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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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433319 No.433319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

need investors

need 100k to start
return is 500% in 5 years
yes, 400% profit.

who's willing to make some bank?

my plan is fool proof. spent the past 12 months doing all the research on the profitability of my business idea.

it is sound. guaranteed, even. just need the seed to make this plant grow exponentially.

>> No.433323

ill bite. approximately whats the idea?

>> No.433324
File: 20 KB, 512x384, 1406939957401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit. thanks for all the info OP. where can i sign up?

>> No.433332

farming and harvesting for a niche group

>> No.433335

drugs or legal?
or internet farming....

>> No.433340

totally legal
basically, need the $ to rent the facility and procure the animals, pay the workers
first year all earnings reinvest into the marketing
2nd year more demand and not enough supply creates elitism for brand - wow product, much desire, such cool
3rd year expansion
4th year collecting profits
5th year big return
6th and beyond, all mine

>> No.433342

i guess i can get a bit more specific:

a certain animal produces a certain substance

a certain group of people pay very high dollar for such substance

>> No.433344

Is said substance semen? Are said animals horses?

/r/sexwithhorses is a thing

>> No.433346

farming hallucinogens from frogs?

or rare snake venom.

Both are solid ideas.

>> No.433347
File: 10 KB, 300x198, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fox urine?
cat piss? are we cheesing?
frog licking?

no wait...by animals you mean...humans...

>> No.433349

actually no. but that is very profitable too
but only if you have a champ stud
these animals are smaller

none of those

>> No.433351

you're funny, why aren't you on /b/?

>> No.433353

who says I'm not surfing both?

>> No.433354


>wants us to give him 100k
>won't tell us what the plan is, just vague references to animals/farming
>promises 500% return

yeah, nah

>> No.433356

don't forget
>> creates elitism for brand - wow product, much desire, such cool

>> No.433358

these comments prove that the idea is viable

just a diff animal/substance (not drugs of any sort)

like i said, i've done the research and calculations.

whoever does have the money, will get the full details.

i'm not a total dweeb, i know not to give away the secret ingredient to those who may have the start up $, cuz they'll just start it up without me. fuck that.

>> No.433361


>I've done the research and calculations
>just give me the money first then i'll tell you

yeah, nah

>> No.433362


you're 16, go to bed

>> No.433363

so why did you make this thread?

>> No.433365


This sounds like a brilliant idea, and I'm willing to back it, but I'm afraid all of my wealth is locked up in time deposits and illiquid instruments. If you will forward me a nominal amount to cover the withdrawal fees and penalties- say $500- then I will be more than happy to fund your startup in full in enhance for 75% of the equity.

>> No.433375

98 was the year i graduated

retail price yields 80-120k/year per animal
labor, packaging, shipping eats 30% of that

can reasonably handle 20-30 animals at start

is this /b/iz?

>> No.433378

>>is this /biz/?

his proposition sounds just as legitimate as your pitch

>> No.433380

Are the animals computers and you're mining buttcoins?

Bees and you're making honey, except the bees can only get pollen from poppies and the honey is infused with opium. Drug Honey.

>> No.433381

Write a business plan and get a loan if you're serious, you stupid fuck. This is a board for mining buttcoins and shilling for ad clicks.

>> No.433387

Well, what animal is it? Can you at least share that? I may not have 100k to invest, but it may be worthwhile if we invest a bit of money. I don't think /biz/ is anything to be worried about stealing your idea though, it's generally fat neckbeards. If they actually made money, they wouldn't be here...

>> No.433399

>need 100k to start
>my plan is fool proof
Venture capitalists are laughing as we speak. If you're serious about this 'idea' you'll crowd fund it on Indiegogo, take all the money for yourself and keep the profit. That is all good sir, honestly though good luck if serious.

>> No.433422

what animal...

>> No.433425

So, you honestly think someone with 100k is the type of person to invest it in you because you just simply tell them it will turn into 500k? You can't honestly think that. I think everyone has been trolled

>> No.433453

He's starting a goat sex farm in Iraq I think

>> No.433530

>who may have the start up $, cuz they'll just start it up without me. fuck that.
of what value do you provide

>> No.433533

I think OP would be the brainchild and act as the full liability partner while the investor is the limited liability investor.

>> No.434248

You're a fucking idiot. The government bureaucracy will bleed you dry before you even go to market. And I'm not just talking about the FDA and EPA.

>> No.434250
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how about you get your loan from the bank to your fool poof 500% return investment, im sure they are interested in such a good return.

>> No.434258

Damn, a Ponzi scheme offering a 12% annual return will not have doubled within 5 years. I am calling bullshit right here right now, buddy.

>> No.434273

It's dog shit isn't it?

>> No.434294

bingo, he's farming dog shit and trying to feed /biz/ with it but he will quickly realize that there is no market for that here