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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4347059 No.4347059 [Reply] [Original]

If the owners of BCash cared so much about how Bitcoin ideally should be, or Satoshi's vision or all that stuff, why did they include replay protection instead of fighting it out regularly?

A gigantic percentage of BTC users wouldn't take sides in such case and just hoped the best would win so that we could move on.

Is there a single logical explanation besides creating money out of thin air?

>> No.4347088

>inb4 bcash has no owners
It does and you know it.

>> No.4347090

no its all about the money

>> No.4347145

I know but Cash shills need to think about that for a minute. Especially non-paid ones.

>> No.4347221

Bumping cause I feel bad for you.

>> No.4347841

You know we can see you samefagging, corecuck

>> No.4347934

corecucks are getting pretty pathetic desu

>> No.4347966

My question has always been why they didn't just start a new coin. Instead they want to risk my money. it makes me seriously consider quitting crypto

>> No.4347993

How long have you been buying/investing in crypto?

>> No.4348024

Because why should they?

>> No.4348032

Since last year sometime. Don't have a war chest built up yet.

>> No.4348042

Do you know what bumping means? I bumped my own topic. Because I feel bad for you and want you to understand things. Are you really that dumb?

>> No.4348069

>Because why should they?
You are totally right. They have to fiduciary responsibility. Let's all just scam and stab everyone in the back.

>> No.4348072

So the incumbents would be equally vested in the forked chain, in terms of the percentage ownership.

>> No.4348080

Tbf their intentions and business has been on BTC all the time so it's fair that they are doing all this while they're keeping themselves attached to the Bitcoin brand. But the replay protection is inexplicable.

>> No.4348196

I'm so amazed by how stupid you are, I have to come back to it again. This is what eating plain rice for 20 years does to the brain. Part of me just wished you idiots can make it so that you can have access to meat or fish or somehting. You know, something with protein. Anything to keep your brain from being falling to pieces.

>> No.4348199

It is quite clear you have almost no idea what you are talking about. Your OP and this post contradict each other.

Sit down and learn how blockchains work. Till then stop shitting up /biz/

>> No.4348232

Not making BCH asic-resistant while having replay protection was a mistake. It should have been either segwit1x or segwit2x.
Now we have this mess: two chains fighting over a mining cartel and causing chaos.

>> No.4348426

That wouldn't make sense, since the whole bch thing is about gaining monopoly over the mining. Jihan's company Bitmain is the largest miner farm in china. Also they are one of the very few companies that make asic-miners. That's why they are pushing for larger blocks, as it prevents the average joe from participating in the mining.

>> No.4348441

Wanted to tag this guy >>4348232

>> No.4348444

Lets break this one down,

[Core]: A group of tried and tested competent programmers who have gotten bitcoin where it is today.

[Cuck] The go-to insult of 2017, when you have literally nothing else you can insult someone for.

And every single one of the shills uses this same term, almost like one guy thought of it and passed a note around. Honestly I'm starting to think the people on biz shilling for BCH are from Russian PR farms.

>> No.4348448

This level of damage control.

>> No.4348459

>A group of tried and tested competent programmers who have gotten bitcoin where it is today.

Trips of truth. Core has indeed taken over from the original Bitcoin developers and gotten it to where it is today, a speculative, unusable shitstorm that helps the banks instead of hurting them.

>> No.4348469

Yes its crazy how much damage control you BCH shills are pushing. Its too late Ivan.

>> No.4348476

People mine bitcoin with asics why does it matter if its asic resistant? There are plenty of coins out there that are.

>> No.4348508

He's not OP, I am. Is everyone ITT hand-picked to practice some sort of perfect dumbness?

>> No.4348518
File: 146 KB, 500x533, no-refunds-bernie-3053354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this rhetoric
>these nonsensical accusations
>complete lack of arguments

I can't believe I'm getting the election all over again. DIS GON BE GUD

>> No.4348525

I meant a different hashing algorithm actually.

>> No.4348531

>same ID
>somehow expect us to believe you are different people

the absolute state of corecuckistan.

>> No.4348576

>Honestly I'm starting to think the people on biz shilling for BCH are from Russian PR farms.
Playing the Nazi card when things don't go the way Core wants. Let the market decide.

>> No.4348587


OK, this is either master level of trolling or I'm dead and landed on some Chinese ghetto. I'll fight my way out.

In this post, you are replying to the following post:
This post is not written by me, OP, who has the following ID:
But the post that you have replied to, is written by the person with the following ID:

Please make it stop for fuck's sake. I'm losing so many IQ points here.

>> No.4348631

If you had IQ points to begin with you wouldn't ask stupid questions.

>> No.4348639

>nazi card
what the fuck are you talking about?
>This FUD
>This lack of arguments at all
Rule 1. always accuse your opponents of what you are actually doing to confuse the audience.

>> No.4348647

I'm done. This is not even shilling, this is plain trolling.

>> No.4348674

You never even got started though?

>> No.4348676

This fucking derailment.

If you can't win, just post inane shit until the thread dies. You fuckers are ruining this board, but you won't ruin bitcoin.

>> No.4348681
File: 38 KB, 770x433, jetprotect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash simply saw an opportunity and took it. Cash may be playing the bad guy here but their role is necessary in order for bitcoin to grow stronger.
Core on the other hand did nothing. Which is absolutely the worst thing you can do when your surroundings are growing exponentially. Bitcoin Cash is the direct result of Bitcoin Cores inaction.
Core no longer has an unlimited timeframe to find a solution. They must act or die.

>> No.4348709

Too late, Core ruined Bitcoin.

It's ok though, BCH and XMR will take up the slack.

>> No.4348711

>but you won't ruin bitcoin
We don't have to. Core and Blockstream are doing that all their own.

>> No.4348719

>They must act or die.
That part is true, but BCH is fucked either way. If it gains massive adoption the blocksize will eventually lead to fragmentation and centralization.

>> No.4348726
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same phenomena

>> No.4348730

I start and finish real fast. You should know.

>> No.4348741


BTC is already heavily centralized. Something will take its place one day (and it won't be a BTC fork)

>> No.4348749

Identical talking points

Shut the fuck up you fucking tweedles.

>> No.4348752

Kek turns out all you ever cared about was CP and meth money. Having problems in payment lately?

>> No.4348770


Corecucks don't know what fast is, though

>identical talking points

Pretty hilarious coming from a /r/bitcoin corecuck shill

>Having problems in payment lately?

Not at all, that's kind of the fucking point, lol

>> No.4348779

Maybe we know what we're talking about. You've probably never even read the bitcoin whitepaper, you Taco Bell nigger.

>> No.4348789

So you're admitting that your CP and meth payments are running smooth and fast eh? I wish they didn't.

>> No.4348842

>I wish they didn't.

lol k. No need to wish others down to Bitcoin's level, anon.

>> No.4348880

No bruh, I wouldn't wish what you have on my worst enemy. I was worried that you were gone for a few minutes there. Thought you went to see some more CP or do more crystal meth. Get well soon.

>> No.4348900

>being this butthurt

It's ok, you can still your BTC anon. Get out while you can.

>> No.4348907

So can you. It's never too late for therapy.

>> No.4348953

I don't own any though.

>> No.4349013

OK anon I just did it to get even but this was actually fun. It would have been more fun if you stopped banging on about your memorized shill though. I have stuff to do now so I'll leave.

Oh, and thanks for putting loads of nonsense answers to my thread and making my legitimate question in the OP (that still got no real replies btw) appear on the first page.

>> No.4349055


lol nah

oh, and the answer is because cash knew they were a minority fork. It's a simple as that.

>> No.4349095
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They dont care at all about cryptos. People like mcafee and other shills care only profits, and because they are miners they always move from a new shitcoin to another as btc mining becomes more expensive

>> No.4349104

>Taco Bell Nigger
You can't hurt me by calling me a corecuck, so you switch to that?

>> No.4349138
File: 54 KB, 1024x663, andhedid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a new user :^)?

>> No.4349237
