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4339419 No.4339419 [Reply] [Original]

Real talk:

- How much money did you make so far in crypto? (talking cashed out $)
- How much do you have right now in crypto?
- With how much starting capital?
- How long have you been in the game?

- gainz: 32€ so far
- in crypto right now: 2300€
- starting capital: 2000€
- Distant observer since the 2013 bubble

Protip: it's useless to brag on the internet

>> No.4339474
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>> No.4339530

Total fiat investment $2500
Total worth now: $2300

In my defense I got in just before the China fud tanked prices. And how the tf was i supposed to know BAT was going to delay their update... but I probably should have known XRP was going to be a bust at the swell conference.

But considering I was down over 1k I think I did pretty damn good to get back to almost even. I learned a whole fucking lot from my mistakes. All I can say is I'm very grateful to VTC for bailing me out.

>> No.4339592
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invested $700
currently at $490

i started in may.

>> No.4339607

Put in 1700 now it’s in the neighborhood of 8,000. In since July ‘16

>> No.4339624

Started in March with £2600, worth £26k now.

>> No.4339631


10 bucks now. lmao!!

>> No.4339649

Started with $15k last year, now have $520k

>> No.4339658


in bitcoin? wish i bought it when i was mega low.

>> No.4339662

started 1k in June.

now - 16k

>> No.4339665
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seems like everyone who got in early 2017 are waay up while people who started in shitstorm september are down a lot, which is pretty logical with the altboom of 2017.

>> No.4339674


wish stuck with btc or ether instead of gambling with alts.

>> No.4339692

>gains: 0$, cashing out is stupid at this stage
>in crypto: $14k
>starting capital: $450
>started right before the antshares conference but I almost invested back in 2012 but some anon cunt put me off telling me it would all collapse when mining was no longer profitable and I didn't know enough to realise his stupidity.

Well done breaking even. BAT is questionable investment. Hasn't really got the upside potential as a lot of other potential gems. XRP, well, is XRP.

Not possible. You're lying.

You must have literally been as careful as possible. But congrats for getting a return.

Muh UK nigga

>> No.4339695

1350 euro in 4 weeks, cashed it out, initial investment 2300 euro.

>> No.4339707

I went all in on the MCO pump and got JUSTed, I'm back up to 50% gains for the year.

>> No.4339712

what were your picks? You ride ETH?

>> No.4339728

total investment of~3k worth now ~4k
~2.7k in crypto atm
started end of september

>> No.4339736

Been in the game for 4 weeks, didn't listen to Reddit or biz but just browsed for major news. Used common sense when I read some news to figure out which direction it's gonna go in.

Betted mostly on bch, eth and BTC, about equal profits from all of them.

For now gonna take it steady with eth as it always sways around 300.

Also programming a trading bot right now,(only for alerts and machine learning for now, still will manual trade with its help.)

>> No.4339764

>Not possible. You're lying.
nope. i bought mooncoin and didn't sell when I was 5x, then btc crashed and i sold at the bottom.

>> No.4339773

Oh and I'll put in much more money once I get more experience in this shit, maybe like 2-3 months down the line I plan on having 20k put in.

For now I just cash out whenever I have 2300+ so it goes back to 2300.

>> No.4339815
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I have put in almost 2k and I have bit over 3k now, at one point I had 4k.
>Link crashed, has not risen
>REQ havent mooned
>ETP was my gold card, from 1,2$ to over 5$
>HVN staying steady
>LoMoCoin more like LMaOcoin
BIZ is wrong about everything. No one shilled ETP few months ago and it mooned, all the other "mooners" havent mooned

>> No.4339850


>Limited total supply, based on average distance from the Earth to the Moon.
>Built with future in mind:
enough coins for everyone.
>People-oriented. Fair.
Not overhyped, not for criminals.

How this coin didn't go 30x is beyond me. There is enough coins so everyone may own a mooncoin. They have calculated this by ingeniously establishing the distance between the moon and the earth predicts for this precisely. Lastly, it is not for criminals.

>> No.4339863

What is the best way to cash out?
Sorry beginner here

>> No.4339902

Put in 9300 euro over a few months around april - cashed out the 9300 last month and have 18500 euro worth left in crypto

Held ETH and BTC mostly; dumped the remaining BTC for 100% ETH 2 days ago when the drama was brewing. Not planning to go back in BTC/BCH again because ETH is just fundamentally better.

>> No.4339967

Bought Monero/BTC/ETH mining contracts for 2 years for around 3.5k in June
Also bought 1.5 BTC few weeks ago. Im rather new to this thing and have gained few hundreds in mining already but im mostly interested in the tech. Any gains are nice but its money i have left over and willing to burn. I'm mostly in classic Oil (Brent) which will go from 60 to 85+ in the next months. I did some research and its looking ok. Crypto has huge potential, especially BTC. It's still very early in the market. If you buy now and simply don't touch and hold for a few years worth will increase nearly guaranteed. Thats partly my plan.

>> No.4339975

The goal is to never cash out, just keep getting gains, by the time you are crypto rich put everything in BTC and hopefully it will be widely accepted enough that you don't have to convert back to evil fiat.

>> No.4340056

Yeah BTC has the biggest supporting infrastructure and till now the most work put into it (most people don't see that), also most mainstream media and normie recognition. So these alone are huge pluses every competitor is FAR away from. Also it's the longest around and written in C++ and not C# or some insecure Java shit - so being that basic and hardware close coded: that is a good sign for stability, security and future performance as well as forward integration in cross systems like ATM's. Also BTC is limited like shit and deflational from thr design up. Limitation/Scarcity is in econ one of the big three factors that drives up prices and BTC excels here (eg people loosing private keys from missing backups - and that cash is off the market for all eternity etc).

>> No.4340089

- 0 cashed out
- in crypto now: 355 eur (125 of which in UTrust, 190 in XRP) and with 40 learning how to trade
- starting capital: 400 eur
- 3 weeks in

>> No.4340129

BTC is a shitcoin right now

Retarded fees, transaction times and infighting - but it does have normie recognition, I'll give you that much

>> No.4340150


I bought ETH at about ten bucks. I bought ARK at ICO (with the bonus I paid about 1.4 cents each and got 80k). I bought monero at about 16. Antshares at 6.

I got in before the alt pump in the spring, so it was hard to lose money. But look, we're still at the very beginning. A year from now people are going to say "holy shit, anon, you bought ETH at 300? You bought BTC at 6k? Nice!" Take a longer term view and realize: we're all gonna make it.

>> No.4340183

- How much money did you make so far in crypto? (talking cashed out $)
Cashed out: 3000€ (16 bitcoin at the time)
- How much do you have right now in crypto?
1.1 bitcoin
- With how much starting capital?
5000€ (lost 3000€ to butterfly labs)
- How long have you been in the game?
4 years

I had to cash out at that time because i bought a house, renovations, and it looked like btc was dead and needed the money. Sucks but yeah

>> No.4340185

Started with 4k in may/june
Bouncing between 40-70k

>> No.4340205

Nice, which coins where your golden nuggets?

>> No.4340221

cashed out 1700 usd
have about 6k usd atm
1.3k aud (about 1k usd)
3 weeks

>> No.4340226

High fees are not neccessary bad. There are applications for that. You can't serve all market segments, so a high fee is an indicator it will be for high transaction amounts. Low fee does not automatically mean that its good. High fee = high barrier. High barriers are always an indicator of higher value.

>> No.4340270

- 8 euros (test to make sure coinbase -> bank transactions work)
- 34k euros in crypto
- 12k invested from march 2017 to november 2017
- been aware of bitcoin since 2011, dismissed it at every rally. read an article about eth in march, dug deeper and felt there is something important there

>> No.4340295

Yeah, literally billions of dollars will enter the crypto market in the next year. Estimates go to 2 trillions in 10 years

>> No.4340334

knew about bitcoin since it started.
Saw price at litteraly 1 cent.
Thought it was a scam. I was into "get paid too"
Pajjeet tier sites that pay you a few cents to watch some ads or click a link"

So when I found bitcoin I thought it had to be a scam since I was watchingscam pages for money all the time.

Anyway.... dind't touch it, didn't follow it until the price was suddenly went to $1200 and mtgox collapsed... it tanked. in january, almost bought but didn't cause was busy with life and friends and sex with the gf.

> breakup with gf.
> btc is suddenly 3k usd.
> tell myself to buy
> still don't buy
> invest 10k eur when the price is $4000.
I'm about break even because i've done dumb trades in the past but I have a nice stack now and just have to wait. Not going to be doing many trades anymoare

>> No.4340381
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For you who made it, how do you do it?

- Long with the main players (btc, eth,...)?
- Long with altcoins?
- Trading the main players?
- Trading altcoins?
- Trading altoins for main players and vice-versa?
- ICO/pre-ICO investing?

>> No.4340422


see >>4340381

>> No.4340445


Haven't cashed anything out and don't plan to do so in a long time.

I started at the end of August and it feels like it's been constant JUSTing. BTC crashed like 2 days after I made my first buy. Don't even remember why, because I was a noob and didn't understand what was going on.

Then hit the China fud. Then the fork shitshows. Then Bitcoin Cash drama. I just want to hold Alts and be comfy.

I've invested around 7k and currently sitting at about 9,5k. Only reasion I'm up is because Confido Ico and even that I fucked up by not holding long enough, I've gotten fucked so many times for being greedy that I wanted to avoid it for once.

Funny how I've made gains but I still feel my Crypto-career has been nothing but fuck ups and drama after drama.

>> No.4340447

-$2k AUD
-$15k AUD
-$1k AUD
-2 months investing, observing for 6 years now

>> No.4340537

that is the worst pile of bullshit I've ever read

>> No.4341125

bump for >>4340381

>> No.4341368


ICO investing and a /biz/ moon mission or two. I'm >>4340447 btw

>> No.4341595

-for test 40€
-300k €
-started with about 1200€
-2014, didnt do much until this september which was obviously error as im allrdy down like 2btc since that thanks to alts bleeding lol

>> No.4341609

^And yes i did buy eth in presale

>> No.4341988


You have no merit

jk gj man

>> No.4342112

>- gainz: 32€ so far
>- in crypto right now: 2300€
>- starting capital: 2000€
No offence but crypto is not for you lad

>> No.4342152

10k USD
10k USD
450 USD
June 2017

>> No.4342194

misread the OP, wont cash out anything. Either I make it or it goes to zero

>> No.4342226


OP here. I started yesterday to actually put money in crypto, bough 0.4 btc at 5800$ (4980€), so I'd say that's a pretty good start. I was lurking before that and made a test trade with monero a while back and made 32 bucks.

>> No.4342484

Started with 5k in mid August.
Have 1k worth now. Stopped doing trades and counted everything as loss. Officially failed at crypto. AMA

>> No.4342615

Gilgul neshamot.

>> No.4342907
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Found the jew. Had to google it to know what it means but it still doesn't make sense in the thread. :thinking: