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File: 71 KB, 960x720, TravisKnauss3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4347120 No.4347120 [Reply] [Original]

Underwater welding. 300k a year starting, no education or experience required

Why doesnt everyone just do this?

>> No.4347141

v danger

>> No.4347144

> 300k a year starting

Because you're a lying cocksucker, OP.

>> No.4347147

>everyone should go to college!
>get a prestigious white collar job!
>you're too smart for the trades!

>> No.4347153

what coin is this?

>> No.4347169

what coin are we shlling? omg

>> No.4347171

I actually got my scuba certification at age 16 just for this.
Developed juvenile diabetes at 17 and nobody wants to hire me.

I just hull scrub now :...(

>> No.4347179

looks baller as fuck

>> No.4347200

big whoop. what am I off by? anything over 100k is amazing

>> No.4347202

anon the there is a 15% chance of you dying in this job its extremely dangerous and destroys your sight,lungs and cause gastrocprophoina

>> No.4347218

you definitely need experience and education

the school to dive and weld is in texas florida alabama lousiana north carolina and they all cost atleast 20k for 8 weeks of training and certification.

source: welder on dry land for 12 years and licensed PADI rescue diver. always wanted to do this career but found out theres cooler easier ways to make money.

>> No.4347223

Yea i am a young welder and ive been thinking about doing this. Problem is i have no fucking idea how to dive and have shitty lungs. Ill prolly just have to settle for 60k-80k a year in construction of something.

>> No.4347224

Prices in.

>> No.4347241

Doesnt this shit also cut like 10 years off your life? There is a reason why it pays mega bucks

>> No.4347248
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Forgot pic

I'm basically an underwater janitor now...

>> No.4347252


I can't swim, will I make it anon?

>> No.4347253

becuase not everyone wants to have to worry about delta P for the rest of their 40 year life

>> No.4347258

ive looked into underwater welding seriously. Its a dangerous job that you could seriously die in. and people do die, all the time. and the oil companies cover it up. imo you should just try and get a job as a welder on the pipelines. its dangerous and lonely too, but way less than fucking dying underwater. plus the moneys good after a few years.

>> No.4347259

Because it's extremely, extremely dangerous

1 in 600 die every year

>> No.4347264

nice just inhaled 100k

>> No.4347279

cause its spooky as fuck and they make you work 20+ hour shifts under fucking water.


>> No.4347287

Dude, my boss is fat and smokes like a train
You can do it.

>> No.4347292

what was the ICO price?

>> No.4347299

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.4347320

hey bro 80k a year is a good life. honest life but good.

learn to farm or grow your own food some day

>> No.4347340
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Nobody here knows about Hull scrubbing????
Even a disabled nub like me can do it, you just have to get a PADI certification

>> No.4347343

Seems better odds than most shitcoins

>> No.4347355

there are plenty stupid people to do manual work anon

>> No.4347374

how much do they make per year?

>> No.4347375
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"Nice and shiny."

>> No.4347401

> 1/600 chance of dying at work
> 1/50 chance of suicide because crypto
nice choices

>> No.4347403

Dangerous, high mortality, high possibility of lifelong health issues.

>> No.4347404

enjoy your cubic cage and little desk filled with miserable paperwork you cuck

>> No.4347453

> tfw all my manual worker friends envy me the fuck of my job
stop projecting anon, pajeets will take your job soon, and if not pajeets, then robots

>> No.4347454

It looks and sounds cool, but it isn't.

>> No.4347467

I pull 75k after taxes in Commie Washington State.
No degree, no faggots to talk to me while I work and I am a mediocre swimmer at best.
The ONLY problem I have is that the cold water kicks up my metabolism, so my blood sugar crashes sometimes... (Insulin is a powerful drug)
However, I bring squeeze pouches of applesauce with me to slurp on. Drinking applesauce 60ft under a giant boat alone in the deep is my job satisfaction .
(Sometimes I get to see schools of fish and other animals too, but that's the icing on the cake)

>> No.4347504

People like you anon make this board great.

>> No.4347514

sounds pretty comfy desu

>> No.4347534

I like you anon, you're a fun guy
Keep on scrubbin'

>> No.4347559

I would do this if I didnt hate water

water touching my skin is so uncomfortable

>> No.4347565

This is a comfy post

>> No.4347585

lmfao i didnt even know this was a real job. how do you eat the applesauce while wearing the mask?

>> No.4347606

You win the /biz/ weirdest job medal

>> No.4347642

sounds good :D

>> No.4347649

>Forgot pic
>I'm basically an underwater janitor now...

What us your rate of pay? Do they have these jobs in Arizona?

>> No.4347653

More like the /biz/ only job medal

>> No.4347659

anon... Arizona is landlocked...

>> No.4347670

how does one into this job with no prior experience?

>> No.4347688

>shitty lungs
Doesn't matter dude, the main thing is whether you have enough brain to not kill yourself by making stupid mistakes.

>> No.4347695

Still sounds pretty cool at least anon

>> No.4347710

It for sure can be depending on who your working for and where your working. Just be aware that if somebody dies you might be tasked with swimming down to grab their corpse.

>> No.4347724

Sounds cool anon!

I did some PADI and based on that, the thing I would get most tired of is having to come up every hour to get a new tank. That pressure cycling all day long must take a toll on the body.

>> No.4347758

lol anon

>Subsequent investigation by forensic pathologists determined Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the 60 centimetres (24 in) in diameter opening created by the jammed interior trunk door by escaping air and violently dismembered, including bisection of the thoracoabdominal cavity which further resulted in expulsion of all internal organs of the chest and abdomen except the trachea and a section of small intestine and of the thoracic spine and projecting them some distance, one section later being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.

>> No.4347777

I just take a deep breath, pull the regulator out of my mouth and squeeze in some sauce :)
It sounds lame, but I started off working as a "maintenance diver" at SeaWorld in Texas when I was 19, basically because my dad got a job there as a rollercoaster mechanic and put in a good word for me.
After about 3 years of getting beaten up by dolphins and cuddled by belugas, I left for my current job and I've been at it for 6 years now. Best job I ever had but the people were absolutely shit.

>> No.4347778
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top kek

>> No.4347801
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Nice lucky 7s

>> No.4347802


>> No.4347807

Tl;Dr: pressure differences in the diving bell and receiving chamber ripped the divers inside apart and their guts exploded out of their assholes.

>> No.4347817
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You get used to changing tanks.
When I first started, I would breathe pretty heavy because of the weight of the scubber and would burn through tanks every 30 minutes...
I got used to it and a little break every hour or so isn't a bad idea when you're doing physical labor

>> No.4347858


nice digits.

tell asshole dolphin stories

>> No.4347865

How deep do you go? Do you resurface for every tank or you have a stash down at your depth?

>> No.4347883

I fucking kekd

>> No.4347894

Yeah but surely you had experience then no? Or did they train you from nothing?

>> No.4347910

I ask because my dad is a trained padi diving instructor or w.e. the fuck, so he could teach me, but how to into with no experience? I'm not in the Us either though

>> No.4347926

>beaten up by dolphins
lol I know what you really mean, anon... :DDDD


>> No.4347942

priced in

>> No.4348053

Haha alright

>be me, first week of job at SeaWorld
>its Friday, so time to scrub algae out of the veterinary tanks
>"this'll be an easy job anon, its only 25 feet deep!"
>dolphins in the tank I'm assigned to
>go down, sucked at holding the rotor brush, so burned through air supply in 30 mins
>come up to the surface
>"hey, I'm out of air! Can I get a new one?"
>annoying lazy coworker tells me to get it myself
>I begin swimming across the top of the tank to the golf cart with reserve air
>"anon! No! Don't! "
>all the people above water start waving hands like crazy with panic looks"
>I am confused at this reaction as I am suddenly yanked underwater
>dolphin has grabbed me by BC vest and drags me to the bottom
>I have no air in my lungs or my tank
>heart begins beating 9000x as two more dolphins swim up and start "talking" to Kidnapper Dolphin
>I begin saying my prayers and play dead
>they all pick a limb and gently bit down and pull me to the wall of the tank
>I have gone limp from fear but suspect the dolphins can hear my heart thumps
>dolphins let go, begin poking me with noses
>after about 30 seconds of this, they get bored and swim off
>I shoot up to the surface and vault over the side of the tank
>"anon, maybe we should have told you, swimming across the surface is asking to get fucked with"
>I get back in and finish the job, eat 3 subway sandwiches after work to remove the shock

That was my first Close Encounter with those smily bastards, definitely not the worst one

>> No.4348063

because sharks

>> No.4348092 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4348101

>I get back in and finish the job
badass tough guy

>> No.4348119
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I design and manufacture welding equipment at one of the larger companies.. And I make about half that.

>> No.4348186

this is the coolest post i've seen here in a while

>> No.4348211

>Developed juvenile diabetes at 17 and nobody wants to hire me.
How do they know?

>> No.4348218

Why didnt you pull a knife and gut one of them?

>> No.4348257

>>Live in Batlimore
Our harbor is full of filth and the water has about 2" of viability. Being in that water WILL kill you because of all the shit in it.....literally shit...

>> No.4348265

I fucking love seaworld. did he make atlantis? the rollercoaster/logwide?

>> No.4348276

Me being an underwater welder? Pfft. Don't hold your breath.

*takes a bow*

>> No.4348282

>cuddled by belugas

Comfy as fuck anon

>> No.4348328


worst one, worst one! let's hear it

>> No.4348352
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>Go to uni
>study physics, get math skills only bested by actual autistic mathematicians and solid programming skills as part of the deal
>graduate uni with the skills necessary to find work in any field of engineering, science, IT/software development, finance/banking, consulting, entrepreneurship and even law (patent law, copyright etc.) which can all lead to management/supervisor work

why isn't everyone studying physics srs
oh that's right because it's actually hard

>> No.4348386

Health exams are part of the hiring process for a lot of risky jobs out there.
I actually had to sue for the right to have a drivers license... Apparently some people are so shit at disease management that they cost businesses buku bucks in lawsuits and liabilities.
I also got rejected from the Marines because of this stupid disease. I can't comprehend how all you illness-free people cry about smol peanuts like virginity and tendies when there's so much more that could be worse about life...
Literally everyone on the dive team wanted to.
But these animals are worth more than you or I. They get fed sushi-grade fish shipped in every day and live in chilly waters, despite it being 100°f Texas

I started working right around the time the Atlantis ride came out lmao I never rode it even though I got free tickets >>4348101
It was mostly to get away from the coworkers, I've not finished plenty of jobs when the dolphins get violent

>> No.4348405
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keep on scrubbin' , anon

>> No.4348421

Yep. What even is the point of studying engineering when physics exists...

>> No.4348437

more stories anon plz

>> No.4348456


>> No.4348464

>actually building things
>not just pondering about trajectory

>> No.4348474

>this thread in the ocean of altcoin scamming shills

we don't deserve it lads

>> No.4348495

Check with a doctor to see if you have reactive hypoglycemia.
It's this weird genetic thing that makes your bodies blood sugar drop faster than normal. It's most noticable after eating a bunch of whole wheat bread or drinking alcohol.

>> No.4348499

LOL more seaworld stories pls

>> No.4348510


did a couple years of sailing camp in inner harbor when young teen. would regularly see dead dogs floating around, especially after a storm flushed out the sewers.

surprisingly never saw a human body though.

>> No.4348512


>actually building things

Not quite. physics are your guys who figure out why something will work, there are people who build it according to specifications, and the engineers are just where the rubber meets the road

>> No.4348565

wtf this job sounds very interesting and fun, what other unusual jobs are there that the world can offer?

I'm really so bored and frustrated that every job feels so fucking lame, I have the motivation, but I'd need it to be something like this here.

Tell me about unordinary jobs plzz I need something fun.

>> No.4348584

This is why OP. Seriously. Welding under water creates Delta P scenarios. Multiple cases off people being crushed through holes the size of your fist because the pressure of the ocean.

>> No.4348604


>be me, middle shift of the day hot as fuck outside (it's Texas)
>time to scrub the dolphin petting tank
>didn't get the memo that several females were pregnant, the "0" shaped pool is a swirling tornado of dolphins acting weird
>coworker hasn't dived all day because he has a cut on his finger and owie salt water
>other coworker ate a big like lunch
>"it's up to you and Dan, Anon" (diver Dan was the only cool guy at my job, pretty sure he was a /b/tard)
>get in, hug the walls on the way down so as to not get swirled away by the dolphins
>get to the bottom of the tank, kick on the scubber and get to workin
>this has happened before, dolphins sometimes tail slap you
>ignore it, keep scrubbing, look across the clouds of dolphins to see a huge swirling dolphin vortext surrounding Dan
>suddenly I see stars and my perspective changes to me looking at the floor
>grab the top of my head and scream underwear
>another SMACK, this time on my hand on top of my head,middle finger is broken
>look over just in time to see two dolpins one behind the other swoop in and smack Dan on top of his noggin with their chins
>Dan drops the scrubber, it begins spinning around by itself and coiling up the hydro line
>I get a jab in the back of my ribs, just under the armpit where my BC vest doesn't cover
>kill the power to my scrubber and hug the floor as I swim over to check on Dan
>he wakes up before I make it to him and signals me to get out
>fucking dolphins pushed us out on the way up

Broken finger and a few lumps on the head, but I have been afraid of pregnant women since

>> No.4348606


>> No.4348636

I do have this, I actually don't drink alcohol or eat things with creatine or chromium because of this.

>FYI you can basically manage type 2 diabetes with cinnamon and bodybuilding supps

>> No.4348637

they try to pull those out whenever they float

>> No.4348654

Damn, never knew that. Thanks for saving my life for trying this. srs

>> No.4348671


This board doesn't deserve you, anon.

>> No.4348723

No problem.

>> No.4348744

Depends on how aggressive you are on seeking the job
For my current job, I had to do a free-diving test along with a bunch of fitness exams..
For the SeaWorld job, I competed with a couple of other people for the position and the qualifiers were just being able to freedive recover a 20lb weight from 25ft and swim 3 miles. Easy stuff, all the other normies failed and one guy puked when he tried to get the brick.
I would start by hitting up your local docks or lakes for diving related jobs. Just filling up air tanks or washing boats is how I see some younger people getting in

>> No.4348757

damn.. but dont they have security messures for this stuff

>> No.4348768
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I come here because I love all of you anons, even OP

>> No.4348771

This is gold anon. Someone better screencap this shit.

>> No.4348777
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quality post

>> No.4348800

>FYI you can basically manage type 2 diabetes with cinnamon and bodybuilding supps
Oh do go on! I fight it with glucose tablets, over the counter tablet that raises your blood sugar quickly. Quite nice but lots of citric acid.

>> No.4348824

lol I used to buy those, but switched to apple sauce and honey.
Always keep a bottle of honey on me for emergencies

>> No.4348838

u ever see sharks or some crazy shit while on jobs in the ocean?

>> No.4348846
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In order to become an underwater welder/worker here you have to be an experienced diver (as in 100+ dives with full gear) before you can even think about taking the expensive (20k+) course. Besides that you actually need to be a welder or have learned an related trade.

Working below a certain depth, especially all kinds of offshore, closed bell diving (which, coincidentally is very well paying) is fucking hard on the body - you will damage yourself in one way or another.

Look into septic tank/digestion tank/sewage treatment plant diver. Less taxing and comparatively easy to get into (pic related)

>> No.4348848

Holy fuck, so basically you are always 1 mistake from certain death.

It's like those guys who do high rise construction without any safety gear.

>> No.4348913

Underwater cleaner ? How do I start this op

>> No.4348943

I've seen only one shark in all the time I spent in the ocean and it wasn't even that big desu
Mostly just stare at the boat hull lol
Probably the most common thing I witness is shiny schools of fish, but only because its kinda murky at the docks
85ft is the deepest I've gone and on average I'm between 1-30 ft
I have asked before to carry spare air, but because a lot of the divers are asking (all 5 of us lol) we're getting dual tanks in January
Changing a tank underwater is a little risky without a RAS (tiny spare air container they make us hodl, basically good for one large breath of air)

>> No.4348945

LOL im already a huge farmer. Parents have 65 acres and ive been doing permaculture shit for a couple years now. check out silvopasture and agroforestry. more money will be made with silvopasture over the next 20 years than BTC.

>> No.4348980

thanks for the support man!

Okay thanks guys. Ill have to quit being dorky cold turkey then thanks for the head up.

>> No.4348983
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>bringing honey everywhere you go.
Sounds like a sticky situation anon.

>> No.4349002

Dude, part of the job at SeaWorld was sump diving for the water park.
Literally CLOUDS of dead human skin, fucking band aids and tampons everywhere, discarded park food...

Sewer diving is easy, but holy shit several showers later and you still don't wanna touch your loved ones

>> No.4349016

If you want to live a normal life with no long term health problems you can only be an underwater welder for 5 years max. That is if you don’t die in a workplace accident.

>> No.4349025

Because many people who work this job die... it's extremely dangerous.

>> No.4349034

do you have any more stories dolphinbrah?

>> No.4349039

>assuming you're qualified or capable

>> No.4349053
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You're sweet <3

I'm going to be dropping out of the thread guys, gotta eat an early dinner.
Thank you so much for all of the (You)s and kind words!!!

>> No.4349063

Apparently another industry for divers is shellfish farming. Like sea urchins and that kind of shit.

The problem can be that a lot of these shellfish love to live in high current zones, so people still die even though it's open water diving..

>> No.4349159

this thread is 9/10

>> No.4349169

Couldn't artificial currents be created?

>> No.4349287

I inherited 20 million dollars in real estate and sit in my house trading crypto all day, then party and fuck hookers at night. What award do I win?

>> No.4349299

What gets you out of bed anon? That sounds miserable

>> No.4349374

>money doesn't buy you happiness

No, but it buys you peace of mind and allows you to easily find you happiness.

I have hobbies, I started my own business that I work at for my own pleasure, etc.

Money is amazing, honestly. That's why everyone wants it and people are willing to do horrible things to get it. "Money doesn't buy you happiness" and similar ideas were disseminated into the lower classes to keep them from revolting.

I broke up with a girlfriend last year and felt broken inside. I fucked 10/10 escorts for 3 weeks straight and by the end I had forgotten she existed and moved on with my life. My ex has been begging to get back with me, because she realize what a colossal fuck up she made leaving me (and my net worth)

>> No.4349408

You want to make real money? Take a doubledegree in law and chemistry, enjoy working with chemical patents for corporations and making a fucking killing.

>> No.4349419

hooking up with a bunch of women just makes you feel empty and eventually you feel disgusted by in

>> No.4349484

So comfy, where do I apply, I'm an accountant but it's shit boring

>> No.4349494

Word. I had the best wifey ever, she would do EVERYTHING & ANYTHING for me. She loved me very much, so so much. I know there's not a soul on Earth that could possibly love me as much as she did. I fucked up though, I got arrested with 30lbs. of weed and I spiraled into alcoholism because of it and I started mentally abusing her. One day when I was drunk I threw my phone at her and that was that. I've fucked plenty of girls hotter than her since, but its not the same. When you find a good girl keep her fellas, if I don't make it in crypto I'm taking a shotgun to the dome there's nothing left for me in this world

>> No.4349528


Aye, pumed&dumped much of em and now I have a thing with one, who seems to care about me very much and I haven't gotten that much love from anyone.

I have been a fucked up wreck inside for so long and now this really frightens me to my bones

>> No.4349538

Right on dude. No matter what is going on externally, if your mental state is fucked you are living in hell.

Go see a therapist though, get out of hell.

>> No.4349546

I know.. I havent had sex in years since my fiance left me (she had big schizo psychotic break and now hates me and everyone else)
zoloft helps, but yeah after hooking up with other women I just feel depressed afterwords, Im only happy alone now

>> No.4349579

Does therapy actually help? I just don't want to get hopped up on meds. It's been 3 years and I still think about her constantly haha I want it to stop

>> No.4349585

The women you hook up with, probably. High end escorts are prettier than the best strippers. They are women you probably never even see in your day to day life. I really recommend seeing one if you can afford it, even once.

lol. lying to yourself feels good, doesn't it?

>> No.4349597
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Listen to this

>> No.4349602

the only thing that helped me was zoloft + a little bit of therapy on the side

the reason is that zoloft prevents you from holding grudges in a way, so you get over bad things immediately

>> No.4349622


What you mean?

Aw shit. I really don't want to take meds because then it won't be me, you know?

>> No.4349623

no dude I had a free Harem of cuties, it got old in less than a year. but not everyone has the personality of charlie sheen

>> No.4349659

thats what I thought but in the end it doesnt matter. I didnt give up my passions and my personality didnt change (except I never feel sad or emotional) . Itrs so worth it, thats why Ive been on it for 4 years now, its a miracle. also I dont give a fuck about women or sex so everyday I can focus on whatever

>> No.4349666


It just gets you nowhere and I have just began to understans it.

Trying to work myself more connected inside, because I think I have lost it when growing up for a young man

>> No.4349701

oh and haha theres this one thing about zoloft how it effected me:

it stops you from feeling happy or sad, so you are left with Anger, Smugness, and Calmness.

Before zoloft I had a lot of empathy, Now I will gladly go Hunting. I also became obsessed with Hitler and want to purge 90% of the world

>> No.4349728

Alright, I'll give it a try. Can you still get horny?

>> No.4349740


lol so it makes you a psychopath

>> No.4349751

I can but I dont care about sex anyway so I only jack off maybe once every 3 days

a lot of people say it stops their boners though, but im sure you get used to it. You wont care about bullshit emotions like Love

>> No.4349779

Oh shit,I already have very low empathy. I like sex though lol. I
Fuck it though no harm in trying

>> No.4349787

I love reading about shit like this
Thanks anon

>> No.4349792

Not a natural one, but yeah I suppose it simulates socipathic tendencies. I also say this because a lot of mass shooters were on Antidepressants like zoloft. I would never go on a mass shooting, but if ever there was civil war I would kill 100s of marxists. LEGALLY, FOR CIVIL WAR ONLY

>> No.4349815

different for everyone though, like it didnt work for my firned. Some say it takes 2 weeks to kick in but it worked for me day one

just remeber, I would feel bad about killing a fly, Now I think hunting elephants and big game looks cool

>> No.4349849

>I also became obsessed with Hitler and want to purge 90% of the world
MMM good old Zyklon Zoloft.

I swear, next fascist to get into government is going to do some amazing thing with psychotropic meds. The Nazis only had meth and that basically got them all of Europe.

>> No.4349852


>> No.4349877


>> No.4349896
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>> No.4349907

I could literally make cash by sucking cock or getting my cock sucked by dudes where I live.

>> No.4349911

No. It cuts 10 years off your 20 year career.

You can only do it for a little less than 10 years before it becomes a liability to send you down to do welds. Then you transition to welding on land and take an 80% pay cut.

>> No.4349997
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>rinking applesauce 60ft under a giant boat alone in the deep is my job satisfaction .
>(Sometimes I get to see schools of fish and other animals too, but that's
how do I get a job like this

>> No.4350089

you ever see sharks n shit? anything scary happen?

>> No.4350091

Oh my god those things are good (assuming we're talking about the chalky ones that are kind of like Tums). I have a niece who has the beetus and I used to bum some of them off my sis all the time.

>> No.4350144

Alright I'll keep that in mnd. Sorry for late reply anon I got distracted by real life