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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4333253 No.4333253 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4333276
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>> No.4333290

can u stop shilling omg. you suck at it and bring more negative perception than good.

>> No.4333304

You've had the last three months wtf

>> No.4333316

I'm a poorfag and have been working my ass off to earn some money to throw at this coin.

>> No.4333322
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8k wall just got eaten.

>> No.4333384

Learn to trade, accumulation isn't just a meme

>> No.4333403

I've been holding since $7.50.

I bought at the peak right before it dipped.

To sell my bags or not to sell my bags...

>> No.4333440

Yeah, sell ethereum at $7 lmao.

Realistically though use TA to find good exit / entry points

>> No.4333444
File: 381 KB, 1080x1080, 5zgb0a6zoutz-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please make my bags green I'll never be an idiot again

>> No.4333455

Omise GO and stay GO

>> No.4333460

We done pumping for tonight??
I wanna buy in, but have to wait for a dip. Should I just wake up at 2am?

>> No.4333463

Just wait it out dude

>> No.4333467


>> No.4333475


I'll be honest, I wasn't really seriously expecting it to go higher when I bought at the peak.

At the same time, I didn't expect it to never reach that peak again for a few days. I missed a lot of opportunities to trade this coin.

I'll probably dump and buy lower, but knowing my luck this shit is about to moon once I sell it.

>> No.4333483

Why are people still buying at this price?

>> No.4333487

This pump means nothing. They're not going to have any actual product out until 2018, and there is always a huge pullback.

REQ will 5 - 10x sooner than OMG will. Waiting for that, then I should be able to buy a ton more OMG.

>> No.4333494

You will make it trip'd son. You have been blessed with 50x gains this month OMG. Snap this for safe keeps. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.4333512


>> No.4333535

wallet api is coming out soon and you have to be crazy to think that this won't pump like crazy.

>> No.4333546

I meant why are people buying at a clear 24hr peak/ 1 month peak, but thanks for the reading. OMG seems to be a clear long term hold, provided anyone ever actually uses it.

>> No.4333575

omise's client base will use it and omise is already processing 37 billion. this is not including recent partnerships with mitsubishi ufj finanical group which is 5th largest bank in the world.

>> No.4333601
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Oh look, the next piece of shit bag.

>> No.4333628

REQ is a fucking whitepaper made by literal whos in a basement. It immediately tanked below ico price while OMG went from 20c to $12 in less than two months.
You fell for the rabid shilling. Just let it go.

>> No.4333631

I don't understand how a coin less than 6 months old could have its hands on 37 billion, but thats on me. I gott do my research If I'm to be a diligent bag holder

>> No.4333636

Coorection: this fucker already IS a bag, looking to be de-bagged by shill pumpers like OP.

Which it won't be.

>> No.4333665

omise was started way before it created the token. blockchain tech is perfect for payment processing so they just started an ico and is trying to disrupt the industry even more.

>> No.4333745


Overpriced shitcoin.

>> No.4333785

This coin is about to explode.

All aboard the rocket to the fucking moon.

>> No.4334039


>> No.4334062


'This coin is about to explode.'

Are you like, mentally impaired by any chance lol.

>> No.4334070

look, if you don't like omg. then just sell your "bags". please do cuz i'll buying the fuck out of them.

>> No.4334094


Be happy with whatever gains you make. If you treat Crypto as "all or nothing" you're going to get fucked. I'm not talking about getting fucked by a supermodel QT 3.14, I'm talking about taking a sip of your drink and then becoming dizzy at a gay bar in Liberia.

>> No.4334102


Look for yourself faggot. This is going to the moon, get in now or post wojacks tomorrow when you buy at the top.

>> No.4334112

nothing is even happening i am not buying your bags

>> No.4334122



You literally said this was mooning and that buy walls were getting eaten, are you this fucking stupid?...

>> No.4334144
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Buy it fags, do you want to miss out again?

>> No.4334166

Replyin to self. Seeing as how ridiculous the crypto market is and how much the value is governed by A. it's social-crypto presence B. It's tag to previous successful devs and C. it's already in use branded company. This is a slam dunk. 50x gains friendos.

>> No.4334168


Natural selection will cause you to live a pathetic life man, might as well skip the pain and just kill yourself now. You still don't understand that buy walls being eaten means it's getting sold you retarded pajeet gnat.

>> No.4334190


Yes, this will definitely surpass Ethereum's marketcap you fucking gronk.

>> No.4334221


I'm going to sleep, and when I wake up this will be $8 at least and on the way to $16.

Get fucked kiddo, shoulda listened.

>> No.4334232

Why not? Anything is possible ya betch. Never underestimate hype combined with hype tech and then delivery.

>> No.4334240


Just acknowledge your low IQ and end yourself you twelve year old moon kid.

>> No.4334272


I never said it was a bad project but you're claiming a $35 bil marketcap is possible, are you sure you just aren't overestimating?

>> No.4334308


Listen here faggot.

I got in to BCC at $300 and sold at $2500.

Listen to me you'll make great gains nigger.

>> No.4334328

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
Well considering that lil money skeleton is now developing a cash payment system with a company that handles literally that same amount you just told me...........it very well could. Just because ETH is a certain marketcap doesn't govern the value of it's Erc20 token necessarily.

>> No.4334341

I think you're huffing your own shit

>> No.4334348


Shut the fuck up you correlate mooning with buy walls getting eaten your opinion is literal dirt buddy.

>> No.4334452

Should I buy this or WTC?