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File: 152 KB, 567x567, ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4335126 No.4335126 [Reply] [Original]

He's not done.

I've been watching this assclown talk and he is the most immature cry baby I've ever seen. He totally got lucky with BTC and can't think outside of Austrian School cliches and blind faith in Satoshi. He's like the guy who takes all his money, leverages it 1000x which is a terrible idea, but he actually wins by pure luck and now thinks he's smarter than everyone and entitled to everything.

He will dump all his BTC into pumping this shit because it is "Real Bitcoin." I don't even think he's shilling, he literally believes his own astroturf propaganda.

He's not done.

You can be sure of that.

>> No.4335186

this is the most conclusive refutation of why bitcoin cash is not bitcoin I have ever seen. Thank you so much for clarifying how this is evil fireworks merchant conspired to increase the blocksize which would stop high fees and fast confirmations. i can't believe i though low fees and fast confirmations were of benefit to money how deluded I was. I hope core changes btc to proof of stake so I might one day permanently stake my wealth in bitcoin because i will never be able to sell.

>> No.4335300
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anyone who actually took the time to read Satoshi's whitepaper would unironically understand that BCH is Satoshi's Bitcoin, you core brainlets are a cancer that needs to be purged

>> No.4335348

Its undeniably closer than BTC is but its still far too centralized for me to count it as Sarutobi's vision.

>> No.4335360


Both BCH and BTC have strayed too far from Satoshi's vision. We need to start over

>> No.4335406


>> No.4335424

>le evli fireworks merchan
top kek someone meme this

>> No.4335427

satoshi didn't count on mining farms and the leader of those farms EXPLOITING A POW BUG TO MAKE FUCKING ASICS
jihan LITERALLY exploits bitcoin and you think he's trying to make the real bitcoin LMAO
he hates segwit and cancelled segwit2x BECAUSE HE WANTS TO KEEP ASICBOOST ALIVE

>> No.4335432

tell me how bch has strayed from satoshis whitepaper cause what youre saying is just FUD at this point

>> No.4335443

>satoshi didn't count on mining farms
prove it

>> No.4335452

1 cpu = 1 vote
its in the whitepaper you fucking faggot

>> No.4335454

He really is a piece of shit. What's funny is he now seems to be pals with Vitalik

>> No.4335456

>Satoshi's vision
Are you buying a store of value or a cult membership?

>> No.4335459

It is actually far far from his idea. Decentralization is one of the core concepts. BCH is not decentralized. Block size never really mattered to Satoshi. They could change as needed. You have taken something that was ground breaking and basically turned it into another bank. Well done on reversing technological progression.

>> No.4335476

ASIC mining isn't an exploit and Satoshi envisioned specialized hardware and server farms mining bitcoin.

They forked before Segwit because segwit is less secure. Economic incentives allow for cartel 51% attacks.

>> No.4335482
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>satoshi didn't count on mining farms

Read the white paper dumbass. Satoshi devotes a whole long section on exactly how much cartel monopoly there has to be to bring everything down. 50%.

At the time everyone thought this section was unbearably boring and practically irrelevant, but yet again, this has proven to be absolutely visionary.

>> No.4335484

>You have taken something that was ground breaking and basically turned it into another bank
how the fuck can a corecuck say this with a straight face

youre either getting payes or you are LITERALLY retarded

>> No.4335487

>They could change as needed

exactly, that's the entire idea of BCH. as opposed to Core, which will not change the blocksize as needed, which was evidenced by their pissbaby fit over 2x. BCH also has many different teams of developers, while BTC has one. BTC is the centralized coin

>> No.4335521

Yes but at the expense of decentralization.. Which is a 1000 times more important. Have 124bit blocksizes would be preferable to being controlled by a bunch of China miners.

>> No.4335530

you are being tricked and played like a little bitch ass fiddle
you diddle kids too
yes he didnt think it would be big enough to bring everything down
jihan is over 50% of the hashpower. this is FACT. We know this for CERTAIN since bcrash got over 50% of the hash yesterday. satoshi did not anticipate this chink gaining this much power.

>> No.4335541

Read the post retard and try get your tiny brain around the fact that blocksizes are a no issue but decentralization is what bitcoin is built on. Fucksake people on here are stupid. Now I know why everyone with any brains leaves this place.

>> No.4335552
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why can you not understand that miners have much less to do with centralization/decentralization than the developers who work on the fucking coin. corecucks are hopeless brainlets

>> No.4335553

new delhi has been working overtime on biz lately

>> No.4335558

Bitcoin cash was being mined due to profitability.

The only manipulation being done was assholes like Slush pool who kept his people on BTC, making less money for them. If incentives were working properly, nobody would have been mining BTC at all yesterday.

>> No.4335564

BTC is just as centralized if not more. Both are fucked and the same thing will happen with any other crypto that took its place. At this point I'm just in crypto for the shekels, I've lost faith as far as the whole economic revolution part.

>> No.4335591
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>> No.4335593

Pls Pls read the white paper and how bitcoin works. You are obviously a brainlet so it will take a lot more time but it will help you a lot in the future. Core has very little power compared to Miners. The miners of BCH could now at the next block split again.. And again. And again all for quick pump and dumps

>> No.4335639

the corecuck team doesn't even give a fuck about the whitepaper, you are delusional, they literally said they want to rewrite it

>> No.4335665

Are you scared Jew?

>> No.4335681

>unironically understand that BCH is Satoshi's Bitcoin,

>> No.4335690

>satoshi did not anticipate
The only thing Satoshi did not anticipate was Jews trying to institutionalize his money into just another usury machine.

>> No.4335719


>> No.4335786


>> No.4335823

>He really is a piece of shit.
I'm noticing a clear pattern develop from the people who attack this guy. They all communicate like stereotypical leftist. Anyone else noticing this pattern?

>> No.4335839

>these two really bought into the libertarian meme

>> No.4335873

Yeah, I always feel a very jealous sentiment every time people attack him... and jealousy (not compassion) is the essence of leftism.

>> No.4335896
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Yeah, or just leftist shills from shareblue or whatever bullshit org.

This is the start of something massive. When BCH flips BTC, reddit is going to be shown to be a censored shithole and people are gonna start looking more seriously at other narratives. It's all part of the plan. They infiltrated r/conspiracy in anticipation for the whole new droves of "woken".

>> No.4335902
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>> No.4335913
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Truly, this will be the dawning of a new era in redpilling and funding for the alt right.

Guys if you're not a Nazi, please keep your coins in BTC.

>> No.4335958

literally why don't you just buy fucking ETH

>> No.4335983

show me were satoshi is talking about EDA and 50 blocks/h, fucking fagot

>> No.4335988

Yes, that is true. But it is also the language, terminology and phrases being deployed. I have personally studied Marxist Language and Alinski political application for over 10 years in-depth and am the creator of multi successful reversal ventures that have damaged Leftist institutions as of late. In other words I have a keen eye for identifying the identities of Leftist in many cases based on little more than a short sentence.

In the case of the phrase "He really is a piece of shit." we can identify a commonality emitting from stereotypical Leftist origins. This particular phrase is and old and common phrase used on the more hostile feminine spectrum of linguistics. Even more common among the gay community which votes 80-90% Left on average.

I could go on further by dismantling the OP's own choice of language which also holds many stereotypical Leftist trailings, but I am currently enjoy a late night meal. I'll just mention that OP's choice of attack was against "Austrian Schools" referring to Austrians Economics. This is a common point of hostility in the Leftist Jewish community. It's quite fascinating to watch this.

>> No.4336007

I'm about to go all in ETH from fiat. I also have a large Ecommerce platform that will directly challenge Amazon being released to the public later this week. Within two months the website will hold 800,000 products. ETH is planned to be a major part of our ongoing strategy.

>> No.4336015

As always BTC vs BCC is just another manifestation of Jew ideas vs. Goy ideas. Culture of Critique.

>> No.4336041
File: 145 KB, 964x1200, DJiJIwcXUAAanpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were HUGE buy walls on BCH a second ago. People were trying to pump it. Now they got taken down. The pump is over. Sell quick or enjoy giant bags.

>> No.4336055

how is that all in then

>> No.4336068

Come again?

>> No.4336071
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, DJM0VsHXgAAVxhZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no pump...

>> No.4336083

I disagree.

>> No.4336117

Who dat?

>> No.4336142
File: 66 KB, 768x1024, c5f10218f7d183b20c68cf2049b965be84e7a750_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is 'Google Image Search'

>> No.4336157

I love you man, she's perfect. https://twitter.com/admin_igon/status/843941179838275584?lang=en

>> No.4336227

I think this BCC coup is a long term strategy to move into ETH. There is geopolitics in play here. Those who think politics have nothing to do with the markets are.... well.... no words describe that level of idiocy.

>> No.4336267

She come stay at my place. I'll take care of her.

>> No.4336323
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>> No.4336404
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>> No.4336414

LOL rekt.

>> No.4336627

Yeah, we get BCH is a 9 years old technology with no desire to evolve.

It's like Core is trying to create optical fibers but you guys believe the internet should scale by making the Cooper wires wider.

>> No.4336708

ASIC mining is not a bad thing, even Luke Jr agrees with that. Stop acting like a faggot.

>> No.4336746

You can too pajeet. I could use a poo expert. This place has 25 bathrooms.

>> No.4336786
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>> No.4336811

oh yes :DDD

>> No.4337078

Fucking retarded shills, neck yourself.

>> No.4337102


>> No.4337115

>no argument
And he is the shill? Rule 1 always accuse your opponent of being what you are.

>> No.4337148

The guy makes posts with the following :"that is basic economics". He couldn't even finish uni and got kicked out of USA after being locked for a while, lovely person to trust

>> No.4337574

Ok, so which one is which? BTC = Jew BCH = goy? Cause I will unironically go against the jews, even if I know that usually doesn't end well financially. Fuck them.

>> No.4337639
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did OP mention anything about blocksize??!!

lmao BCH shills worse than millitant atheists

>> No.4337701

Satoshi didn't mentionanything about mining specialisation in his whitepaper, he did tho through email exchanges. he did't clearly mention anything about specialised mining hardware, but anyone could have seen this coming... also no mention about big blocks neither in whitepaper nor in correspondance.

>> No.4337956
File: 17 KB, 262x290, E079BFF0-759F-443D-92EB-5DF04B7B8F4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found the right guy to play roger in the inevitable movie