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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4355971 No.4355971 [Reply] [Original]

>living in parents basement
>making $10/hr
>lost savings in crypto
>got gf pregnant
>dropped out of college
>$200 to my name
>lost 4 cars within 2 years

>> No.4355986

you win

>> No.4355999

>Lost business
>Lost house
>Currently making ~$200/week
>$76,000 in state tax debt, about the same to the IRS.
>Wages garnished at 25%
>Have 2 kids to support

Please kid, you have plenty of time.

>> No.4356000

I was almost you, but luckily I broke up with her and someone else got her pregnant.

>> No.4356001

> college dropout
> around $5000 in debt
> working $10.50/hr job
> $500 in crypto
> turned that to $2000
> lost most of it on DNT
> all in on LINK with around $2800
> 20
> also kissless virgin
> cant drive

>> No.4356002

Buy condoms instead of shitcoins next time

>> No.4356007
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Nothing is all that bad at your age besides knocking your gf up. That one's gonna cost ya

>> No.4356012

>living in parents basement
>making 11$ an hour in a cheap state
>turned 1.5k worth of crypto into 80k
>havent had sex in 2 years
>dropped out of college
>2k in my bank account with 80+k USD in crypto playing long term
>same car since highschool

>> No.4356049

>sorta chad 26 y/o
>could fuck 10 girls on tinder a week
>cant fuck 10 girls a week at my house w parents
>try to sneak girl in, dog barks at door


you guys have it worse but this is my problem atm

>> No.4356063
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damn, this thread is just lists of bad life choices.

>> No.4356064
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Ive fucked girls with my parents the floor above me why can't you?

>> No.4356118
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Alright I'll play

>27 yrs old
>works 2 shitty wagecuck jobs
>Has to bicycle to work
>no car anymore
>Got a DWI when my dad died
>Spent 17-23 doing mountains of MDMA, LSD and mushrooms and smoking hay bales of weed. wasted my time & braincells going to all sort of music concerts & festivals
> Slightly burnt out from drug use
>Single for 4 years
>only JUST got into crypto
>Portfolio only $500 USD
>$40 in my bank act
>Live on my own
>Have to pay bills to have a house / electricity / food
>In debt by about $15,000 from a failed attempt at going to a college fresh out of highschool cause I didn't know what to do

>> No.4356142

>living in parents basement
>125k in debt
>Useless degree
>No job
>Car repod
>350 Pounds
>Can't keep an erection due to excessive porn use
>2k worth of Airswap, 100$ in bank
Fucking kill me.

>> No.4356144
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Good luck anon

>> No.4356152

story time please?

>> No.4356156

Are you me??

>> No.4356229

>Live with GF.
>Wagecuck about euro 1400 a month.
>Dropped out of college.
>Only euro 3000 savings
>Currently playing with 300 euro worth of crypto.

>> No.4356235

buy funfair

>> No.4356291

>bought Link
>still holding Link bags

>> No.4356332
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In 10 years you'll be 30 and will have lived another 50% of whatever you've lived so far but this time you will be an adult in your 20s and not a goofball little kid.

Oh wait, just saw you got your gf pregnant. Nvm, I misread. Lemme change my pic from the wizard pepe to something else.

>> No.4356344
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> make 7 bucks per hour
> live at work
> car i got for free cause original owner wanted to get rid of it
> eat one food per day not to starve

your crying is funny to me

>> No.4356372
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>Moved out of my parents basement and back into my room which I never leave
>No idea how to invest in cryptos but I browse biz and my predictions have been spot on, so I waste my time wishing I knew how to make money of cryptos instead of something productive
>Wagecucking 7 days a week
>blew it hard with the only girl who would love me back as much as i loved her, no future gf in sight while living with parents

It's time to pump and dump some lead into my face

>> No.4356396

>5k AUD in crypto (majority in OMG, waiting for OMG to soar mid next year)
> 1 more semester then I finish my finance degree
> finish my last exam for the semester tomorrow then I go straight into full time work in a warehouse, work 50-60hour weeks during summer (min $1k/pw after tax because I do so much overtime)
> have a 6 week europe trip for 6 weeks once I finish my last exams next year
> Life is good

>> No.4356408


>18 yo
>35$ bank
>3500$ in crypto
>i doesnt have 5k yet
>living on a poor country

>> No.4356419

hello, you are me

except I don't wasted 4 years after my drug use period like a broken toy boy and i shortly made some massive gains in crypto with masternodes and shit


>> No.4356620

yeah. what should we do bro? sometimes i sneak them through the window with music on. it's not like im not allowed to have girls over, its just awkward as fuck having random girls over whenever.

>> No.4356707

>living in Eastern Europe. Parents basement dweller
>No higher education
>Works as welder for 450 euros month
>Suck on crypto, haven't made any money trading since middle of summer
>Put just 250 into crypto now thanks good just 50 euros minus thanks to obsidian
>Never had car, don't even know how to drive, feeling insecure about it son ashamed to take driving test
>1400 in bank account, atleast I'm debt free

Ohh and got gf pregnant to few months ago. thanks good she had miscarriage

>> No.4356740

bruh, when i was 20 i got my first 50k$ paying job

why did you chose the NEET life?

>> No.4356749

Bought BCH at 42

>> No.4356753

>one food


>> No.4356772
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>literally living in Africa
> $5 in bank account
>$400 in crypto
>debt free
>parents pay for everything
>studying film with everything fully paid
>living at home since, you know, I'm 18
>nice new-ish car
>no gf
>kissless virgin
>tiny dick

I'd say pros and cons are pretty even except for having a small dick

>> No.4356797

ah bloo bloo

>> No.4356806
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>went hard into icos last month
>all in on req, airswap, wanchain, red pulse
>bought link at 30c (still holding)
>getting JUSTed every day
>dont even update blockfolio anymore so i dont have to look at seeing red every day

and to top it off
>graduated in 2014 in what was once the most employable field in this country
>failed to get a job after 8 months and moved back home
>suffered from severe depression, almost chucked myself off a cliff face when i was drunk as shit
>close friend commits suicide a year later
>get my shit together after ~1.5 years, move out of parents house
>start looking for work again, get several interviews
>went to the other side of the country for one of them (the company paid for everything)
>got rejected from every job opportunity, mostly due to graduating a while ago and having very little experience
>depression comes back worse then ever
>friend passes away a month later
>get put on the strongest anti-depressants
>see a psychologist once a week
>meet several people (at a bar) who work for different companies that mention that they might have work for me
>they ask for my resume, send it off the same day
>havent gotten a reply since from any of them (4 different companies i might add)

ive been getting JUSTed so hard that it wouldnt even be worth killing myself anymore

>> No.4356822

Wtf, this is a JUST thread

>> No.4356833

>a non-JUST reply in a JUST thread

>> No.4356850

>have one university degree (chemistry)
>studying to get accepted into another (law)
>no job
>made 29% late june-now (meh tier)
>only trading big coings to euro
>have gf
>have driver licence
>no car

>> No.4356856

whats your degree in? At this point you need income even if its mcd

>> No.4356906

Breh. Oil sector?

>> No.4356957

Were gonna make it bro, all in on Link. $100 end of 2018.

>> No.4356990

chemical engineering. mcdonalds wouldnt hire me at my age, especially in this country

i can go into that field. thats what the interview on the other side of the country was for

>> No.4357003

>$5k in savings
>$600 in crypto (started with $300 in July)
>share apartment with gf

>> No.4357048

imagine someone would have to pay for your funeral, no matter what you are a weight on societies shoulders

if you end yourself, do it somewhere nobody can find you body and leave a letter that you go explore the world so nobody tries to find you

>> No.4357104

>No job
>failing uni again
>2 kids with GF who doesn't want to have sex with me,ever.
>use what I have left of money to buy shitcoins, get JUSTED (Zcashgold, hope it moon soon)
>Cousin offed himself recently
>Sister offed herself when I was 14
>No father when growing up, so failed man
>Growed in the hood

Now 27, think about suicide every day

>> No.4357118


>> No.4357120

Damn buddy, good luck

>> No.4357150

> 33
> have no house
> all in on crypto
> sleep with couple of girls in order to have a bed
> portfolio 40k+

>> No.4357172

of which about 8k is my own

>> No.4357196

> living in parents basement
just earn more money
> making $10/hr
its ok for a 20 year old, work more, earn more
> lost savings in crypto
good, memecoins are not a way to glory
> got gf pregnant
Do you love her? Does she loves you? If answer to this is yes its a good thing.
> dropped out of college
get trade instead of wasting 20 hours looking at charts this time
> $200 to my name
could be worse
> lost 4 cars within 2 years
>has 4 cars at 20
wew lad, you're pretty well off

>> No.4357199

Living with my parents
making 0$/hr
never had a gf
all in crypto
0$ to my name
never had a car

>> No.4357210

>27 NEET
>visited /biz/ for the first time a few days ago
>decided to put $1000 into meme coins
>don't understand crypto or anything else, but having fun watching the charts
>will kms once my portfolio reaches $0

>> No.4357277

Oddly, anon, this inspires me. Balls to the wall every day or you're just existing. Not being sarcastic

>> No.4357290

Sounds like you missed out on the dip, anon

>> No.4357311

Public parks at night, the way nature intended.

>> No.4357329

>15k in stocks
>3k cash
>2k in LINK @ 26¢
>15k Credit Card
>Fast Food Shifty $21.50/hr
>CompSci/Law Student
>Just started dating highschool sweetheart <3
>Live with liberal parents in nice neighborhood
>Don't watch porn
>Workout regularly
>Literally no complaints

>> No.4357348

HODL that wanchain and redpulse friend.

RPX is already almost x2 up, that's with it only being listed on a single shit exchange. You're gonna make it.

>> No.4357350

My gf's parents provide us lube and stuff it's kinda weird..

>> No.4357359

what justed your more lads? hodling shitcoins or dailytrading shitcoins?

>> No.4357365

I've fucked a girl at her mom's house in her bedroom with the door open while the mom was watching TV in the room next door get on my level manlet

>> No.4357369

This is not a sob story board. Go to plebbit or call suixide hotline.

>> No.4357370

>Had resources to have 4 cars in 2 years at age 20
You're better off than most. Solutions to your self inflicted problems:
>Learn TA/FA and self control so you don't lose money on crypto
>Learn how to fucking drive
A bit late on the whole 'gf pregnant' front but
>Learn how to put on a condom/never trust a female to actually take responsibility for their own bodies and take birth control reliably.

>> No.4357381


That's cool af. Fuck her parents if they give it that vibe. Fuck them all

>> No.4357406

ive been JUSTed more frequently from trying to daytrade, but ive lost way more overall from holding

>> No.4357407

suicide hotlines are to prevent suicides - to talk you out of it, not help you.
Its a bit misleading.

>> No.4357414

This. I bent a girl over the hood of my car in her parent's driveway at 7:30 in the morning...school buses going by and everything.

>> No.4357416

>Be college student, double majoring, busy as hell
>Get in argument with mom one day, kicked out of the house
>Broke and working hard for a year. Skipping vacation time with friends to earn money
>Lose some friends along the way
>Hear el dorado stories about cryptocurrency
>managed to save 1.7k and invest it in
>make 3.1k and life is good
>series of bad investments make me lose money
>currently at 800
>Not the way i planned so taking an extra cleaning job that start at 6am on weekends
I know this isn't too bad and I learned from my mistakes but man it's been a rough year for me and I was hoping to have money on the side to buy myself a christmas present. Still keeping my head up though

>> No.4357455
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yall just pm me at my fake acc contact.staff.service@gmail.com we can start sum nice nohomo convo

>> No.4357467

Holy shit you legend.

This one time I was fucking my gf, as I finished in her mouth, we heard her mum walking to the door, she kocked and entered with strawberries. At this point I had covered up with blankets, but my gf still hadn't swallowed (she'd never done it before). Tfw she had to swallow to say thank you...

>> No.4357483

Fuck off, this thread isn't for you, retard.

>> No.4357488

>get law degree from EU country
>had to pay 300 euro to get it officially recognized in my country
>get job as legal intern
>this is the only job where there is no minimum wage
>work 10-12 hours/day
>get paid 300 euro/month


>> No.4357499

It will be when I get JUST'd in 4 years and finish 100k in debt with no job prospects.

>> No.4357564

ITT: Bcash shills

>> No.4357703


>> No.4357902

Nice full house man

>> No.4357913

Should have told her to get an abortion retarded moralfag

>> No.4357979

>Do you love her? Does she loves you? If answer to this is yes its a good thing.
It costs a lot of money you retarded neet, money young people don't have.

>> No.4358011

Good way to get your ass arrested by the cops

>> No.4358080

Someone will give you a chance someday. Took me 12 months to get a job after college. You know what I’d have kept going if it took me 36 months. Quit being a pussy and don’t give up.

>> No.4358127

damn what shit hole you live in?
Why didn't you stay in the EU country where you originally got the degree at

>> No.4358154

At least you already passed on your genes.

>> No.4358191
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>jobblocking tattoos from my punk days, can't find work
>only 3k net worth to my name, all in crpyto hoping to make it out of hell or i will prob suicide it
>been in and out of psychiatry since i was 19, currently scheduled to go back to the clinic end of nov
>had to move back in my moms as my old apartment got trashed and i spent all day faping and gaming
>have a gf but shes ugly and fat compared to the chicks i used to bang
>dads working himself to death to keep afloat his business, but deep down inside i knew he wanted me to take it over but i cant represent him due to my bad presence
>about to turn 25 and realising i fucked my life completely up and prob going to be suffering lest of my life

>> No.4358265


forgot to add

>receeding hairline
>starting to have erectile dysfunctions
>zero eduction or skills learn
>confirmed autist by psychiatry
>below average intelligence

think thats all for now

>> No.4358268
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>kissless virgin
>earn $0 but make just enough tiny gains to somewhat survive
>living with parents and leeching
>have 8k in LINK hell (got in at .30+ cents)
>have a hot sister that lets me massage her feet
>drive my mothers tiny 15year old car

>> No.4358319

dude. go help your dad with your family business if you can't find work

>> No.4358336
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>late 20s dentalfag
>living with parents (fuck paying rent)
>making 3x average monthly salary while working less than a year
>repayed my debnts
>planning to move in a year so i can make 10k EUR/month
>looking forward to a more traditional method of investing

>> No.4358603

>Taking on 250K in debt in next 3 years for dental school
>sleep deprived and working my fucking ass off while college buddies are wagecucking and making good money already
>went all in on ChainLink at .44 and have about 3000$ worth (14000 link)
At least I'll be a dental Jew someday

>> No.4358647
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>living in college dorm
>studying computer science
>making $.26/hr from mining monero
>1.8 btc savings
>no gf
>depressed for no logical reason.
>want to kill myself, on the daily
>don't want to get help from a therapist
>think about how poor I really am, even with my savings
>think about how poor everyone gen y and z is.
>think about how much better life would be if I was born 70 years ago
>wish I didn't have to go into debt to start my life, but that's the way it is
>I get angry thinking about how the banks and government ruined the college market.
>waiting for the credit bubble to burst.

>> No.4358983

Is anyone here actually planning on committing suicide?

>live in tiny 1 room apartment with gf
>severely depressed as long as I can remember
>BSc degree and UCL bullshit degree in chemistry
>110K in crypto
>20K in savings
>Currently studying MSc Quant because the idea of working 07-19 is killing me
>Severe tinnitus for the past 3 years, thinking of killing myself every day
>Severe alcoholic
>Walk into the shower daily picturing myself finally ending it

Life is fun

>> No.4359089
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>no gf
>no car
>no kids
>easy job
>$220k in index funds
>have a 10/10 russian prosti visit once a month

>> No.4359110

>20th birthday yesterday
>8k Aud crypto
>ephemeral bursts of motivation that fade with anxiety

I had a training shift at a new role today, it was bad. I begun sweating and all I could think about was the secreting sweat coming from my pores and how bad I must smell to everyone else.

>> No.4359113


how the fuck are you a virgin in africa?

>> No.4359149


>$130k net worth

gtfo normie

>> No.4359249

Yes, explain to me what good my net worth is when I have severe tinnitus which is only going to get worse.

>> No.4359272

>tfw relationship with 8/10 ruined because neither of our parents would let us fuck in their house, and both of our parents were always home
I don't know where the fuck they get this mindset from

>> No.4359309

Care to explain? Are they religious or smth?

>> No.4359321

lmao relax gopnik

>> No.4359339

>living in 3rd world cuntry
>dropped out of engineering
>making ~$250/month doing back office work
>cousins and friends of my age make anywhere between $750-1500
>mum really disappointed in me

>> No.4359347

My mother died before I could buy her nice gifts from my $3,500 ETH gains.

>> No.4359367

maybe because your resume is utter garbage

>> No.4359387

>humble brags in a JUST thread

i have very little experience, but other than that its fine. no need to bully

>> No.4359408

No, they're not even religious (well mine aren't, I don't know about her's). They just don't let me bring a girl into my room unless the door is open, I don't know why and it was too awkward for me to ask back then.

>> No.4359423

That's so weird.

>> No.4359455

>All these people with gfs

The normies are already in crypto it seems.

>> No.4359536


Anon, where are you from?

>> No.4359550

>Just got out of drug rehab
>Working 60-80 hours a week for $10 an hour (about $700 a week net paycheck)
>Terrible credit, broken lease, can't get a real apartment, paying $1200 a month for a tiny efficiency at an extended stay hotel
>$15k in credit card and other debts
>Living well below my means, forcing myself to eat off of $25 a week until debt is paid off (hopefully in a year or so)
>Despite that still investing $50 a week into crypto in hopes that one of these shitcoins blows up soon so I can pay everything off sooner

>> No.4359567

> dad died 5 months ago
> inherited about 3 mio USD in real estate, but can't get any money from it because MUH contracts
> 250k USD in tax debt because of owner changes of the property


>> No.4359807

I brought a girl over and she was being so loud as i was fucking her i had to shove her face in a pillow to quiet the sounds. Next thing to 1up you on

>> No.4359837


>2 kids
>plenty of money
>no freedom

>> No.4359855
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Survival of the fittest, mother fucker!
This is how capitalism works, the best thrive, the weak suffer, get over it.

>> No.4359857

Had the same problem. Literally trying shush her. Had to cover her mouth lmaoooo

>> No.4359880

Respect my man. Keep it up.

>> No.4359881

no fucking wonder most of you have no idea about markets or economics most of you are 18-20 years old fucking hell

>> No.4359903

How fucking old are you?

>> No.4359959
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>got gf that supports the crypto
>put 100 on ETH and 100 on Bitcoin when BCH feel
>lives with parents
>2k in the bank
>no stress or depression from college
>trump our president
been a good year so far OP looks like u got the shit stick

>> No.4360157

> 30
> MD/PhD
> Top income in my age group for salaried employees
> Published some nice papers
> Have my own flat, 4 rooms, 100 sqm
> Lots of disposable income, nocoiner and proud
> Solidly above 1/2/3/4 for reps

> The nurses that mire me are all 7/10 at best :-(

>> No.4360225
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>$400 internet money
>no car
>no license (parents wouldnt pay for it)
>live in bumfuck nowhere
>no jobs to speak of unless I have a car
>can't get a car without a job
>catch 22
>parents make less than 40k each with less than 25k assets total at ages of nearly 60
>attending community college with gibs from gubment
>no gf

>> No.4360266

>Living at home, finished chemo this year, now last semester at University
>Euro, so zero health care costs
>1 BTC and 1 BCH
>40K in bank account and no clue what to do with it
>No clue what to do with life
>Miss my gf, we broke up because of long distance

Tell me what to do with the rest of my money

>> No.4360284

>can't get a car without a job
>can't get a job without a car

Ah classic

>> No.4360309

cucked, better vote libertain next time fuccboi

>> No.4360312
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>tfw no GF

Feels free, man

>> No.4360314
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>27 year old kissless handholdless virgin
>finally use some of my crypto gains to get a bj from a stripper, now it burns really bad when I pee but I'm too embarrassed to see a doctor
>get Lasik, goes horribly wrong and am blinded for 6 months
>get in a car accident last month, totaled car, getting sued by the girl even though it was probably her fault
>get fired from a good job making 80k a few months ago because a co-worker I've been orbiting got married and I got shitfaced at the wedding and made a huge ass of myself and pretty much ruined the wedding
>still live in parents basement, unemployed
>went all in on Link at 9k with my life savings

>> No.4360324

>started off with ETH
>made some money, but didnt want to cash out the moderate amount i made because of the annoying coinbase fees
>decided I might as well use the coins themselves to buy the one thing they can buy
>bought some LSD online
>cant go a day without swallowing multiple LSD tabs each morning
>life in shambles

>> No.4360332

>making 90k a yr with DB pension
>want to invest in crypto maybe 1k
>30 yrs old, have a kid coming next spring
>finished college in 2009
>about 50k in pension savings
>drive a BMW sports car
>have 50k in debt and want to use crypto to erase it. Help me out!

>> No.4360349

Well, things are a helluva lot better for me than they were a few years ago, so here goes

>live in 1br apartment in NY with my wife
>make $200k a year as an attorney -- grueling hours sometimes, but usually not so bad
>have around $150k in student debt from law school. Pay $1500 a month
>divorced and have a daughter with my ex. Love my daughter, but I hate paying $1600/month (required by law) to my ex that she doesn't need because she works and is re-married to a doctor
>make tons of money but everything is still tight because I live in NY and have tons of expenses between taxes, rent, child support, and debt

rate my life out of 10, anons

>> No.4360364


Oh, forgot this part

>small-time investor in crypto. started earlier this year. i've seen some gains, but wish I had gotten in earlier.

>> No.4360367


>2 kids
>plenty of money
>no freedom

>2 kids
>no freedom

>plenty of money

Now have good life. Put all money In monero and cash and move to Mexico. Best of luck

>> No.4360368

how can LSD be addictive? are you that weak?

>> No.4360373

>making 90k a yr with DB pension
>want to invest in crypto maybe 1k
>30 yrs old, have a kid coming next spring
>finished college in 2009
>about 50k in pension savings
>drive a BMW sports car
>have 50k in debt and want to use crypto to erase it. Help me out!

>> No.4360399

Sell the BMW tard, don't keep what you can't afford. I bet that's what got you in debt nigger.

>Muh nice 50,000$ car

>> No.4360405

>hugless, kissless virgin
>absolutely socially awkward
>bullied in elementary and high school, had ZERO friends growing up
>only relied on anime and vidya to cope with the crippling loneliness
>but somehow really good at finding ways to earn money with little effort, also I'm a experienced CPA and a law school student

>> No.4360420


>> No.4360429

I'll Play
>Make Upper 5 Figs
>Net worth roughly 500,000 (I save and invest)
>Get GF preg, we have kid, move in together
>Don't have a lot but still appreciate life
>Forget I had 5 BTC in my wallet from my old days.
>Turn on News BTC at 5,000
>Go to /pol/ BTC Banned, go to Biz
>FFS there's a whole market for this shit
>MFW when Addicted to trading and I need to go back to focusing on work, (SO Am JUST MAKING INVESTMENTS INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR THE PUMP AND DUMP HYPE)
>Don't own a single BCH

>> No.4360432

Shit life
>Have girl with golddigger
>She remarries to a better target
>cucked into paying 1500$ a month

You just gave your ex-wife $324,000 because you are a retarded piece of shit that can't pick a quality girl.

>> No.4360458
File: 12 KB, 164x250, crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making 750 britbongs per month(disability)
>webcammer/stripper gf
>never went college
>have schizophrenia
>no car
>13k in crypto
>0 in savings

my life is a meme

>> No.4360468

If you own 5 BTC since ages you also got 5 BCH for free. Sell it for more BTC kek.

>> No.4360492

believe me, I know I was an idiot back then. there's a lot of backstory that you don't know, so you don't have to be an asshole about it.

>> No.4360493

10k for Tiffany engagement ring, 18k for 2013 bmw 335i, the rest loss in stock market doing penny stocks. My car probably worth 30k only.

Got kid coming next spring.

>> No.4360500

Sadly I fucked that up and didn't learn until 2 days after I moved my BTC into Coinbase from my cold storage, I learn quick, but was looking to cash out 2 really fast. :/ I know it was a $5,000+ lesson but in my mind I try to look at the fact that it was a $30,000+ gain for a few bucks I had from trying to buy Shrooms online but got to scared to ages ago.

>> No.4360508

pretty gud i would say. i hope you hodl link

>> No.4360531
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>10k for a dumb ring
What are you doing..?

>> No.4360537

>got gf pregnant
You deserve it normalfag.

t. 24 year old making GBP 60k/year

>> No.4360568
File: 422 KB, 600x800, axel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to be 28
>college dropout
>apartment to my name, making 420USD a month in rent
>invested 4k USD into crypto buying Substratum
>investment now valued over 10k
>waiting for january when SUB will be worth over 1usd
>waiting for SUB to be worth 5USD (I'd have around 450k USD) so I can literally retire with fixed investment that yields 0.3% a month ignoring inflation

feels good
feels good

>> No.4360574

So how did the split work exactly? Trying to understand how you missed out since I'm not too familiar with it.

>> No.4360585

good plan

>> No.4360592

20k for the Tiffany ring. It was either that or she go for abortion with my son.

>> No.4360601

How long after graduating and not finding a job does your degree basically become useless?

I graduated 6 months ago now and haventy found any work, and am getting worried that soon enough I will have been out of the field for me to be considered. I've been thinking about going to grad school just to fill the gap

>> No.4360608

when I made the first Transaction they treated as two transactions - you had to move the BCH out of X wallet first (I Believe)
I didn't realize I had BCH I had a wallet on my old Macbook computer (Thankfully still worked even though my kid was using it watch cartoons and shit) I never even saw the BCH in the wallet, but I didnt' look either, just went straight to BTC and moved to Coinbase to cash out.

>> No.4360615

You deserve everything bad happening to you, and more.

>> No.4360632

Holy shit. What did you do at the wedding? I can totally 100% imagine myself doing stuff like that. I had an alcohol psychosis four times now due to extreme intoxication. In case you don't now what that is: in my case I start hallucinating bad, change into a completely different person and just literally get a psychosis (insanity attack). Not pretty.

>> No.4360633

Actually got a Chinese wife, those fking hitches won't demand anything less than a Tiffany ring.

>> No.4360639

abortion was the right call you idiot
now you have a son with a diseased gene pool.


>> No.4360645

>virgin, never had a gf
>400e in crypto
>live with parents
>NEET college dropout
>ugly manlet

>> No.4360652

Do you know any Dutch people in NY?

>> No.4360653

If you don't provide another tiffany ring at least every year (or something equal) you'll never see your child again. That's a promise.

>> No.4360661
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well thats a nice collection of fuckups op but atleast you're still 20. abort the kid and you'll still have a chance. srs

>> No.4360686

I called her a whore and tacjled the groom on the dance floor until a few guys pulled me off and threw me out.

>> No.4360699

Good thing my wife has that corrupt Chinese money. Her condo is paid off. Her grand parents is gov official. Her parents house in Beijing worth a few million or more. Her bank account has 50k cash. I have a good job. But still fk. I got to be a man and get rid of this debt I incurred.

>> No.4360743

guide me in CPA please. it is my last chance.

>> No.4360774


Hey, we should have a beer together!

> be 22
> 3 cars
> 60k a year
> going to college
> next day
> homeless
> paying cs $600 a month
> wages garnished at 40%
> don't get to see kid
> ex uses kid against me

Thank you feminism!

>> No.4360775

Ha nice one anon

>> No.4360796

>has a kid

Jesus christ

>> No.4360813

Holy fuck this really is r9k.

You faggots are fucking pathetic kill yourselves

>> No.4360814
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>live at parents house and GF lives with me
>was going to start business with friend until backed out after 3 years of planning
>always interested in crypto and stocks since a kid but was not old enough to do anything
>only have $250
>trade $250 worth of BTC for like 2 months
>finally gain $1,400 from trading
>blow it all in atlantic city (not even gambling)
>left $250 in bank account to comeback on again
>trade $250 again eventually have $4,000+
>currently trading over $1,000 a day
>currently making $500 a week trading crypto and stocks

I'll be dead by 30

>> No.4360828
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>has a kid

first of all if you're 22 your'e fucking underaged go back to plebbit

second, what teh fuck? you could cum on her face, in her mouth, on her tits, on her belly, on her ass or in her asshole, yet you chose to cum inside the only place that could fuck you up for life?


>> No.4360843

>never done lsd before
>buys blotters online
>doesn't test it

>> No.4360861
File: 682 KB, 553x619, D U D E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my relatives is the epitome of JUST.
>Owned successful store
>store burned to the ground
>big mortgage on new building, but it's going well
>gets divorced
>loses house, but keeps store
>lives with mother (he was in his late 40s at the time)
>gold digger discovers him
>they buy house (which he pays mortgage for)
>she already has a house, but rents it out
>she has multiple sons, one of which is 10 or so
>she sets up her clothing shop in his store
>mooches off of store (staff, heating, supplies, space, etc.) without paying rent
>her stuff slowly leaks into his part of the store
>competition opens literally down the street
>his store is shriveling up
>has "borrowed" over a million dollars from his mother (had successful farm and other business)
>his gold digger Gf (common law wife by now) doesn't even cook
>eats KFC and A&W every day
>he is going bald, giving himself the JUST cut
>his store has not had a shipment in over 2 months, every day is a loss

Only the tip of the iceberg too

>> No.4360877

>thought i was hot shit getting in on bch at 0.32
>kept daytrading as it went up but always lost
>it crashed and i sold at 0.18
>kept trading etc

i lost nearly all my bitcoin now

>> No.4360894


Hmm I think after seeing my check every week I've realized I've made a tiny mistake in judgement.

And in the end my kid is the only one that suffers. Money is money, but being a kid with a shit mom and no dad really sucks. Not much I can do though since I don't have $$$ for a lawyer or a government program to assist me.

>> No.4360904

What was the business? Why backed out?


Sound like a weak man? Not being mean or anything but is he?

>> No.4360912
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all in on the biggest meme

>> No.4360920


> kys

Also that's rude.

>> No.4360962

I have the worst life because my life went wrong in almost every way and I did none of it myself. Fight me. /thread

>> No.4361001


Green text niqqa.

>> No.4361011

If you are depressed and you don't exercise...well that is just sad. Your dog would get depressed without exercise as well. Most introverts need to exercise because we are just sitting on a computer all day and our emotions fluctuate hard, whereas regular exercise keeps you mentally strong.

>> No.4361013

>net worth about $1mm from gambling
>work about 20 hours per week
>have a few friends i like
>date some hot fun cool girls
>will get a cat eventually
>have like 250k in crpyto and never really pay attn to it
>think i lost like 20k in btc this week but made like 15k in bch
>doesn't really matter


>> No.4361029

Nice. Gambling what?

>> No.4361080


i have posted in this forum a couple times before looking for people to open accounts with, but everyone always calls me a scammer so i quit doing that.

>> No.4361105
File: 81 KB, 924x571, 1491522120281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 in 2 days
>failing eyesight
>have sarcoidosis which literally means that my own body hates itself - autoimmune disease
>dropped out of college three times
>still directionless
>no skills whatsoever
>introverted, literally no friends
>put half of my savings in crypto - $2500, made $1000 but because of selling at loss and bitcoin falling I'm back where I started
>knew about bitcoin in 2009 and then when it surged in 2014 but was literally to lazy to open a bank account and buy some
>same with ETH and NEO
>no driver's license
>live with mom
>dad has Parkinson can barely stand in bed, possibly Alzheimer's soon

Sorry, but I win. I'll check out before the year is over.

>> No.4361111

Are you nie?

>> No.4361154

> 17
> depressed
> have 9k in crypto
> sad

>> No.4361175

Ah yes biz gonna biz. What was your starting amount and timeframe?

>> No.4361176

ETC - Don't check out, check up

>> No.4361177

>making 10 dollars an hour is bad

okay rockefeller

>> No.4361190

Honest question: why not kill yourself? Because of mom?

>> No.4361224
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Are you me? IRS taxes are killing american middle class. I hope Trump tax plan has a provision to wipe out our debt.

>> No.4361231

>be 26
>Have $65-70k freelance job
>Sexy GF
>Work 2 days a week
>Always spend money on everything
>Own every gadget
>$12k in crypto
>Some savings in fiat
>Want more from life... experiences

>> No.4361240

I just paid a $400 speeding ticket and I thought I had it bad

>> No.4361251

No, because I'm a pussy, 4chan and crypto. That's basically all I have rn

>> No.4361326

US law student here. Please tell us which shit hole country, so I can be sure to never move there.

>> No.4361346
File: 64 KB, 640x646, 67a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated college with bachelors in Info Systems
>gf of 5 years left, then fucked with my head for the next 8 months. She thought she could do better than me.
>left datacenter job for twice the pay at a contract job
>ex gf rubs it in my face how she's seeing other people
>contract doesn't get renewed
>cant find job since
>move back in with parents

Considering a career change to law or medicine, or maybe a high earning trade like CNC/machining. I cannot find a job in IT no matter what I fucking do. It bewilders and angers the shit out of me but I have to accept it.

At least crypto has been going well, put in around 9000 initially, that's grown thanks to ETH and XMR to almost 70k.

>> No.4361348

Start a company yourself. Or hire people to manage your project.

>> No.4361360

Anon, where are you from?

>> No.4361367

We are one and the same except DNT and LINK

>> No.4361383

Dude, how old are you?

>> No.4361424

Make more money and get a new gf

>> No.4361425

My job is a creative role. too Lazy to make a company. such a cop out for my industry.

I'd love to have something on the side, like investments that make some money to allow me to do whatever the fuck I want. I should have way more savings to say how much i'm making, but I just spend it on shit all day. Living like a king, but end goal isn't getting reached.

>> No.4361476

>have middle management slave labor retail job
>pulling roughly 60k a year although this can shoot up an extra 10-15k if extra labor is needed for company expansion projects
>wife making 45k
>two young kids
>including mortgage about 130k in debt
>lolnope on crypto at this age, safe investments onry
>paying down debts hard now and keeping up with investments so barely scraping by with family
>slow acceptance of mediocrity as my new norm

>> No.4361477

>Imagine being this mentally handicapped
This thread reminds me I have it good

>> No.4361482

Meh. Sounds like a 6.5 out of 10. Did you get such a shit deal in the divorce because NY's a super liberal SJW state, you're not a divorce lawyer, or because you're a bad lawyer?

>> No.4361550

>sharing a house w/ gf and couple others
>nice neighborhood
>$35k assets
>no debt, no kids, no health issues
>decent low-stress job

could be worse

>> No.4361561

You Will make it anon

>> No.4362044

>t's time to pump and dump some lead into my face
just go live in the wildneress for a while or something

>> No.4362239

>>living in parents basement
Saving money, good for you!
>>making $10/hr
Employed, congratulations!
>>lost savings in crypto
You'll recover them.
>>got gf pregnant
>>dropped out of college
Just like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
>>$200 to my name
>>lost 4 cars within 2 years
Shit happens.
And you've achieved all that? Congrats. Seriously.

>> No.4362249

Why did she divorce you?

>> No.4362252


At least you got us anons, anon. That is something, eh ?

>> No.4362291

return the fucking ring and dump that bitch before you get fucking married.

Seriously if you don't do this you'll regret it for the rest of your life

>> No.4362347
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>> No.4362352

>been ill with a chronic disease for the last 2 years
>lost 20kg and can't weightlift anymore
>always feel tired
>only do part time jobs
>no debt, but not much savings too
>haven't been in a relationship for a long time
>for the last month been slowly succumbing to a depression
i'll pull through, but i'm wasting my best years
enjoy your health while it lasts anon
you can quit bad job or relationship, you can earn more money or just enjoy free things in life, you can solve or at least run from most problems - do it while you still have enough vigor for that

>> No.4362364

Look at that post and think about of investing, just a good advice


>> No.4362452
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Read Schopenhauer. It will make you feel better.

>> No.4362497

Money is the difference between happiness and misery. The only time money does not equate to happiness, is when you didn't have it when you needed it. Then it becomes useless.

>> No.4362499
File: 134 KB, 768x573, 1510507097520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 yo
>dropped out of highschool
>currently in college but haven't taken any courses in 2 months
>quit my job last week
>7k$ car debt
>56k in crypto and getting justed everyday
>no gf or sex for 3 years
>manlet and aspie
>praying for moonmission or winning the lottery
>living on autismbucks and in my parents garage

>> No.4362533

"Anon, under other skills you wrote 'shits in street, save company money on water' would you care to explain?"

>> No.4362555

>be 22, 23 next month
>Freshly graduated
>Moved to New York
>Okay, but stable job
>Moving to a better job in June
>Have a long term gf that moved with me
>Live together
>Both have really grown apart
>She's still in school, financed by her dad and me
>Really sick of the daily bs of living with a girl
>Haven't been single since 17
>Really tempted to end it soon, as is she

How would I end it if we still have until June on the lease? We both are from the Midwest so if she moved out idk what she would do

>> No.4362601

I will post mine-

>Sell BTC during August 1st hardfork. Don't get free money, dont be part of the rally.
>Sold 1000 Antshares before it became NEO; 4x opportunity lost. Eh.
>Get BCH, 2x, don't sell until it's back where I started.
>get 20 BCH again a couple weeks back, sell at 0.09, Miss 4x oppurtunity which would have been life chaning amount of money. Eh.
>Get XMR, sell before it moons and actually take some losses,
>Sell DASH at 0.05.

It's not even like sitting outside and watching moon missions. I litterally get in the shuttle and get off for some reason. I have a feeling that i am self sabotaging myself. Something in me doesn't want to be successful and wants to remain a loser neet living with my parents.

Honestly, I don't even think about it because I know that it will make me emotionally unstable so I just keep moving on. Been doing this for 3 months or so.

>> No.4362634

i also have tinnitus. it's not so bad for me since i play a lot of vidya with headphones on and sleep with a boxfan next to me, i didn't know that it gets worse over time tho fuggg

>> No.4362668

>14hr @ Arch firm
>tried saving to go back to college, 1st degree was unliscensed degree for architecture
>scared to take GRE for grad school
>living @ parents, didnt save
>mom lost job
>give half of 1,800 i make every month
>30k in debt for going to wrong school
>gf is poor too
>0 savings, IRS wants 4k for misfiling taxes
>still don't think of suicide
>no A/C @ home
>trying to learn investing

>> No.4362690

Also thinking of becoming a rapper and selling drugs

>> No.4362795

You are very clearly self-sabotaging. Fuck sake, literlly just buying and holding a top-10 coin would be better than what you are doing.

>> No.4362809

It doesn't have to though. Could take decades. But mine probably will get worse because I have the correct symptoms let's put it like that.

>> No.4362832


I divorced her.

>> No.4362855

>College kid in last year
>Living with parents
>Have $20/hour job
>Up 50% on crypto investments since I started
>No direction in life
>Always angry

Why don't I love me, /biz/?

>> No.4362936
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>> No.4362976

you'll make it soon my bro, you got this.

>> No.4363032

>no debt
>haven't had sex in 3 years
>1000$ savings
>college dropout
>live with parents
>no life
>1.6$ in crypto
>claiming 200satoshi/hour
>15yo car
>investing in it certifications
>starting a thread "any chance dodecoin to moon soon? "

>> No.4363038

>Have worked 6 jobs, none for more than a few months
>Unemployed for almost a year now
>Full time student at a community college but bad grades may lead to losing financial aid
>5k in debt to the state college because I dropped out 2 years ago
>another 5-6k in student loan debt
>a bit over 1k in credit card debt because I was planning on killing myself
>live with gf
>hate my gf
>have just over 1000 link and 1 monero, will probably have to sell my monero because my rental textbooks for water damaged during walk to campus
>cant find a job because work history
>even if I did it would have to be around my class schedule
On the bright side I should be able to put in another $2k into crypto by the end of the school year from my financial aid. I'm hoping to transfer to a different 4 year school and put all of my aid money into crypto.

>> No.4363057
File: 73 KB, 1664x595, Portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I help myself ? This is my current portfolio. If I don't reach 100k by the end of 2018 I will simply off myself. My parents already hate me and staying in the same house might literally give me cancer it's so filled with negativity; I think this is also the reason I self sabotage; I never really believed that crypto could help me change my life and every-time I get close I freak the fuck out; I am not even afraid of losses and can deal with holding a losing position. However, it could also be random because I have no real system and make trades with YOLO mentality.

>> No.4363129

Lol this thread

>Average /biz/ cryptowhale

>> No.4363274

>have 9k in crypto

Fuck off retard

>> No.4363276

What age should I be moving out of my parents house?

>> No.4363298

>worked on and off since 19yo
>always made 12-19/hr, "good for my age"
>hated every second of it
>no gf since 16yo
>not even interested in girls anymore
>car accident totaled my car and fucked up my hand
>no job
>still havent been payed by insurance
>threw it all on crypto in aug
>fucked by the chinks end of aug
>saved it by going all in on link
>saved it with bcc pnd
>barely breaking even

>> No.4363302

Buy Ethereum and Monero. Sit on them for a year.

You're welcome.

>> No.4363308

I live in Greece.

Got my degree from Cyprus, but didn't want to stay in that shithole either.

>> No.4363338
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>14/hr as a tech
>Bachelors degree, trying to find better work
>3k in savings
>500 in shitcoins
>Seriously considering dumping a grand into Link

>> No.4363406
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this is shit adive though, we both know that the crypto market is too volatile for that and I also want to learn to make trades instead of being a passive no risk faggot.

>> No.4363446

can you elaborate on what you mean? i would like to know if i also have those symptoms. unless you're referring to outside stimuli. i also have static vision which apparently comes in tandem with tinnitus. do you have that as well?

>> No.4363476

you are literally retarded.

On the year long scale, the crypto market isn't volatile at all. If you sit on your ass, you are virtually guaranteed to make very solid gains, assuming you invest in a solid, top-10 coin.

Where real volatility enters is when you start doing exactly what your dumb ass is doing, which is trying to day trade.

Your results speak for themselves, dude. Keep trying to do what you're doing, I dare you, I double dog dare you motherfucker.

>> No.4363494

Anon, why did you put dick in crazy? Disappoint.

>> No.4363568

My parents are very traditional. I've had my gf spend the night a few times in the past because of leaving for trips early in the morning and what not. My parents make her sleep in the guest room.

>> No.4363600

Yeah are you fucking new or stupid? Nearly every altcoin is halved in satoshi value. Holding a shitcoin means you are assuming it will beat bitcoins performance. Look at what happened to those that held the past 6 months

>> No.4363631

how do you college without a high school diploma

>> No.4363747

That's why I said top-10 faggot. Can you read? Are ETH and XMR shitcoins? Or have they gone up massively and predictably in value?

>> No.4363965


If I were to do that 6 months back it would have been profitable. However, doing that any time in the past 3 months would have been terrible in most cases and you would have halved your initial investment. Also, I haven't lost significantly in trades but my overall performance has been sub par. If weren't trading I wouldn't have missed these opportunities because there weren't any opportunities to miss. Get it ? dummy

>> No.4363996

im sorry to hear that :(

>> No.4363998

That's why I said to fucking hold on to it for a year or more, retard.

If this is a hard concept for you to grasp than obviously crypto just isn't for you.

>> No.4364025


thanks but no. I would rather keep fucking up and learn than sit back and go to sleep with a good chance that my coin would have forked and now ETHCASH is the KING.

>> No.4364139

you realize that you would then own said ETHCASH, right?

Probably not. Good luck continuing to do what you've been completely failing at.

>> No.4364227


>humble bragging in a JUST thread


Feeling like your life is mediocre is the worst. My mom said some time ago that "it's sad to realize you had a mediocre life" and that really struck a cord with me, though I actually do nothing to avoid this path.

>> No.4364245

Yeah, I have floaters in my eyes but highly doubt that is a product of tinnitus. Maybe it is stress related though.

I have high pitched (18 kHz) bilateral tinnitus. The high pitch makes it always audible I cannot supress it. Even at a concert I can still hear my tinnitus because it respons to sound becoming worse in loud environments.

I can manipulate it by moving my jaw or my neck etc. Because it is extremely highly pitched it will probably get worse, in the sense that extra noises will be added, because the higher pitched regions of my hearing will fail eventually causing "extra" tinnitus.

Furthermore, it constantly fluctuates, bad and good days, which is also a symptom that eventually one of the bad days simply sticks. Also, it started as unilateral, became bilateral later and now I hear it in the center of my head. In short, it is spreading throughout my head, another symptom of worsening.

>> No.4364256

>Live in a fucking african tier shithole of a country called Russia
>NEET living with parents
>ugly 170cm manlet with acnes
>Virgin. Never talk to girls, because I'm afraid of getting rejected
>uni dropout
>too depressed that even videogames are not fun anymore
>dad is an unemployed alcoholic, threatens to kick me and my mom out every day, because she wouldn't buy him booze
>my portfolio which I grew from $500 to $15k got fucking JUST'd all the way to $6k, because I was too apathetic to even look at the charts
>Spent 10 years of my life on a useless fucking hobby that got me nowhere and still suck at it
Got nothing to lose, the thought that any moment I can just off myself really soothes me. Don't even want a gf or money at this point. I just want to finish my Magnum Opus, then jump off a bridge and end this bullshit

>> No.4364340

Is Poland better than Russia? I want to move to Poland because there are no Muslims there.

>> No.4364416

you are missing an btc or eth address, anon. just sayin.

also, could be worse.
> bald
> fat

>> No.4364453

>18 y/o virgin
>no muscle
>no willpower
>living with mom and her boyfriend
>planning to move out and live in car
>$11/hr as manager at pizza place
>paying for community college
>making shit grades in community college
>planning to stop going after this semester
>paying car loan
>paying insurance
>no savings
>no future

>> No.4364474

same. going to buy more.

>> No.4364481

I don't know honestly, I've never been outside of my hometown. Probably any european country is better than Russia.
There're a lot of muslims in Moscow too, but St. Petersburg seems alright, I hope to move there some day

>> No.4364492

>be me
>29 years old
>already managed to put myself in $419,000 in debt because of sick kid and treatment for my cancer in 2014
>1 autist kid
>wife died in the same car accident where i lost half my left leg

>> No.4364531

We have a winner!

>> No.4364580

>make about $45k/year at comfy 9-5 jobber
>still have about $15k in student loans left to pay off from lol art degree follow yer dreams meme (my current job is not remotely related)
>frugal and good at saving money but also extremely conservative on investments to the point that my "investments" in the past ten years have been letting money sit in savings account that pays out about enough for one free lunch per month, a small lunch, at a cheap restaurant
>thought hard about buying bitcoin last year but put it off
>bitcoin goes on intergalactic voyage
>I could have made... fuuuuuug
>looking in to crypto again now
>will probably be over conservative about it but at least i'll have something in the game

>> No.4364643

maybe the mom was playing with herself listening

you should fuck the mom

>> No.4364719
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>>have a hot sister that lets me massage her feet
you can't just say this and not elaborate

>> No.4364766
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>be me
>22 years old
>no-fun-allowed straight shooter my entire life
>life had been pretty rough since my family left my abusive dad when I was in the 3rd grade
>work my ass off to get my mechanical engineering degree
>things are finally starting to look up
>have great prospects for graduate school and founding an engineering software company
>start seeing weird flashes of light toward the end of senior year of college
>it gets worse and I start developing blind spots
>see about 20 doctors all over the country
>turns out I have an untreatable genetic neurodegenerative disease
>I'm going to be blind in a year or two, followed by being a vegetable not long after
>living in my old bedroom at my mom's place since graduation
>unemployed and probably not worth getting a job at this point
>all those hopes and all that hard work for nothing

>> No.4364796
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>living with parents
>last year of uni(master degree, math-info teacher, but teachers are ridiculously underpayed in my country)
>have a job, making 3 euros/hour
>1500 euros in bank
>320 euros in crypto
>no car
>No gf since 2011

>> No.4364797

Fuck I don't wanna go to Russia if there are Muslims there.

>> No.4364822

Fuck me....

>> No.4364842

That's pretty rough... Need to cut down on the weight for sure unless yuu are super tall.

>> No.4364850
File: 617 KB, 1000x1500, bitsandbobsbyeva-outfit-spaziergang-durchs-servitenviertel-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student, living in dorm
>1 friend, no gf, no car
>last year of uni, almost dropping out (again)
>leeching off parents since birth
>in crypto since June, literally made NO gains

>considering suicide daily

>> No.4364852


Jesus anon I'm sorry.

>> No.4364862

I think you're still the winner

>> No.4364870

That's rough. Don't know what to say.

>> No.4364878

Holy fuck PLEASE be larping

>> No.4364880

spend some time traveling and hiking after school.
even if it's not a severe case, cancer is some heavy shit.
you have plenty of money, I'd suggest putting a fair amount into some safe bets, maybe a mutual fund, you don;t need a big emergency fund at this point in your life.
depending on what you're into, try some psychedelics, and go exploring, get outdoors, take some risks, and get new experiences.
figure out how long you'll do this for so you have a definite end point and don't start drifting, come back home, reconnect with senpai, and then try to find a [professional direction that lines up with how you want to live your life, try to sort out your priorities and a few goals in life while traveling. meeting new people experiencing new ways of life should help with that. try to spend time with good people, and see if you can pick up on what they've got going on that gives them purpose and meaning in life

>> No.4364896

Send me your crypto when you kys

>> No.4364904


reconnect with your parents/f am,
forgot the fucking word filters were still on

>> No.4364907

Cum into me

>> No.4364918
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I'm sorry bros, that's fucked up. Hope things'll look up for you two soon.

>> No.4364926

25, working some shit job for $10/hr, can't seem to make anything stick with girls even though I keep trying, parents died 4 years ago, at least they loved me enough to take out a couple life insurance policies to make sure I was taken care of. I didn't earn my wealth but I'm damn grateful for it, love you Mom and Dad

>> No.4364929


>living in Russia

I win

>> No.4364970

>moved out 4 years ago
>worked every day for $15/hour
>lived as frugally as possible
>saved and invested every possible penny
>made $1mil in crypto this year
>moved back home for the holidays
>looking at houses to buy

>> No.4364972

>college dropout
>making $22/hour
>$15k in crypto
>I've cashed out $30k over the last year because I wanted to be safe and pay some debt
>That $30k would be $100k+ by now
>$40k in debt
>couple hundred in the bank
>can't last more than 5 mins usually, so my gf gets an orgasm from sex maybe once a quarter
>I go down on her all the time, and she gets orgasms from that + fingering, but it doesn't stop me from feeling like a failure

I guess it's better than a lot of what I'm reading, but I think about dying every day.

>> No.4364984

>work a soul-crushing job as a cashier at a local fast food place
>boss is a greedy jew faggot
>fucking hate my retarded neighbors, constantly make noise and knock on my door
>worse yet is I work with one of them
>depressed as shit, sometimes suicidal
>try to work on my music career but it never goes fucking anywhere
>rarely feel joy
>every once in a while this rich Chad I used to know shows up and rubs his amazing life in my face

Just kill me. I like to think I'm a pretty good artist, so maybe I'll pursue that next. But goddamn is this life a sad one.

>> No.4364995

>26 years old
>$12 an hour working security armed
>Hear Christian prophecies that Trump will win presidency in 2016
>Want to bet entire bank account on Trump to win presidency
>Inquire from friend on website with best odds
>Recommends Directbet which only accepts bitcoin
>Buy about 7 or so bitcoin bet them all on Trump to win at 4x odds
>Trump wins
>get back a ton of bitcoin
>Bitcoin goes berserk so does Ethereum which I diversified into
>Remember the prophecies of Trump winning were Christian
>Thanks Jesus
>hoping to live a long healthy life full of wealth
>wife pregnant, beautiful autistic son, just like daddy
>go to heaven one day

>> No.4365218
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>32 or 33 maybe (getting so old I need to do math to check age)
>failed out of college while trying to work full time min wage to pay for it
>became neet and gave up on life while stuck in elo hell in LoL(high gold)
>can't afford own place have to search for cheap places on Craigslist after falling out with my cousin
>get evicted one day because Craigslist landlord was not paying the real landlord
>end up living out of (HomeSweetHomes) motels with another guy that stayed at eviction house
>muscles are atrophied after years of being a neet
>motel roommate convinces me to come work with him as a mattress delivery guy
>arm and back muscles and hands are bruised and swore for weeks as my strength returns
>after a year or two of working 12 to 16 hours a day for 5 to 6 days a week begin to look for something more
>discover the wonderful world of Forex Trading
>only making 150 to 600 usd a week
>constantly losing thousands of dollars trying to day trade
>eventually give up on trading and got fired
>become a neet again for the last year
>lost all of incredible strength and stamina I developed
>suddenly 3 months ago the way I see the charts change
>can see every dip before it happens
>bide my time until I have enough money to throw away at Forex again
>last Friday throw 500 into my account for one final round
>take my first 3 trades yesterday and this morning again after having not trading for over a year.
>MASSIVE PROFITS in a single day

>> No.4365268

I forgot the part where my mentor unfriended me from Facebook after introducing me to day trading aftet I disagreed with his theories and lost a major trade that I obsessed over for a year

>> No.4365408

Kekekeke wow anon you're such a nice guy ;)

>> No.4365427

Slight tinnitus in ear can never experienced total silence ever

Receiding hairline ... Lol

Herpes type one on my Willie

Doing well monetary and got a cute Japanese gf but still fucking suck

>> No.4365482

>no arm
>no leg
>use rght stump 2 use comp
>rich parnts
>no skill
cnt rspond caus take 2 slo. srry

>> No.4365491

I had no dad. It's the worst. What's worse is if you're not black, you don't really have anyone in your social circle to relate to.

You don't develop as fast as everyone else because you can't emulate a man's behavior. I didn't fee fully developed until I was 25.

Also, your friend's fathers holding you at arms length since they don't want things to get twisted, fucks up your relationship with other men and authority figures.

Things will click for you. Get into programming.

The standard of living is very high so I would concentrate on making an impact in the world. The money will come.

Even if you got rich off crypto you would fuck it up just like I would.

>> No.4365519

>25 years olds
>finishing up last year in med school
>soon to register as doctoral student
>parents just bought me appartment in my countries capital for 450k eur
>solid 50k at bank account, 25k more in cryptos
>10/10 gf with more money than me.

can't complain

>> No.4365541

>has kid

>> No.4365559

link is a meme you dumb nigger

>> No.4365591

What kinds of jobs can I work with no degree to meet qt nurses or gurl doctors? There are no females at work to meet when you only day trade

>> No.4365611

Delivery driver checking in.

>> No.4365639

>2 year college degree
>making $20 an hour
>live in expensive af city
>live with parents
>$5000 in bank
>$2500 in crypto
>$5000 in student debt
>never had a gf
>had casual sex a few times
How am I doing /biz/?

>> No.4365640

>BS in Comp Eng
>lazy as fuck though, so the only job I could get so far pays like $24.50/hour even after being there for a year and getting a """raise"""
>zero denbts (college was paid for by scholarships), but I spend a lot on alcohol and food takeout
>don't really have any expensive hobbies, mostly just spend my free time by getting drunk and watching pirated tv shows and movies
>get to sack away half my monthly pay
>~$40k in savings
>~$3k in ethereum (bought in at $13.6 a piece)
>6 years until my hogwarts letter
>don't even really have any interest in investing seriously, just come here for hodl and moon memes

Could be worse I guess

>> No.4365658

>not hooking up in the great outdoors.
just climb a mountain with an outdoorsy girl and bang her at the summit.

>> No.4365663

>6 week europe trip for six weeks

>> No.4365710

Congrats for having rich mom and dad. Better to be lucky than working hard.

>> No.4365776
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and all the rest of you
cut the crap

Do a trade.

>> No.4365882

Well imagine you had a dad and he didn't give a fuck about you. Maybe that's better psychologically than what you describe, but you should consider that you're prone to making the same fallacy as people that post tfw no gf while forgetting the huge downsides of relationships.

>> No.4365947

>living in parents house
>making $18/hr
>Charged with Sexual assault
>10 Months in County

Crypto trading is the only thing saving my ass right now.

>> No.4365955

wage 4x minimum wage
have car, paying for it
rented appartment, its not bad
9.9/10 gf (im kinda odd looking but she digs that)
2k in crypto, getting justed by bch at the moment

wagecuck wanting to go benelux and being a better paid wagecuck

>> No.4365971


Lab courier. You drive paperwork and sometimes samples between the various hospital laboratories in the city. Pay isn't bad, at least in my city, for the job. Around 20-something/hour.

>> No.4365985

Lol fuck that cunt

>> No.4365999

>>10 Months did she lie or were you really drunk?

>> No.4366044

She was underage so every thing she said was taken as a fact.

Had to pay a lawyer to prove she was lying, could not make bail so I spent 10 months waiting for the DA to cave and give me a plea deal.

It was partially my fault, but I the assault never happened.

>> No.4366063
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> be 22
>live with parents cos free rent
>have own business, not as good outlook as the BTC honeybadger
>close business
>invested in BTC and moved all my investment into alts
>broke because no altseaon yet because of honeybadger BTC
>will just walk out 1 day when i have over $50000 and start traveling

>> No.4366118
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>> No.4366149
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>studying compsci
>$40,000 in crypto and stock
>$5,000 in bank
>no debt
>khv despite 8/10 looks and /fa/
>not many friends because most people are boring as shit
>saving up for law school

>> No.4366163

also forgot
>living with parents so zero expenses

>> No.4366292

>living with single parent mom
>making $30/hr
>Pay mom's mortgage because she is retired but cant afford to pay it
>0 savings due to me paying my mothers debts she ran up because her pension isnt enough
>find out she gives her retarded art major nephew money because he's retaking 2nd year university and his father is a druggie/mother died
>never had puss
>constantly in overdraft the past 6 months

>> No.4366343
File: 74 KB, 360x640, PART_1510699234926_IMG_20171114_164010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Cmon brother, I have stupid fucking tattoos from my punk days too. Even PUNX tattoo on my hand, jesus... Craigslist/Indeed.com, it's not hard to find a job just dont stop looking. Apply for at least fucking 30 a day, call all the #'s, apply for anything you see on craigslist even if your not qualified. You will be surprised people like to help people
>30$ in bank account
>1000$ check on the way soon as vehicle title comes in mail
>Can't get real plates on my car, waiting for ANOTHER title in mail
>Renting room 600$ a month with my cats, old roommate who was leaseholder started smoking meth & bailed (luv u if you see this /pol/ tard, for real)
>Trying to stay off drugs, get life together
>living in state all by myself no family

>> No.4366387

>lead dev of 5 man team with no degree
>living with 8/10 cutie gf who cooks everyday
>$270k in crypto
>$<1k in bank

just waiting for a million and I buy a small home next to the beach

>> No.4366390

>Charged with Sexual assault
literally kek'd
I love how you guys sneak these little tidbits into your greentexts

>> No.4366407

>masters degree, never used it
>own business with 150k EUR equity
>make 200k EUR per year by making a few calls, invoices and bank transfers a day
>300k EUR in bonds, gold and silver
>350k EUR in crypto
>no gf but fucked over 250 hookers
>live with parents
>pay almost all the bills at home

bored as fuck
I just want a non-normie gf which is smart (or smarter) and cunning as me

>> No.4366420

>lead dev of 5 man team with no degree
How? How did you get to this position? Are you really talented/have you been doing it since a young age?

>> No.4366428

Damn nigga u must have done some bad shit in the last timeline /life

>> No.4366432

>Also, your friend's fathers holding you at arms length since they don't want things to get twisted, fucks up your relationship with other men and authority figures.


>> No.4366435

>move around constantly so no friends
>even though I'm only 20 I'm starting to come to terms with the fact I'll never have a gf for the rest of my life
>only time I ever leave my room is to go to work or seldom buy things at stores
>over the past 2 years developing some serious mental problems that are ruining my life
>have no hobbies other than getting drunk to forget I exist. No matter what hobby I try to get into my mind tells me this is all for nothing and you are an imposter. All I can do is sit and browse 4chan and drink.
>Have 40k in bank and a car but know that it doesn't matter how much i have because I'm not changing
>my posture is fucked up because of pectus excavatum. Look at myself in the mirror every day with disgust.
>my only sibling died as a young boy
I wish I had a pepe to post but I deleted all my reaction images in an attempt to quit 4chan. Obviously it didn't work.

>> No.4366501

Are you talking about the same thing as this? >>4365971

How is this kind of job? How often will I be around the doctors and nurses? I figure it's hard to date or meet nurses and doctors since they work all the time and only date co workers mostly.

>> No.4366527


At least I know what puss is (:

>> No.4366560

>Are you really talented
>have you been doing it since a young age?
took me 3 years.
basically just be good. most devs are very bad, as soon as you start getting really invested in learning programming you'll quickly be way better than the norm (protip: don't spend too much time on OO, focus on FP).
work hard at your first job to build a narrative of young genius around you, then learn some negotation skills to make yourself appear even better, and slowly climb up.
oh and don't join too big a company at first

>> No.4366565

>Majoring in Biology
>Told everyone I wanted to be a doctor
>Doing not so great in school
>Eventually everyone will find out because I won't get into med school
>Lazy as fuck
>Spend all of my time writing a fantasy book that no one will ever read

>> No.4366584

wtf is wrong with him anon.

>> No.4366695

>don't spend too much time on OO, focus on FP
Oh wow I've never heard this before. I didn't think FP was used much in industry. Everyone always talks about Java n shit.

What do you think of trying to specialize in something like solidity? Smart contracts are likely to really take off and there will be a huge gap in the market for smart contract programmers at some point.