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4338959 No.4338959 [Reply] [Original]

Help /biz/, I don't know what to do. I'm doing a STEM PhD but I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned. I barely do any work anymore, I just fuck around on the internet all day and I feel like crap. I don't see any career prospects for myself because I'm too autistic.

I'm thinking of finishing my PhD in a few months (my scholarship goes for another two years but I have enough results to finish now). Then moving somewhere cheap with nice weather (Thailand?) I'm thinking of learning programming and being a "digital nomad", or maybe just living off crypto trading. I already have 180k from crypto, so money isn't an issue in the near future.

I'm scared though and I think I might end up even more depressed and alienated if I move away.


>> No.4339315

Why the hell are you asking /biz/ such question?

>> No.4339878

Better you get disillusioned now while in school then get trapped in a wage slavery job and hate yourself for the rest of your life. I got a STEM degree in school, and I loved college. But then I got into the workforce, realized I didn't like it, but was too far in debt to simply quit.

You already have shit tons of money from crypto. There is no money to get a regular job anymore. Spend your money wisely and escape to some place really cheap. Mark my words, you will be happier that way,

>> No.4339936

You have the financial safety to travel around and figure life out. A luxury many wish to have. No clue what you are whining about.

>> No.4340049

finish your phd strong. then, bounce between thailand, malaysia, indonesia, and vietnam. indonesia is particularly awesome.
e-mail me and i can connect you to the rock and roll / noise scenes of indonesia. super cheap. i'm in NE China. you can make it. cheers : imacrackedmachine@outlook.com

>> No.4340087

Some people don't even have any money you piece of shit. If it all bothers you so much take a knife and cut open your fucking throat you disgusting autistic sperg

>> No.4340122

Go work in a crypto company using your credentials. Try to make your STEM knowledge crypto related.

Being a PhD I would reckon something as simple as this wouldn't fly by your head.

>> No.4340133

Furthermore, what is your STEM background?

>> No.4340184

What is your thesis subject?

>> No.4340286

> finish your PhD as soon as you can
> go to thailand, enjoy life because you kind of deserve it
> continue to trade and become a millionaire
> open an independent lab for autistic STEM PhD like you
congratulation you have improved your life and those of others

>> No.4340299

Thanks guys. I think I will do it. I just thought the rat race was inevitable for me, but now I realize I don't have to do that just because everyone else does it. I never expected to get all this money all of a sudden.

I also never go out of my comfort zone, so I'm scared, but I guess it will be good for me.

Math, but I don't know anything about cryptography. I actually have considered getting a crypto job (I'd like something remote, because autism). I don't have much programming experience but I guess I will learn while I'm doing the travelling thing. I'm just really depressed right now and struggling to do anything.

>> No.4340309
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install gentoo

>> No.4340313

Why not just call the move to Thailand a sabbatical and just go for a open-ended month?

Even a sperg can slay so much pussy there! That should straighten you out.

>> No.4340348

With that money - you are free. Do something stupid, something new, like travel or bungeejumping.

>> No.4340957

Stay as far away from the rat race as fucking possible. You are already clearly bored - do not dig into more sunk costs.

You already have more money than most people dream of - take this as a lesson and get out and find something cool and awesome to do with your life. You will not miss any sort of money or stability. You can literally make more money off having enough fucking Instagram or YouTube followers.

Just make sure to finish your PhD strong and then go enjoy your life.