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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4355037 No.4355037 [Reply] [Original]

So Bitcoin Segwit is fucked in the long run if they don’t fork?


>> No.4355096

this is correct, that's why Jihan was encouraging core to up the block size. bitcoin is now forever crippled by the new BCH difficulty algo.

>> No.4355139

Yes, mainly because of the retarded hodl meme shitcoin core cucks tried to spread. shitcoin core stopped being a currency a long time ago and the only reason why it's rising is because of the greater fool theory. and what happens when people start taking profits and stop buying? shitcoin core is literally useless and will die out.

>> No.4355191
File: 87 KB, 701x599, 1510541068109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hope roger dumps all his btc, fuck corecucks and their bankster-approved blockstream coin

>> No.4355193

Checkmate but when does the markets get this?

>> No.4355211

please buy bch right now today okay

>> No.4355216


Yeah, fuck the banks. Now off to more shit to make the mining conglomerates happy

Protip: They're both shit and should be phased out by something better

>> No.4355250

I don't believe a fork would save them. An emergency fork would further deteriorate their credibility.

>> No.4355256

you can't stop centralization, it's literally impossible in a free market

>> No.4355259

Yes, but if we dont kill BTC now we will never be able to, whereas BCH can more easily be replaced later.

>> No.4355268

Sure there are a lot of bcash pajeets in this thread

>> No.4355280

good thing free markets don't exist then

>> No.4355300
File: 69 KB, 680x802, a8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck logic right? we should choose the least evil and from there work towards the ideal option.

>> No.4355315

Don't read anything on r/btc its pure bcash propaganda
Same with r/bitcoin it's just pure core propaganda

Just fuckin stay off reddit in general desu

>> No.4355343

>r/the_donald memes
pajeet and even redditor. Sucks to be you anon

>fuck logic right? we should choose the least evil and from there work towards the ideal option.
Good goy, keep buying bch. I am too cynical to spoonfeed you how you are going to lose your money, I'll just profit from it. Good riddance ;)

>> No.4355346

>Everything is propaganda except for what you believe in your own mind.

>> No.4355355

Cryptocurrency markets as of this moment are pretty much a free market, you're an idiot.

>> No.4355370
File: 706 KB, 654x551, gavin andressen supports bitcoin cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a lot of redditors with their segwitshitcoin in here

>> No.4355381

Segwit [Future] marine here

>> No.4355384
File: 65 KB, 450x768, yiENAIWC00e0VVnbAVitDqkSMEMwyc8zYVl0BQrZ4nU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's /pol/ meme you fucking normie redditor

>> No.4355395

What's the difference?

>> No.4355397

So out of the following strategies what would /biz/ do...

1) 50/50 across BTC/BCH
2) Hedge in ETH/XMR
3) Cash out to fiat while the blood bath drys up a bit

>> No.4355417

>greater fool theory
Exactly, BTC is just a ponzi at this point.

Anyone hodling right now and stuck in the mempool should count their lucky stars that the flippening didn't happen on saturday.

>> No.4355439

50/50 ETH/BCH

>> No.4355458
File: 97 KB, 725x254, poor roger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already tried but got cucked by wallstreet, your bitcoin judas can't do shit. There are more pro-BTC whales that out number him.


>> No.4355467

not pajeet, just an old school bitcoiner from abroad.
we need new blood in bitcoin or it will die as dino. bcore cant deliver, we can all see it right?

>> No.4355487

You have to go back.

>> No.4355501

Roger hasn't sold yet.

>> No.4355697

if you don't know there is no difference it is you who has to go back
>not reddit since at least the fappening
and I am being generous

yeah sure, an old school street shitter is what you are. Kys.

>> No.4355723
File: 330 KB, 330x319, 1449522503799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cryptocurrency markets as of this moment are pretty much a free market
Holy shit thank you for reminding me why I make so much money in this market

>> No.4355753

Tomorrow, 6:30 pst

>> No.4355756

literally kill yourself you redditor piece of shit newfag

>> No.4355794 [DELETED] 

why such hate and desire to be imbred neet?

>> No.4355825

Another random though, could this pump and dump be a part of a bigger picture.

Pump the coin, everyone thinks this is it and jumps to BCH. Dump it so everyone holds bags. Communities cry over their losses wanting BCH to rise again to empty their bags this will have that extra level of support and advertisement over the next few weeks

>> No.4355831

Ponzi scheme is a business structure where new members are required in order to fulfill the dividend obligations that the org has made to older members. Your analogy has no relevance here. It's just something that you thought sounded cool and smart on mainstream news media.

>> No.4355842

>all the hashrate and normies go to bch
>difficulty adjusts
>everybody flees from btc and upvotes other crypto
>core is free make a superior product that will eventually be a threat to the government normies are propping up through supporting centralized cryptocurrencies


>> No.4355906

fuck off nigger, i dont even support a free market but it's plain as day obvious to anyone that isn't brainlet that something that isn't regulated is a free market

>> No.4355908


>> No.4355918

fucking based dude

>> No.4355959

keep spouting your ignorance anon, I find it amusing

obvious shills are obvious

>> No.4356013
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>> No.4356075

At the end of the day Bitcoin and all its forks will crash. Bottom line hey!

>> No.4356348

>Crypto backed by millions and millions of dollars in dedicated ASIC hardware is going to crash.

>> No.4356574

You do realise development on Core has been stalled for 4 years so Adam "Venture Capital" Back could implement his second layer solutions with built-in rent seeking.

Ethereum literally wouldn't exist if it weren't for Blockstream (and one bitcoin would likely be worth 50k+).

>> No.4356664

HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA oh FUCK this newfag thinks 4chan isn't Reddit these days.

Thanks for the kek anon