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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4342998 No.4342998 [Reply] [Original]


There is a new coin coming out in 2-3 months that has the most innovative tech probably since Ethereum entered the scene. i'll start you off:

It uses a completely new protocol
Initial use-case is within banking and wealth security
there's no hype

do you want some more clues?

>> No.4343009


>> No.4343016

is ICO ending soon, dont tell anyone.

>> No.4343053

there is no ICO

>> No.4343079

Now we're talking

>> No.4343084

nuls mainnent in 3 months?

>> No.4343087


>> No.4343090

hashgraph nigglets.

>> No.4343112
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>> No.4343136

Not this, interesting as it is
no current projects using HG are live other than Swirld's private stuff

>> No.4343160
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>> No.4343184

Nuh uh. nuls is already trading and has a lot to prove imo

This coin's chain is not live yet.
I know its the real deal because i've had a tour of the protocol and wallet in a VM

>> No.4343221

another clue:

Its being developed using some ideas that a dead project currently on CMC (in the 200s) tried and failed to implement months ago

>> No.4343226

why are you edging us? To build suspense?

>> No.4343259

This thread is obviously for real niggas only.

He's clearly talking about some bleeding edge shit, something way too new to ever get shilled here. This is why I come to /biz/.

He could just be parroting a cliff high report though so who the fuck knows. seems legit to me

>> No.4343262

are we talking about the upcoming bitconnect update

>> No.4343283
File: 32 KB, 400x400, benW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a low number of coins and masternodes are going to be in high demand. A few anons that find it will do very well, but if everyone knew i'd be fucking my chances

i've given enough clues already (pic related)

>> No.4343288

It's ico ended a couple months ago?

coded in a semi obscure language?

>> No.4343335

Hint it starts with a B

>> No.4343360

EOS launching so soon? Thought Larimer wanted the whole billion USD from his everlasting ICO.

>> No.4343378

No to all sorry boys

>> No.4343397


>> No.4343405

Wait a second i'll find it >>4343360>>4343335>>4343288

>> No.4343422

it's boscoin

>> No.4343468


>> No.4343496

PosW coin...yawn. Terrible tech

>> No.4343497

Sur ?

>> No.4343521

didnt posw already "come out"

>> No.4343561

This guy got it right?

But Blocknet is already on exchanges so what are you talking about homie?

>> No.4343574

Maybe some new "feature" coming out...just like every other coin

>> No.4343582
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>> No.4343588

i'm pretty sure it's hashgraphs

>> No.4343591
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lmao are they still paying pajeets to post ohni stuff here?

>> No.4343612

'accountable ICO'

>> No.4343635

it's not really an ICO. its more a distribution method. its primary purpose is to get the tokens into the hands of future users. airdrops are too centralized in my opinion so I came up with an alternative token distribution method.

I myself do not need any development funds (wtf for?) because I already developed the core technology before working on the website or branding

>> No.4343663

Are you almost done with the whitepaper homie?

>> No.4343688

not a 'feature. its a new chain, coin, name, everything.
7 devs (lead from Harvard) have ripped the idea out of the dead carcass of Posw and developed Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS).
Instead of using just a public and private key, it uses triplet-based encryption which has a third key, a shared key. This allows the masternode network to stake but not spend your coins, meaning 24/7 trustless staking, all from the cold storage of your Ledger Nano S.

In the future, staking and all of wealth storage in general will be done through the patented TPoS protocol, which removes the need for trust in finance. if only you knew the partnership talks..

>> No.4343803
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it's being written as we speak, the code and proof of confidence contract are already written and being reviewed/tested. The proof of confidence contract will be based on OpenZeppelin

>> No.4343805

If it's good then ethereum will copy the good parts.
It will probably be a decent pump and dump coin initially though.

>> No.4343838

Do you have a link please ?

>> No.4343844

"Proof of confidence" is misleading. It doesn't compete with proof of work or proof of stake. This coin uses the ethereum network to validate, which means proof of work now and proof of stake when that comes into effect.
It pretends to be revolutionary by "comparing proof of confidence" with those but it's not comparable because its not even used for the same thing.

>> No.4343864

>Trustless Proof of Stake
There's nothing in that guy's git repos that hints at a new coin. He's forked dogecoin and btccore

>> No.4343866

Or you can set up a free aws virtual server and stake 24/7 yourself.

>> No.4343905

Op stop trying so hard shilling this obvious shitcoin. Nobody will buy your posw bags

>> No.4343928
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if you actually read the article it makes very clear that this is only for distribution of tokens. proof of work and stake are for CONSENSUS and they use DISTRIBUTION as a reward. I was stating that proof of work and stake have centralization issues in regards to the DISTRIBUTION of coins as a reward.

>> No.4343958
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>t. brainlet who skimmed the article without reading the main purpose of decentralization of distribution of tokens REGARDLESS of consensus (which uses distribution of tokens as a reward to ensure everything runs smoothly)

>> No.4343974

the website we have up right now is just a landing page. Proof of Confidence is going to be used as a marketing point for the main project, Liquidaeon. Many people I've discussed the idea with are very excited that it's not an ICO.

>> No.4344001


Of course you don't need to distribute tokens to validate transactions if your token piggybacks on ethereum so you can have whatever way of distributing that you want.

Your shitcoin isn't genius in any way, but people are brainlets so it might be a nice pump and dump.

>> No.4344053
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>> No.4344118
File: 220 KB, 1128x440, CONSENSYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao go back to plebbit. you are seriously a fucking dense retard who can't even see what the purpose of distributing tokens for an eth-based project would be (there's no consensus needed for tokens as its guaranteed by the underlying protocol, why are you harping on this?). Can you come up with any superior solution that isn't centralized like a developer maintained airdrop?

By the way, if my idea is so shit, why would this guy from CONSENSYS follow me on twitter?

People like you are why /biz/ gets a bad rap. I'm saving your post for motivation in the future.

>> No.4344170
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>Your shitcoin isn't genius in any way, but people are brainlets so it might be a nice pump and dump.

This is how I know you are a fucking faggot cuck who didn't even read the article with any critical thinking capacity. I PURPOSELY OMITTED THE PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT. Yet, you are here shitting on it when you don't even have the slightest idea of what it actually is. You only know how I am getting the tokens into the hands of future users and you are sperging out over semantics just because its called 'proof of confidence'

>> No.4344204



Are you a redditor trying to samefag while not knowing about thread ID?

>this guy from CONSENSYS follow me on twitter?
So it is your own coin you're shilling. You are the creator. Enjoy your ban for advertising.

So what does your coin actually do? You know, apart from being distributed. Does it do anything? If it did anything or had any utility whatsoever you'd shill that, right?

Thought so.

>> No.4344294
File: 720 KB, 406x206, neo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely am aware of the fact that I'm posting multiple times with an ID. Nice attempt to discredit me lol

What exactly am I advertising if I'm not selling anything? You really are a brainlet, arent you?

>So what does your coin actually do? You know, apart from being distributed. Does it do anything? If it did anything or had any utility whatsoever you'd shill that, right?
>what is a marketing strategy to generate organic interest of people who understand proof of confidence and think its a cool idea, in order to build an audience.

you're a normie who is just here to make money off the back of /biz/

I bet you think you're so smart too. Enjoy trading whatever shitcoins you obsess over without ever creating anything impactful in your miserable excuse of a life.

>> No.4344503

>I completely am aware of the fact that I'm posting multiple times with an ID. Nice attempt to discredit me lol
Super convincing m88

>creating anything impactful in your miserable excuse of a life.
You still haven't explained how your coin does anything apart from being distributed in some new way no one cares about because the coin doesn't do anything.

Didn't think you would.

Accept defeat and go shill somewhere easier. If you can't even jew /biz/ you're one of the most brainlet scam coin creators there is.

>> No.4344525


>> No.4344564

>Giracoin is mined

>> No.4344635

holy shit you dense moron, where the fuck did I try to imply I wasnt the creator??? You are using this like a point that actually matters. "Aha, you are the creator! As if no one couldnt already tell!". Your autism needs a diaper change. How is it a scam if the only thing invested is opportunity cost? I don't need a single cent to build liquidaeon because most of it is already built and being tested as we speak. Tell me how a developer working for free is inherent to a scam. Last time I checked all these faggot ICOs with fake price floors are scams. I only get rewarded when I deliver on project utility, because the tokens were given for free.

>> No.4344667

bruh i'm in a real hurry just checked up on the chans before going to a meeting
link me a whitepaper im interested in the 3-key idea, safer staking would be the bomb

>> No.4344689

>Still not a single word about what the token actually does apart from "being distributed"
>Only spews assblasted anger
lmao you're one of the worst advertisers of all time. The reason I wanted you to say you were the creator is because advertisement for your own coin isn't allowed here. But you wouldn't know because you're not from here, which is why you thought you could samefag on "the anonymous 4chan board".

>> No.4344735

Its bitconnect.
Thank me later.

>> No.4344812

nigger i posted my own memes. Who the fuck would be posting their own memes besides the creator? You have nothing at this point.

>> No.4344846
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>I posted my own memes, your criticism is invalid
OK I admit it you win.

>> No.4344908
File: 82 KB, 640x711, d03bd01606c1e68bc4d72b74a5af5c8b--art-school-funny-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people winning in crypto are developers. Remember that. Speculators and traders are cancer that hinder adoption at the expense of users.

Whitepaper and full website will be released in the coming weeks. We have a blog post explaining our distribution method on medium.

>> No.4344943


>seems legit to me
>seems legit

>> No.4345092


>> No.4345587

Any more clues op?

>> No.4345737


>> No.4346576


>> No.4346836

I love the idea of using opportunity cost. But, what utility does your token have? Even a hint at the sector is enough for me at this point.

>> No.4346933

Think banking/lending/ value creation. Instead of debt & interest or inflation, it uses the additive value of time. Proof of confidence will make more sense when the full scope of the project is revealed in the coming weeks (whitepaper, website, blog posts)

>> No.4346998

Your project is intriguing, I'm looking forward to reading the whitepaper

>> No.4347002

I'll give you guys the hint.

>> No.4347026


Rocket man is making a coin?

>> No.4347112

Where to buy??????????????????

>> No.4347114

Thanks anon. I appreciate the kind words and interest. It keeps me going