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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 1224x506, bchwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4343063 No.4343063 [Reply] [Original]

The BCH mafia has loaded up exchanges with funds ready to push BCH tonight. As soon as the BCH fork and new DAA kick in tonight, they'll make another attempt at overthrowing BTC, and this time they're not letting a DDoS-attack stop them.

How can you not see this /biz/, it's so blatantly obvious...

>> No.4343086

2 fags are about to send crypto in another nuclear winter and all you faggots do is looking for a quick buck.

>> No.4343187


I'm not supporting what they're doing; I also think it is horribly bad for crypto in general. If all the normies lose their money they put in BTC, all of crypto is in for a hell of a bear market...

I'm just saying that this is what's going to happen, and that /biz/ should prepare. Instead /biz/ is full of literal retards gloating over how BTC "won" last night, pretending like it's all going to have a happy ending. The absolute state of /biz/....

>> No.4343198

pretty much

if you knew when to buy you could ride it with them and pull out sooner than them and make your money


>> No.4343241

BTC is being exploited because of the miners problem.

IOTA is your answer

>> No.4343251

I can't do anything to solve the situation so might as well just profit from it

>> No.4343273

roger is trying to save satoshi's bitcoin you brainwashed corecuck. most of the miners are looking to make a quick buck though

>> No.4343277
File: 120 KB, 670x663, deebly goncerned spurdo america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IOTA is your answer
I want IOTA but im trapped in burgerland

>> No.4343304


And throwing all the normie BTC "investors" off the boat is the correct way to do that? With a hostile takeover that will damage the reputation of Bitcoin and Crypto for years to come?

>> No.4343324

whens the next adjustment for bcash and btc i want to time my gainz

>> No.4343341

jesus i am getting an erection right now.

>> No.4343348

send btc to binance to buy IOTA

>> No.4343374


The real pump won't come untill hashpower moves back to BCH after the forked-in DAA, for maximum crippling effect on BTC; but they're obviously getting ready. It's actually really impressive how well planned this coup is...

>> No.4343389

there is room in the market for both. bitcoin isn't going to 0 overnight, we will have a long perod of time where both coins are high in value so they will have plenty of time to trade their btc for bch

>> No.4343391

>hostile takeover

taking something BACK is not a takeover, core took over. and good, burning normies will give us all more time to accumulate

>> No.4343415


What about all the normies who don't "check up" on their "bitcoin savings." And even so; losing like 50% won't go over well for the people who bought at 5-6000

>> No.4343428

The normies over at r/bitcoin are seriously considering suing roger ver for 'price manipulation' and are even threatening to bring the SEC into this. These people don't belong in crypto and deserve to lose everything. The corporate kikes over at Blockstream must perish.

>> No.4343432

PBC going for round 2.

>> No.4343449

the btc beast will be slain and we will once again have a bitcoin for the people

blockstream NWO bankers BTFO

>> No.4343512


If bitcoin was proof of stake instead of proof of work, would they still be able to pull this off?

>> No.4343513

Not a blockchain

>> No.4343520
File: 2 KB, 125x125, MOONBITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/bitcoin is for larping faggots

anyone that hangs out there outta be taken out back and beaten to a pulp

>> No.4343536
File: 66 KB, 918x572, DOhVulMWAAAR3Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4343546

This reminds me of the talk i had with my dad soros

"Your ready to burn a country just so you can make a quick buck"

He said
"Welcome to the world of business"

Ive become my father

>> No.4343607

Normies had their chance when BCH was given for free if you held BTC.

>> No.4343773


Jokes on scam coin; I bought BCH at 0.127

>> No.4343790
File: 120 KB, 1600x1271, bitcoin cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4343850
File: 15 KB, 400x286, Eazy-E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're here to make money you dumbass, the future of crypto is fucking irrelevant, it can burn and crash for all I care. I'm only going to take the most profitable step at every point, because the future is unpredictable. Stop being a bitch boy faggot and ride the money train or forever stay a cuck.

>> No.4343888
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, 1510379423923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l dont get it, why nobody kill him?

>> No.4343950

Price is already >1500 USD on Bithumb.

Fork is in 15 minutes.

Based 10k BTC buy wall on bittrex ready to go to war.

Buy the dip at ~1400 now or cry later.

>> No.4343984

Are you an employee of the companies that support? Cause you have the brain of one.

>> No.4344242

I hope they do. I hope the kikes come down hard on Ver and that chink gook. Maybe this will finally be the case of "with Jews you win".