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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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432722 No.432722 [Reply] [Original]

Hai /biz/. What are some of the best jobs for aspies?

My situation:
>Pursuing a Bachelor's in CS this Fall.
>Currently work retail >.>
>I'm an aspie myself
>The less I have to deal w/ people the better.

Pic loosely related.

>> No.432725

I'm not an aspie so I don't really know how you people think, but I feel like a lot of the analysts I deal with at the bank are autistic.

>> No.432731

A factory or machine shop!

Just stand there by yourself all day keeping your machine running. Machines don't require guesswork and social skills like people. They are predictable and won't judge you. They satisfy your OCD tendencies. Just follow directions and it works almost every time.

Source: semi autist myself. Just don't succeed too much or they might make you manager then you're fucked like I was and have to learn people skills anyway!

>> No.432736

aspie in retail?

It's a good way to learn social skills though.

>> No.432742
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>Don't bother learning people skills, just stay inside your happy little comfort zone! Also, succeeding is bad!
>Also, people with autism have OCD!

Holy shit, I looked at this thread because I have ASD. This post is just sad. It may be difficult for me to socialize, more so than others, but that doesn't stop me from trying to succeed in life.

If you have autism, you are the type of people that are the reason we're discriminated against so much.

If bullshitting/troll, 3/10, made me reply.

>inb4 he took the bait

>> No.432759

Interesting. It's a shame there aren't any Chiquita factories around here. I looked to apply online as a packaging machine operator, but the only such jobs were across the country. Also, I don't have OCD tendencies. The doctor ruled that out when I was 4.

Seems unlikely, doesn't it? I learned from my mistakes in previous interviews, & finally got a job at age 18. You need to know someone who can get you in. Hence, I work in retail.

>> No.432765

Wtf? The answer is easy. If you are getting a degree in CS, be a developer. I'm a business systems analyst and I have two jobs. First, I analyze business needs. Second I translate said needs, delicately, to socially retarded aspie developers.

>> No.432778

>Doing something that you're good at and well suited for is a bad idea
>I have ASD
Yeah I can see that

Seriously tho I'm just playing about the don't succeed part. Obviously that's what I did and now I'm very happy but it is hard and I am usually out of my comfort zone. And my OCD tendencies do help a lot with the machines but if you don't have them that's fine too, you will acquire them.

>> No.432785

Why chiquita? If machines is what you want you just have to know where to look there's thousands more places besides chiquita. Look at Indeed, ziprecruiter, craigslist etc for machine operator and shop hand positions.

>> No.432801

Alright then, understandable.

I was trying to say that if you want to succeed in something, even like having a job like the one you described, don't let your disadvantages stop you.

>> No.432813

Absolutely I agree. I just fuck around. But I think OP's tone was finding a side job that's bearable enough for him while he finishes school. Not to start a career since he already seems to want to work with computers after college.

>> No.432833

Because I like bananas.

That's pretty much it. I would've loved a job in data entry, but they all required a diploma & I got my retail job weeks before I graduated.

As for working w/ computers, you could not be more correct. My 2 favorite areas are Programming & Networking.

>> No.432848
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Does it even matter?