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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4361662 No.4361662 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that crypto is your one and only shot at getting out of the rat race?

>> No.4361680

Never because it isn't

>> No.4361760


>> No.4361878

Everyday this becomes more true.

>tfw need 3mil to retire
>tfw have 100k
>tfw cant tolerate more than 5 more years of wage slavery before i off myself

Im honestly thinking about going all in on crypto, then living as a hiker off the wilderness for a year sleeping nightly in tents and eating berries and shit off the land.
I cant do this.

>> No.4361934

>>tfw need 3mil to retire
wew lad, for me it's $300k at most to live comfily ever after off ARK dividends

>> No.4362294

>black and white thinking
have a great race!

>> No.4363199

you need more than that
once more people get into ARK there will be dilution which will make your payments less

>> No.4363349

at least you have a shot, be thankful for that. Half the world is working just to be a part of the Rat Race and only a small percentage are working to be the Fat Cat, we will make it. Believe, and keep trying, make smart moves, be patient, hold the ICO you have faith in and one will pan out, just one of those ICO's hits $17+ you got your 5,000+ sitting there that's enough to start a comfy real portfolio bro you got this.

>> No.4363359

Not true. Number of people doesn't matter, only the number of coins that are voting. While the number of coins will increase over time, this dilution will be offset by an increase in price, assuming there will indeed be greater demand in the future.

>> No.4363362
File: 271 KB, 640x360, 1509889355392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday at night.

>> No.4363375

oh damn, nevermind
that's some good news though

>> No.4363385

bout 350 months ago