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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4353497 No.4353497 [Reply] [Original]

So I've never posted on this shit forum before, but here it goes.

I was just banned from the ODN slack for absolutely nothing. The devs lied and said that I deactivated my account. They continuously believed I am trying to drive the price down when I bought at 8k sats.

I can no longer join the slack because they made the slack invite link private. I cant follow the project anymore so holding seems pointless.

Why the fuck would I drive the price down when most of then KNOW I bought in at 8k sats?

If anyone from the slack is seeing this, check the reddit page for obsidian. They canceled the slack invite link like an hour ago so now I cant even join.

Do I keep bagholding this shitcoin? I know where sagemark, his wife, and his two dogs live. If this is a scam I am wondering what I should do with this information.

>> No.4353527

>I know where sagemark, his wife, and his two dogs live.
reported to the fbi

>> No.4353548

Please sell and stfu you man child

>> No.4353553

I'm in the slack, what do you want to know? Apparently a "relaunch" is planned for the 4th of December.

>> No.4353561
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also this. thank god. you slack stalkers need to kys already

>> No.4353568

Thats the plan. Hes gotten away with a scam before.

>> No.4353578

this coin is worthless OP. Zencash does everything this coin does. And it doesnt have a pajeet tier team. Sell your bags and gtfo and buy some safer bags to recoup your losses with.

You are typing this looking for validation for a conclusion you are scared to act on.

Man the fuck up and act on what your gut and balls are telling you. GTFO of this coin. Hell keep 10% of your stack if you feel like pissing away money in case it long shots and moons for some unknown reason. If it does sell as soon as the moon shot loses steaml.

>> No.4353583

The slack invite link was working an hour ago. And I made that reddit post.

>> No.4353603

I am at 60% total loss on a 100k investment

>> No.4353723

First off I want you to make it and get filthy fucking rich. Fund vaselgel with some of you future winnings please.

Look up position sizing.
Look up not getting emotionally attached to an ivestment.
Look up selling at a short term cash loss to increase total position size.

Fuck read zerohedge or something cause you made some critical rookie mistakes there for someone who has the cash stack to supposedly know better.

100k is big boy money. You are big enough that you should be learning trading in your spare time or as a full time job. At the very least at least buy a copy of PBC and listen to a shill that has made correct calls time and again.

With the upside potential in crypto youll make it back prov you gtfo of it right now.

Zencash is at Teekas buy in price of $20
NEM is as well at under 20c
BCC is also under his buy in price of $1200
FCT is also under his buy in price
I just gave you info that people pay a lot of money for.

>> No.4353737

BCC buy in price of 1400 im sorry my b

>> No.4353768

HAHAHAH this statement is such bullshit

>> No.4353832

Its not. The devs are spewing bullshit. I may not follow those calls but this ODN HODL bullshit is getting old.

When you have to prove you are not a scammer (sagemark) You are probably a scammer.

>> No.4353868

have fun with your bags. Admins of this coin have been shown to be more worried about the price of the project than the actual project itself. This coin is pointless. I hold neither zen no odn I have no dog in this. Its just charity for an anon to scared to do what he should. Im set either way.

>> No.4354542
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