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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4326324 No.4326324 [Reply] [Original]

bruh, look at this dude





>> No.4326341

As transactions get confirmed, they are dumping their BTC and buying BCH.

This is your last chance /biz/

>> No.4326383
File: 27 KB, 960x940, 13059754_1702688173282073_503403128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 0.3

>> No.4326455
File: 158 KB, 1080x1350, hotgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know BTC is going to be over 8k by year end, right? CME said BTC futures will be live by year end; no hard fork to 2MB blocks means no split; shows the core community will table a controversial idea even with 85% support. You should buy BTC now.

>> No.4326502

Btc won't even be 1 on cmc by year end

>> No.4326596
File: 194 KB, 480x640, GIF-171111_233016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go fixed that for ya OP

>> No.4326611

BCH is now bitcoin, the other is just scamcoin

>> No.4326724
File: 397 KB, 461x345, XBC MASTER RACE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poloniex holds the Bitcoin Plus development wallet which sits at 14,000 shares and stakes 20% yearly until 2030 or so. They aren't de-listing Bitcoin Plus anytime soon. Bittrex and other exchanges will follow suit and add Bitcoin Plus probably next year. When the $$$ make sense they all follow suit.

Bitcoin Plus is following the same pattern and path that Bitcoin did early on. 1-2 years from now there will be people on here posting how they wish they would have bought this at $50 each...now it's $10,000 each. There are now 10+ Digital Currencies with a billion dollar marketcap and I would gamble that Bitcoin Plus will be another billion dollar plus marketcap coin in 2 years. You have massive amounts of development taking place in this coin that we would have only dreamed of a year ago like SegWit, major Dev, and a 100 more things. And the developments are just getting started

Bitcoin Plus is no joke. This one is as real as it gets. And the knuckleheads that come on here and post Scam Coin are as dumb as it gets. Every coin has those people. Bitcoin has had them forever.

When Hedge Funds start eating Bitcoin Plus it will be a new adventure like we've never seen before. And they are coming.

>> No.4327232

I'll trade my BCH for your "scamcoin" 1:1 then

>> No.4327324

Lamb being happy that he is headed for a slaughter. There will be so much blood in Bitcoin cash that no one would want to come anywhere near it. Ver will buy a yacht and pretend it was a honest mistake, Chinese miners are the only one profiting of BCC and you supporting them and their greedy, you deserve what is about to happen. Don't forget what I told you today, tomorrow you will wake up and want to kill yourself, you will feel empty when the price of bcc goes bellow 500$ and you realize you were a part of the biggest scam in crypto world, even outshine bitconnect

>> No.4327479


>> No.4327485
File: 157 KB, 387x580, 1504755502877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking nightmare. No other way to put it.