and yes, it is still anonymous.

>not pos

It's meant to be a currency, not a scam.

>no masternodes

See above. Also, lol at you bitching about centralization, then go saying masternodes are a good thing. Fuck off.

>not programmable in anyway

This is utter horseshit.

>> No.4365366

Desu, Monero is also an altcoin

And it will always be

>> No.4365507

ODN is a platform, not a currency like XMR, though. What ETH is to BTC, ODN is to XMR.

>> No.4366411


>> No.4366513


BTC was used for Darnket purchases for YEARS before Norman caught wind of it. Early adopting means using things with a purpose, and (((Criminals))) are seen that way because they use means beyond societies expectations for success. To beat the Normie's game, you must follow those who they hate, while not going so far over that they lock you in prison.

Don't be a brainlet and follow dumb money, it's still early for Monero.

>> No.4366537

This piece of shit is fucking garbage

XVG kills Monero, fuck Monero and fuck anyone who buys this.

Actual shit for brains.

>> No.4366670

Stay mad bagholder

>> No.4366726

Don't encourage the shill

>> No.4366883

Monero has no future. It's just money laundering shit.

>> No.4367167

The only problem I see with Monero right now is the scaling problem. IP tracking isn't a problem with this coin.

>> No.4368104

bruh you realize thats only 2k usd worth? Not gonna make it

>> No.4368122

When confidential transactions are coded into BTC its GG to monero

>> No.4368149

Everyone gotta start from somewhere.

Yes and lets ignore all the other problems btc has that makes it unusable as currency.

>> No.4368153

pivx literally is superior to dash and xmg you fucking mongrel

>> No.4368215

I hope to finish a few of the 2.5 kh miners I've been working on. Finally found a secure place to set them up at my wagecuck job.

>> No.4368253

That reminds me of the bunker guy. I wonder how his XMR miner farm project is going.

>> No.4368281

Don't screw with this shit. Accumulation phase for METAL is almost over. Get in now before the big pump in a few days! That is all.

>> No.4368289
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You sure about that?

>> No.4368334

>When confidential transactions are coded into BTC its GG to monero
You realize that this only hides the amount transferred, not the sender and recipient right. The latter is far more useful information.

>> No.4368366

Just started crypto last month... BTC first, then rode waves for modest gains with the btc/bch seasaw... 12k in btc with 2 k on this future gem

>> No.4368514

How the fuck can I buy this with GBP without dying from fees? The only way I've seen so far is through kraken, but since they require a wire transfer to EUR my bank is gonna skin me. Are there any exchanges which facilitates this?

Or am I going to have to fucking drop my btc holdings to get some xmr

>> No.4368595

Maybe try localmonero: https://localmonero.co/ad?type=ONLINE_SELL&currencyCode=GBP&countryCode=GB&paymentMethodCode=&amount=

>> No.4368675

Buy BTC at some local exchange that doesn't fuck you, send to Bittrex, convert to XMR.
That's what I did anyway.

>> No.4368702

Just buy BTC, LTC or ETH with fiat then use that to buy XMR on another exchange. Not ideal but works for me.

>> No.4368892

Nice I'd imagine his setup blows mine out of the water. I wonder if he has grid power or if he's running a diesel generator. Would be cool as fuck if he had a nuclear reactor going down there.

>> No.4368929

lol shitcoin btfo

>> No.4368941


>> No.4369039
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That's been known since ages.

>> No.4369097

Unless I'm understanding incorrectly, this vulnerability only applies to transactions already made up until a few months back, anything from this point onward is fine? Don't really see the problem if so.

>> No.4369137


can someone answer if this problem has been solved?

>> No.4369174

>These are all issues that have already been addressed to a large extent (though further improvements can be made). So while the paper is interesting as a matter of historical numerical analysis (outside of the numbers, the issues were all known and published already), it has little applicability to the current version of Monero, nor to more recent usage where people are likely to actually care.

>> No.4369224


>> No.4369356

Since those posts the ring size has been changed to a minimum of 5 and made mandatory for all transactions, this greatly solves the problem, no? It's also still under discussion whether or not the minimum should be raised again afaik.

>> No.4369419

It's not "solved", but it decreases the probability for linking the transactions.

>> No.4370075

Aren't the transactions between throwaway addresses anyway? So even if the transactions are linked they can't really be traced back to an identity, right?

>> No.4370138

Do you not see the future potential for even just money laundering purposes?

>> No.4370308

Not the identity, but the information that could be obtained, is the amount of XMR send. The probability of 20% choosing the right address for transactions where no old 0-mixin was selected for mixins is really low though (and 40-45% for the ones where 0-mixin transaction were mixed). The counter-paper is basically using some protocol level parameters of the transaction to identify potential fake links based on probability heuristics that old transactions are not the correct address, which seemed to work quite well in reality.

There is more open discussion about this particular issue, improving of the selection algorithm for mixins and more here:

>> No.4370400

Thanks anon, bookmarked for later reading.

>> No.4370411

I'm mining the fuck out of this coin senpai.

>> No.4370541

Deciding on what RX Vega to buy to start mining. Seems like the best price/performance for Cryptonight at the moment. What are you using now?

Also, 50 XMR reporting.

>> No.4370566

Could you do me a favor and type 'seed' and post the results?

>> No.4370594


>> No.4370614

>>horrible slow
>>not actually anonymous, ip tracking is possible
>>not pos
>>no masternodes
>>not programmable in anyway

he is trolling or he has no idea what he is talking about.

Also kovri is coming ;)

>> No.4370630
File: 29 KB, 500x405, photo_2017-10-23_13-02-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Dogecoin with Tor.

>> No.4371172




>> No.4371459

kovri vid posted today by monero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjfU53TeQnk&feature=youtu.be

>> No.4371805

Eh, useful, but the main threat to XMR is governments banning it IMO. I don't know if it will happen but if it does, even if you can still 'use' XMR, you're never going to be able to pull it out into a usable currency.

>> No.4372292

When we get kovri you wont even be able to see the price

>> No.4372312

Atomic swaps...

>> No.4372353

If we fall back to that being the only option it's still going to turbo plow in value, that's too complicated for normies. Is there any chance of you doing an atomic swap of XMR and BTC and then getting to an exchange which blocks you because the coins look 'bad'? Ironically this loss of fungibility is one of the reasons Monero is promising but we might end up at the same problem either way.

>> No.4372386

its sort of a cats out of the bag situation, even if it is outlawed, it will still hold value and be exchangeable.